2019-09-10 19:52:17 +08:00

380 lines
11 KiB

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
if (! function_exists('webpack_assets')) {
function webpack_assets(string $relativeUri): string
if (env('WEBPACK_ENV', 'production') == 'development') {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
$host = parse_url(url('/'), PHP_URL_HOST);
return "http://$host:8080/$relativeUri";
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
} else {
$path = resolve(\App\Services\Webpack::class)->$relativeUri;
$cdn = option('cdn_address');
return $cdn ? "$cdn/app/$path" : url("/app/$path");
if (! function_exists('plugin')) {
function plugin(string $name)
return app('plugins')->get($name);
if (! function_exists('plugin_assets')) {
function plugin_assets(string $name, string $relativeUri): string
$plugin = plugin($name);
if ($plugin) {
return $plugin->assets($relativeUri);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No such plugin.');
if (! function_exists('json')) {
function json()
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) === 1 && is_array($args[0])) {
return response()->json($args[0]);
} elseif (count($args) === 3 && is_array($args[2])) {
// The third argument is array of extra fields
return response()->json([
'code' => $args[1],
'message' => $args[0],
'data' => $args[2],
} else {
return response()->json([
'code' => Arr::get($args, 1, 1),
'message' => $args[0],
if (! function_exists('bs_footer_extra')) {
function bs_footer_extra(): string
$extraContents = [];
Event::dispatch(new App\Events\RenderingFooter($extraContents));
return implode("\n", $extraContents);
if (! function_exists('bs_header_extra')) {
function bs_header_extra(): string
$extraContents = [];
Event::dispatch(new App\Events\RenderingHeader($extraContents));
return implode("\n", $extraContents);
if (! function_exists('bs_menu')) {
function bs_menu(string $type): string
$menu = config('menu');
switch ($type) {
case 'user':
event(new App\Events\ConfigureUserMenu($menu));
case 'explore':
event(new App\Events\ConfigureExploreMenu($menu));
case 'admin':
event(new App\Events\ConfigureAdminMenu($menu));
if (! isset($menu[$type])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException;
$menu[$type] = array_map(function ($item) {
if (Arr::get($item, 'id') === 'plugin-configs') {
$pluginConfigs = app('plugins')->getEnabledPlugins()
->filter(function ($plugin) {
return $plugin->hasConfigView();
->map(function ($plugin) {
return [
'title' => trans($plugin->title),
'link' => 'admin/plugins/config/'.$plugin->name,
'icon' => 'fa-circle',
// Don't display this menu item when no plugin config is available
if ($pluginConfigs->isNotEmpty()) {
$item['children'] = array_merge($item['children'], $pluginConfigs->values()->all());
return $item;
} else {
return $item;
}, $menu[$type]);
return bs_menu_render($menu[$type]);
function bs_menu_render(array $data): string
$content = '';
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$active = app('request')->is(@$value['link']);
// also set parent as active if any child is active
foreach ((array) @$value['children'] as $childKey => $childValue) {
if (app('request')->is(@$childValue['link'])) {
$active = true;
$classes = [];
$active ? ($classes[] = 'active menu-open') : null;
isset($value['children']) ? ($classes[] = 'treeview') : null;
$attr = count($classes) ? sprintf(' class="%s"', implode(' ', $classes)) : '';
$content .= "<li{$attr}>";
if (isset($value['children'])) {
$content .= sprintf('<a href="#"><i class="fas %s"></i> &nbsp;<span>%s</span><span class="pull-right-container"><i class="fas fa-angle-left pull-right"></i></span></a>', $value['icon'], trans($value['title']));
// recurse
$content .= '<ul class="treeview-menu">'.bs_menu_render($value['children']).'</ul>';
} else {
if ($value) {
$content .= sprintf(
'<a href="%s" %s><i class="%s %s"></i> &nbsp;<span>%s</span></a>',
url((string) $value['link']),
Arr::get($value, 'new-tab') ? 'target="_blank"' : '',
$value['icon'] == 'fa-circle' ? 'far' : 'fas',
(string) $value['icon'],
trans((string) $value['title'])
$content .= '</li>';
return $content;
if (! function_exists('bs_copyright')) {
function bs_copyright(): string
return Arr::get(
'Powered with ❤ by Blessing Skin Server.',
'Powered by Blessing Skin Server.',
'Proudly powered by Blessing Skin Server.',
'由 Blessing Skin Server 强力驱动。',
'自豪地采用 Blessing Skin Server。',
option_localized('copyright_prefer', 0)
if (! function_exists('option')) {
* Get / set the specified option value.
* If an array is passed as the key, we will assume you want to set an array of values.
* @param array|string $key
* @param mixed $default
* @param raw $raw return raw value without convertion
* @return mixed
function option($key = null, $default = null, $raw = false)
$options = app('options');
if (is_null($key)) {
return $options;
if (is_array($key)) {
return $options->get($key, $default, $raw);
if (! function_exists('option_localized')) {
function option_localized($key = null, $default = null, $raw = false)
return option($key.'_'.config('app.locale'), option($key));
if (! function_exists('humanize_db_type')) {
function humanize_db_type($type = null): string
$map = [
'mysql' => 'MySQL/MariaDB',
'sqlite' => 'SQLite',
'pgsql' => 'PostgreSQL',
$type = $type ?: config('database.default');
return Arr::get($map, $type, '');
if (! function_exists('get_db_config')) {
function get_db_config($type = null)
$type = $type ?: config('database.default');
return config("database.connections.$type");
if (! function_exists('format_http_date')) {
* Format a UNIX timestamp to string for HTTP headers.
* e.g. Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT
* @param int $timestamp
* @return string
function format_http_date($timestamp): string
return Carbon::createFromTimestampUTC($timestamp)->format('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T');
if (! function_exists('get_datetime_string')) {
* Get date time string in "Y-m-d H:i:s" format.
* @param int $timestamp
* @return string
function get_datetime_string($timestamp = 0): string
return $timestamp == 0 ? Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString() : Carbon::createFromTimestamp($timestamp)->toDateTimeString();
if (! function_exists('get_client_ip')) {
* Return the client IP address.
* We define this function because Symfony's "Request::getClientIp()" method
* needs "setTrustedProxies()", which sucks when load balancer is enabled.
* @return string
function get_client_ip(): string
$request = request();
if (option('ip_get_method') == '0') {
$ip = $request->server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
?? $request->server('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')
?? $request->server('REMOTE_ADDR');
} else {
$ip = $request->server('REMOTE_ADDR');
return $ip;
if (! function_exists('get_string_replaced')) {
* Replace content of string according to given rules.
* @param string $str
* @param array $rules
* @return string
function get_string_replaced(string $str, array $rules): string
foreach ($rules as $search => $replace) {
$str = str_replace($search, $replace, $str);
return $str;
if (! function_exists('is_request_secure')) {
* Check whether the request is secure or not.
* True is always returned when "X-Forwarded-Proto" header is set.
* We define this function because Symfony's "Request::isSecure()" method
* needs "setTrustedProxies()" which sucks when load balancer is enabled.
* @return bool
function is_request_secure(): bool
$request = request();
return $request->server('HTTPS') === 'on'
|| $request->server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') === 'https'
|| $request->server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL') === 'on';
if (! function_exists('nl2p')) {
* Wrap blocks of text (delimited by \n) in p tags (similar to nl2br).
* @param string $text
* @return string
function nl2p(string $text): string
$parts = explode("\n", $text);
$result = '<p>'.implode('</p><p>', $parts).'</p>';
// Remove empty paragraphs
return str_replace('<p></p>', '', $result);
if (! function_exists('png')) {
function png($resource)
$image = ob_get_contents();
return $image;