'There is no error, the file uploaded with success', 1 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', 2 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', 3 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', 4 => 'No file was uploaded', 6 => 'Missing a temporary folder', 7 => 'Failed to write file to disk.', 8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.', ]; public function index() { return view('skinlib.index', ['user' => Auth::user()]); } /** * Get skin library data filtered. * Available Query String: filter, uploader, page, sort, keyword, items_per_page. * * @param Request $request [description] * @return JsonResponse */ public function getSkinlibFiltered(Request $request) { $currentUser = Auth::user(); // Available filters: skin, steve, alex, cape $filter = $request->input('filter', 'skin'); // Filter result by uploader's uid $uploader = intval($request->input('uploader', 0)); // Available sorting methods: time, likes $sort = $request->input('sort', 'time'); $sortBy = ($sort == "time") ? "upload_at" : $sort; // Current page $page = $request->input('page', 1); $currentPage = ($page <= 0) ? 1 : $page; // How many items to show in one page $itemsPerPage = $request->input('items_per_page', 20); $itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage <= 0 ? 20 : $itemsPerPage; // Keyword to search $keyword = $request->input('keyword', ''); if ($filter == "skin") { $query = Texture::where(function ($innerQuery) { // Nested condition, DO NOT MODIFY $innerQuery->where('type', '=', 'steve')->orWhere('type', '=', 'alex'); }); } else { $query = Texture::where('type', $filter); } if ($keyword !== "") { $query = $query->like('name', $keyword); } if ($uploader !== 0) { $query = $query->where('uploader', $uploader); } if (! $currentUser) { // Show public textures only to anonymous visitors $query = $query->where('public', true); } else { // Show private textures when show uploaded textures of current user if ($uploader != $currentUser->uid && !$currentUser->isAdmin()) { $query = $query->where(function ($innerQuery) use ($currentUser) { $innerQuery->where('public', true)->orWhere('uploader', '=', $currentUser->uid); }); } } $totalPages = ceil($query->count() / $itemsPerPage); $textures = $query->orderBy($sortBy, 'desc') ->skip(($currentPage - 1) * $itemsPerPage) ->take($itemsPerPage) ->get(); if ($currentUser) { $closet = new Closet($currentUser->uid); foreach ($textures as $item) { $item->liked = $closet->has($item->tid); } } return response()->json([ 'items' => $textures, 'current_uid' => $currentUser ? $currentUser->uid : 0, 'total_pages' => $totalPages ]); } public function show($tid) { $texture = Texture::find($tid); $user = Auth::user(); if (! $texture || $texture && !Storage::disk('textures')->has($texture->hash)) { if (option('auto_del_invalid_texture')) { if ($texture) { $texture->delete(); } abort(404, trans('skinlib.show.deleted')); } abort(404, trans('skinlib.show.deleted').trans('skinlib.show.contact-admin')); } if (!$texture->public) { if (!Auth::check() || ($user->uid != $texture->uploader && !$user->isAdmin())) abort(403, trans('skinlib.show.private')); } return view('skinlib.show') ->with('texture', $texture) ->with('with_out_filter', true) ->with('user', $user); } public function info($tid) { if ($t = Texture::find($tid)) { return json($t->toArray()); } else { return json([]); } } public function upload() { return view('skinlib.upload') ->with('user', Auth::user()) ->with('with_out_filter', true); } public function handleUpload(Request $request) { $user = Auth::user(); if (($response = $this->checkUpload($request)) instanceof JsonResponse) { return $response; } $t = new Texture(); $t->name = $request->input('name'); $t->type = $request->input('type'); $t->likes = 1; $t->hash = bs_hash_file($request->file('file')); $t->size = ceil($request->file('file')->getSize() / 1024); $t->public = $request->input('public') == 'true'; $t->uploader = $user->uid; $t->upload_at = get_datetime_string(); $cost = $t->size * ($t->public ? Option::get('score_per_storage') : Option::get('private_score_per_storage')); $cost += option('score_per_closet_item'); if ($user->getScore() < $cost) return json(trans('skinlib.upload.lack-score'), 7); $results = Texture::where('hash', $t->hash)->get(); if (! $results->isEmpty()) { foreach ($results as $result) { // if the texture already uploaded was set to private, // then allow to re-upload it. if ($result->type == $t->type && $result->public) { return json(trans('skinlib.upload.repeated'), 0, [ 'tid' => $result->tid ]); } } } if (! Storage::disk('textures')->exists($t->hash)) { Storage::disk('textures')->put($t->hash, file_get_contents($request->file('file'))); } $t->save(); $user->setScore($cost, 'minus'); if ($user->getCloset()->add($t->tid, $t->name)) { return json(trans('skinlib.upload.success', ['name' => $request->input('name')]), 0, [ 'tid' => $t->tid ]); } } // @codeCoverageIgnore public function delete(Request $request, UserRepository $users) { $result = Texture::find($request->tid); $user = Auth::user(); if (! $result) { return json(trans('skinlib.non-existent'), 1); } if ($result->uploader != $user->uid && !$user->isAdmin()) { return json(trans('skinlib.no-permission'), 1); } // check if file occupied if (Texture::where('hash', $result->hash)->count() == 1) { Storage::disk('textures')->delete($result->hash); } if (option('return_score')) { if ($u = $users->get($result->uploader)) { if ($result->public) { $u->setScore( $result->size * option('score_per_storage'), 'plus' ); } else { $u->setScore( $result->size * option('private_score_per_storage'), 'plus' ); } } } if ($result->delete()) { return json(trans('skinlib.delete.success'), 0); } } // @codeCoverageIgnore public function privacy(Request $request, UserRepository $users) { $t = Texture::find($request->input('tid')); $user = Auth::user(); if (! $t) return json(trans('skinlib.non-existent'), 1); if ($t->uploader != $user->uid && !$user->isAdmin()) return json(trans('skinlib.no-permission'), 1); $score_diff = $t->size * (option('private_score_per_storage') - option('score_per_storage')) * ($t->public ? -1 : 1); if ($users->get($t->uploader)->getScore() + $score_diff < 0) { return json(trans('skinlib.upload.lack-score'), 1); } $type = $t->type; Player::where("tid_$type", $t->tid) ->where('uid', '<>', session('uid')) ->get() ->each(function ($player) use ($type) { $player->setTexture(["tid_$type" => 0]); }); @$users->get($t->uploader)->setScore($score_diff, 'plus'); if ($t->setPrivacy(!$t->public)) { return json([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('skinlib.privacy.success', ['privacy' => (!$t->public ? trans('general.private') : trans('general.public'))]), 'public' => $t->public ]); } } // @codeCoverageIgnore public function rename(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, [ 'tid' => 'required|integer', 'new_name' => 'required|no_special_chars' ]); $user = Auth::user(); $t = Texture::find($request->input('tid')); if (! $t) return json(trans('skinlib.non-existent'), 1); if ($t->uploader != $user->uid && !$user->isAdmin()) return json(trans('skinlib.no-permission'), 1); $t->name = $request->input('new_name'); if ($t->save()) { return json(trans('skinlib.rename.success', ['name' => $request->input('new_name')]), 0); } } // @codeCoverageIgnore public function model(Request $request) { $user = Auth::user(); $data = $this->validate($request, [ 'tid' => 'required|integer', 'model' => 'required|in:steve,alex,cape' ]); $t = Texture::find($request->input('tid')); if (! $t) return json(trans('skinlib.non-existent'), 1); if ($t->uploader != $user->uid && !$user->isAdmin()) return json(trans('skinlib.no-permission'), 1); $duplicate = Texture::where('hash', $t->hash) ->where('type', $request->input('model')) ->where('tid', '<>', $t->tid) ->first(); if ($duplicate && $duplicate->public) { return json(trans('skinlib.model.duplicate', ['name' => $duplicate->name]), 1); } $t->type = $request->input('model'); $t->save(); return json(trans('skinlib.model.success', ['model' => $data['model']]), 0); } /** * Check Uploaded Files * * @param Request $request * @return JsonResponse */ protected function checkUpload(Request $request) { if ($file = $request->files->get('file')) { if ($file->getError() !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { return json(static::$phpFileUploadErrors[$file->getError()], $file->getError()); } } $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => [ 'required', option('texture_name_regexp') ? 'regex:'.option('texture_name_regexp') : 'no_special_chars' ], 'file' => 'required|max:'.option('max_upload_file_size'), 'public' => 'required' ]); $mime = $request->file('file')->getMimeType(); if ($mime != "image/png" && $mime != "image/x-png") { return json(trans('skinlib.upload.type-error'), 1); } $type = $request->input('type'); $size = getimagesize($request->file('file')); $ratio = $size[0] / $size[1]; if ($type == "steve" || $type == "alex") { if ($ratio != 2 && $ratio != 1) return json(trans('skinlib.upload.invalid-size', ['type' => trans('general.skin'), 'width' => $size[0], 'height' => $size[1]]), 1); if ($size[0] % 64 != 0 || $size[1] % 32 != 0) return json(trans('skinlib.upload.invalid-hd-skin', ['type' => trans('general.skin'), 'width' => $size[0], 'height' => $size[1]]), 1); } elseif ($type == "cape") { if ($ratio != 2) return json(trans('skinlib.upload.invalid-size', ['type' => trans('general.cape'), 'width' => $size[0], 'height' => $size[1]]), 1); } else { return json(trans('general.illegal-parameters'), 1); } } // @codeCoverageIgnore }