feat: params trim

This commit is contained in:
suxiaoxin 2017-07-26 14:22:59 +08:00
parent 2b8eb63fbf
commit be42920b36
10 changed files with 341 additions and 163 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ class groupController extends baseController{
async add(ctx) {
let params = ctx.request.body;
params = yapi.commons.handleParams(params, {
group_name: 'string',
group_desc: 'string'
if(this.getRole() !== 'admin'){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null,401,'没有权限');
@ -38,7 +42,7 @@ class groupController extends baseController{
let data = {
group_name: params.group_name,
group_desc: params.group_desc,
uid: '0',
uid: this.getUid(),
add_time: yapi.commons.time(),
up_time: yapi.commons.time()
@ -124,6 +128,12 @@ class groupController extends baseController{
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null,401,'没有权限');
ctx.request.body = yapi.commons.handleParams(ctx.request.body, {
id: 'number',
group_name: 'string',
group_desc: 'string'
var groupInst = yapi.getInst(groupModel);
let id = ctx.request.body.id;
let data = {};

View File

@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ class interfaceController extends baseController{
async add(ctx){
let params = ctx.request.body;
params = yapi.commons.handleParams(params, {
title: 'string',
path: 'string',
method: 'string',
desc: 'string'
params.method = params.method || 'GET';
params.method = params.method.toUpperCase()
params.res_body_type = params.res_body_type ? params.res_body_type.toLowerCase() : 'json';
@ -159,6 +165,12 @@ class interfaceController extends baseController{
async up(ctx){
let params = ctx.request.body;
params = yapi.commons.handleParams(params, {
title: 'string',
path: 'string',
method: 'string',
desc: 'string'
params.method = params.method || 'GET';
params.method = params.method.toUpperCase()
let id = ctx.request.body.id;

View File

@ -49,7 +49,14 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
async add(ctx) {
let params = ctx.request.body;
params = yapi.commons.handleParams(params, {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
prd_host: 'string',
protocol: 'string',
group_id: 'number',
desc: 'string'
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目分组id不能为空');
@ -322,6 +329,14 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
let id = ctx.request.body.id;
let params = ctx.request.body;
params = yapi.commons.handleParams(params, {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
prd_host: 'string',
protocol: 'string',
group_id: 'number',
desc: 'string'
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 405, '项目id不能为空');

View File

@ -241,6 +241,13 @@ class userController extends baseController {
async reg(ctx) { //注册
var userInst = yapi.getInst(userModel);
let params = ctx.request.body; //获取请求的参数,检查是否存在用户名和密码
params = yapi.commons.handleParams(params, {
username: 'string',
password: 'string',
email: 'string'
if (!params.email) {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '邮箱不能为空');
@ -395,6 +402,10 @@ class userController extends baseController {
async update(ctx){ //更新用户信息
let params = ctx.request.body;
params = yapi.commons.handleParams(params, {
username: 'string',
email: 'string'
if(this.getRole() !== 'admin' && params.uid != this.getUid()){
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null,401,'没有权限');

View File

@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ exports.sendMail = (options, cb) => {
try {
from: yapi.WEBCONFIG.mail.auth.user,
to: options.to,
subject: 'yapi平台',
html: options.contents
from: yapi.WEBCONFIG.mail.auth.user,
to: options.to,
subject: 'yapi平台',
html: options.contents
}, cb)
} catch (e) {
@ -150,4 +150,41 @@ exports.verifyPath = (path) => {
} else {
return false;
function trim(str) {
if (!str) return str;
str = str + '';
return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
function ltrim(str) {
if (!str) return str;
str = str + '';
return str.replace(/(^\s*)/g, "");
function rtrim(str) {
if (!str) return str;
str = str + '';
return str.replace(/(\s*$)/g, "");
exports.trim = trim;
exports.ltrim = ltrim;
exports.rtrim = rtrim;
exports.handleParams = (params, keys) => {
if (!params || typeof params !== 'object' || !keys || typeof keys !== 'object') return false;
for (var key in keys) {
var filter = keys[key];
if (params[key]) {
switch (filter) {
case 'string': params[key] = trim(params[key] + ''); break;
case 'number': params[key] = parseInt(params[key], 10); break;
default: params[key] = trim(params + '');
return params;

View File

@ -83,68 +83,73 @@ var groupController = function (_baseController) {
case 0:
params = ctx.request.body;
params = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(params, {
group_name: 'string',
group_desc: 'string'
if (!(this.getRole() !== 'admin')) {
_context.next = 3;
_context.next = 4;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '没有权限'));
case 3:
case 4:
if (params.group_name) {
_context.next = 5;
_context.next = 6;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目分组名不能为空'));
case 5:
case 6:
groupInst = _yapi2.default.getInst(_group2.default);
_context.next = 8;
_context.next = 9;
return groupInst.checkRepeat(params.group_name);
case 8:
case 9:
checkRepeat = _context.sent;
if (!(checkRepeat > 0)) {
_context.next = 11;
_context.next = 12;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '项目分组名已存在'));
case 11:
case 12:
data = {
group_name: params.group_name,
group_desc: params.group_desc,
uid: '0',
uid: this.getUid(),
add_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time(),
up_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time()
_context.prev = 12;
_context.next = 15;
_context.prev = 13;
_context.next = 16;
return groupInst.save(data);
case 15:
case 16:
result = _context.sent;
result = _yapi2.default.commons.fieldSelect(result, ['_id', 'group_name', 'group_desc', 'uid']);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context.next = 23;
_context.next = 24;
case 20:
_context.prev = 20;
_context.t0 = _context['catch'](12);
case 21:
_context.prev = 21;
_context.t0 = _context['catch'](13);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context.t0.message);
case 23:
case 24:
case 'end':
return _context.stop();
}, _callee, this, [[12, 20]]);
}, _callee, this, [[13, 21]]);
function add(_x) {
@ -323,6 +328,13 @@ var groupController = function (_baseController) {
case 2:
_context4.prev = 2;
ctx.request.body = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(ctx.request.body, {
id: 'number',
group_name: 'string',
group_desc: 'string'
groupInst = _yapi2.default.getInst(_group2.default);
id = ctx.request.body.id;
data = {};
@ -332,28 +344,28 @@ var groupController = function (_baseController) {
if ((0, _keys2.default)(data).length === 0) {
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 404, '分组名和分组描述不能为空');
_context4.next = 11;
_context4.next = 12;
return groupInst.up(id, data);
case 11:
case 12:
result = _context4.sent;
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context4.next = 18;
_context4.next = 19;
case 15:
_context4.prev = 15;
case 16:
_context4.prev = 16;
_context4.t0 = _context4['catch'](2);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, e.message);
case 18:
case 19:
case 'end':
return _context4.stop();
}, _callee4, this, [[2, 15]]);
}, _callee4, this, [[2, 16]]);
function up(_x4) {

View File

@ -94,49 +94,55 @@ var interfaceController = function (_baseController) {
case 0:
params = ctx.request.body;
params = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(params, {
title: 'string',
path: 'string',
method: 'string',
desc: 'string'
params.method = params.method || 'GET';
params.method = params.method.toUpperCase();
params.res_body_type = params.res_body_type ? params.res_body_type.toLowerCase() : 'json';
if (params.project_id) {
_context.next = 6;
_context.next = 7;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目id不能为空'));
case 6:
case 7:
if (params.path) {
_context.next = 8;
_context.next = 9;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '接口请求路径不能为空'));
case 8:
case 9:
if (_yapi2.default.commons.verifyPath(params.path)) {
_context.next = 10;
_context.next = 11;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '接口path第一位必须是/,最后一位不能为/'));
case 10:
_context.next = 12;
case 11:
_context.next = 13;
return this.Model.checkRepeat(params.path, params.method);
case 12:
case 13:
checkRepeat = _context.sent;
if (!(checkRepeat > 0)) {
_context.next = 15;
_context.next = 16;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的接口:' + params.path + '[' + params.method + ']'));
case 15:
_context.prev = 15;
case 16:
_context.prev = 16;
data = {
project_id: params.project_id,
title: params.title,
@ -156,28 +162,28 @@ var interfaceController = function (_baseController) {
if (params.req_params_form) data.req_params_form = params.req_params_form;
if (params.req_params_other) data.req_params_other = params.req_params_other;
_context.next = 21;
_context.next = 22;
return this.Model.save(data);
case 21:
case 22:
result = _context.sent;
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context.next = 28;
_context.next = 29;
case 25:
_context.prev = 25;
_context.t0 = _context['catch'](15);
case 26:
_context.prev = 26;
_context.t0 = _context['catch'](16);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context.t0.message);
case 28:
case 29:
case 'end':
return _context.stop();
}, _callee, this, [[15, 25]]);
}, _callee, this, [[16, 26]]);
function add(_x) {
@ -349,51 +355,57 @@ var interfaceController = function (_baseController) {
case 0:
params = ctx.request.body;
params = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(params, {
title: 'string',
path: 'string',
method: 'string',
desc: 'string'
params.method = params.method || 'GET';
params.method = params.method.toUpperCase();
id = ctx.request.body.id;
if (id) {
_context4.next = 6;
_context4.next = 7;
return _context4.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '接口id不能为空'));
case 6:
_context4.next = 8;
case 7:
_context4.next = 9;
return this.Model.get(id);
case 8:
case 9:
interfaceData = _context4.sent;
if (!(params.path && !_yapi2.default.commons.verifyPath(params.path))) {
_context4.next = 11;
_context4.next = 12;
return _context4.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '接口path第一位必须是/,最后一位不能为/'));
case 11:
case 12:
if (!(params.path && params.path !== interfaceData.path && params.method !== interfaceData.method)) {
_context4.next = 17;
_context4.next = 18;
_context4.next = 14;
_context4.next = 15;
return this.Model.checkRepeat(params.path, params.method);
case 14:
case 15:
checkRepeat = _context4.sent;
if (!(checkRepeat > 0)) {
_context4.next = 17;
_context4.next = 18;
return _context4.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的接口:' + params.path + '[' + params.method + ']'));
case 17:
case 18:
data = {
up_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time()
@ -412,29 +424,29 @@ var interfaceController = function (_baseController) {
if (params.res_body_type) data.res_body_type = params.res_body_type;
if (params.res_body) data.res_body = params.res_body;
_context4.prev = 27;
_context4.next = 30;
_context4.prev = 28;
_context4.next = 31;
return this.Model.up(id, data);
case 30:
case 31:
result = _context4.sent;
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context4.next = 37;
_context4.next = 38;
case 34:
_context4.prev = 34;
_context4.t0 = _context4['catch'](27);
case 35:
_context4.prev = 35;
_context4.t0 = _context4['catch'](28);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context4.t0.message);
case 37:
case 38:
case 'end':
return _context4.stop();
}, _callee4, this, [[27, 34]]);
}, _callee4, this, [[28, 35]]);
function up(_x4) {

View File

@ -119,82 +119,91 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
case 0:
params = ctx.request.body;
params = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(params, {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
prd_host: 'string',
protocol: 'string',
group_id: 'number',
desc: 'string'
if (params.group_id) {
_context.next = 3;
_context.next = 4;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目分组id不能为空'));
case 3:
case 4:
if (params.name) {
_context.next = 5;
_context.next = 6;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目名不能为空'));
case 5:
_context.next = 7;
case 6:
_context.next = 8;
return this.Model.checkNameRepeat(params.name);
case 7:
case 8:
checkRepeat = _context.sent;
if (!(checkRepeat > 0)) {
_context.next = 10;
_context.next = 11;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的项目名'));
case 10:
case 11:
if (params.basepath) {
_context.next = 12;
_context.next = 13;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目basepath不能为空'));
case 12:
case 13:
if (params.prd_host) {
_context.next = 14;
_context.next = 15;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目domain不能为空'));
case 14:
case 15:
if (!((params.basepath = this.handleBasepath(params.basepath)) === false)) {
_context.next = 16;
_context.next = 17;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, 'basepath格式有误'));
case 16:
case 17:
if (this.verifyDomain(params.prd_host)) {
_context.next = 18;
_context.next = 19;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '线上域名格式有误'));
case 18:
_context.next = 20;
case 19:
_context.next = 21;
return this.Model.checkDomainRepeat(params.prd_host, params.basepath);
case 20:
case 21:
checkRepeatDomain = _context.sent;
if (!(checkRepeatDomain > 0)) {
_context.next = 23;
_context.next = 24;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在domain和basepath'));
case 23:
case 24:
data = {
name: params.name,
desc: params.desc,
@ -207,29 +216,29 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
add_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time(),
up_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time()
_context.prev = 24;
_context.next = 27;
_context.prev = 25;
_context.next = 28;
return this.Model.save(data);
case 27:
case 28:
result = _context.sent;
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context.next = 34;
_context.next = 35;
case 31:
_context.prev = 31;
_context.t0 = _context['catch'](24);
case 32:
_context.prev = 32;
_context.t0 = _context['catch'](25);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context.t0.message);
case 34:
case 35:
case 'end':
return _context.stop();
}, _callee, this, [[24, 31]]);
}, _callee, this, [[25, 32]]);
function add(_x) {
@ -750,50 +759,59 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
id = ctx.request.body.id;
params = ctx.request.body;
params = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(params, {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
prd_host: 'string',
protocol: 'string',
group_id: 'number',
desc: 'string'
if (id) {
_context8.next = 5;
_context8.next = 6;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 405, '项目id不能为空'));
case 5:
_context8.next = 7;
case 6:
_context8.next = 8;
return this.jungeMemberAuth(id, this.getUid());
case 7:
case 8:
_context8.t0 = _context8.sent;
if (!(_context8.t0 !== true)) {
_context8.next = 10;
_context8.next = 11;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 405, '没有权限'));
case 10:
_context8.next = 12;
case 11:
_context8.next = 13;
return this.Model.get(id);
case 12:
case 13:
projectData = _context8.sent;
if (!((params.basepath = this.handleBasepath(params.basepath)) === false)) {
_context8.next = 15;
_context8.next = 16;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, 'basepath格式有误'));
case 15:
case 16:
if (this.verifyDomain(params.prd_host)) {
_context8.next = 17;
_context8.next = 18;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '线上域名格式有误'));
case 17:
case 18:
if (projectData.name === params.name) {
delete params.name;
@ -804,43 +822,43 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
if (!params.name) {
_context8.next = 25;
_context8.next = 26;
_context8.next = 22;
_context8.next = 23;
return this.Model.checkNameRepeat(params.name);
case 22:
case 23:
checkRepeat = _context8.sent;
if (!(checkRepeat > 0)) {
_context8.next = 25;
_context8.next = 26;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的项目名'));
case 25:
case 26:
if (!(params.basepath && params.prd_host)) {
_context8.next = 31;
_context8.next = 32;
_context8.next = 28;
_context8.next = 29;
return this.Model.checkDomainRepeat(params.prd_host, params.basepath);
case 28:
case 29:
checkRepeatDomain = _context8.sent;
if (!(checkRepeatDomain > 0)) {
_context8.next = 31;
_context8.next = 32;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在domain和basepath'));
case 31:
case 32:
data = {
uid: this.getUid(),
up_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time()
@ -856,28 +874,28 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
if (params.protocol) data.protocol = params.protocol;
if (params.env) data.env = params.env;
_context8.next = 39;
_context8.next = 40;
return this.Model.up(id, data);
case 39:
case 40:
result = _context8.sent;
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context8.next = 46;
_context8.next = 47;
case 43:
_context8.prev = 43;
case 44:
_context8.prev = 44;
_context8.t1 = _context8['catch'](0);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context8.t1.message);
case 46:
case 47:
case 'end':
return _context8.stop();
}, _callee8, this, [[0, 43]]);
}, _callee8, this, [[0, 44]]);
function up(_x8) {

View File

@ -547,36 +547,42 @@ var userController = function (_baseController) {
userInst = _yapi2.default.getInst(_user2.default);
params = ctx.request.body; //获取请求的参数,检查是否存在用户名和密码
params = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(params, {
username: 'string',
password: 'string',
email: 'string'
if (params.email) {
_context8.next = 4;
_context8.next = 5;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '邮箱不能为空'));
case 4:
case 5:
if (params.password) {
_context8.next = 6;
_context8.next = 7;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '密码不能为空'));
case 6:
_context8.next = 8;
case 7:
_context8.next = 9;
return userInst.checkRepeat(params.email);
case 8:
case 9:
checkRepeat = _context8.sent;
if (!(checkRepeat > 0)) {
_context8.next = 11;
_context8.next = 12;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '该email已经注册'));
case 11:
case 12:
passsalt = _yapi2.default.commons.randStr();
data = {
username: params.username,
@ -591,11 +597,11 @@ var userController = function (_baseController) {
if (!data.username) {
data.username = data.email.substr(0, data.email.indexOf('@'));
_context8.prev = 14;
_context8.next = 17;
_context8.prev = 15;
_context8.next = 18;
return userInst.save(data);
case 17:
case 18:
user = _context8.sent;
this.setLoginCookie(user._id, user.passsalt);
@ -612,21 +618,21 @@ var userController = function (_baseController) {
to: user.email,
contents: '<h3>\u4EB2\u7231\u7684\u7528\u6237\uFF1A</h3><p>\u60A8\u597D\uFF0C\u611F\u8C22\u4F7F\u7528YApi,\u60A8\u7684\u8D26\u53F7 ' + params.email + ' \u5DF2\u7ECF\u6CE8\u518C\u6210\u529F</p>'
_context8.next = 26;
_context8.next = 27;
case 23:
_context8.prev = 23;
_context8.t0 = _context8['catch'](14);
case 24:
_context8.prev = 24;
_context8.t0 = _context8['catch'](15);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, _context8.t0.message);
case 26:
case 27:
case 'end':
return _context8.stop();
}, _callee8, this, [[14, 23]]);
}, _callee8, this, [[15, 24]]);
function reg(_x9) {
@ -868,25 +874,30 @@ var userController = function (_baseController) {
_context12.prev = 0;
params = ctx.request.body;
params = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(params, {
username: 'string',
email: 'string'
if (!(this.getRole() !== 'admin' && params.uid != this.getUid())) {
_context12.next = 4;
_context12.next = 5;
return _context12.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '没有权限'));
case 4:
case 5:
userInst = _yapi2.default.getInst(_user2.default);
id = params.uid;
if (id) {
_context12.next = 8;
_context12.next = 9;
return _context12.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, 'uid不能为空'));
case 8:
case 9:
data = {
up_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time()
@ -899,46 +910,46 @@ var userController = function (_baseController) {
params.email && (data.email = params.email);
if (!data.email) {
_context12.next = 18;
_context12.next = 19;
_context12.next = 15;
_context12.next = 16;
return userInst.checkRepeat(data.email);
case 15:
case 16:
checkRepeat = _context12.sent;
if (!(checkRepeat > 0)) {
_context12.next = 18;
_context12.next = 19;
return _context12.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '该email已经注册'));
case 18:
_context12.next = 20;
case 19:
_context12.next = 21;
return userInst.update(id, data);
case 20:
case 21:
result = _context12.sent;
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context12.next = 27;
_context12.next = 28;
case 24:
_context12.prev = 24;
case 25:
_context12.prev = 25;
_context12.t0 = _context12['catch'](0);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context12.t0.message);
case 27:
case 28:
case 'end':
return _context12.stop();
}, _callee12, this, [[0, 24]]);
}, _callee12, this, [[0, 25]]);
function update(_x13) {

View File

@ -171,4 +171,44 @@ exports.verifyPath = function (path) {
} else {
return false;
function trim(str) {
if (!str) return str;
str = str + '';
return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
function ltrim(str) {
if (!str) return str;
str = str + '';
return str.replace(/(^\s*)/g, "");
function rtrim(str) {
if (!str) return str;
str = str + '';
return str.replace(/(\s*$)/g, "");
exports.trim = trim;
exports.ltrim = ltrim;
exports.rtrim = rtrim;
exports.handleParams = function (params, keys) {
if (!params || (typeof params === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : (0, _typeof3.default)(params)) !== 'object' || !keys || (typeof keys === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : (0, _typeof3.default)(keys)) !== 'object') return false;
for (var key in keys) {
var filter = keys[key];
if (params[key]) {
switch (filter) {
case 'string':
params[key] = trim(params[key] + '');break;
case 'number':
params[key] = parseInt(params[key], 10);break;
params[key] = trim(params + '');
return params;