
210 lines
7.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import images from "images";
import { RGB, UV } from "../src/util";
import { log, LogStyle } from "./logging";
import { PNG } from "pngjs";
import { isDirSetup, assert, getAverageColour } from "./misc";
import chalk from "chalk";
// Check /blocks and /models is setup correctly
log(LogStyle.None, "Checking Minecraft assets are provided...");
const blocksDirSetup = isDirSetup("./blocks", "assets/minecraft/textures/block");
const modelsDirSetup = isDirSetup("./models", "assets/minecraft/models/block");
assert(blocksDirSetup && modelsDirSetup, "Folders not setup correctly");
log(LogStyle.Success, "Folders setup correctly\n")
// Load the ignore list
log(LogStyle.None, "Loading ignore list...")
let ignoreList: Array<string> = [];
const ignoreListPath = path.join(__dirname, "./ignore-list.txt");
const defaultIgnoreListPath = path.join(__dirname, "./default-ignore-list.txt");
if (fs.existsSync(ignoreListPath)) {
log(LogStyle.Success, "Found custom ignore list");
ignoreList = fs.readFileSync(ignoreListPath, "utf-8").replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n");
} else if (fs.existsSync(defaultIgnoreListPath)){
log(LogStyle.Success, "Found default ignore list");
ignoreList = fs.readFileSync(defaultIgnoreListPath, "utf-8").replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n");
} else {
log(LogStyle.Warning, "No ignore list found, looked for ignore-list.txt and default-ignore-list.txt");
log(LogStyle.Info, `${ignoreList.length} blocks found in ignore list\n`);
log(LogStyle.None, "Loading block models...")
enum parentModel {
Cube = "minecraft:block/cube",
CubeAll = "minecraft:block/cube_all",
CubeColumn = "minecraft:block/cube_column",
CubeColumnHorizontal = "minecraft:block/cube_column_horizontal",
TemplateSingleFace = "minecraft:block/template_single_face",
TemplateGlazedTerracotta = "minecraft:block/template_glazed_terracotta",
interface Model {
name: string,
colour?: RGB,
faces: {
[face: string]: Texture
interface Texture {
name: string,
texcoord?: UV,
colour?: RGB
const faces = ["north", "south", "up", "down", "east", "west"];
let allModels: Array<Model> = [];
let usedTextures: Set<string> = new Set();
fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, "./models")).forEach(filename => {
if (path.extname(filename) !== ".json") {
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, "./models", filename);
const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8");
const modelData = JSON.parse(fileData);
const parsedPath = path.parse(filePath);
const modelName = parsedPath.name;
if (ignoreList.includes(filename)) {
let faceData: {[face: string]: Texture} = {};
switch (modelData.parent) {
case parentModel.CubeAll:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.all },
down: { name: modelData.textures.all },
north: { name: modelData.textures.all },
south: { name: modelData.textures.all },
east: { name: modelData.textures.all },
west: { name: modelData.textures.all }
case parentModel.CubeColumn:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.end },
down: { name: modelData.textures.end },
north: { name: modelData.textures.side },
south: { name: modelData.textures.side },
east: { name: modelData.textures.side },
west: { name: modelData.textures.side }
case parentModel.Cube:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.up },
down: { name: modelData.textures.down },
north: { name: modelData.textures.north },
south: { name: modelData.textures.south },
east: { name: modelData.textures.east },
west: { name: modelData.textures.west }
case parentModel.TemplateSingleFace:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
down: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
north: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
south: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
east: { name: modelData.textures.texture },
west: { name: modelData.textures.texture }
case parentModel.TemplateGlazedTerracotta:
faceData = {
up: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
down: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
north: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
south: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
east: { name: modelData.textures.pattern },
west: { name: modelData.textures.pattern }
for (const face of faces) {
name: modelName,
faces: faceData
log(LogStyle.Success, `${allModels.length} blocks loaded\n`);
const atlasSize = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(usedTextures.size));
const atlasWidth = atlasSize * 16;
let offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
const outputImage = images(atlasWidth * 3, atlasWidth * 3);
let textureDetails: {[textureName: string]: {texcoord: UV, colour: RGB}} = {};
log(LogStyle.None, "Building blocks.png...");
usedTextures.forEach(textureName => {
const shortName = textureName.split("/")[1]; // Eww
const absolutePath = path.join(__dirname, "./blocks", shortName + ".png");
const fileData = fs.readFileSync(absolutePath);
const pngData = PNG.sync.read(fileData);
const image = images(absolutePath);
for (let x = 0; x < 3; ++x) {
for (let y = 0; y < 3; ++y) {
outputImage.draw(image, 16 * (3 * offsetX + x), 16 * (3 * offsetY + y));
textureDetails[textureName] = {
texcoord: {
u: 16 * (3 * offsetX + 1) / (atlasWidth * 3),
v: 16 * (3 * offsetY + 1) / (atlasWidth * 3)
colour: getAverageColour(pngData)
if (offsetX >= atlasSize) {
offsetX = 0;
// Build up the output JSON
log(LogStyle.None, "Building blocks.json...\n");
for (const model of allModels) {
let blockColour = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0};
for (const face of faces) {
const faceTexture = textureDetails[model.faces[face].name];
const faceColour = faceTexture.colour;
blockColour.r += faceColour.r;
blockColour.g += faceColour.g;
blockColour.b += faceColour.b;
model.faces[face].texcoord = faceTexture.texcoord;
blockColour.r /= 6;
blockColour.g /= 6;
blockColour.b /= 6;
model.colour = blockColour;
log(LogStyle.None, "Exporting...");
outputImage.save(path.join(__dirname, "../resources/blocks.png"));
log(LogStyle.Success, "blocks.png exported to /resources");
let outputJSON = { atlasSize: atlasSize, blocks: allModels };
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "../resources/blocks.json"), JSON.stringify(outputJSON, null, 4));
log(LogStyle.Success, "blocks.json exported to /resources\n");
console.log(chalk.cyanBright(chalk.inverse("DONE") + " Now run " + chalk.inverse("npm start") + " and the new blocks will be used"));