New Crowdin updates (#231)

This commit is contained in:
Pig Fang 2020-09-18 19:37:48 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent d6ac5eb5d1
commit 2751e824b9
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 84 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ bind:
title: 電子信箱驗證
invalid: 無效的鏈接。
not-matched: Email doesn't match.
not-matched: 電子郵件地址不匹配。
user: 沒有這個用戶。
password: 錯誤的密碼。

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
loggingIn: 正在登入
captcha: 嘗試次數過多,請輸入驗證碼。
@ -54,36 +54,36 @@ skinlib:
time: 最新上傳
likes: 最多收藏
emptyTextureName: 請輸入材質名稱。
emptyUploadFile: You have not uploaded any file.
emptyUploadFile: 未上傳任何文件。
fileExtError: '材質應該是 PNG 文件。'
uploading: 正在上傳
setAsPrivate: Set as Private
setAsPublic: Set as Public
setPublicNotice: Sure to set this as public texture?
setPrivateNotice: Sure to set this as private texture?
deleteNotice: Are you sure to delete this texture?
setNewTextureModel: "Please select a new texture model:"
setAsPrivate: 設為隱私
setAsPublic: 設為公開
setPublicNotice: 確定要把這個材質設爲公開嗎?
setPrivateNotice: 確定要把這個材質設爲隱私嗎?
deleteNotice: 確定要刪除此材質嗎?
setNewTextureModel: "請為材質選擇新的模型:"
texture-name: Texture Name
texture-type: Texture Type
texture-name: 材質名稱
texture-type: 材質種類
select-file: 選取檔案
privacy-notice: Prevent it from being visible at skin library.
set-as-private: Make it Private
privacy-notice: 避免其在皮膚庫中可見。
set-as-private: 將其設為隱私
button: 上傳
cost: It costs you about :score score.
award: You'll be awarded :score score(s) by uploading public texture.
cost: 將花費 :score 積分。
award: 您上傳材質得到 :score 積分獎勵。
anonymous: You must login to use closets
likes: People who like this
anonymous: 您必須登入以使用衣櫃。
likes: 收藏的用戶
detail: 詳細資訊
name: Texture Name
name: 材質名稱
edit: 編輯
model: Applicable Model
model: 適用模型
size: 檔案大小
uploader: Uploader
uploader: 上載者
upload-at: 上傳于
download: 下載
delete-texture: Delete Texture
delete-texture: 刪除材質
manage-notice: The texture which was deleted or setted to private will be removed from the closet of everyone who had favorited it.
title: Report

View File

@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
index: Homepage
skinlib: Skin Library
user-center: User Center
logout: Log Out
login: Log In
register: Register Now
profile: User Profile
admin-panel: Admin Panel
explore: Explore
manage: Manage
anonymous: Guest
back: Back
dashboard: Dashboard
my-closet: Closet
my-reports: Reports
developer: Advanced
oauth-manage: OAuth2 Apps
player-manage: Players
user-manage: Users
report-manage: Reports
plugin-manage: Plugins
plugin-market: Plugin Market
plugin-configs: Plugin Configs
customize: Customize
i18n: Internationalization
options: Options
score-options: Score Options
res-options: Resource Options
status: Status
check-update: Check Update
download-update: Download Updates
close: Close
skin: Skin
cape: Cape
submit: Submit
cancel: Cancel
index: 首頁
skinlib: 皮膚庫
user-center: 用戶中心
logout: 登出
login: 登入
register: 立刻註冊
profile: 個人設定檔
admin-panel: 管理面板
explore: 進一步瞭解
manage: 管理
anonymous: 訪客
back: 返回
dashboard: 儀錶板
my-closet: 皮膚櫃
my-reports: 舉報
developer: 進階
oauth-manage: OAuth2 應用程式
player-manage: 角色
user-manage: 用戶
report-manage: 舉報
plugin-manage: 擴展軟體
plugin-market: 擴展軟體商店
plugin-configs: 擴展軟體設定
customize: 自訂
i18n: 多語言
options: 選項
score-options: 積分設定
res-options: 元素設定
status: 狀態
check-update: 檢查更新
download-update: 下載更新
close: 關閉
skin: 皮膚
cape: 披風
submit: 提交
cancel: 取消
yes: true
no: false
op-success: Operated successfully.
unknown: Unknown
notice: Notice
illegal-parameters: Illegal parameters.
private: Private
public: Public
unexistent-user: No such user.
player-banned: The owner of this player has been banned.
texture-deleted: The requested texture has been deleted.
op-success: 操作成功
unknown: 未知
notice: 告示欄
illegal-parameters: 非法參數。
private: 隱私
public: 公開
unexistent-user: 此用戶不存在。
player-banned: 該角色的所有者已被封禁。
texture-deleted: 請求的材質已被刪除。
email: Email
nickname: Nickname
password: Password
score: Score
register-at: Registered At
email: 電子郵件
nickname: 暱稱
password: 密碼
score: 積分
register-at: 註冊於
owner: Owner
player-name: Player Name
previews: Texture Previews
last-modified: Last Modified
owner: 所有者
player-name: 角色名
previews: 材質預覽
last-modified: 最近一次修改

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@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
title: Features
title: 特性
icon: fa-users
name: Multi Player
desc: You can add multiple players within one registered account.
name: 多角色
desc: 您可以在一個已註冊賬戶上增加多個角色
icon: fa-share-alt
name: Sharing
desc: Explore the skin library, send a "like" and share them with your friends.
name: 分享
desc: 探索皮膚庫,收藏並與您的朋友分享。
icon: fa-cloud
name: Free
desc: It is free forever. No ads. No subscription fees.
introduction: ':sitename provides the service of uploading and hosting Minecraft skins. By coordinating with skin mods (e.g. CustomSkinLoader), you can choose skin and cape for your game character, and make it visible to other players in Minecraft.'
start: Join Us
name: 免費
desc: 永久免費。沒有廣告。絕不收費。
introduction: ':sitename 提供了一個上傳 Minecraft 皮膚的平台。藉由皮膚mod諸如 CustomSkinLoader您可以在 Minecraft 中選取皮膚並運用於您的角色,並使其對其他玩家可見。'
start: 加入我們