connection-error:"Unable to connect to the target :type database, please check your configuration. The server replied with: :msg"
connection-success:Connect to the target :type database [:server] successfully, just click NEXT to start installation.
table-already-exists:There are some tables already exist in target database, whose names conflict with ones we are going to create. To avoid data loss, please manually delete these tables :tables, or set a different table prefix.
permission-error:Unable to create textures folder, please check the directory permissions or place one manually.
no-dot-env:Unable to find environment configuration file. Please rename .env.example to .env (please refer to setup manual).
storage:Unable to write to storage directory, please check the permissions.
escapeshellarg:"The escapeshellarg function is disabled in your php.ini configuration. Please contact your web hosting provider to enable it or perform the installation manually:"
title:Already installed
text:It appears that you have already installed Blessing Skin Server. To reinstall, please delete the "install.lock" file under "storage" directory.
button:Back to homepage
title:Update Wizard - Blessing Skin Server
title:One more step
Welcome! You are going to update to Blessing Skin Server v:version.
We need to apply some updates to your database, click NEXT to continue.
text:To proceed with the installation, please fill this form with the details of the initial admin account. Don't worry, you can always change these settings later.
admin-email:Admin Email
admin-notice:This is the UNIQUE super admin account who can GIVE or CANCEL other users' admin privilege.