/* Copyright 2023 Dual Tachyon * https://github.com/DualTachyon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SETTINGS_H #define SETTINGS_H #include #include #include "radio.h" enum POWER_OnDisplayMode_t { POWER_ON_DISPLAY_MODE_FULL_SCREEN = 0U, POWER_ON_DISPLAY_MODE_VOLTAGE = 2U, }; typedef enum POWER_OnDisplayMode_t POWER_OnDisplayMode_t; enum { F_LOCK_OFF = 0U, F_LOCK_FCC = 1U, F_LOCK_CE = 2U, F_LOCK_GB = 3U, F_LOCK_430 = 4U, F_LOCK_438 = 5U, }; enum { SCAN_RESUME_TO = 0U, SCAN_RESUME_CO = 1U, SCAN_RESUME_SE = 2U, }; enum { CROSS_BAND_OFF = 0U, CROSS_BAND_CHAN_A = 1U, CROSS_BAND_CHAN_B = 2U, }; enum { DUAL_WATCH_OFF = 0U, DUAL_WATCH_CHAN_A = 1U, DUAL_WATCH_CHAN_B = 2U, }; enum { FREQUENCY_DEVIATION_OFF = 0U, FREQUENCY_DEVIATION_ADD = 1U, FREQUENCY_DEVIATION_SUB = 2U, }; enum { OUTPUT_POWER_LOW = 0U, OUTPUT_POWER_MID = 1U, OUTPUT_POWER_HIGH = 2U, }; enum VOICE_Prompt_t { VOICE_PROMPT_OFF = 0U, VOICE_PROMPT_CHINESE = 1U, VOICE_PROMPT_ENGLISH = 2U, }; typedef enum VOICE_Prompt_t VOICE_Prompt_t; enum ALARM_Mode_t { ALARM_MODE_SITE = 0U, ALARM_MODE_TONE = 1U, }; typedef enum ALARM_Mode_t ALARM_Mode_t; typedef struct { uint8_t VfoChannel[2]; uint8_t EEPROM_0E82_0E85[2]; uint8_t EEPROM_0E81_0E84[2]; uint8_t EEPROM_0E86; uint8_t EEPROM_0E87; uint8_t RX_CHANNEL; uint8_t TX_CHANNEL; uint8_t field7_0xa; uint8_t field8_0xb; uint32_t POWER_ON_PASSWORD; uint8_t SQUELCH_LEVEL; uint8_t TX_TIMEOUT_TIMER; bool KEY_LOCK; bool VOX_SWITCH; uint8_t VOX_LEVEL; VOICE_Prompt_t VOICE_PROMPT; bool BEEP_CONTROL; uint8_t CHANNEL_DISPLAY_MODE; bool TAIL_NOTE_ELIMINATION; bool VFO_OPEN; uint8_t DUAL_WATCH; uint8_t CROSS_BAND_RX_TX; uint8_t BATTERY_SAVE; uint8_t BACKLIGHT; uint8_t SCAN_RESUME_MODE; uint8_t SCAN_LIST_DEFAULT; bool SCAN_LIST_ENABLED[2]; uint8_t SCANLIST_PRIORITY_CH1[2]; uint8_t SCANLIST_PRIORITY_CH2[2]; uint8_t field29_0x26; uint8_t field30_0x27; uint16_t VOX1_THRESHOLD; uint16_t VOX0_THRESHOLD; uint16_t FM_CurrentFrequency; uint8_t FM_CurrentChannel; bool FM_IsChannelSelected; uint16_t FM_FrequencyToPlay; uint8_t field37_0x32; uint8_t field38_0x33; uint16_t FM_LowerLimit; uint16_t FM_UpperLimit; bool AUTO_KEYPAD_LOCK; ALARM_Mode_t ALARM_MODE; POWER_OnDisplayMode_t POWER_ON_DISPLAY_MODE; uint8_t ROGER; uint8_t REPEATER_TAIL_TONE_ELIMINATION; uint8_t KEY_1_SHORT_PRESS_ACTION; uint8_t KEY_1_LONG_PRESS_ACTION; uint8_t KEY_2_SHORT_PRESS_ACTION; uint8_t KEY_2_LONG_PRESS_ACTION; uint8_t MIC_SENSITIVITY; uint8_t MIC_SENSITIVITY_TUNING; uint8_t CHAN_1_CALL; char ANI_DTMF_ID[8]; char KILL_CODE[8]; char REVIVE_CODE[8]; char DTMF_UP_CODE[16]; uint8_t field57_0x6c; uint8_t field58_0x6d; char DTMF_DOWN_CODE[16]; uint8_t field60_0x7e; uint8_t field61_0x7f; char DTMF_SEPARATE_CODE; char DTMF_GROUP_CALL_CODE; uint8_t DTMF_DECODE_RESPONSE; uint8_t DTMF_AUTO_RESET_TIME; uint16_t DTMF_PRELOAD_TIME; uint16_t DTMF_FIRST_CODE_PERSIST_TIME; uint16_t DTMF_HASH_CODE_PERSIST_TIME; uint16_t DTMF_CODE_PERSIST_TIME; uint16_t DTMF_CODE_INTERVAL_TIME; bool DTMF_SIDE_TONE; bool PERMIT_REMOTE_KILL; int16_t BK4819_XTAL_FREQ_LOW; bool NOAA_AUTO_SCAN; uint8_t VOLUME_GAIN; uint8_t DAC_GAIN; uint8_t field77_0x95; uint8_t field78_0x96; uint8_t field79_0x97; VFO_Info_t VfoInfo[2]; } EEPROM_Config_t; extern EEPROM_Config_t gEeprom; void SETTINGS_SaveFM(void); void SETTINGS_SaveVfoIndices(void); void SETTINGS_SaveSettings(void); void SETTINGS_SaveChannel(uint8_t Channel, uint8_t VFO, const VFO_Info_t *pVFO, uint8_t Mode); void SETTINGS_UpdateChannel(uint8_t Channel, const VFO_Info_t *pVFO, bool bUpdate); #endif