import Vue from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { Button } from 'element-ui' import Show from '@/views/skinlib/Show.vue' import { MessageBoxData } from 'element-ui/types/message-box' import { flushPromises } from '../../utils' type Component = Vue & { liked: boolean likes: number public: boolean name: string type: 'steve' | 'alex' | 'cape' } window.blessing.extra = { download: true, currentUid: 0, admin: false, nickname: 'author', inCloset: false, } const previewer = Vue.extend({ render(h) { return h('div', this.$slots.footer) }, }) test('button for adding to closet should be disabled if not auth', () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({}) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) expect(wrapper.find(Button).attributes('disabled')).toBe('disabled') }) test('button for adding to closet should be disabled if auth', () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({}) Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { inCloset: true, currentUid: 1 }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) expect(wrapper.find('[data-test="removeFromCloset"]').exists()).toBeTrue() }) test('likes count indicator', async () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ likes: 2 }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('.likes').attributes('style')).toContain('color: rgb(224, 53, 59)') expect(wrapper.find('.likes').text()).toContain('2') }) test('render basic information', async () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ name: 'my-texture', type: 'alex', hash: '123', size: 2, upload_at: '2018', }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const text = wrapper.find('.box-primary').text() expect(text).toContain('my-texture') expect(text).toContain('alex') expect(text).toContain('123...') expect(text).toContain('2 KB') expect(text).toContain('2018') expect(text).toContain('author') }) test('render action text of editing texture name', async () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { admin: true }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ uploader: 1, name: 'name' }) let wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.contains('small')).toBeTrue() Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { currentUid: 2, admin: false }) wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.contains('small')).toBeFalse() }) test('render nickname of uploader', () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { nickname: null }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({}) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, }) expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('general.unexistent-user') }) test('operation panel should not be rendered if not auth', () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { currentUid: 0 }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({}) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, }) expect(wrapper.find('.box-warning').exists()).toBeFalse() }) test('download texture', async () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { currentUid: 1 }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ tid: 1, name: 'abc' }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() wrapper.find('[data-test="download"]').trigger('click') }) test('link to downloading texture', async () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { download: false }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ hash: '123' }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.contains('a[title="123"]')).toBeFalse() expect(wrapper.contains('span[title="123"]')).toBeTrue() }) test('set as avatar', async () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { currentUid: 1, inCloset: true }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ type: 'steve' }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() wrapper.find('[data-test="setAsAvatar"]').trigger('click') expect(Vue.prototype.$confirm).toBeCalled() }) test('hide "set avatar" button when texture is cape', async () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ type: 'cape' }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('[data-test="setAsAvatar"]').exists()).toBeFalse() }) test('add to closet', async () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { currentUid: 1, inCloset: false }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ name: 'wow', likes: 2 }) Vue.prototype.${ errno: 0, msg: '' }) Vue.prototype.$prompt.mockResolvedValue({ value: 'a' } as MessageBoxData) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) wrapper.find('[data-test="addToCloset"]').trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.vm.likes).toBe(3) expect(wrapper.vm.liked).toBeTrue() }) test('remove from closet', async () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { currentUid: 1, inCloset: true }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ likes: 2 }) Vue.prototype.${ errno: 0 }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) wrapper.find('[data-test="removeFromCloset"]').trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.vm.likes).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.vm.liked).toBeFalse() }) test('change texture name', async () => { Object.assign(window.blessing.extra, { admin: true }) Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ name: 'old-name' }) Vue.prototype.$ .mockResolvedValueOnce({ errno: 1, msg: '1' }) .mockResolvedValue({ errno: 0, msg: '0' }) Vue.prototype.$prompt .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject('cancel')) .mockImplementation((_, { inputValidator }) => { if (inputValidator) { inputValidator('') inputValidator('new-name') } return Promise.resolve({ value: 'new-name' } as MessageBoxData) }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) const button = wrapper.find('small > a') button.trigger('click') expect(Vue.prototype.$ button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(Vue.prototype.$ '/skinlib/rename', { tid: 1, new_name: 'new-name' } ) expect(Vue.prototype.$message.error).toBeCalledWith('1') button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect('new-name') }) test('change texture model', async () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ type: 'steve' }) Vue.prototype.$ .mockResolvedValueOnce({ errno: 1, msg: '1' }) .mockResolvedValue({ errno: 0, msg: '0' }) Vue.prototype.$msgbox .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject()) .mockImplementation(options => { if (options.message) { const vnode = options.message as Vue.VNode const elm = document.createElement('select') elm.appendChild(document.createElement('option')) elm.appendChild(document.createElement('option')) elm.selectedIndex = 1 ;(vnode.children as Vue.VNode[])[1].elm = elm } return Promise.resolve({} as MessageBoxData) }) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) const button = wrapper.findAll('small').at(1) .find('a') button.trigger('click') expect(Vue.prototype.$ button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(Vue.prototype.$ '/skinlib/model', { tid: 1, model: 'alex' } ) expect(Vue.prototype.$message.warning).toBeCalledWith('1') button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.vm.type).toBe('alex') }) test('toggle privacy', async () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ public: true }) Vue.prototype.$ .mockResolvedValueOnce({ errno: 1, msg: '1' }) .mockResolvedValue({ errno: 0, msg: '0' }) Vue.prototype.$confirm .mockRejectedValueOnce('') .mockResolvedValue('confirm') const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) const button = wrapper .find('.box-warning') .findAll(Button) .at(0) button.trigger('click') expect(Vue.prototype.$ button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(Vue.prototype.$ '/skinlib/privacy', { tid: 1 } ) expect(Vue.prototype.$message.warning).toBeCalledWith('1') button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.vm.public).toBeFalse() button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.vm.public).toBeTrue() }) test('delete texture', async () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({}) Vue.prototype.$ .mockResolvedValueOnce({ errno: 1, msg: '1' }) .mockResolvedValue({ errno: 0, msg: '0' }) Vue.prototype.$confirm .mockRejectedValueOnce('') .mockResolvedValue('confirm') const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) const button = wrapper .find('.box-warning') .findAll(Button) .at(1) button.trigger('click') expect(Vue.prototype.$ button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(Vue.prototype.$ '/skinlib/delete', { tid: 1 } ) expect(Vue.prototype.$message.warning).toBeCalledWith('1') button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() jest.runAllTimers() expect(Vue.prototype.$message.success).toBeCalledWith('0') }) test('report texture', async () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get.mockResolvedValue({ report: 0 }) Vue.prototype.$ .mockResolvedValueOnce({ errno: 1, msg: 'duplicated' }) .mockResolvedValue({ errno: 0, msg: 'success' }) Vue.prototype.$prompt .mockRejectedValueOnce('') .mockRejectedValueOnce('') .mockResolvedValue({ value: 'reason' } as MessageBoxData) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) const button = wrapper.find('[data-test=report]') button.trigger('click') expect(Vue.prototype.$prompt).toBeCalledWith('', { title: '', inputPlaceholder: '', }) expect(Vue.prototype.$ wrapper.setData({ reportScore: -5 }) button.trigger('click') expect(Vue.prototype.$prompt).toBeCalledWith('', { title: '', inputPlaceholder: '', }) wrapper.setData({ reportScore: 5 }) button.trigger('click') expect(Vue.prototype.$prompt).toBeCalledWith('', { title: '', inputPlaceholder: '', }) await flushPromises() expect(Vue.prototype.$ '/skinlib/report', { tid: 1, reason: 'reason' } ) expect(Vue.prototype.$message.warning).toBeCalledWith('duplicated') button.trigger('click') await flushPromises() expect(Vue.prototype.$message.success).toBeCalledWith('success') }) test('apply texture to player', () => { Vue.prototype.$http.get .mockResolvedValue({}) .mockResolvedValue([]) const wrapper = mount(Show, { mocks: { $route: ['/skinlib/show/1', '1'], }, stubs: { previewer }, }) wrapper.find('[data-target="#modal-use-as"]').trigger('click') expect(wrapper.find('[data-target="#modal-add-player"]').exists()).toBeFalse() })