import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Form, Input, Icon, Tooltip, Select, Button, Row, Col, message, Card, Radio, Alert, Modal, Popover, Affix } from 'antd'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { updateProject, delProject, getProjectMsg, upsetProject } from '../../../../reducer/modules/project'; import { fetchGroupMsg } from '../../../../reducer/modules/group'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; const { TextArea } = Input; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; const FormItem = Form.Item; const Option = Select.Option; const RadioGroup = Radio.Group; const RadioButton = Radio.Button; import constants from '../../../../constants/variable.js'; const confirm = Modal.confirm; import '../Setting.scss'; // layout const formItemLayout = { labelCol: { lg: { offset: 1, span: 3 }, xs: { span: 24 }, sm: { span: 6 } }, wrapperCol: { lg: { span: 19 }, xs: { span: 24 }, sm: { span: 14 } }, className: 'form-item' }; let uuid = 0; // 环境配置的计数 @connect( state => { return { projectList: state.project.projectList, projectMsg: state.project.projectMsg } }, { updateProject, delProject, getProjectMsg, fetchGroupMsg, upsetProject } ) @withRouter class ProjectMessage extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { protocol: 'http:\/\/', envProtocolChange: 'http:\/\/', projectMsg: {} } } static propTypes = { projectId: PropTypes.number, form: PropTypes.object, updateProject: PropTypes.func, delProject: PropTypes.func, getProjectMsg: PropTypes.func, history: PropTypes.object, fetchGroupMsg: PropTypes.func, upsetProject: PropTypes.func, projectList: PropTypes.array, projectMsg: PropTypes.object } // 修改线上域名的协议类型 (http/https) protocolChange = (value) => { this.setState({ protocol: value, currGroup: '' }) } // 确认修改 handleOk = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const { form, updateProject, projectMsg } = this.props; form.validateFields((err, values) => { if (!err) { let assignValue = Object.assign(projectMsg, values); values.protocol = this.state.protocol.split(':')[0]; assignValue.env =, index) => { return { name: values['envs-name-' + index], domain: values['envs-protocol-' + index] + values['envs-domain-' + index] } }); updateProject(assignValue).then((res) => { if ( == 0) { this.props.getProjectMsg(this.props.projectId); message.success('修改成功! '); // this.props.history.push('/group'); } else { message.error(; } }).catch(() => { }); form.resetFields(); } }); } // 项目的修改操作 - 删除一项环境配置 remove = (id) => { const { form } = this.props; // can use data-binding to get const envs = form.getFieldValue('envs'); // We need at least one passenger if (envs.length === 0) { return; } // can use data-binding to set form.setFieldsValue({ envs: envs.filter(key => { const realKey = key._id ? key._id : key return realKey !== id; }) }); } // 项目的修改操作 - 添加一项环境配置 add = () => { uuid++; const { form } = this.props; // can use data-binding to get const envs = form.getFieldValue('envs'); const nextKeys = envs.concat(uuid); // can use data-binding to set // important! notify form to detect changes form.setFieldsValue({ envs: nextKeys }); } showConfirm = () => { let that = this; confirm({ title: "确认删除 " + + " 项目吗?", content:


, onOk() { let groupName = document.getElementById('project_name').value; if ( !== groupName) { message.error('项目名称有误') return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject('error') }) } else { that.props.delProject(that.props.projectId).then((res) => { if ( == 0) { message.success('删除成功!'); that.props.history.push('/group'); } }); } }, iconType: 'delete', onCancel() { } }); } // 修改项目头像的背景颜色 changeProjectColor = (e) => { const { _id, color, icon } = this.props.projectMsg; this.props.upsetProject({ id: _id, color: || color, icon }).then((res) => { if ( === 0) { this.props.getProjectMsg(this.props.projectId); } }); } // 修改项目头像的图标 changeProjectIcon = (e) => { const { _id, color, icon } = this.props.projectMsg; this.props.upsetProject({ id: _id, color, icon: || icon }).then((res) => { if ( === 0) { this.props.getProjectMsg(this.props.projectId); } }); } async componentWillMount() { await this.props.getProjectMsg(this.props.projectId); const groupMsg = await this.props.fetchGroupMsg(this.props.projectMsg.group_id); this.setState({ currGroup: }); } render() { const { getFieldDecorator, getFieldValue } = this.props.form; const { projectMsg } = this.props; const mockUrl = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port !== "" ? ":" + location.port : "") + `/mock/${projectMsg._id}${projectMsg.basepath}+$接口请求路径` let initFormValues = {}; let envMessage = []; const { name, basepath, desc, env, project_type } = projectMsg; initFormValues = { name, basepath, desc, env, project_type }; if (env && env.length !== 0) { envMessage = env; } getFieldDecorator('envs', { initialValue: envMessage }); const envs = getFieldValue('envs'); const envSettingItems =, index) => { const secondIndex = 'next' + index; // 为保证key的唯一性 return ( 环境名称) : ''} required={false} key={index} > {getFieldDecorator(`envs-name-${index}`, { validateTrigger: ['onChange', 'onBlur'], initialValue: envMessage.length !== 0 ? : '', rules: [{ required: false, whitespace: true, validator(rule, value, callback) { if (value) { if (value.length === 0) { callback('请输入环境域名'); } else if (!/\S/.test(value)) { callback('请输入环境域名'); } else if (/prd/.test(value)) { callback('环境域名不能是"prd"'); } else { return callback(); } } else { callback('请输入环境域名'); } } }] })( )} 环境域名) : ''} required={false} key={secondIndex} > {getFieldDecorator(`envs-domain-${index}`, { validateTrigger: ['onChange', 'onBlur'], initialValue: envMessage.length !== 0 && k.domain ? k.domain.split('\/\/')[1] : '', rules: [{ required: false, whitespace: true, validator(rule, value, callback) { if (value) { if (value.length === 0) { callback('请输入环境域名!'); } else if (/\s/.test(value)) { callback('环境域名不允许出现空格!'); } else if (/\//.test(value)) { callback('环境域名不允许出现‘\/’!'); } else { return callback(); } } else { callback('请输入环境域名!'); } } }] })( )} /> )} {/* 新增的项中,只有最后一项有删除按钮 */} {(envs.length > 0 && k._id) || (envs.length == index + 1) ? ( { return this.remove(k._id ? k._id : k); }} /> ) : null} ); }); const colorArr = Object.entries(constants.PROJECT_COLOR); const colorSelector = ( {, index) => { return ({item[0] === projectMsg.color ? : null}); })} ); const iconSelector = ( { => { return (); })} ); return (

{this.state.currGroup + ' / ' +}


{this.props.projectMsg._id} {getFieldDecorator('name', { initialValue:, rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入项目名称!' }] })( )} 接口基本路径  )} > {getFieldDecorator('basepath', { initialValue: initFormValues.basepath, rules: [{ required: false, message: '请输入基本路径! ' }] })( )} MOCK地址  )} > {}} /> {getFieldDecorator('desc', { initialValue: initFormValues.desc, rules: [{ required: false, message: '描述不超过50字!', max: 50 }] })(