From 9fc0d4d83d0591c512492981a81fa5def792c0be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Suwings <>
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2022 13:05:03 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Refactor:=20=E9=87=8D=E5=91=BD=E5=90=8D?=
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 src/entity/commands/pty/general _start.ts | 160 ----------------------
 1 file changed, 160 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/entity/commands/pty/general _start.ts

diff --git a/src/entity/commands/pty/general _start.ts b/src/entity/commands/pty/general _start.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6600b99..0000000
--- a/src/entity/commands/pty/general _start.ts	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2022 Suwings <>
-  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-  (at your option) any later version.
-  According to the AGPL, it is forbidden to delete all copyright notices, 
-  and if you modify the source code, you must open source the
-  modified source code.
-  版权所有 (C) 2022 Suwings <>
-  该程序是免费软件,您可以重新分发和/或修改据 GNU Affero 通用公共许可证的条款,
-  由自由软件基金会,许可证的第 3 版,或(由您选择)任何更高版本。
-  根据 AGPL 与用户协议,您必须保留所有版权声明,如果修改源代码则必须开源修改后的源代码。
-  可以前往 阅读用户协议,申请闭源开发授权等。
-import os from "os";
-import Instance from "../../instance/instance";
-import logger from "../../../service/log";
-import fs from "fs-extra";
-import path from "path";
-import InstanceCommand from "../base/command";
-import EventEmitter from "events";
-import { IInstanceProcess } from "../../../entity/instance/interface";
-import { ChildProcess, exec, spawn } from "child_process";
-import { commandStringToArray } from "../base/command_parser";
-import { killProcess } from "../../../common/process_tools";
-// 启动时错误异常
-class StartupError extends Error {
-  constructor(msg: string) {
-    super(msg);
-  }
-// 进程适配器
-class ProcessAdapter extends EventEmitter implements IInstanceProcess {
-  pid?: number | string;
-  constructor(private process: ChildProcess) {
-    super();
- =;
-    process.stdout.on("data", (text) => this.emit("data", text));
-    process.stderr.on("data", (text) => this.emit("data", text));
-    process.on("exit", (code) => this.emit("exit", code));
-  }
-  public write(data?: string) {
-    return this.process.stdin.write(data);
-  }
-  public kill(s?: any) {
-    return killProcess(, this.process, s);
-  }
-  public async destroy() {
-    try {
-      if (this.process && this.process.stdout && this.process.stderr) {
-        // 移除所有动态新增的事件监听者
-        for (const eventName of this.process.stdout.eventNames()) this.process.stdout.removeAllListeners(eventName);
-        for (const eventName of this.process.stderr.eventNames()) this.process.stderr.removeAllListeners(eventName);
-        for (const eventName of this.process.eventNames()) this.process.removeAllListeners(eventName);
-        this.process.stdout.destroy();
-        this.process.stderr.destroy();
-      }
-    } catch (error) {}
-  }
-export default class PtyStartCommand extends InstanceCommand {
-  constructor() {
-    super("PtyStartCommand");
-  }
-  async exec(instance: Instance, source = "Unknown") {
-    if (!instance.config.startCommand || !instance.config.cwd || ! || !instance.config.oe) return instance.failure(new StartupError("启动命令,输入输出编码或工作目录为空值"));
-    if (!fs.existsSync(instance.absoluteCwdPath())) return instance.failure(new StartupError("工作目录并不存在"));
-    try {
-      instance.setLock(true);
-      // 设置启动状态
-      instance.status(Instance.STATUS_STARTING);
-      // 启动次数增加
-      instance.startCount++;
-      // 命令解析
-      const commandList = commandStringToArray(instance.config.startCommand);
-      if (commandList.length === 0) {
-        return instance.failure(new StartupError("无法启动实例,启动命令为空"));
-      }
-      let ptyAppName = "pty.exe";
-      if (os.platform() !== "win32") ptyAppName = "pty";
-      const ptyAppPath = path.normalize(path.join(process.cwd(), "lib", ptyAppName));
-      const ptyParameter = ["-dir", instance.config.cwd, "-cmd", commandList.join(" "), "-size", `${instance.config.ptyWindowCol},${instance.config.ptyWindowRow}`];
-`会话 ${source}: 请求开启实例.`);
-`实例标识符: [${instance.instanceUuid}]`);
-`启动命令: ${commandList.join(" ")}`);
-`PTY 路径: ${[ptyAppPath]}`);
-`PTY 参数: ${ptyParameter.join(" ")}`);
-`工作目录: ${instance.config.cwd}`);
-      if (!fs.existsSync(ptyAppPath)) {
-        console.log(ptyAppPath);
-        return instance.failure(new StartupError("PTY 转发程序不存在,请勿使用 PTY 模式,请在终端设置中更改"));
-      }
-      // 创建子进程
-      // 参数1直接传进程名或路径(含空格),无需双引号
-      console.log(path.dirname(ptyAppPath));
-      const subProcess = spawn(ptyAppName, ptyParameter, {
-        cwd: path.dirname(ptyAppPath),
-        stdio: "pipe",
-        windowsHide: true
-      });
-      // 子进程创建结果检查
-      if (!subProcess || ! {
-        instance.println(
-          "ERROR",
-          `检测到实例进程/容器启动失败(PID 为空),其可能的原因是:
-1. 实例启动命令编写错误,请前往实例设置界面检查启动命令与参数。
-2. 系统主机环境不正确或缺少环境,如 Java 环境等。
-        );
-        throw new StartupError("实例启动失败,请检查启动命令,主机环境和配置文件等");
-      }
-      // 创建进程适配器
-      const processAdapter = new ProcessAdapter(subProcess);
-      // 产生开启事件
-      instance.started(processAdapter);
-`实例 ${instance.instanceUuid} 成功启动 PID: ${}.`);
-    } catch (err) {
-      instance.instanceStatus = Instance.STATUS_STOP;
-      instance.releaseResources();
-      return instance.failure(err);
-    } finally {
-      instance.setLock(false);
-    }
-  }