app = $app; $this->option = $option; $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; $this->filesystem = $filesystem; $this->enabled = collect(); } /** * Get all installed plugins. * * @return Collection */ public function all() { if (filled($this->plugins)) { return $this->plugins; } $this->enabled = collect(json_decode($this->option->get('plugins_enabled', '[]'), true)) ->reject(function ($item) { return is_string($item); }) ->mapWithKeys(function ($item) { return [$item['name'] => ['version' => $item['version']]]; }); $plugins = collect(); $versionChanged = []; $this->getPluginsDirs() ->flatMap(function ($directory) { return $this->filesystem->directories($directory); }) ->unique() ->filter(function ($directory) { return $this->filesystem->exists($directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'package.json'); }) ->each(function ($directory) use (&$plugins, &$versionChanged) { $manifest = json_decode( $this->filesystem->get($directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'package.json'), true ); $name = $manifest['name']; if ($plugins->has($name)) { throw new PrettyPageException(trans('errors.plugins.duplicate', ['dir1' => $plugins->get($name)->getPath(), 'dir2' => $directory]), 5); } $plugin = new Plugin($directory, $manifest); $plugins->put($name, $plugin); if ($this->getUnsatisfied($plugin)->isNotEmpty() || $this->getConflicts($plugin)->isNotEmpty()) { $this->disable($plugin); } if ($this->enabled->has($name)) { $plugin->setEnabled(true); if (Comparator::notEqualTo( $manifest['version'], $this->enabled->get($name)['version'] )) { $this->enabled->put($name, ['version' => $manifest['version']]); $versionChanged[] = $plugin; } } }); $this->plugins = $plugins; if (count($versionChanged) > 0) { $this->saveEnabled(); } array_walk($versionChanged, function ($plugin) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch('plugin.versionChanged', [$plugin]); }); return $plugins; } /** * Boot all enabled plugins. */ public function boot() { if ($this->booted) { return; } $this->all()->each(function ($plugin) { $this->loadViewsAndTranslations($plugin); }); $enabled = $this->getEnabledPlugins(); $enabled->each(function ($plugin) { $this->registerPlugin($plugin); }); $enabled->each(function ($plugin) { $this->bootPlugin($plugin); }); $this->registerLifecycleHooks(); $this->booted = true; } /** * Register resources of a plugin. */ public function registerPlugin(Plugin $plugin) { $this->registerAutoload($plugin); $this->loadVendor($plugin); } /** * Boot a plugin. */ public function bootPlugin(Plugin $plugin) { $this->registerServiceProviders($plugin); $this->loadBootstrapper($plugin); } /** * Register classes autoloading. */ protected function registerAutoload(Plugin $plugin) { spl_autoload_register(function ($class) use ($plugin) { $namespace = $plugin->namespace; $path = $plugin->getPath().'/src'; if ($namespace != '' && mb_strpos($class, $namespace) === 0) { // Parse real file path $path = $path.Str::replaceFirst($namespace, '', $class).'.php'; $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); if ($this->filesystem->exists($path)) { $this->filesystem->getRequire($path); } } }); } /** * Load Composer dumped autoload file. */ protected function loadVendor(Plugin $plugin) { $path = $plugin->getPath().'/vendor/autoload.php'; if ($this->filesystem->exists($path)) { $this->filesystem->getRequire($path); } } /** * Load views and translations. */ protected function loadViewsAndTranslations(Plugin $plugin) { $namespace = $plugin->namespace; $path = $plugin->getPath(); $translations = $this->app->make('translation.loader'); $translations->addNamespace($namespace, $path.'/lang'); $view = $this->app->make('view'); $view->addNamespace($namespace, $path.'/views'); } protected function registerServiceProviders(Plugin $plugin) { $providers = Arr::get($plugin->getManifest(), 'enchants.providers', []); array_walk($providers, function ($provider) use ($plugin) { $class = Str::start(Str::finish($provider, 'ServiceProvider'), $plugin->namespace.'\\'); if (class_exists($class)) { $this->app->register($class); } }); } /** * Load plugin's bootstrapper. */ protected function loadBootstrapper(Plugin $plugin) { $path = $plugin->getPath().'/bootstrap.php'; if ($this->filesystem->exists($path)) { try { $this->app->call($this->filesystem->getRequire($path), ['plugin' => $plugin]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { report($th); if (is_a($th, \Exception::class)) { $handler = $this->app->make(\App\Exceptions\Handler::class); if (!$handler->shouldReport($th)) { throw $th; } } $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new Events\PluginBootFailed($plugin)); } } } protected function registerLifecycleHooks() { $this->dispatcher->listen([ Events\PluginWasEnabled::class, Events\PluginWasDisabled::class, Events\PluginWasDeleted::class, ], function ($event) { $plugin = $event->plugin; $path = $plugin->getPath().'/callbacks.php'; if ($this->filesystem->exists($path)) { $callbacks = $this->filesystem->getRequire($path); $callback = Arr::get($callbacks, get_class($event)); if ($callback) { return $this->app->call($callback, [$plugin]); } } }); } /** * @return Plugin|null */ public function get(string $name) { return $this->all()->get($name); } /** * @return bool|array return `true` if succeeded, or return information if failed */ public function enable($plugin) { $plugin = is_string($plugin) ? $this->get($plugin) : $plugin; if ($plugin && !$plugin->isEnabled()) { $unsatisfied = $this->getUnsatisfied($plugin); $conflicts = $this->getConflicts($plugin); if ($unsatisfied->isNotEmpty() || $conflicts->isNotEmpty()) { return compact('unsatisfied', 'conflicts'); } $this->enabled->put($plugin->name, ['version' => $plugin->version]); $this->saveEnabled(); $plugin->setEnabled(true); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new Events\PluginWasEnabled($plugin)); return true; } else { return false; } } public function disable($plugin) { $plugin = is_string($plugin) ? $this->get($plugin) : $plugin; if ($plugin && $plugin->isEnabled()) { $this->enabled->pull($plugin->name); $this->saveEnabled(); $plugin->setEnabled(false); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new Events\PluginWasDisabled($plugin)); } } public function delete($plugin) { $plugin = is_string($plugin) ? $this->get($plugin) : $plugin; if ($plugin) { $this->disable($plugin); // dispatch event before deleting plugin files $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new Events\PluginWasDeleted($plugin)); $this->filesystem->deleteDirectory($plugin->getPath()); $this->plugins->pull($plugin->name); } } /** * @return Collection */ public function getEnabledPlugins() { return $this->all()->filter(function ($plugin) { return $plugin->isEnabled(); }); } /** * Persist the currently enabled plugins. */ protected function saveEnabled() { $this->option->set('plugins_enabled', $this->enabled->map(function ($info, $name) { return array_merge(compact('name'), $info); })->values()->toJson()); } /** * @return Collection */ public function getUnsatisfied(Plugin $plugin) { return collect(Arr::get($plugin->getManifest(), 'require', [])) ->mapWithKeys(function ($constraint, $name) { if ($name == 'blessing-skin-server') { $version = config('app.version'); return (!Semver::satisfies($version, $constraint)) ? [$name => compact('version', 'constraint')] : []; } elseif ($name == 'php') { preg_match('/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/', PHP_VERSION, $matches); $version = $matches[1]; return (!Semver::satisfies($version, $constraint)) ? [$name => compact('version', 'constraint')] : []; } elseif (!$this->enabled->has($name)) { return [$name => ['version' => null, 'constraint' => $constraint]]; } else { $version = $this->enabled->get($name)['version']; return (!Semver::satisfies($version, $constraint)) ? [$name => compact('version', 'constraint')] : []; } }); } /** * @return Collection */ public function getConflicts(Plugin $plugin) { return collect($plugin->getManifestAttr('enchants.conflicts', [])) ->mapWithKeys(function ($constraint, $name) { $info = $this->enabled->get($name); if ($info && Semver::satisfies($info['version'], $constraint)) { return [$name => ['version' => $info['version'], 'constraint' => $constraint]]; } else { return []; } }); } /** * Format the "unresolved" information into human-readable text. */ public function formatUnresolved( Collection $unsatisfied, Collection $conflicts ): array { $unsatisfied = $unsatisfied->map(function ($detail, $name) { $constraint = $detail['constraint']; if (!$detail['version']) { $plugin = $this->get($name); $name = $plugin ? trans($plugin->title) : $name; return trans('admin.plugins.operations.unsatisfied.disabled', compact('name')); } else { $title = trans($this->get($name)->title); return trans('admin.plugins.operations.unsatisfied.version', compact('title', 'constraint')); } })->values()->all(); $conflicts = $conflicts->map(function ($detail, $name) { $title = trans($this->get($name)->title); return trans('admin.plugins.operations.unsatisfied.conflict', compact('title')); })->values()->all(); return array_merge($unsatisfied, $conflicts); } /** * The plugins path. * * @return Collection */ public function getPluginsDirs() { $config = config(''); if ($config) { return collect(preg_split('/,\s*/', $config)) ->map(function ($directory) { return realpath($directory) ?: $directory; }); } else { return collect([base_path('plugins')]); } } }