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import projectModel from '../models/project.js'
import yapi from '../yapi.js'
import baseController from './base.js'
import interfaceModel from '../models/interface.js'
import groupModel from '../models/group'
import commons from '../utils/commons.js'
class projectController extends baseController {
this.Model = yapi.getInst(projectModel);
this.groupModel = yapi.getInst(groupModel);
* 添加项目分组
* @interface /project/add
* @method POST
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {String} name 项目名称,不能为空
* @param {String} basepath 项目基本路径,不能为空
* @param {String} prd_host 项目线上域名,不能为空。可通过配置的域名访问到mock数据
* @param {Number} group_id 项目分组id,不能为空
* @param {String} [desc] 项目描述
* @returns {Object}
* @example ./api/project/add.json
async add(ctx) {
let params = ctx.request.body;
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目分组id不能为空');
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目名不能为空');
let checkRepeat = await this.Model.checkNameRepeat(params.name);
if(checkRepeat > 0){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的项目名');
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目basepath不能为空');
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目domain不能为空');
let checkRepeatDomain = await this.Model.checkDomainRepeat(params.prd_host, params.basepath);
if(checkRepeatDomain > 0){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在domain和basepath');
let data = {
name: params.name,
desc: params.desc,
prd_host: params.prd_host,
basepath: params.basepath,
members: [this.getUid()],
uid: this.getUid(),
group_id: params.group_id,
add_time: yapi.commons.time(),
up_time: yapi.commons.time()
let result = await this.Model.save(data);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message)
* 添加项目
* @interface /project/add_member
* @method POST
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {Number} id 项目id,不能为空
* @param {String} member_uid 项目成员uid,不能为空
* @returns {Object}
* @example ./api/project/add_member.json
async addMember(ctx){
let params = ctx.request.body;
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目成员uid不能为空');
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目id不能为空');
var check = await this.Model.checkMemberRepeat(params.id, params.member_uid);
if(check > 0){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目成员已存在');
let result = await this.Model.addMember(params.id, params.member_uid);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message)
* 添加项目
* @interface /project/del_member
* @method POST
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {Number} id 项目id,不能为空
* @param {member_uid} uid 项目成员uid,不能为空
* @returns {Object}
* @example ./api/project/del_member.json
async delMember(ctx){
let params = ctx.request.body;
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目成员uid不能为空');
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目id不能为空');
var check = await this.Model.checkMemberRepeat(params.id, params.member_uid);
if(check === 0){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目成员不存在');
let result = await this.Model.delMember(params.id, params.member_uid);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message)
* 获取项目成员列表
* @interface /project/get_member_list
* @method GET
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {Number} id 项目id,不能为空
* @return {Object}
* @example ./api/project/get_member_list.json
async getMemberList(ctx) {
let params = ctx.request.query;
if(!params.id) {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目id不能为空');
try {
let project = await this.Model.get(params.id);
let userInst = yapi.getInst(userModel);
let result = [];
for(let i of project.members) {
let user = await userInst.findById(i);
_id: user._id,
email: user.email,
role: user.role,
add_time: user.add_time,
up_time: user.up_time
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
} catch(e) {
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message);
* 添加项目
* @interface /project/get
* @method GET
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {Number} id 项目id,不能为空
* @returns {Object}
* @example ./api/project/get.json
async get(ctx){
let params = ctx.request.query;
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目id不能为空');
let result = await this.Model.get(params.id);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message)
* 获取项目列表
* @interface /project/list
* @method GET
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {Number} group_id 项目group_id,不能为空
* @param {Number} [pageNo] 分页页码
* @param {Number} [pageSize] 分页大小
* @returns {Object}
* @example ./api/project/list.json
async list(ctx) {
let group_id = ctx.request.query.group_id,
pageNo = ctx.request.query.pageNo || 1,
pageSize = ctx.request.query.pageSize || 10;
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目分组id不能为空');
let result = await this.Model.list(group_id);
let resResult = [];
for(let i = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize; i < pageNo * pageSize; i++) {
if(!result[i]) break;
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn({
total: result.length,
list: resResult
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message)
* 删除项目
* @interface /project/del
* @method POST
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {Number} id 项目id,不能为空
* @returns {Object}
* @example ./api/project/del.json
async del(ctx){
let id = ctx.request.body.id;
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目id不能为空');
let interfaceInst = yapi.getInst(interfaceModel);
let count = await interfaceInst.countByProjectId(id);
if(count > 0){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '请先删除该项目下所有接口');
if(await this.jungeProjectAuth(id) !== true){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 405, '没有权限');
let result = await this.Model.del(id);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message)
* 编辑项目
* @interface /project/up
* @method GET
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {Number} id 项目id,不能为空
* @param {String} name 项目名称,不能为空
* @param {String} basepath 项目基本路径,不能为空
* @param {String} prd_host 项目线上域名,不能为空。可通过配置的域名访问到mock数据
* @param {String} [desc] 项目描述
* @param {Array} [env] 项目环境配置
* @param {String} [env[].name] 环境名称
* @param {String} [env[].host] 环境域名
* @returns {Object}
* @example ./api/project/up.json
async up(ctx){
let id = ctx.request.body.id;
let params = ctx.request.body;
if(await this.jungeMemberAuth(id, this.getUid()) !== true){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 405, '没有权限');
let checkRepeat = await this.Model.checkNameRepeat(params.name);
if(checkRepeat > 0){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的项目名');
if(params.basepath && params.prd_host){
let checkRepeatDomain = await this.Model.checkDomainRepeat(params.prd_host, params.basepath);
if(checkRepeatDomain > 0){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在domain和basepath');
let data= {
uid: this.getUid(),
up_time: yapi.commons.time()
if(params.name) data.name = params.name;
if(params.desc) data.desc = params.desc;
if(params.prd_host && params.basepath){
data.prd_host = params.prd_host;
data.basepath = params.basepath;
if(params.env) data.env = params.env;
let result = await this.Model.up(id, data);
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result)
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message)
* 模糊搜索项目名称或者组名称
* @interface /project/search
* @method GET
* @category project
* @foldnumber 10
* @param {String} q
* @return {Object}
* @example ./api/project/search.json
async search(ctx) {
const { q } = ctx.request.query;
if (!q) {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(void 0, 400, 'No keyword.')
if (!yapi.commons.validateSearchKeyword(q)) {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(void 0, 400, 'Bad query.')
let projectList = await this.Model.search(q);
let groupList = await this.groupModel.search(q);
let projectRules = [
{ key: 'group_id', alias: 'groupId' },
{ key: 'up_time', alias: 'upTime' },
{ key: 'prd_host', alias: 'prdHost' },
{ key: 'add_time', alias: 'addTime' }
let groupRules = [
{ key: 'group_name', alias: 'groupName'},
{ key: 'group_desc', alias: 'groupDesc' },
{ key: 'add_time', alias: 'addTime' },
{ key: 'up_time', alias: 'upTime' }
projectList = commons.filterRes(projectList, projectRules);
groupList = commons.filterRes(groupList, groupRules);
let queryList = {
project: projectList,
group: groupList
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(queryList, 200, 'ok')
module.exports = projectController; |