import React, { Component } from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { fetchInterfaceColList, fetchInterfaceCaseList, setColData } from '../../../../reducer/modules/interfaceCol' import { autobind } from 'core-decorators'; import axios from 'axios'; import { Input, Icon, Tag, Modal, message, Tooltip, Tree, Dropdown, Menu, Form } from 'antd'; const TreeNode = Tree.TreeNode; const FormItem = Form.Item; const confirm = Modal.confirm; import './InterfaceColMenu.scss' const ColModalForm = Form.create()((props) => { const { visible, onCancel, onCreate, form, title } = props; const { getFieldDecorator } = form; return (
{getFieldDecorator('colName', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入集合命名!' }] })( )} {getFieldDecorator('colDesc')()}
) }); @connect( state => { return { interfaceColList: state.interfaceCol.interfaceColList, currColId: state.interfaceCol.currColId, currCaseId: state.interfaceCol.currCaseId, isShowCol: state.interfaceCol.isShowCol } }, { fetchInterfaceColList, fetchInterfaceCaseList, setColData } ) @withRouter export default class InterfaceColMenu extends Component { static propTypes = { match: PropTypes.object, interfaceColList: PropTypes.array, fetchInterfaceColList: PropTypes.func, fetchInterfaceCaseList: PropTypes.func, setColData: PropTypes.func, history: PropTypes.object, currColId: PropTypes.number, currCaseId: PropTypes.number, isShowCol: PropTypes.bool } state = { expandedKeys: [], colModalType: '', colModalVisible: false, editColId: 0 } constructor(props) { super(props) } async componentWillMount() { const { isShowCol, currColId, currCaseId } = this.props; const action = isShowCol ? 'col' : 'case'; const actionId = isShowCol ? currColId : currCaseId; this.setState({expandedKeys: [action+'_'+actionId]}) } async componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const { currColId } = nextProps; let expandedKeys = this.state.expandedKeys; if (expandedKeys.indexOf('col_'+currColId) === -1) { expandedKeys = expandedKeys.concat(['col_'+currColId]) } this.setState({expandedKeys}) } @autobind async addorEditCol() { const { colName: name, colDesc: desc } = this.form.getFieldsValue(); const { colModalType, editColId: col_id } = this.state; const project_id =; let res = {}; if (colModalType === 'add') { res = await'/api/col/add_col', { name, desc, project_id }) } else if (colModalType === 'edit') { res = await'/api/col/up_col', { name, desc, col_id }) } if (! { this.setState({ colModalVisible: false }); message.success(colModalType === 'edit' ? '修改集合成功' : '添加集合成功'); await this.props.fetchInterfaceColList(project_id); } else { message.error(; } } onExpand = (keys) => { this.setState({expandedKeys: keys}) } onSelect = (keys) => { if (keys.length) { const type = keys[0].split('_')[0]; const id = keys[0].split('_')[1]; const project_id = if (type === 'col') { this.props.setColData({ isShowCol: true, currColId: +id }) this.props.history.push('/project/' + project_id + '/interface/col/' + id) } else { this.props.setColData({ isShowCol: false, currCaseId: +id }) this.props.history.push('/project/' + project_id + '/interface/case/' + id) } } } showDelColConfirm = (colId) => { let that = this; confirm({ title: '您确认删除此测试集合', content: '温馨提示:该操作会删除该集合下所有测试用例,用例删除后无法恢复', async onOk() { const res = await axios.get('/api/col/del_col?col_id=' + colId) if (! { message.success('删除集合成功'); await that.props.fetchInterfaceColList(; } else { message.error(; } } }); } showDelCaseConfirm = (caseId) => { let that = this; confirm({ title: '您确认删除此测试用例', content: '温馨提示:用例删除后无法恢复', async onOk() { const res = await axios.get('/api/col/del_case?caseid=' + caseId) if (! { message.success('删除用例成功'); await that.props.fetchInterfaceColList(; } else { message.error(; } } }); } showColModal = (type, col) => { const editCol = type === 'edit' ? {colName:, colDesc: col.desc} : {colName: '', colDesc: ''}; this.setState({ colModalVisible: true, colModalType: type || 'add', editColId: col && col._id }) this.form.setFieldsValue(editCol) } saveFormRef = (form) => { this.form = form; } render() { const { currColId, currCaseId, isShowCol } = this.props; const { colModalType, colModalVisible } = this.state; const menu = (col) => { return ( this.showColModal('edit', col)}>修改集合 { this.showDelColConfirm(col._id) }}>删除集合 ) }; return (
this.showColModal('add')} >
{ => ( {}
} > { col.caseList && => ( {interfaceCase.casename} { this.showDelCaseConfirm(interfaceCase._id) }} /> } > )) } )) } { this.setState({ colModalVisible: false }) }} onCreate={this.addorEditCol} > ) } }