general: upload-new-skin: Upload new skin show: title: Texture Details deleted: The requested texture was already deleted. contact-admin: Please contact the admins to remove this entry. private: The requested texture is private and only visible to the uploader and admins. upload: title: Upload Texture name-rule: Less than 32 characters and must not contain any special one. name-rule-regexp: Custom name rules are applied as :regexp private-score-notice: It will spend you more scores for setting it as private. You will be charged :score scores for per KB storage. invalid-size: Invalid :type file (width :width, height :height) invalid-hd-skin: Invalid HD skin (width and height should be divisible by 32) lack-score: You don't have enough score to upload this texture. repeated: The texture is already uploaded by someone else. You can add it to your closet directly. success: Texture :name was uploaded successfully. delete: success: The texture was deleted successfully. privacy: success: The texture was set to :privacy successfully. rename: success: The texture was renamed to :name successfully. model: success: The texture's model was changed to :model successfully. no-permission: You have no permission to moderate this texture. non-existent: No such texture. report: duplicate: You have already reported this texture. The administrators will review it as soon as possible. You can also track the status of your report at User Center. success: Thanks for reporting! The administrators will review it as soon as possible.