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## Introduction
🚀Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source.
## Links
| Source Code | Documentation | Demo | Plugins Demo | Forum |
| ------ | -------- | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| [Github](https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet)| [Online Documentation](https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/) | [Online Demo](https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDemo) / [Cooperative editing demo](http://luckysheet.lashuju.com/demo/) | [Import Excel Demo](https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckyexcelDemo/) | [Chinese Forum](https://support.qq.com/product/288322) |
| [Gitee Mirror](https://gitee.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet)| [Gitee Online Documentation](https://mengshukeji.gitee.io/LuckysheetDocs/) | [Gitee Online Demo](https://mengshukeji.gitee.io/luckysheetdemo/) | [Gitee Import Excel Demo](https://mengshukeji.gitee.io/luckyexceldemo/) | [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/g/luckysheet) |
## Plugins
- [Luckyexcel](https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckyexcel): Excel import and export library
- [chartMix](https://github.com/mengshukeji/chartMix): Chart plugin
## Ecosystem
| Project | Description |
| [Luckysheet Vue] | Luckysheet and Luckyexcel in a vue cli3 project |
| [Luckysheet React] | Luckysheet in a React project |
| [Luckyexcel Node] | Use Luckyexcel in koa2 |
| [Luckysheet Server] | Java backend Luckysheet Server |
| [Luckysheet Server Starter] | LuckysheetServer docker deployment startup template |
[Luckysheet Vue]: https://github.com/mengshukeji/luckysheet-vue
[Luckysheet React]: https://github.com/mengshukeji/luckysheet-react
[Luckyexcel Node]: https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckyexcel-node
[Luckysheet Server]: https://github.com/mengshukeji/LuckysheetServer
[Luckysheet Server Starter]: https://github.com/mengshukeji/LuckysheetServerStarter
## Features
- **Formatting**: style, conditional formatting, text alignment and rotation, text truncation, overflow, automatic line wrapping, multiple data types, cell segmentation style
- **Cells**: drag and drop, fill handle, multiple selection, find and replace, location, merge cells, data verification
- **Row & column**: hide, insert, delete rows or columns, freeze, and split text
- **Operation**: undo, redo, copy, paste, cut, hot key, format painter, drag and drop selection
- **Formulas & Functions**: Built-in, remote and custom formulas
- **Tables**: filter, sort
- **Enhanced functions**: Pivot tables, charts, comments, cooperative editing, insert picture, matrix calculations, screenshots, copying to other formats, EXCEL import and export, etc.
For a more detailed feature list, please refer to: [Features](https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/guide/#features)
## 📖 Resources
- Priority reading for new users: [User Guide](https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet/wiki/User-Guide)
- For the tutorials, learning materials and supporting solutions provided by the community, please refer to: [Tutorials and Resources](https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/guide/resource.html)
## 📜 Changelog
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md).
## ❗️ Issues
Please make sure to read the [Issue Reporting Checklist](https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/guide/contribute.html#how-to-submit-issues) before opening an issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.
## ✅ TODO
Managed with [GitHub Projects](https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet/projects/1)
## 💪Contribution
Please make sure to read the[ Contributing Guide](https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/guide/contribute.html) before making a pull request.
## Usage
### First step
Introduce dependencies through CDN