'integer', 'score' => 'integer', 'avatar' => 'integer', 'permission' => 'integer', 'verified' => 'bool', ]; protected $hidden = ['password', 'remember_token']; /** * Storage size used by user in KiB. * * @var int */ protected $storageUsed; /** * Check if user is admin. * * @return bool */ public function isAdmin() { return $this->permission >= static::ADMIN; } public function closet() { return $this->belongsToMany(Texture::class, 'user_closet')->withPivot('item_name'); } /** * Retrieve the player name of first player. */ public function getPlayerNameAttribute() { $player = $this->players->first(); return $player ? $player->name : ''; } /** * Update the player name of first player. */ public function setPlayerNameAttribute($value) { $player = $this->players->first(); if ($player) { $player->name = $value; $player->save(); } } public function verifyPassword($raw) { // Compare directly if any responses is returned by event dispatcher if ($result = static::getEncryptedPwdFromEvent($raw, $this)) { return hash_equals($this->password, $result); // @codeCoverageIgnore } return app('cipher')->verify($raw, $this->password, config('secure.salt')); } /** * Try to get encrypted password from event dispatcher. * * @param string $raw * @param User $user * @return mixed */ public static function getEncryptedPwdFromEvent($raw, User $user) { $responses = event(new EncryptUserPassword($raw, $user)); return Arr::get($responses, 0); } /** * Change password of the user. * * @param string $password New password that will be set. * @return bool */ public function changePassword($password) { $responses = event(new EncryptUserPassword($password, $this)); if (isset($responses[0])) { $this->password = $responses[0]; // @codeCoverageIgnore } else { $this->password = app('cipher')->hash($password, config('secure.salt')); } return $this->save(); } /** * Set user score. * * @param int $score * @param string $mode What operation should be done, set, plus or minus. * @return bool */ public function setScore($score, $mode = 'set') { switch ($mode) { case 'set': $this->score = $score; break; case 'plus': $this->score += $score; break; case 'minus': $this->score -= $score; break; } return $this->save(); } /** * Get the size of storage units used by the user. * * @return int Size in KiloBytes. */ public function getStorageUsed() { if (is_null($this->storageUsed)) { $this->storageUsed = 0; $result = DB::table('textures') ->select(DB::raw('SUM(size) AS total_size')) ->where('uploader', $this->uid) ->first()->total_size; $this->storageUsed = $result ?: 0; } return $this->storageUsed; } /** * Sign for the user, return false if unavailable. * * @return int|bool */ public function sign() { if ($this->canSign()) { $scoreLimits = explode(',', option('sign_score')); $acquiredScore = rand($scoreLimits[0], $scoreLimits[1]); $this->setScore($acquiredScore, 'plus'); $this->last_sign_at = get_datetime_string(); $this->save(); return $acquiredScore; } else { return false; } } /** * Get remaining time before next signing is available. * * @return int Time in seconds. */ public function getSignRemainingTime() { $lastSignTime = Carbon::parse($this->last_sign_at); if (option('sign_after_zero')) { return Carbon::now()->diffInSeconds( $lastSignTime <= Carbon::today() ? $lastSignTime : Carbon::tomorrow(), false ); } return Carbon::now()->diffInSeconds($lastSignTime->addHours(option('sign_gap_time')), false); } /** * Check if signing in is available now. * * @return bool */ public function canSign() { return $this->getSignRemainingTime() <= 0; } /** * Delete the user. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { Player::where('uid', $this->uid)->delete(); return parent::delete(); } /** * Get the players which are owned by the user. * * @return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ public function players() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Player', 'uid'); } public function getAuthIdentifier() { return $this->uid; } }