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2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
import { ATLASES_DIR, RGB, TOOLS_DIR, UV } from '../src/util';
2022-04-17 02:29:20 +08:00
import { log, LogStyle } from './logging';
import { isDirSetup, ASSERT, getAverageColour, getPermission, getMinecraftDir } from './misc';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import images from 'images';
import { PNG } from 'pngjs';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import prompt from 'prompt';
const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
const copydir = require('copy-dir');
void async function main() {
await getPermission();
2022-04-17 02:29:20 +08:00
await fetchModelsAndTextures();
await buildAtlas();
2022-04-17 02:29:20 +08:00
function checkMinecraftInstallation() {
const dir = getMinecraftDir();
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
log(LogStyle.Failure, `Could not find ${dir}`);
log(LogStyle.Failure, 'To use this tool you need to install Minecraft Java Edition');
} else {
log(LogStyle.Success, `Found Minecraft Java Edition installation at ${dir}`);
function cleanupDirectories() {
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
fs.rmSync(path.join(TOOLS_DIR, '/blocks'), { recursive: true, force: true });
fs.rmSync(path.join(TOOLS_DIR, '/models'), { recursive: true, force: true });
async function getResourcePack() {
2022-04-17 02:29:20 +08:00
const resourcePacksDir = path.join(getMinecraftDir(), './resourcepacks');
if (!fs.existsSync(resourcePacksDir)) {
log(LogStyle.Failure, 'Could not find .minecraft/resourcepacks\n');
log(LogStyle.Info, 'Looking for resource packs...');
const resourcePacks = fs.readdirSync(resourcePacksDir);
log(LogStyle.None, `1) Vanilla`);
for (let i = 0; i < resourcePacks.length; ++i) {
log(LogStyle.None, `${i+2}) ${resourcePacks[i]}`);
const { packChoice } = await prompt.get({
properties: {
packChoice: {
description: `Which resource pack do you want to build an atlas for? (1-${resourcePacks.length+1})`,
message: `Response must be between 1 and ${resourcePacks.length+1}`,
required: true,
conform: (value) => {
return value >= 1 && value <= resourcePacks.length + 1;
if (<number>packChoice == 1) {
return 'Vanilla';
return resourcePacks[(<number>packChoice) - 2];
function fetchVanillModelsAndTextures(fetchTextures: boolean) {
2022-04-17 02:29:20 +08:00
const versionsDir = path.join(getMinecraftDir(), './versions');
ASSERT(fs.existsSync(versionsDir), 'Could not find .minecraft/versions');
log(LogStyle.Info, '.minecraft/versions found successfully');
const versions = fs.readdirSync(versionsDir)
.filter((file) => fs.lstatSync(path.join(versionsDir, file)).isDirectory())
.map((file) => ({ file, birthtime: fs.lstatSync(path.join(versionsDir, file)).birthtime }))
.sort((a, b) => b.birthtime.getTime() - a.birthtime.getTime());
for (let i = 0; i < versions.length; ++i) {
const versionName = versions[i].file;
log(LogStyle.Info, `Searching in ${versionName} for ${versionName}.jar`);
const versionDir = path.join(versionsDir, versionName);
const versionFiles = fs.readdirSync(versionDir);
if (!versionFiles.includes(versionName + '.jar')) {
log(LogStyle.Success, `Found ${versionName}.jar successfully\n`);
const versionJarPath = path.join(versionDir, `${versionName}.jar`);
log(LogStyle.Info, `Upzipping ${versionName}.jar...`);
const zip = new AdmZip(versionJarPath);
const zipEntries = zip.getEntries();
zipEntries.forEach((zipEntry: any) => {
if (fetchTextures && zipEntry.entryName.startsWith('assets/minecraft/textures/block')) {
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
zip.extractEntryTo(zipEntry.entryName, path.join(TOOLS_DIR, './blocks'), false, true);
} else if (zipEntry.entryName.startsWith('assets/minecraft/models/block')) {
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
zip.extractEntryTo(zipEntry.entryName, path.join(TOOLS_DIR, './models'), false, true);
log(LogStyle.Success, `Extracted textures and models successfully\n`);
async function fetchModelsAndTextures() {
const resourcePack = await getResourcePack();
await fetchVanillModelsAndTextures(true);
if (resourcePack === 'Vanilla') {
log(LogStyle.Warning, 'Non-16x16 texture packs are not supported');
2022-04-17 02:29:20 +08:00
const resourcePackDir = path.join(getMinecraftDir(), './resourcepacks', resourcePack);
if (fs.lstatSync(resourcePackDir).isDirectory()) {
log(LogStyle.Info, `Resource pack '${resourcePack}' is a directory`);
const blockTexturesSrc = path.join(resourcePackDir, 'assets/minecraft/textures/block');
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
const blockTexturesDst = path.join(TOOLS_DIR, './blocks');
log(LogStyle.Info, `Copying ${blockTexturesSrc} to ${blockTexturesDst}`);
copydir(blockTexturesSrc, blockTexturesDst, {
utimes: true,
mode: true,
cover: true,
log(LogStyle.Success, `Copied block textures successfully`);
} else {
log(LogStyle.Info, `Resource pack '${resourcePack}' is not a directory, expecting to be a .zip`);
const zip = new AdmZip(resourcePackDir);
const zipEntries = zip.getEntries();
zipEntries.forEach((zipEntry: any) => {
if (zipEntry.entryName.startsWith('assets/minecraft/textures/block')) {
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
zip.extractEntryTo(zipEntry.entryName, path.join(TOOLS_DIR, './blocks'), false, true);
log(LogStyle.Success, `Copied block textures successfully`);
async function buildAtlas() {
// Check /blocks and /models is setup correctly
log(LogStyle.Info, 'Checking assets are provided...');
2022-04-01 04:26:13 +08:00
const texturesDirSetup = isDirSetup('./blocks', 'assets/minecraft/textures/block');
ASSERT(texturesDirSetup, '/blocks is not setup correctly');
log(LogStyle.Success, '/tools/blocks/ setup correctly');
const modelsDirSetup = isDirSetup('./models', 'assets/minecraft/models/block');
ASSERT(modelsDirSetup, '/models is not setup correctly');
log(LogStyle.Success, '/tools/models/ setup correctly');
// Load the ignore list
log(LogStyle.Info, 'Loading ignore list...');
let ignoreList: Array<string> = [];
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
const ignoreListPath = path.join(TOOLS_DIR, './ignore-list.txt');
if (fs.existsSync(ignoreListPath)) {
log(LogStyle.Success, 'Found ignore list');
ignoreList = fs.readFileSync(ignoreListPath, 'utf-8').replace(/\r/g, '').split('\n');
} else {
log(LogStyle.Warning, 'No ignore list found, looked for ignore-list.txt');
log(LogStyle.Success, `${ignoreList.length} blocks found in ignore list\n`);
/* eslint-disable */
enum parentModel {
Cube = 'minecraft:block/cube',
CubeAll = 'minecraft:block/cube_all',
CubeColumn = 'minecraft:block/cube_column',
CubeColumnHorizontal = 'minecraft:block/cube_column_horizontal',
TemplateSingleFace = 'minecraft:block/template_single_face',
TemplateGlazedTerracotta = 'minecraft:block/template_glazed_terracotta',
/* eslint-enable */
interface Model {
name: string,
colour?: RGB,
faces: {
[face: string]: Texture
interface Texture {
name: string,
texcoord?: UV,
colour?: RGB
log(LogStyle.Info, 'Loading block models...');
const faces = ['north', 'south', 'up', 'down', 'east', 'west'];
const allModels: Array<Model> = [];
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
const allBlockNames: Set<string> = new Set();
const usedTextures: Set<string> = new Set();
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
fs.readdirSync(path.join(TOOLS_DIR, './models')).forEach((filename) => {
if (path.extname(filename) !== '.json') {
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
const filePath = path.join(TOOLS_DIR, './models', filename);
const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
const modelData = JSON.parse(fileData);
const parsedPath = path.parse(filePath);
const modelName = parsedPath.name;
if (ignoreList.includes(filename)) {
let faceData: { [face: string]: Texture } = {};
switch (modelData.parent) {
2022-04-14 03:04:19 +08:00
case parentModel.CubeAll:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.all },
down: { name: modelData.textures.all },
north: { name: modelData.textures.all },
south: { name: modelData.textures.all },
east: { name: modelData.textures.all },
west: { name: modelData.textures.all },
case parentModel.CubeColumn:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.end },
down: { name: modelData.textures.end },
north: { name: modelData.textures.side },
south: { name: modelData.textures.side },
east: { name: modelData.textures.side },
west: { name: modelData.textures.side },
case parentModel.Cube:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.up },
down: { name: modelData.textures.down },
north: { name: modelData.textures.north },
south: { name: modelData.textures.south },
east: { name: modelData.textures.east },
west: { name: modelData.textures.west },
case parentModel.TemplateSingleFace:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
down: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
north: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
south: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
east: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
west: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
case parentModel.TemplateGlazedTerracotta:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
down: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
north: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
south: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
east: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
west: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
for (const face of faces) {
name: modelName,
faces: faceData,
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
if (allModels.length === 0) {
log(LogStyle.Failure, 'No blocks loaded');
log(LogStyle.Success, `${allModels.length} blocks loaded\n`);
const atlasSize = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(usedTextures.size));
const atlasWidth = atlasSize * 16;
let offsetX = 0;
let offsetY = 0;
const outputImage = images(atlasWidth * 3, atlasWidth * 3);
const textureDetails: { [textureName: string]: { texcoord: UV, colour: RGB } } = {};
const { atlasName } = await prompt.get({
properties: {
atlasName: {
pattern: /^[a-zA-Z\-]+$/,
description: 'What do you want to call this texture atlas?',
message: 'Name must only be letters or dash',
required: true,
log(LogStyle.Info, `Building ${atlasName}.png...`);
usedTextures.forEach((textureName) => {
const shortName = textureName.split('/')[1]; // Eww
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
const absolutePath = path.join(TOOLS_DIR, './blocks', shortName + '.png');
const fileData = fs.readFileSync(absolutePath);
const pngData = PNG.sync.read(fileData);
const image = images(absolutePath);
for (let x = 0; x < 3; ++x) {
for (let y = 0; y < 3; ++y) {
outputImage.draw(image, 16 * (3 * offsetX + x), 16 * (3 * offsetY + y));
textureDetails[textureName] = {
2022-03-19 09:20:47 +08:00
texcoord: new UV(
16 * (3 * offsetX + 1) / (atlasWidth * 3),
16 * (3 * offsetY + 1) / (atlasWidth * 3),
colour: getAverageColour(pngData),
if (offsetX >= atlasSize) {
offsetX = 0;
// Build up the output JSON
log(LogStyle.Info, `Building ${atlasName}.atlas...\n`);
for (const model of allModels) {
const blockColour = new RGB(0, 0, 0);
for (const face of faces) {
const faceTexture = textureDetails[model.faces[face].name];
const faceColour = faceTexture.colour;
blockColour.r += faceColour.r;
blockColour.g += faceColour.g;
blockColour.b += faceColour.b;
model.faces[face].texcoord = faceTexture.texcoord;
blockColour.r /= 6;
blockColour.g /= 6;
blockColour.b /= 6;
model.colour = blockColour;
log(LogStyle.Info, 'Exporting...');
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
const atlasDir = path.join(ATLASES_DIR, `./${atlasName}.png`);
log(LogStyle.Success, `${atlasName}.png exported to /resources/atlases/`);
const outputJSON = {
atlasSize: atlasSize,
blocks: allModels,
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
supportedBlockNames: Array.from(allBlockNames),
2022-03-23 07:06:08 +08:00
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(ATLASES_DIR, `./${atlasName}.atlas`), JSON.stringify(outputJSON, null, 4));
log(LogStyle.Success, `${atlasName}.atlas exported to /resources/atlases/\n`);
/* eslint-disable */
console.log(chalk.cyanBright(chalk.inverse('DONE') + ' Now run ' + chalk.inverse(' npm start ') + ' and the new texture atlas can be used'));
/* eslint-enable */