
A rule based proxy For Mac base on [Clash]( ## Features - HTTP/HTTPS and SOCKS protocol - Surge like configuration - GeoIP rule support - Support Vmess/Shadowsocks/Socks5 - Support for Netfilter TCP redirect ## Install You can download from [Release]( page **Download ClashX Pro With enhanced mode and other advance feature at [AppCenter]( for free permanently.** **Download ClashX Pro Beta with Native Apple Silicon support at [AppCenter-CXP-AppleSilicon](** ## Build - Make sure have python3 and golang installed in your computer. - Download deps ``` bash ``` - Build and run. ## Config The default configuration directory is `$HOME/.config/clash` The default name of the configuration file is `config.yaml`. You can use your custom config name and switch config in menu `Config` section. Checkout [Clash]( or [SS-Rule-Snippet for Clash]( or [lancellc's gitbook]( for more detail. ## Advance Config ### Change the ports of ClashX Please modify the `config.yaml` file generated by ClashX, not the other config file you created or downloaded. The `General` section settings in your custom config file would be ignored. ### Change your status menu icon Place your icon file in the `~/.config/clash/menuImage.png` then restart ClashX ### Change default system ignore list. - Download sample plist in the [Here](proxyIgnoreList.plist) and place in the ``` ~/.config/clash/proxyIgnoreList.plist ``` - Edit the `proxyIgnoreList.plist` to set up your own proxy ignore list ### Use url scheme to import remote config. - Using url scheme describe below ``` clash://install-config? ```