forked from mirror/MCSM-Daemon
Feat: translate languages
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,13 +21,11 @@
"killProcess": "Forced kill process {{pid}}",
"uuidIrregular": "Invalid UUID {{uuid}}."
"command": {
"quotes": "Unpaired quotes,use {quotes} to bypass the limit.",
"errLen": "Incorrect command length, please double check your command format.",
"instanceNotOpen": "Failed to execute command, could not find the instance process."
"instance": {
"dirEmpty": "start command, I/O encoding, or working directory is empty.",
"dirNoE": "The working directory does not exist.",
@ -35,20 +33,17 @@
"invalidContainerName": "Invalid container name {{v}}",
"successful": "Instance {{v}} started successfully"
"start": {
"instanceNotDown": "Could not start instance: already running.",
"instanceMaturity": "Could not start instance: instance expired.",
"startInstance": "starting instance..."
"restart": {
"start": "Executing scheduled restart.",
"error1": "Error restarting instance: instance has already been restarted. Restart of last state cancelled.",
"error2": "Error restarting instance: incorrect instance status (expected: stopping, actual: running), restart cancelled.",
"restarting": "Detected an unexpected server stop, restarting..."
"general_start": {
"instanceConfigErr": "Start command,I/O encoding, or working directory is empty.",
"cwdPathNotExist": "The working directory does not exist.",
@ -62,13 +57,11 @@
"startSuccess": "Instance {{instanceUuid}} started, PID: {{pid}}",
"startOrdinaryTerminal": "Instance running. You can use command at the input box located at the bottom. If you need to use function keys like CTRL or TAB, please enable the emulation mode in terminal settings."
"general_stop": {
"notRunning": "Failed to stop instance: not running.",
"execCmd": "Executed pre-defined stop command:{{stopCommand}}\nPlease set the correct stop command in the instance settings if the instance are not stopping.",
"stopErr": "Failed to stop instance: stop command sent but the instance is not shutting down. Please double check your stop command or if instance is frozen. The status was reset to running. You can also force terminate the instance process."
"general_update": {
"statusErr_notStop": "Unable to update: incorrect instance status, it has to be stopped first.",
"statusErr_otherProgress": "Incorrect instance status: other task(s) running.",
@ -84,7 +77,6 @@
"terminateUpdate": "User request to stop the async update task for instance: {{instanceUuid}}",
"killProcess": "Killing task process..."
"pty_start": {
"cmdErr": "Start command,I/O encoding, or working directory is empty.",
"cwdNotExist": "The working directory does not exist.",
@ -104,13 +96,11 @@
"startEmulatedTerminal": "Active emulation terminal, you can use function keys (like CTRL, TAB) directly.",
"mustAbsolutePath": "In order to use the emulation terminal, you must use absolute path for your instance."
"pty_stop": {
"notRunning": "Failed to stop: not running.",
"execCmd": "Executed pre-defined stop command:{{stopCommand}}\nPlease set the correct stop command in the instance settings if the instance are not stopping.",
"stopErr": "Failed to stop instance: stop command sent but the instance is not shutting down. Please double check your stop command or if instance is frozen. The status was reset to running. You can also force terminate the instance process."
"instanceConf": {
"initInstanceErr": "Failed to initialize instance: empty identifier or configuration.",
"cantModifyInstanceType": "Unable change instance type: instance running.",
@ -125,26 +115,21 @@
"autoRestartErr": "Failed to auto restart: {{err}}",
"instantExit": "Instance exited short after started, might be due to a wrong start command or configuration."
"preset": {
"actionErr": "Pre-defined command {{action}} unavailable."
"process_config": {
"writEmpty": "Empty write content: might be due to unsupported file type."
"mc_update": {
"updateInstance": "Update instance....."
"auth_router": {
"notAccess": "Blocked an un authorized access from session {{id}}({{address}}) to {{event}}.",
"illegalAccess": "Insufficient permission, illegal access.",
"access": "Session {{id}}({{address}}) authenticated.",
"disconnect": "Session {{id}}({{address}}) disconnected due to authentication timed out."
"environment_router": {
"dockerInfoErr": "Unable to get image information, please make sure docker was correctly installed.",
"crateImage": "Daemon is creating image {{name}}:{{tag}} DockerFile as:\n{{dockerFileText}}\n",
@ -152,19 +137,16 @@
"crateErr": "Image creation {{name}}:{{tag}} error:{{error}}",
"delImage": "Daemon is deleting image {{imageId}}"
"file_router": {
"instanceNotExist": "Instance {{instanceUuid}} does not exist.",
"unzipLimit": "Exceeded the maximum allowed decompresson tasks. Limit: {{maxFileTask}},currently running: {{fileLock}}. Please wait patiently."
"http_router": {
"instanceNotExist": "Instance doesn't exist.",
"fileNameNotSpec": "File requested by user does not conform to hte specification.",
"downloadErr": "Download error: {{error}}",
"updateErr": "Unkonwn reason: Upload error"
"Instance_router": {
"requestIO": "Session {{id}} Request to redirect I/O stream of instance {{targetInstanceUuid}}",
"cancelIO": "Session {{id}} Request to stop redirect I/O stream of instance {{targetInstanceUuid}}",
@ -175,24 +157,21 @@
"accessFileErr": "Access denied due to path error or non-existent file.",
"terminalLogNotExist": "terminal log file does not exist."
"passport_router": {
"registerErr": "Invalid task name or empty token."
"stream_router": {
"unauthorizedAccess": "Insufficient perission, Illegal access.",
"taskNotExist": "Task not exist.",
"instanceNotExist": "Instance does not exist.",
"authSuccess": "Session {{id}} {{address}} I/O channel authenticated.",
"establishConnection": "Established data channel between session {{id}} {{address}} and {{uuid}}",
"disconnect": "Session {{id}} {{address}} disconnected from {{uuid}}"
"disconnect": "Session {{id}} {{address}} disconnected from {{uuid}}",
"IGNOREAccess": "illegal access"
"file_router_service": {
"instanceNotExit": "Instance {{uuid}} does not exist."
"install": {
"ptyNotSupportSystem": "Emulation terminal can only support Windows/Linux x86_64 architecture, fall back to general terminal.",
"ptySupport": "Found installed dependencies, emulation terminal is available now.",
@ -202,21 +181,17 @@
"changeModeErr": "Failed to change permission of {{path}} .Please set it to chmod 755 or above manually.",
"installErr": "Dependencies installation failed. Emulation terminal and some advancced features are not available. The installation task will be retried on next start."
"protocol": {
"socketErr": "Invalid response from session {{id}}({{address}})/{{event}} :\n"
"router": {
"initComplete": "Initialization complete."
"system_file": {
"illegalAccess": "Illegal access directory.",
"unzipLimit": "File decompression only support file size up to {{max}}GB . You can change this limit in data/Config/global.json",
"execLimit": "Exceeded the maximum file edit size limit."
"system_instance_control": {
"execLimit": "Unable to create scheduled task: limit reached.",
"existRepeatTask": "A duplicate task already exists",
@ -226,7 +201,6 @@
"crateSuccess": "Successfully created schedule task: {{name}}",
"execCmdErr": "Error on executing scheduled task {{name}} for instance {{uuid}}. Error: \n {{error}}"
"system_instance": {
"autoStart": "Sent an auto start command to instance {{name}} {{uuid}} ",
"autoStartErr": "Error while auto starting instance: {{name}} {{uuid}} Reason: {{reason}}",
@ -234,20 +208,16 @@
"checkConf": "Please verify or delete file:data/InstanceConfig/{{uuid}}.json",
"uuidEmpty": "Unable to create new instance: empty UUID."
"ui": {
"help": "[Terminal] MCSManager Daemon is able to perform operations. Use \"help\" for more information."
"version": {
"versionDetectErr": "Version check failed."
"quick_install": {
"unzipError": "Failed decompress file.",
"hiperError": "Unable to start another HiPer process: HiPer is running.!"
"hiper": {
"alreadyExist": "Unable to start multiple HiPer process: HiPer is running."
@ -21,13 +21,11 @@
"killProcess": "进程 {{pid}} 已使用系统指令强制终止进程",
"uuidIrregular": "UUID {{uuid}} 不符合规范"
"command": {
"quotes": "错误的命令双引号,无法找到成对双引号,如需使用单个双引号请使用 {quotes} 符号",
"errLen": "错误的命令长度,请确保命令格式正确",
"instanceNotOpen": "命令执行失败,因为实例实际进程不存在"
"instance": {
"dirEmpty": "启动命令,输入输出编码或工作目录为空值",
"dirNoE": "工作目录并不存在",
@ -35,20 +33,17 @@
"invalidContainerName": "非法的容器名 {{v}}",
"successful": "实例 {{v}} 启动成功"
"start": {
"instanceNotDown": "实例未处于关闭状态,无法再进行启动",
"instanceMaturity": "实例使用到期时间已到,无法再启动实例",
"startInstance": "正在准备启动实例..."
"restart": {
"start": "重启实例计划开始执行",
"error1": "重启实例状态错误,实例已被启动过,上次状态的重启计划取消",
"error2": "重启实例状态错误,实例状态应该为停止中状态,现在变为正在运行,重启计划取消",
"restarting": "检测到服务器已停止,正在重启实例..."
"general_start": {
"instanceConfigErr": "启动命令,输入输出编码或工作目录为空值",
"cwdPathNotExist": "工作目录并不存在",
@ -62,13 +57,11 @@
"startSuccess": "实例 {{instanceUuid}} 成功启动 PID: {{pid}}",
"startOrdinaryTerminal": "应用实例已运行,您可以在底部的命令输入框发送命令,如果您需要支持 Ctrl,Tab 等快捷键等高级控制台功能,请前往终端设置开启仿真终端功能"
"general_stop": {
"notRunning": "实例未处于运行中状态,无法进行停止.",
"execCmd": "已执行预设的关闭命令:{{stopCommand}}\n如果无法关闭实例请前往实例设置更改关闭实例的正确命令,比如 ^C,stop,end 等",
"stopErr": "关闭命令已发出但长时间未能关闭实例,可能是实例关闭命令错误或实例进程假死导致,现在将恢复到运行中状态,可使用强制终止指令结束进程。"
"general_update": {
"statusErr_notStop": "实例状态不正确,无法执行更新任务,必须停止实例",
"statusErr_otherProgress": "实例状态不正确,有其他任务正在运行中",
@ -84,7 +77,6 @@
"terminateUpdate": "用户请求终止实例 {{instanceUuid}} 的 update 异步任务",
"killProcess": "正在强制杀死任务进程..."
"pty_start": {
"cmdErr": "启动命令,输入输出编码或工作目录为空值",
"cwdNotExist": "工作目录并不存在",
@ -104,13 +96,11 @@
"startEmulatedTerminal": "仿真终端模式已生效,您可以直接在终端内直接输入内容并使用 Ctrl,Tab 等功能键",
"mustAbsolutePath": "仿真终端启动工作目录必须使用绝对路径,请前往实例设置界面重新设置工作路径为绝对路径"
"pty_stop": {
"notRunning": "实例未处于运行中状态,无法进行停止.",
"execCmd": "已执行预设的关闭命令:{{stopCommand}}\n如果无法关闭实例请前往实例设置更改关闭实例的正确命令,比如 exit,stop,end 等",
"stopErr": "关闭命令已发出但长时间未能关闭实例,可能是实例关闭命令错误或实例进程假死导致,现在将恢复到运行中状态,可使用强制终止指令结束进程。"
"instanceConf": {
"initInstanceErr": "初始化实例失败,唯一标识符或配置参数为空",
"cantModifyInstanceType": "正在运行时无法修改此实例类型",
@ -125,26 +115,21 @@
"autoRestartErr": "自动重启错误: {{err}}",
"instantExit": "检测到实例启动后在极短的时间内退出,原因可能是您的启动命令错误或配置文件错误。"
"preset": {
"actionErr": "预设命令 {{action}} 不可用"
"process_config": {
"writEmpty": "写入内容为空,可能是配置文件类型不支持"
"mc_update": {
"updateInstance": "更新实例....."
"auth_router": {
"notAccess": "会话 {{id}}({{address}}) 试图无权限访问 {{event}} 现已阻止.",
"illegalAccess": "非法访问",
"access": "会话 {{id}}({{address}}) 验证身份成功",
"disconnect": "会话 {{id}}({{address}}) 因长时间未验证身份而断开连接"
"environment_router": {
"dockerInfoErr": "无法获取镜像信息,请确保您已正确安装Docker环境",
"crateImage": "守护进程正在创建镜像 {{name}}:{{tag}} DockerFile 如下:\n{{dockerFileText}}\n",
@ -152,19 +137,16 @@
"crateErr": "创建镜像 {{name}}:{{tag}} 错误:{{error}}",
"delImage": "守护进程正在删除镜像 {{imageId}}"
"file_router": {
"instanceNotExist": "实例 {{instanceUuid}} 不存在",
"unzipLimit": "超出最大同时解压缩任务量,最大准许{{maxFileTask}}个,目前有{{fileLock}}个任务正在进行,请耐心等待"
"http_router": {
"instanceNotExist": "实例不存在",
"fileNameNotSpec": "用户文件下载名不符合规范",
"downloadErr": "下载出错: {{error}}",
"updateErr": "未知原因: 上传失败"
"Instance_router": {
"requestIO": "会话 {{id}} 请求转发实例 {{targetInstanceUuid}} IO 流",
"cancelIO": "会话 {{id}} 请求取消转发实例 {{targetInstanceUuid}} IO 流",
@ -175,24 +157,21 @@
"accessFileErr": "文件不存在或路径错误,文件访问被拒绝",
"terminalLogNotExist": "终端日志文件不存在"
"passport_router": {
"registerErr": "不可定义任务名或密钥为空"
"stream_router": {
"IGNOREAccess": "非法访问",
"taskNotExist": "任务不存在",
"instanceNotExist": "实例不存在",
"authSuccess": "会话 {{id}} {{address}} 数据流通道身份验证成功",
"establishConnection": "会话 {{id}} {{address}} 已与 {{uuid}} 建立数据通道",
"disconnect": "会话 {{id}} {{address}} 已与 {{uuid}} 断开数据通道"
"disconnect": "会话 {{id}} {{address}} 已与 {{uuid}} 断开数据通道",
"unauthorizedAccess": "非法访问"
"file_router_service": {
"instanceNotExit": "实例 {{uuid}} 不存在"
"install": {
"ptyNotSupportSystem": "仿真终端只能支持 Windows/Linux x86_64 架构,已自动降级为普通终端",
"ptySupport": "识别到可选依赖库安装,仿真终端功能已可用",
@ -202,21 +181,17 @@
"changeModeErr": "修改文件 {{path}} 权限失败,请手动设置其为 chmod 755 以上",
"installErr": "安装可选依赖库失败,全仿真终端和部分可选功能将无法使用,不影响正常功能,将在下次启动时再尝试安装"
"protocol": {
"socketErr": "会话 {{id}}({{address}})/{{event}} 响应数据时异常:\n"
"router": {
"initComplete": "所有功能模块与权限防火墙已初始化完毕"
"system_file": {
"illegalAccess": "非法访问路径",
"unzipLimit": "文件解压缩只支持最大 {{max}}GB 文件的解压缩,如需改变上限请前往 data/Config/global.json 文件",
"execLimit": "超出最大文件编辑限制"
"system_instance_control": {
"execLimit": "无法继续创建计划任务,以达到上限",
"existRepeatTask": "已存在重复的任务",
@ -226,7 +201,6 @@
"crateSuccess": "创建计划任务 {{name}} 完毕",
"execCmdErr": "实例 {{uuid}} 计划任务 {{name}} 执行错误: \n {{error}}"
"system_instance": {
"autoStart": "实例 {{name}} {{uuid}} 自动启动指令已发出",
"autoStartErr": "实例 {{name}} {{uuid}} 自动启动时错误: {{reason}}",
@ -234,20 +208,16 @@
"checkConf": "请检查或删除文件:data/InstanceConfig/{{uuid}}.json",
"uuidEmpty": "无法新增某实例,因为实例UUID为空"
"ui": {
"help": "[终端] 守护进程拥有基本的交互功能,请输入\"help\"查看更多信息"
"version": {
"versionDetectErr": "版本检查失败"
"quick_install": {
"unzipError": "解压文件失败",
"hiperError": "HiPer 进程已存在,不可重复启动!"
"hiper": {
"alreadyExist": "HiPer 已经启动,无法运行多个"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user