2019-09-04 19:31:44 +08:00

608 lines
21 KiB

namespace Tests;
use Event;
use Parsedown;
use App\Events;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Notifications;
use App\Services\Filter;
use App\Services\Rejection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use App\Mail\EmailVerification;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions;
class UserControllerTest extends TestCase
use DatabaseTransactions;
public function testUser()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$this->actingAs($user, 'jwt')
'code' => 0,
'data' => [
'uid' => $user->uid,
'email' => $user->email,
'nickname' => $user->nickname,
'score' => $user->score,
public function testIndex()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
factory(\App\Models\Player::class)->create(['uid' => $user->uid]);
->assertSee((new Parsedown())->text(option_localized('announcement')))
->assertSee((string) $user->score);
$unverified = factory(User::class)->create(['verified' => false]);
public function testScoreInfo()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
factory(\App\Models\Player::class)->create(['uid' => $user->uid]);
->assertJson(['data' => [
'user' => [
'score' => $user->score,
'lastSignAt' => $user->last_sign_at,
'stats' => [
'players' => [
'used' => 1,
'total' => 11,
'percentage' => 1 / 11 * 100,
'storage' => [
'used' => 0,
'total' => $user->score,
'percentage' => 0,
'signAfterZero' => option('sign_after_zero'),
'signGapTime' => option('sign_gap_time'),
public function testSign()
option(['sign_score' => '50,50']);
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
// Success
'code' => 0,
'message' => trans('user.sign-success', ['score' => 50]),
'data' => [
'score' => option('user_initial_score') + 50,
'storage' => [
'percentage' => 0,
'total' => option('user_initial_score') + 50,
'used' => 0,
'remaining_time' => (int) option('sign_gap_time'),
// Remaining time is greater than 0
$user = factory(User::class)->create(['last_sign_at' => get_datetime_string()]);
option(['sign_gap_time' => 2]);
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans(
'time' => 2,
'unit' => trans('user.time-unit-hour'),
// Can sign after 0 o'clock
option(['sign_after_zero' => true]);
$user = factory(User::class)->create(['last_sign_at' => get_datetime_string()]);
$diff = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->diffInSeconds(\Carbon\Carbon::tomorrow());
if ($diff / 3600 >= 1) {
$diff = round($diff / 3600);
$unit = 'hour';
} else {
$diff = round($diff / 60);
$unit = 'min';
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans(
'time' => $diff,
'unit' => trans("user.time-unit-$unit"),
$user = factory(User::class)->create([
'last_sign_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::today()->toDateTimeString(),
$this->actingAs($user)->postJson('/user/sign')->assertJson(['code' => 0]);
public function testSendVerificationEmail()
$unverified = factory(User::class)->create(['verified' => false]);
$verified = factory(User::class)->create();
// Should be forbidden if account verification is disabled
option(['require_verification' => false]);
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('user.verification.disabled'),
option(['require_verification' => true]);
// Too frequent
'last_mail_time' => time() - 10,
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('user.verification.frequent-mail'),
// Already verified
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('user.verification.verified'),
'code' => 0,
'message' => trans('user.verification.success'),
Mail::assertSent(EmailVerification::class, function ($mail) use ($unverified) {
return $mail->hasTo($unverified->email);
// Should handle exception when sending email
->andThrow(new \Mockery\Exception('A fake exception.'));
'code' => 2,
'message' => trans('user.verification.failed', ['msg' => 'A fake exception.']),
// Addition: Mailable test
$site_name = option_localized('site_name');
$mailable = new EmailVerification('url');
$this->assertTrue($mailable->hasFrom(config('mail.username'), $site_name));
$this->assertEquals(trans('user.verification.mail.title', ['sitename' => $site_name]), $mailable->subject);
$this->assertEquals('', $mailable->view);
public function testProfile()
public function testHandleProfile()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$uid = $user->uid;
// Rejected by filter
$filter = resolve(Filter::class);
$filter->add('user_can_edit_profile', function ($can, $action, $addition) {
$this->assertEquals('nope', $action);
$this->assertEquals([], $addition);
return new Rejection('rejected');
->postJson('/user/profile', ['action' => 'nope'])
->assertJson(['code' => 1, 'message' => 'rejected']);
// Invalid action
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('general.illegal-parameters'),
Event::assertDispatched('user.profile.updating', function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid) {
[$user, $action, $addition] = $payload;
$this->assertEquals($uid, $user->uid);
$this->assertEquals('', $action);
$this->assertEquals([], $addition);
return true;
// Change nickname without `new_nickname` field
$this->postJson('/user/profile', ['action' => 'nickname'])
// Invalid nickname
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'nickname',
'new_nickname' => '\\',
// Too long nickname
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'nickname',
'new_nickname' => Str::random(256),
// Single player
option(['single_player' => true]);
factory(\App\Models\Player::class)->create(['uid' => $user->uid]);
$this->postJson('/user/profile', ['action' => 'nickname'])
->assertJson(['code' => 1, 'message' => trans('user.profile.nickname.single')]);
option(['single_player' => false]);
// Change nickname successfully
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'nickname',
'new_nickname' => 'nickname',
'code' => 0,
'message' => trans('user.profile.nickname.success', ['nickname' => 'nickname']),
$this->assertEquals('nickname', User::find($user->uid)->nickname);
Event::assertDispatched('user.profile.updated', function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid) {
[$user, $action, $addition] = $payload;
$this->assertEquals($uid, $user->uid);
$this->assertEquals('nickname', $action);
$this->assertEquals(['new_nickname' => 'nickname'], $addition);
return true;
// Change password without `current_password` field
$this->postJson('/user/profile', ['action' => 'password'])
// Too short current password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'password',
'current_password' => '1',
'new_password' => '12345678',
// Too long current password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'password',
'current_password' => Str::random(33),
'new_password' => '12345678',
// Too short new password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'password',
'current_password' => '12345678',
'new_password' => '1',
// Too long new password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'password',
'current_password' => '12345678',
'new_password' => Str::random(33),
// Wrong old password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'password',
'current_password' => '1234567',
'new_password' => '87654321',
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('user.profile.password.wrong-password'),
// Change password successfully
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'password',
'current_password' => '12345678',
'new_password' => '87654321',
'code' => 0,
'message' => trans('user.profile.password.success'),
Event::assertDispatched('user.profile.updated', function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid) {
[$user, $action, $addition] = $payload;
$this->assertEquals($uid, $user->uid);
$this->assertEquals('password', $action);
'current_password' => '12345678',
'new_password' => '87654321',
], $addition);
return true;
// After changed password, user should re-login.
$user = User::find($user->uid);
// Change email without `new_email` field
['action' => 'email']
// Invalid email
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'email',
'new_email' => 'not_an_email',
// Too short current password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'email',
'new_email' => 'a@b.c',
'password' => '1',
// Too long current password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'email',
'new_email' => 'a@b.c',
'password' => Str::random(33),
// Use a duplicated email
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'email',
'new_email' => $user->email,
'password' => '87654321',
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans(''),
// Wrong password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'email',
'new_email' => 'a@b.c',
'password' => '7654321',
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans(''),
// Change email successfully
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'email',
'new_email' => 'a@b.c',
'password' => '87654321',
'code' => 0,
'message' => trans(''),
Event::assertDispatched('user.profile.updated', function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid) {
[$user, $action, $addition] = $payload;
$this->assertEquals($uid, $user->uid);
$this->assertEquals('email', $action);
'new_email' => 'a@b.c',
'password' => '87654321',
], $addition);
return true;
$this->assertEquals('a@b.c', User::find($user->uid)->email);
$this->assertEquals(0, User::find($user->uid)->verified);
// After changed email, user should re-login.
$user = User::find($user->uid);
$user->verified = true;
// Delete account without `password` field
['action' => 'delete']
// Too short current password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'delete',
'password' => '1',
// Too long current password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'delete',
'password' => Str::random(33),
// Wrong password
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'delete',
'password' => '7654321',
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('user.profile.delete.wrong-password'),
// Delete account successfully
$this->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'delete',
'password' => '87654321',
'code' => 0,
'message' => trans('user.profile.delete.success'),
Event::assertDispatched('user.deleting', function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid) {
$this->assertEquals($uid, $payload[0]->uid);
return true;
Event::assertDispatched('user.deleted', function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid) {
$this->assertEquals($uid, $payload[0]->uid);
return true;
// Administrator cannot be deleted
->postJson('/user/profile', [
'action' => 'delete',
'password' => '87654321',
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('user.profile.delete.admin'),
public function testSetAvatar()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$uid = $user->uid;
$steve = factory(\App\Models\Texture::class)->create();
$cape = factory(\App\Models\Texture::class, 'cape')->create();
// Without `tid` field
// TID is not a integer
->postJson('/user/profile/avatar', ['tid' => 'string'])
// Texture cannot be found
->postJson('/user/profile/avatar', ['tid' => -1])
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('skinlib.non-existent'),
// Use cape
->postJson('/user/profile/avatar', ['tid' => $cape->tid])
'code' => 1,
'message' => trans('user.profile.avatar.wrong-type'),
// Success
->postJson('/user/profile/avatar', ['tid' => $steve->tid])
'code' => 0,
'message' => trans('user.profile.avatar.success'),
$this->assertEquals($steve->tid, User::find($user->uid)->avatar);
function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid, $steve) {
[$user, $tid] = $payload;
$this->assertEquals($uid, $user->uid);
$this->assertEquals($steve->tid, $tid);
return true;
function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid, $steve) {
[$user, $tid] = $payload;
$this->assertEquals($uid, $user->uid);
$this->assertEquals($steve->tid, $tid);
return true;
// Reset avatar
$this->postJson('/user/profile/avatar', ['tid' => 0])
->assertJson(['code' => 0]);
$this->assertEquals(0, User::find($user->uid)->avatar);
function ($eventName, $payload) use ($uid) {
[$user, $tid] = $payload;
$this->assertEquals($uid, $user->uid);
$this->assertEquals(0, $tid);
return true;
// Rejected by filter
$filter = resolve(Filter::class);
$filter->add('user_can_update_avatar', function ($can, $user, $tid) use ($uid, $steve) {
$this->assertEquals($uid, $user->uid);
$this->assertEquals($steve->tid, $tid);
return new Rejection('rejected');
->postJson('/user/profile/avatar', ['tid' => $steve->tid])
->assertJson(['code' => 1, 'message' => 'rejected']);
public function testReadNotification()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$user->notify(new Notifications\SiteMessage('Hyouka', 'Kotenbu?'));
$notification = $user->unreadNotifications->first();
'title' => $notification->data['title'],
'content' => app('parsedown')->text($notification->data['content']),
'time' => $notification->created_at->toDateTimeString(),