import React, { Component } from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { fetchInterfaceList, fetchInterfaceData, deleteInterfaceData, deleteInterfaceCatData, initInterface } from '../../../../reducer/modules/interface.js'; import { Menu, Input, Icon, Tag, Modal, message, Tree, Dropdown } from 'antd'; import AddInterfaceForm from './AddInterfaceForm'; import AddInterfaceCatForm from './AddInterfaceCatForm'; import axios from 'axios' import { Link, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; const confirm = Modal.confirm; const TreeNode = Tree.TreeNode; @connect( state => { return { list: state.inter.list, inter: state.inter.curdata, curProject: state.project.curProject } }, { fetchInterfaceList, fetchInterfaceData, deleteInterfaceCatData, deleteInterfaceData, initInterface } ) class InterfaceMenu extends Component { static propTypes = { match: PropTypes.object, inter: PropTypes.object, projectId: PropTypes.string, list: PropTypes.array, fetchInterfaceList: PropTypes.func, curProject: PropTypes.object, fetchInterfaceData: PropTypes.func, addInterfaceData: PropTypes.func, deleteInterfaceData: PropTypes.func, initInterface: PropTypes.func, history: PropTypes.object, router: PropTypes.object } /** * @param {String} key */ changeModal = (key, status) => { //visible add_cat_modal_visible change_cat_modal_visible del_cat_modal_visible let newState = {} newState[key] = status this.setState(newState); } handleCancel = () => { this.setState({ visible: false }); } constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { curKey: null, visible: false, delIcon: null, curCatid: null, add_cat_modal_visible: false, change_cat_modal_visible: false, del_cat_modal_visible: false, curCatdata: {} } } async handleRequest() { this.props.initInterface() await this.props.fetchInterfaceList(this.props.projectId); // if(!params.actionId){ // this.props.history.replace('/project/' + '/interface/api/' +[0]._id) // } } componentWillMount() { this.handleRequest() } // componentWillReceiveProps() { // this.handleRequest() // } onSelect = (selectedKeys, info) => { console.log('selected', selectedKeys, info); } handleAddInterface = (data) => { data.project_id = this.props.projectId;'/api/interface/add', data).then((res) => { if ( !== 0) { return message.error(; } message.success('接口添加成功') this.props.fetchInterfaceList(this.props.projectId) this.setState({ visible: false }); }) } handleAddInterfaceCat = (data) => { data.project_id = this.props.projectId;'/api/interface/add_cat', data).then((res) => { if ( !== 0) { return message.error(; } message.success('接口分类添加成功') this.props.fetchInterfaceList(this.props.projectId) this.setState({ add_cat_modal_visible: false }); }) } handleChangeInterfaceCat = (data) => { let params = { catid: this.state.curCatdata._id, name: }'/api/interface/up_cat', params).then((res) => { if ( !== 0) { return message.error(; } message.success('接口分类更新成功') this.props.fetchInterfaceList(this.props.projectId) this.setState({ change_cat_modal_visible: false }); }) } showConfirm = (id) => { let that = this; confirm({ title: '您确认删除此接口', content: '温馨提示:接口删除后,无法恢复', async onOk() { await that.props.deleteInterfaceData(id, that.props.projectId) await that.props.fetchInterfaceList(that.props.projectId) }, onCancel() { } }); } showDelCatConfirm = (catid) => { let that = this; confirm({ title: '您确认删除此接口分类', content: '温馨提示:该操作会删除该分类下所有接口,接口删除后无法恢复', async onOk() { await that.props.deleteInterfaceCatData(catid, that.props.projectId) await that.props.fetchInterfaceList(that.props.projectId) }, onCancel() { } }); } enterItem = (id) => { this.setState({ delIcon: id }) } leaveItem = () => { this.setState({ delIcon: null }) } onFilter = (e) => { this.setState({ filter: }) } render() { const matchParams = this.props.match.params; const item_interface_create = (item) => { let color, filter = this.state.filter; if (filter && item.title.indexOf(filter) === -1 && item.path.indexOf(filter) === -1) { return null; } switch (item.method) { case 'GET': color = "green"; break; case 'POST': color = "blue"; break; case 'PUT': color = "yellow"; break; case 'DELETE': color = 'red'; break; default: color = "green"; } return this.enterItem(item._id)} onMouseLeave={this.leaveItem} > {item.method}{item.title} { this.showConfirm(item._id) }} style={{ display: this.state.delIcon == item._id ? 'block' : 'none' }} /> } key={'' + item._id} /> } const menu = (item) => { return { this.changeModal('visible', true); this.setState({ curCatid: item._id }) }}>添加接口 { this.changeModal('change_cat_modal_visible', true); this.setState({ curCatdata: item }) }}>修改分类 { this.showDelCatConfirm(item._id) }}>删除分类 }; const defaultExpandedKeys = ()=>{ const {router, inter, list} = this.props; if(list.length === 0) return null; if(router){ if(!isNaN(router.params.actionId)){ let _actionId = parseInt(router.params.actionId, 10) if(!inter._id || inter._id !== _actionId)return null; return { expands: ['group-' + inter.catid], selects: [inter._id+""] } }else{ let catid = router.params.actionId.substr(4); return { expands: ['group-' + catid], selects: ['group-' + catid] } } }else{ return { expands: ['group-' + list[0]._id], selects: ['root'] } } } const currentKes = defaultExpandedKeys(); return
this.changeModal('add_cat_modal_visible', true)} /> this.changeModal('visible', false)} onSubmit={this.handleAddInterface} /> this.changeModal('add_cat_modal_visible', false)} onSubmit={this.handleAddInterfaceCat} /> this.changeModal('change_cat_modal_visible', false)} onSubmit={this.handleChangeInterfaceCat} />
{this.props.list.length > 0 ? 全部接口} key="root" /> { => { return {}
} key={'group-' + item._id} > {}
})} : null} } } export default withRouter(InterfaceMenu)