<?php namespace App\Services; use Storage; use App\Events; use Composer\Semver\Semver; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Composer\Semver\Comparator; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem; use App\Exceptions\PrettyPageException; use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher; use App\Services\Repositories\OptionRepository; use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application; class PluginManager { /** * @var Application */ protected $app; /** * @var OptionRepository */ protected $option; /** * @var Dispatcher */ protected $dispatcher; /** * @var Filesystem */ protected $filesystem; /** * @var Collection|null */ protected $plugins; /** * @var Collection */ protected $enabled; public function __construct( Application $app, OptionRepository $option, Dispatcher $dispatcher, Filesystem $filesystem ) { $this->app = $app; $this->option = $option; $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; $this->filesystem = $filesystem; } /** * @return Collection */ public function getPlugins() { if (is_null($this->plugins)) { $plugins = new Collection(); $enabled = $this->getFullEnabled(); $installed = []; try { $resource = opendir($this->getPluginsDir()); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new PrettyPageException(trans('errors.plugins.directory', ['msg' => $e->getMessage()]), 500); } // traverse plugins dir while ($filename = @readdir($resource)) { if ($filename == '.' || $filename == '..') { continue; } $path = $this->getPluginsDir().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename; if (is_dir($path)) { $packageJsonPath = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'package.json'; if (file_exists($packageJsonPath)) { // load packages installed $installed[$filename] = json_decode($this->filesystem->get($packageJsonPath), true); } } } closedir($resource); foreach ($installed as $dirname => $package) { // Instantiates an Plugin object using the package path and package.json file. $plugin = new Plugin($this->getPluginsDir().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dirname, $package); // Per default all plugins are installed if they are registered in composer. $plugin->setDirname($dirname); $plugin->setInstalled(true); $plugin->setNameSpace(Arr::get($package, 'namespace')); $plugin->setVersion(Arr::get($package, 'version')); $plugin->setEnabled($this->isEnabled($plugin->name)); if ($plugins->has($plugin->name)) { throw new PrettyPageException(trans('errors.plugins.duplicate', [ 'dir1' => $plugin->getDirname(), 'dir2' => $plugins->get($plugin->name)->getDirname(), ]), 5); } $plugins->put($plugin->name, $plugin); if ( $enabled->has($plugin->name) && Comparator::notEqualTo($plugin->getVersion(), $enabled->get($plugin->name)) ) { $this->copyPluginAssets($plugin); } } $this->plugins = $plugins->sortBy(function ($plugin, $name) { return $plugin->name; }); } return $this->plugins; } /** * Loads an Plugin with all information. * * @param string $name * @return Plugin|null */ public function getPlugin($name) { return $this->getPlugins()->get($name); } /** * Enables the plugin. * * @param string $name */ public function enable($name) { if (is_null($this->enabled)) { $this->convertPluginRecord(); } if (! $this->isEnabled($name)) { $plugin = $this->getPlugin($name); $this->enabled->push([ 'name' => $name, 'version' => $plugin->getVersion(), ]); $this->saveEnabled(); $plugin->setEnabled(true); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new Events\PluginWasEnabled($plugin)); } } /** * Disables an plugin. * * @param string $name */ public function disable($name) { if (is_null($this->enabled)) { $this->convertPluginRecord(); } $rejected = $this->enabled->reject(function ($item) use ($name) { return $item['name'] == $name; }); if ($rejected->count() !== $this->enabled->count()) { $plugin = $this->getPlugin($name); $plugin->setEnabled(false); $this->enabled = $rejected; $this->saveEnabled(); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new Events\PluginWasDisabled($plugin)); } } /** * Uninstalls an plugin. * * @param string $name */ public function uninstall($name) { $plugin = $this->getPlugin($name); $this->disable($name); // dispatch event before deleting plugin files $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new Events\PluginWasDeleted($plugin)); $this->filesystem->deleteDirectory($plugin->getPath()); // refresh plugin list $this->plugins = null; } /** * Get only enabled plugins. * * @return Collection */ public function getEnabledPlugins() { if (is_null($this->enabled)) { $this->convertPluginRecord(); } return $this->getPlugins()->only($this->getEnabled()); } /** * Loads all bootstrap.php files of the enabled plugins. * * @return Collection */ public function getEnabledBootstrappers() { $bootstrappers = new Collection; foreach ($this->getEnabledPlugins() as $plugin) { if ($this->filesystem->exists($file = $plugin->getPath().'/bootstrap.php')) { $bootstrappers->push($file); } } return $bootstrappers; } /** * Loads composer autoloader for the enabled plugins if exists. * * @return Collection */ public function getEnabledComposerAutoloaders() { $autoloaders = new Collection; foreach ($this->getEnabledPlugins() as $plugin) { if ($this->filesystem->exists($file = $plugin->getPath().'/vendor/autoload.php')) { $autoloaders->push($file); } } return $autoloaders; } /** * The id's of the enabled plugins. * * @return array */ public function getEnabled() { $enabled = collect(json_decode($this->option->get('plugins_enabled'), true)); return $enabled->map(function ($item) { if (is_string($item)) { return $item; } else { return $item['name']; } })->values()->toArray(); } /** * Return enabled plugins with version information. * * @return Collection */ public function getFullEnabled() { $enabled = collect(json_decode($this->option->get('plugins_enabled'), true)); $ret = collect(); $enabled->each(function ($item) use ($ret) { if (is_array($item)) { $ret->put($item['name'], $item['version']); } }); return $ret; } /** * Persist the currently enabled plugins. */ protected function saveEnabled() { $this->option->set('plugins_enabled', $this->enabled->values()->toJson()); // ensure to save options $this->option->save(); } /** * Whether the plugin is enabled. * * @param string $pluginName * @return bool */ public function isEnabled($pluginName) { return in_array($pluginName, $this->getEnabled()); } /** * Get the unsatisfied requirements of plugin. * * @param string|Plugin|array $plugin * @return array */ public function getUnsatisfiedRequirements($plugin) { if (is_array($plugin)) { $requirements = $plugin; } else { if (! $plugin instanceof Plugin) { $plugin = $this->getPlugin($plugin); } if (! $plugin) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Plugin with given name does not exist.'); } $requirements = $plugin->getRequirements(); } $unsatisfied = []; foreach ($requirements as $name => $versionConstraint) { // Version requirement for the main application if ($name == 'blessing-skin-server') { if (! Semver::satisfies(config('app.version'), $versionConstraint)) { $unsatisfied['blessing-skin-server'] = [ 'version' => config('app.version'), 'constraint' => $versionConstraint, ]; } continue; } $requiredPlugin = $this->getPlugin($name); if (! $requiredPlugin || ! $requiredPlugin->isEnabled()) { $unsatisfied[$name] = [ 'version' => null, 'constraint' => $versionConstraint, ]; continue; } if (! Semver::satisfies($requiredPlugin->getVersion(), $versionConstraint)) { $unsatisfied[$name] = [ 'version' => $requiredPlugin->getVersion(), 'constraint' => $versionConstraint, ]; continue; } } return $unsatisfied; } /** * Whether the plugin's requirements are satisfied. * * @param string|Plugin|array $plugin * @return bool */ public function isRequirementsSatisfied($plugin) { return empty($this->getUnsatisfiedRequirements($plugin)); } /** * The plugins path. * * @return string */ public function getPluginsDir() { return config('plugins.directory') ?: base_path('plugins'); } /** * Copy plugin assets. * * @param Plugin $plugin * * @return bool */ public function copyPluginAssets($plugin) { $dir = public_path('plugins/'.$plugin->name.'/assets'); Storage::deleteDirectory($dir); return $this->filesystem->copyDirectory( $this->getPluginsDir().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$plugin->name.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'assets', $dir ); } /** * Convert `plugins_enabled` field for backward compatibility. * * @return $this */ protected function convertPluginRecord() { $list = collect(json_decode($this->option->get('plugins_enabled'), true)); $this->enabled = $list->map(function ($item) { if (is_string($item)) { $plugin = $this->getPlugin($item); return [ 'name' => $item, 'version' => $plugin->getVersion(), ]; } else { $plugin = $this->getPlugin($item['name']); if (! empty($plugin)) { $item['version'] = $plugin->getVersion(); } return $item; } }); $this->saveEnabled(); return $this; } }