mirror of
synced 2024-12-09 05:00:30 +08:00
Merge branch 'dev' of gitlab.corp.qunar.com:mfe/yapi into dev
This commit is contained in:
@ -286,11 +286,18 @@ class ProjectList extends Component {
<Tooltip title="基本路径为空是根路径">
<Icon type="question-circle-o" />
{getFieldDecorator('basepath', {
rules: [{
required: true, message: '请输入项目基本路径'
required: false, message: '请输入项目基本路径'
<Input />
@ -303,7 +310,7 @@ class ProjectList extends Component {
{getFieldDecorator('desc', {
rules: [{
required: true, message: '请输入描述!'
required: false, message: '请输入描述!'
<TextArea rows={4} />
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class LeftMenu extends Component {
} else {
this._searchSign = this.searchSign;
}, 600)
}, 60)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class LeftMenu extends Component {
style={{ width: '100%' }}
placeholder="input here"
<Input suffix={<Icon type="search" className="certain-category-icon" />} />
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
handleBasepath(basepath) {
if (!basepath) return false;
if (basepath === '/') return basepath;
if (!basepath) return "";
if (basepath === '/') return "";
if (basepath[0] !== '/') basepath = '/' + basepath;
if (basepath[basepath.length - 1] === '/') basepath = basepath.substr(0, basepath.length - 1);
if (!yapi.commons.verifyPath(basepath)) {
@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的项目名');
if (!params.basepath) {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目basepath不能为空');
if (!params.prd_host) {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目domain不能为空');
params.basepath = params.basepath || '';
if ((params.basepath = this.handleBasepath(params.basepath)) === false) {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 401, 'basepath格式有误');
@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
try {
let id = ctx.request.body.id;
let params = ctx.request.body;
params.basepath = params.basepath || '';
params = yapi.commons.handleParams(params, {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ module.exports = async (ctx, next) => {
for (let i = 0, l = projects.length; i < l; i++) {
let project = projects[i];
if (ctx.path && ctx.path.indexOf(project.basepath) === 0) {
if(ctx.path && project.basepath == ""){
matchProject = project;
else if (ctx.path && ctx.path.indexOf(project.basepath) === 0) {
if (project.basepath.length > maxBasepath) {
maxBasepath = project.basepath.length;
matchProject = project;
@ -64,9 +64,17 @@ module.exports = async (ctx, next) => {
interfaceData = interfaceData[0];
ctx.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
if (interfaceData.res_body_type === 'json') {
return ctx.body = Mock.mock(
return ctx.body = Mock.mock(
return ctx.body = {
errcode: 400,
errmsg: 'mock json数据格式有误',
data: interfaceData.res_body
return ctx.body = interfaceData.res_body;
} catch (e) {
@ -10,14 +10,7 @@ class projectModel extends baseModel {
return {
uid: { type: Number, required: true },
name: { type: String, required: true },
basepath: {
type: String, required: true, validate: {
validator: (v) => {
return v && v[0] === '/';
message: 'basepath必须是/开头'
basepath: {type: String },
desc: String,
group_id: { type: Number, required: true },
members: Array,
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
(0, _createClass3.default)(projectController, [{
key: 'handleBasepath',
value: function handleBasepath(basepath) {
if (!basepath) return false;
if (basepath === '/') return basepath;
if (!basepath) return "";
if (basepath === '/') return "";
if (basepath[0] !== '/') basepath = '/' + basepath;
if (basepath[basepath.length - 1] === '/') basepath = basepath.substr(0, basepath.length - 1);
if (!_yapi2.default.commons.verifyPath(basepath)) {
@ -159,52 +159,47 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的项目名'));
case 11:
if (params.basepath) {
_context.next = 13;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目basepath不能为空'));
case 13:
if (params.prd_host) {
_context.next = 15;
_context.next = 13;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 400, '项目domain不能为空'));
case 15:
case 13:
params.basepath = params.basepath || '';
if (!((params.basepath = this.handleBasepath(params.basepath)) === false)) {
_context.next = 17;
_context.next = 16;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, 'basepath格式有误'));
case 17:
case 16:
if (this.verifyDomain(params.prd_host)) {
_context.next = 19;
_context.next = 18;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '线上域名格式有误'));
case 19:
_context.next = 21;
case 18:
_context.next = 20;
return this.Model.checkDomainRepeat(params.prd_host, params.basepath);
case 21:
case 20:
checkRepeatDomain = _context.sent;
if (!(checkRepeatDomain > 0)) {
_context.next = 24;
_context.next = 23;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在domain和basepath'));
case 24:
case 23:
data = {
name: params.name,
desc: params.desc,
@ -217,29 +212,29 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
add_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time(),
up_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time()
_context.prev = 25;
_context.next = 28;
_context.prev = 24;
_context.next = 27;
return this.Model.save(data);
case 28:
case 27:
result = _context.sent;
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context.next = 35;
_context.next = 34;
case 32:
_context.prev = 32;
_context.t0 = _context['catch'](25);
case 31:
_context.prev = 31;
_context.t0 = _context['catch'](24);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context.t0.message);
case 35:
case 34:
case 'end':
return _context.stop();
}, _callee, this, [[25, 32]]);
}, _callee, this, [[24, 31]]);
function add(_x) {
@ -760,6 +755,7 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
id = ctx.request.body.id;
params = ctx.request.body;
params.basepath = params.basepath || '';
params = _yapi2.default.commons.handleParams(params, {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
@ -770,49 +766,49 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
if (id) {
_context8.next = 6;
_context8.next = 7;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 405, '项目id不能为空'));
case 6:
_context8.next = 8;
case 7:
_context8.next = 9;
return this.jungeMemberAuth(id, this.getUid());
case 8:
case 9:
_context8.t0 = _context8.sent;
if (!(_context8.t0 !== true)) {
_context8.next = 11;
_context8.next = 12;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 405, '没有权限'));
case 11:
_context8.next = 13;
case 12:
_context8.next = 14;
return this.Model.get(id);
case 13:
case 14:
projectData = _context8.sent;
if (!((params.basepath = this.handleBasepath(params.basepath)) === false)) {
_context8.next = 16;
_context8.next = 17;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, 'basepath格式有误'));
case 16:
case 17:
if (this.verifyDomain(params.prd_host)) {
_context8.next = 18;
_context8.next = 19;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '线上域名格式有误'));
case 18:
case 19:
if (projectData.name === params.name) {
delete params.name;
@ -823,43 +819,43 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
if (!params.name) {
_context8.next = 26;
_context8.next = 27;
_context8.next = 23;
_context8.next = 24;
return this.Model.checkNameRepeat(params.name);
case 23:
case 24:
checkRepeat = _context8.sent;
if (!(checkRepeat > 0)) {
_context8.next = 26;
_context8.next = 27;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在的项目名'));
case 26:
case 27:
if (!(params.basepath && params.prd_host)) {
_context8.next = 32;
_context8.next = 33;
_context8.next = 29;
_context8.next = 30;
return this.Model.checkDomainRepeat(params.prd_host, params.basepath);
case 29:
case 30:
checkRepeatDomain = _context8.sent;
if (!(checkRepeatDomain > 0)) {
_context8.next = 32;
_context8.next = 33;
return _context8.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 401, '已存在domain和basepath'));
case 32:
case 33:
data = {
uid: this.getUid(),
up_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time()
@ -875,28 +871,28 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
if (params.protocol) data.protocol = params.protocol;
if (params.env) data.env = params.env;
_context8.next = 40;
_context8.next = 41;
return this.Model.up(id, data);
case 40:
case 41:
result = _context8.sent;
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context8.next = 47;
_context8.next = 48;
case 44:
_context8.prev = 44;
case 45:
_context8.prev = 45;
_context8.t1 = _context8['catch'](0);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context8.t1.message);
case 47:
case 48:
case 'end':
return _context8.stop();
}, _callee8, this, [[0, 44]]);
}, _callee8, this, [[0, 45]]);
function up(_x8) {
@ -80,10 +80,9 @@ module.exports = function () {
for (i = 0, l = projects.length; i < l; i++) {
_project = projects[i];
if (ctx.path && ctx.path.indexOf(_project.basepath) === 0) {
if (ctx.path && _project.basepath == "") {
matchProject = _project;
} else if (ctx.path && ctx.path.indexOf(_project.basepath) === 0) {
if (_project.basepath.length > maxBasepath) {
maxBasepath = _project.basepath.length;
matchProject = _project;
@ -139,26 +138,36 @@ module.exports = function () {
ctx.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
if (!(interfaceData.res_body_type === 'json')) {
_context.next = 41;
_context.next = 47;
_context.prev = 40;
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _mockjs2.default.mock(_yapi2.default.commons.json_parse(interfaceData.res_body)));
case 41:
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = interfaceData.res_body);
case 44:
_context.prev = 44;
_context.t1 = _context['catch'](25);
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 409, _context.t1.message));
_context.t1 = _context['catch'](40);
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = {
errcode: 400,
errmsg: 'mock json数据格式有误',
data: interfaceData.res_body
case 47:
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = interfaceData.res_body);
case 50:
_context.prev = 50;
_context.t2 = _context['catch'](25);
return _context.abrupt('return', ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 409, _context.t2.message));
case 53:
case 'end':
return _context.stop();
}, _callee, undefined, [[10, 16], [25, 44]]);
}, _callee, undefined, [[10, 16], [25, 50], [40, 44]]);
return function (_x, _x2) {
@ -49,14 +49,7 @@ var projectModel = function (_baseModel) {
return {
uid: { type: Number, required: true },
name: { type: String, required: true },
basepath: {
type: String, required: true, validate: {
validator: function validator(v) {
return v && v[0] === '/';
message: 'basepath必须是/开头'
basepath: { type: String },
desc: String,
group_id: { type: Number, required: true },
members: Array,
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