# ClashX A rule based proxy For Mac base on [clash](https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash). # Features HTTP/HTTPS and SOCKS proxy Surge like configuration GeoIP rule support # Install You can download from [release](https://github.com/yichengchen/clashX/releases) page # Config You can use config generator in Status Bar Menu "Config" section. Config support most of surge rules. Configuration file at $HOME/.config/clash/config.ini Below is a simple demo configuration file: ``` [General] port = 7890 socks-port = 7891 [Proxy] # name = ss, server, port, cipter, password Proxy = ss, server, port, AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305, password [Rule] DOMAIN-SUFFIX,google.com,Proxy DOMAIN-KEYWORD,google,Proxy DOMAIN-SUFFIX,ad.com,REJECT GEOIP,CN,DIRECT FINAL,,Proxy // notice there is two "," ```