import * as twgl from 'twgl.js'; import { Renderer } from './renderer'; import { ASSERT } from './util/error_util'; export interface Attribute { name: string, numComponents: number } interface BottomlessBufferData { indices: BottomlessAttributeData, [name: string]: BottomlessAttributeData } interface BottomlessAttributeData { numComponents: number, data: Array } export interface AttributeData { indices: Uint32Array custom: { [name: string]: Array } } export function MergeAttributeData( AttributeData[]): AttributeData { if (data.length === 0) { return { indices: new Uint32Array(), custom: {}, }; } // Check custom attributes match const requiredAttributes = Object.keys(data[0].custom); for (let i = 1; i < data.length; ++i) { const customAttributes = Object.keys(data[i].custom); const isAllRequiredInCustom = requiredAttributes.every((attr) => { return customAttributes.includes(attr); }); const isAllCustomInRequired = customAttributes.every((attr) => { return requiredAttributes.includes(attr); }); ASSERT(isAllRequiredInCustom && isAllCustomInRequired, 'Attributes to merge do not match'); } // Merge data const indices = Array.from(data[0].indices); const custom = data[0].custom; for (let i = 1; i < data.length; ++i) { const nextIndex = Math.max(...indices) + 1; const d = data[i]; const newIndices = => index + nextIndex); indices.push(...Array.from(newIndices)); for (const attr of requiredAttributes) { const attrData = d.custom[attr]; custom[attr].push(...attrData); } } return { indices: new Uint32Array(indices), custom: custom, }; } export class RenderBuffer { private _WebGLBuffer?: { buffer: twgl.BufferInfo, numElements: number }; private _buffer!: BottomlessBufferData; private _attributes: {[name: string]: Attribute}; private _maxIndex: number; private _compiled: boolean; private _needsCompiling: boolean; public constructor(attributes: Array) { this._attributes = {}; for (const attr of attributes) { this._attributes[] = { name:, numComponents: attr.numComponents, }; } this._needsCompiling = false; this._compiled = false; this._maxIndex = 0; this._getNewBuffer(); } public add(data: AttributeData) { const mappedIndicesToAdd = new Array(data.indices.length); let maxMapped = -1; data.indices.forEach((index, i) => { const newIndex = index + this._maxIndex; maxMapped = Math.max(maxMapped, newIndex); mappedIndicesToAdd[i] = newIndex; });; this._maxIndex = 1 + maxMapped; for (const attr in this._attributes) { this._buffer[attr].data.push([attr]); } this._needsCompiling = true; } public static from(other: RenderBuffer): RenderBuffer { const buffer = new RenderBuffer([]); buffer._buffer = other._buffer; buffer._attributes = other._attributes; buffer._maxIndex = other._maxIndex; buffer._compiled = other._compiled; buffer._needsCompiling = other._needsCompiling; return buffer; } public attachNewAttribute(attribute: Attribute, data: Array) { ASSERT(this._buffer[] === undefined, 'Attribute already exists in buffer'); ASSERT(this._attributes[] === undefined, 'Attribute already exists in attributes'); const expectedDataLength = this._maxIndex * attribute.numComponents; ASSERT(data.length === expectedDataLength, `Data length expected to be ${expectedDataLength}, got ${data.length}`); this._buffer[] = { numComponents: attribute.numComponents, data: data, }; this._attributes[] = attribute; this._needsCompiling = true; } public removeAttribute(attributeName: string) { delete this._buffer[attributeName]; delete this._attributes[attributeName]; this._needsCompiling = true; } public getWebGLBuffer() { this._compile(); ASSERT(this._WebGLBuffer !== undefined); return this._WebGLBuffer; } private _compile() { if (this._compiled && !this._needsCompiling) { return; } const newBuffer: { indices: { data: Uint32Array, numComponents: number }, [arr: string]: { data: (Float32Array | Uint32Array), numComponents: number }} = { indices: { data: Uint32Array.from(, numComponents: this._buffer.indices.numComponents }, }; for (const key in this._buffer) { if (key !== 'indices') { newBuffer[key] = { data: Float32Array.from(this._buffer[key].data), numComponents: this._buffer[key].numComponents, }; } } this._WebGLBuffer = { buffer: twgl.createBufferInfoFromArrays(Renderer.Get._gl, newBuffer), numElements:, }; this._compiled = true; this._needsCompiling = false; } private _getNewBuffer() { this._buffer = { indices: {numComponents: 1, data: []}, }; for (const attr in this._attributes) { this._buffer[attr] = { numComponents: this._attributes[attr].numComponents, data: [], }; } } private _checkDataMatchesAttributes(data: AttributeData) { if (!('indices' in data)) { throw Error('Given data does not have indices data'); } const setsRequired = data.indices.reduce((a, v) => Math.max(a, v)) + 1; for (const attr in this._attributes) { if (!(attr in data)) { throw Error(`Given data does not have ${attr} data`); } if (data.custom[attr].length % this._attributes[attr].numComponents != 0) { throw Error(`Not enough/too much ${attr} data given`); } const numSets = data.custom[attr].length / this._attributes[attr].numComponents; if (numSets != setsRequired) { // throw `Number of indices does not match number of ${attr} components given`; throw Error(`Expected ${setsRequired * this._attributes[attr].numComponents} values for ${attr}, got ${data.custom[attr].length}`); } } } public copy(): RenderBuffer { const copiedBuffer = new RenderBuffer([]); copiedBuffer._buffer = { indices: { numComponents: this._buffer.indices.numComponents, data: Array.from(, }, }; for (const key in this._buffer) { if (key !== 'indices') { copiedBuffer._buffer[key] = { numComponents: this._buffer[key].numComponents, data: Array.from(this._buffer[key].data), }; } } copiedBuffer._attributes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._attributes)); copiedBuffer._maxIndex = this._maxIndex; copiedBuffer._compiled = false; copiedBuffer._needsCompiling = true; return copiedBuffer; } }