auth: login: Log In loggingIn: Logging In tooManyFails: captcha: You fails too many times! Please enter the CAPTCHA. recaptcha: You fails too many times! Please pass the reCAPTCHA challenge. emptyEmail: Empty email address. invalidConfirmPwd: Confirming password is not equal with password. emptyNickname: Empty nickname. register: Register registering: Registering send: Send sending: Sending reset: Reset resetting: Resetting nickname: Nickname player-name: Minecraft player name email: Email identification: Email or player name password: Password captcha: CAPTCHA change-captcha: Click to change CAPTCHA image. login-link: Already registered? Log in here. forgot-link: Forgot password? keep: Remember me repeat-pwd: Repeat your password nickname-intro: Whatever you like expect special characters player-name-intro: Player name in Minecraft, can be changed later register-button: Register forgot: login-link: I do remember it button: Send reset-button: Reset skinlib: private: Private anonymous: Please login first. reset: Reset Filter nowShowing: Now showing addToCloset: Add to closet removeFromCloset: Remove from closet setItemName: Set a name for this texture applyNotice: You can apply it to player at your closet emptyItemName: Empty texture name. setNewTextureName: 'Please enter the new texture name:' emptyNewTextureName: Empty new texture name. seeMyUpload: My Uploads apply: Apply filter: skin: (Any Model) steve: (Steve) alex: (Alex) cape: (Cape) uploader: 'User (UID = :uid) Uploaded' allUsers: All Users sort: title: Sort time: Latest likes: Most Likes emptyTextureName: Empty texture name. emptyUploadFile: You have not uploaded any file. fileExtError: 'Error: Textures should be PNG files.' uploading: Uploading setAsPrivate: Set as Private setAsPublic: Set as Public setPublicNotice: Sure to set this as public texture? setPrivateNotice: Sure to set this as private texture? deleteNotice: Are you sure to delete this texture? setNewTextureModel: "Please select a new texture model:" upload: texture-name: Texture Name texture-type: Texture Type select-file: Select File privacy-notice: Prevent it from being visible at skin library. set-as-private: Make it Private button: Upload dropZone: Drop a file here remove: Remove cost: It costs you about :score score. award: You'll be awarded :score score(s) by uploading public texture. show: anonymous: You must login to use closets likes: People who like this detail: Details name: Texture Name edit: Edit model: Applicable Model size: File Size uploader: Uploader upload-at: Upload At download: Download delete-texture: Delete Texture manage-notice: The texture which was deleted or setted to private will be removed from the closet of everyone who had favorited it. report: title: Report reason: Tell us reason please. positive: To encourage positive contributions to the skinlib, we will reward who reported inappropriate content with :score scores. However, if any malicious reporting behaviors were found, all scores rewarded will be taken back. negative: To mitigate the impact of malicious reports, we will require :score scores for submitting a texture report. Don't worry. The suspended scores and additional reward will be sent to your account after your report reviewed by administrators. user: signRemainingTime: 'Available after :time :unit' timeUnitHour: h timeUnitMin: min emptyClosetMsg: >-

Nothing in your closet...

Why not explore the Skin Library for a while?

renameItem: Rename item removeItem: Remove from closet setAsAvatar: Set as avatar viewInSkinlib: View in skin library switch2dPreview: Switch to 2D Preview switch3dPreview: Switch to 3D Preview removeFromClosetNotice: Sure to remove this texture from your closet? emptySelectedPlayer: No player is selected. emptySelectedTexture: No texture is selected. renameClosetItem: 'Set a new name for this item:' changePlayerName: 'Please enter the player name:' emptyPlayerName: Empty player name. clearTexture: Sure to clear the skins & cape of this player? deletePlayer: Sure to delete this player? deletePlayerNotice: It's permanent. No backups. chooseClearTexture: Choose texture types you want to clear noClearChoice: You haven't choose any types setAvatar: Sure to set this as your avatar? setAvatarNotice: The head segment of skin will bu used. resetAvatar: Reset Avatar resetAvatarConfirm: Are you sure to reset your avatar? typeToSearch: Type to search useAs: Apply... resetSelected: Clear selected bindNewPlayer: You're required to create a player to go ahead. This player will be bound with your account. bindExistedPlayer: You're required to select a player to go ahead. This player will be bound with your account. Other players will be deleted. closet: upload: Upload Texture use-as: title: Which player should be applied to? empty: It seems that you own no player... add: Add new player used: title: Resources Used players: Registered players storage: Storage used cur-score: Current Score score-notice: Click the score to show introduction. sign: Sign sign-success: Signed successfully. You got :score scores. time-unit-hour: h time-unit-min: min last-sign: Last signed at :time sign-remain-time: Available after :time :unit player: edit: Edit operation: Operations edit-pname: Edit Name delete-texture: Clear Textures delete-player: Delete add-player: Add new player player-info: Information (click player name to show preview) texture-empty: Nothing verification: title: Verify Your Account message: You must verify your email address before using the skin hosting service. Haven't received the email? resend: Click here to send again. sending: Sending... oauth: id: Client ID name: App Name secret: Client Secret redirect: Callback URL modifyName: Modify app name. modifyUrl: Modify callback URL. create: Create New App confirmRemove: Are you sure to delete this app? You won't be able to undo this. admin: operationsTitle: Operations permission: Permission playersCount: Players Count deleteUser: Delete cannotDeleteAdmin: You can't delete admins. cannotDeleteSuperAdmin: You can't delete super admin in this way changeEmail: Edit Email newUserEmail: 'Please enter the new email:' verification: Email Verification toggleVerification: Toggle Verification Status changeNickName: Edit Nickname newUserNickname: 'Please enter the new nickname:' changePassword: Edit Password newUserPassword: 'Please enter the new password:' changeScore: Edit Score newScore: 'Please enter the new score:' changePermission: Change permission newPermission: 'Please select new permission:' deleteUserNotice: Are you sure to delete this user? It' permanent. inspectHisOwner: Click to inspect the owner of this player inspectHisPlayers: Click to inspect the players he owns banned: Banned normal: Normal admin: Admin superAdmin: Super Admin unverified: Unverified verified: Verified pidNotice: >- Please enter the tid of texture. Inputing 0 can clear texture of this player. changePlayerTexture: 'Change textures of :player' changeTexture: Change Textures changePlayerName: Change Player Name changeOwner: Change Owner textureType: Texture Type deletePlayer: Delete changePlayerOwner: 'Please enter the id of user which this player should be transferred to:' deletePlayerNotice: Are you sure to delete this player? It' permanent. targetUser: 'Target user is :nickname' noSuchUser: No such user changePlayerNameNotice: 'Please input new player name:' emptyPlayerName: Player name cannot be empty. configurePlugin: Configure noPluginConfigNotice: The plugin has been disabled or no configuration is provided. deletePlugin: Delete noDependencies: No Dependencies whyDependencies: What's this? statusEnabled: Enabled statusDisabled: Disabled pluginTitle: Plugin pluginAuthor: Author pluginVersion: Version pluginName: Name pluginReadme: Read Me pluginDescription: Description pluginDependencies: Dependencies installPlugin: Install pluginInstalling: Installing... updatePlugin: Update pluginUpdating: Updating... confirmUpdate: Are you sure to update ":plugin" from :old to :new? enablePlugin: Enable disablePlugin: Disable confirmDeletion: Are you sure to delete this plugin? noDependenciesNotice: >- There is no dependency definition in the plugin. It means that the plugin may be not compatible with the current version of Blessing Skin, and enabling it may cause unexpected problems. Do you really want to enable the plugin? updateButton: Update Now downloading: Downloading... updateCompleted: Update completed. i18n: group: Group key: Key text: Text empty: (Empty) modify: Modify delete: Delete updating: 'Please type new text:' confirmDelete: Are you sure? This is irreversible. report: tid: Texture ID reporter: Reporter reason: Reason status-title: Status status: - Pending - Resolved - Rejected time: Report Time check: Details delete: Delete ban: Ban reject: Reject general: skin: Skin cape: Cape fatalError: Fatal Error confirmLogout: Sure to log out? confirm: OK cancel: Cancel submit: Submit close: Close more: More tip: Tip pagination: 'Page :page, total :total' searchResult: '(Search result of keyword ":keyword")' noResult: No result. texturePreview: Texture Preview walk: Walk run: Run rotation: Rotation pause: Pause reset: Reset skinlib: Skin Library loading: Loading wait: Please wait... csrf: This page is out-dated. Please refresh it. user: email: Email nickname: Nick Name score: Score register-at: Registered At player: owner: Owner player-name: Player Name previews: Texture Previews last-modified: Last Modified colors: black: Black white: White gray: Gray prev: Previous Background next: Next Background vendor: datatable: search: Search rowsPerPage: Rows per page prev: Prev next: Next of: of all: All