'foo', * 'email' => 'foo@bar.com' * ]; * * @param int $uid * @param array $info */ public function __construct($uid, Array $info = []) { // Construct user with uid|email|player_name if ($uid !== null) { $this->uid = $uid; $this->model = UserModel::find($uid); } else { if (isset($info['email'])) { $this->email = Utils::convertString($info['email']); $this->model = UserModel::where('email', $this->email)->first(); } elseif (isset($info['username'])) { $player = PlayerModel::where('player_name', $info['username'])->first(); $this->uid = $player ? $player['uid'] : 0; $this->model = UserModel::find($this->uid); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid arguments'); } } $class_name = "App\Services\Cipher\\".$_ENV['PWD_METHOD']; $this->cipher = new $class_name; if (!is_null($this->model)) { $this->is_registered = true; $this->uid = $this->model->uid; $this->email = $this->model->email; $this->password = $this->model->password; $this->token = md5($this->email . $this->password . $_ENV['SALT']); $this->closet = new Closet($this->uid); $this->is_admin = $this->model->permission == 1 || $this->model->permission == 2; } } public function checkPasswd($raw_passwd) { return ($this->cipher->encrypt($raw_passwd, $_ENV['SALT']) == $this->password); } public function changePasswd($new_passwd) { $this->model->password = $this->cipher->encrypt($new_passwd, $_ENV['SALT']); return $this->model->save(); } public function getPermission() { return $this->model->permission; } /** * Set user permission * @param int $permission * -1 - banned * 0 - normal * 1 - admin * 2 - super admin */ public function setPermission($permission) { return $this->model->update(['permission' => $permission]); } public function setEmail($new_email) { $this->model->email = $new_email; return $this->model->save(); } public function getNickName() { if (!$this->is_registered) { return "不存在的用户"; } else { return ($this->model->nickname == "") ? $this->email : $this->model->nickname; } } public function setNickName($new_nickname) { $this->model->nickname = $new_nickname; return $this->model->save(); } public function getToken($refresh = false) { if ($this->is_registered && ($this->token === "" || $refresh)) { $this->token = md5($this->model->email . $this->model->password . $_ENV['SALT']); } return $this->token; } public function getScore() { return $this->model->score; } public function setScore($score, $mode = "set") { switch ($mode) { case 'set': $this->model->score = $score; break; case 'plus': $this->model->score += $score; break; case 'minus': $this->model->score -= $score; break; } return $this->model->save(); } public function getStorageUsed() { if (is_null($this->storage_used)) { $this->storage_used = 0; // recalculate $sql = "SELECT SUM(`size`) AS total_size FROM `{table}` WHERE uploader = {$this->uid}"; $result = \Database::table('textures')->fetchArray($sql)['total_size']; $this->storage_used = $result ?: 0; } return $this->storage_used; } public function sign() { if ($this->canSign()) { $sign_score = explode(',', Option::get('sign_score')); $aquired_score = rand($sign_score[0], $sign_score[1]); $this->setScore($aquired_score, 'plus'); $this->model->last_sign_at = Utils::getTimeFormatted(); $this->model->save(); return $aquired_score; } else { return false; } } public function canSign($return_remaining_time = false) { // convert to timestamp $last_sign_timestamp = strtotime($this->getLastSignTime()); $zero_timestamp_today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',time())); $zero_timestamp_tomorrow = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime('+1 day'))); if (Option::get('sign_after_zero')) { $remaining_time = ($zero_timestamp_tomorrow - $last_sign_timestamp) / 3600; return $return_remaining_time ? round($remaining_time) : ($last_sign_timestamp <= $zero_timestamp_today); } else { $remaining_time = ($last_sign_timestamp + Option::get('sign_gap_time') * 3600 - time()) / 3600; return $return_remaining_time ? round($remaining_time) : ($remaining_time <= 0); } } public function getLastSignTime() { return $this->model->last_sign_at; } /** * Register a new user * @param string $password * @param string $ip * @return object, instance of App\Models\User */ public function register($password, $ip) { $user = new UserModel(); $user->email = $this->email; $user->password = $this->cipher->encrypt($password, $_ENV['SALT']); $user->ip = $ip; $user->score = Option::get('user_initial_score'); $user->register_at = Utils::getTimeFormatted(); $user->last_sign_at = Utils::getTimeFormatted(time() - 86400); $user->permission = 0; $user->save(); $closet = new ClosetModel(); $closet->uid = $user->uid; $closet->textures = ""; $closet->save(); $this->model = $user; $this->uid = $user->uid; $this->is_registered = true; return $this; } public function getPlayers() { return PlayerModel::where('uid', $this->uid)->get(); } public function getAvatarId() { return $this->model->avatar; } public function setAvatar($tid) { $this->model->avatar = $tid; return $this->model->save(); } public function delete() { PlayerModel::where('uid', $this->uid)->delete(); ClosetModel::where('uid', $this->uid)->delete(); return $this->model->delete(); } } class UserModel extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model { public $primaryKey = 'uid'; protected $table = 'users'; public $timestamps = false; protected $fillable = ['email', 'nickname', 'permission']; public function scopeLike($query, $field, $value) { return $query->where($field, 'LIKE', "%$value%"); } }