/* Copyright 2023 Dual Tachyon * https://github.com/DualTachyon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "bsp/dp32g030/dma.h" #include "bsp/dp32g030/syscon.h" #include "bsp/dp32g030/uart.h" #include "driver/uart.h" uint8_t UART_DMA_Buffer[256]; void UART_Init(void) { uint32_t Delta; uint32_t Positive; uint32_t Frequency; UART1->CTRL = (UART1->CTRL & ~UART_CTRL_UARTEN_MASK) | UART_CTRL_UARTEN_BITS_DISABLE; Delta = SYSCON_RC_FREQ_DELTA; Positive = (Delta & SYSCON_RC_FREQ_DELTA_RCHF_SIG_MASK) >> SYSCON_RC_FREQ_DELTA_RCHF_SIG_SHIFT; Frequency = (Delta & SYSCON_RC_FREQ_DELTA_RCHF_DELTA_MASK) >> SYSCON_RC_FREQ_DELTA_RCHF_DELTA_SHIFT; if (Positive) { Frequency += 48000000U; } else { Frequency = 48000000U - Frequency; } UART1->BAUD = Frequency / 39053U; UART1->CTRL = UART_CTRL_RXEN_BITS_ENABLE | UART_CTRL_TXEN_BITS_ENABLE | UART_CTRL_RXDMAEN_BITS_ENABLE; UART1->RXTO = 4; UART1->FC = 0; UART1->FIFO = UART_FIFO_RF_LEVEL_BITS_8_BYTE | UART_FIFO_RF_CLR_BITS_ENABLE | UART_FIFO_TF_CLR_BITS_ENABLE; UART1->IE = 0; DMA_CTR = (DMA_CTR & ~DMA_CTR_DMAEN_MASK) | DMA_CTR_DMAEN_BITS_DISABLE; DMA_CH0->MSADDR = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)&UART1->RDR; DMA_CH0->MDADDR = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)UART_DMA_Buffer; DMA_CH0->MOD = 0 // Source | DMA_CH_MOD_MS_ADDMOD_BITS_NONE | DMA_CH_MOD_MS_SIZE_BITS_8BIT | DMA_CH_MOD_MS_SEL_BITS_HSREQ_MS1 // Destination | DMA_CH_MOD_MD_ADDMOD_BITS_INCREMENT | DMA_CH_MOD_MD_SIZE_BITS_8BIT | DMA_CH_MOD_MD_SEL_BITS_SRAM ; DMA_INTEN = 0; DMA_INTST = 0 | DMA_INTST_CH0_TC_INTST_BITS_SET | DMA_INTST_CH1_TC_INTST_BITS_SET | DMA_INTST_CH2_TC_INTST_BITS_SET | DMA_INTST_CH3_TC_INTST_BITS_SET | DMA_INTST_CH0_THC_INTST_BITS_SET | DMA_INTST_CH1_THC_INTST_BITS_SET | DMA_INTST_CH2_THC_INTST_BITS_SET | DMA_INTST_CH3_THC_INTST_BITS_SET ; DMA_CH0->CTR = 0 | DMA_CH_CTR_CH_EN_BITS_ENABLE | ((0xFF << DMA_CH_CTR_LENGTH_SHIFT) & DMA_CH_CTR_LENGTH_MASK) | DMA_CH_CTR_LOOP_BITS_ENABLE | DMA_CH_CTR_PRI_BITS_MEDIUM ; UART1->IF = UART_IF_RXTO_BITS_SET; DMA_CTR = (DMA_CTR & ~DMA_CTR_DMAEN_MASK) | DMA_CTR_DMAEN_BITS_ENABLE; UART1->CTRL |= UART_CTRL_UARTEN_BITS_ENABLE; } void UART_Send(const void *pBuffer, uint32_t Size) { const uint8_t *pData = (const uint8_t *)pBuffer; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < Size; i++) { UART1->TDR = pData[i]; while ((UART1->IF & UART_IF_TXFIFO_FULL_MASK) != UART_IF_TXFIFO_FULL_BITS_NOT_SET) { } } } // TODO: Not part of the original FW, but used for easier testing void UART_Print(const char *pString) { while (*pString) { UART1->TDR = (uint8_t)*pString++; while ((UART1->IF & UART_IF_TXFIFO_FULL_MASK) != UART_IF_TXFIFO_FULL_BITS_NOT_SET) { } } }