mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 13:20:24 +08:00
Merge branch 'dev' of gitlab.corp.qunar.com:mfe/yapi into dev
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,37 @@ import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { AutoComplete } from 'antd';
import axios from 'axios';
* 用户名输入框自动完成组件
* @component UsernameAutoComplete
* @examplelanguage js
* * 用户名输入框自动完成组件
* * 用户名输入框自动完成组件
* 获取自动输入的用户信息
* 获取子组件state
* @property callbackState
* @type function
* @description 类型提示:支持数组传值;也支持用函数格式化字符串:函数有两个参数(scale, index);
* 受控属性:滑块滑到某一刻度时所展示的刻度文本信息。如果不需要标签,请将该属性设置为 [] 空列表来覆盖默认转换函数。
* @returns {object} {uid: xxx, username: xxx}
* @examplelanguage js
* @example
* onUserSelect(childState) {
* this.setState({
* uid: childState.uid,
* username: childState.username
* })
* }
class UsernameAutoComplete extends Component {
constructor(props) {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { message, Row, Col } from 'antd';
import { message, Row, Col, Icon } from 'antd';
import { addProject, fetchProjectList, delProject, changeUpdateModal, changeTableLoading } from '../../../reducer/modules/project';
import ProjectCard from '../../../components/ProjectCard/ProjectCard.js';
// import variable from '../../../constants/variable';
@ -26,52 +26,6 @@ import './ProjectList.scss'
// return handle;
// };
// const getColumns = (data, props) => {
// const { changeUpdateModal, userInfo } = props;
// return [{
// title: '项目名称',
// dataIndex: 'name',
// key: 'name',
// render: (text, record) => {
// return <Link to={`/project/${record._id}`}>{text}</Link>
// }
// },{
// title: 'Mock基本URL',
// key: 'domain',
// render: (item) => {
// return 'http://'+ item.prd_host + item.basepath;
// }
// }, {
// title: '创建人',
// dataIndex: 'owner',
// key: 'owner',
// render: (text, record, index) => {
// // data是projectList的列表值
// // 根据序号找到对应项的uid,根据uid获取对应项目的创建人
// return <span>{userInfo[data[index].uid] ? userInfo[data[index].uid].username : ''}</span>;
// }
// }, {
// title: '创建时间',
// dataIndex: 'add_time',
// key: 'add_time',
// render: time => <span>{common.formatTime(time)}</span>
// }, {
// title: '操作',
// key: 'action',
// render: (text, record, index) => {
// const id = record._id;
// return (
// <span>
// <a onClick={() => changeUpdateModal(true, index)}>修改</a>
// <span className="ant-divider" />
// <Popconfirm title="你确定要删除项目吗?" onConfirm={deleteConfirm(id, props)} okText="确定" cancelText="取消">
// <a href="#">删除</a>
// </Popconfirm>
// </span>
// )}
// }];
// }
state => {
@ -180,12 +134,15 @@ class ProjectList extends Component {
return (
<div className="m-panel">
<Row gutter={16}>
{projectData.map((item, index) => {
{projectData.length ? projectData.map((item, index) => {
return (
<Col span={8} key={index}>
<ProjectCard projectData={item} />
}) : (<div className="empty-tip">
<p><Icon type="frown-o" /> 该分组还没有项目呢</p>
<p>请点击右上角 “<Icon type="plus-circle" />” 按钮新建项目</p>
@ -31,3 +31,9 @@
cursor: not-allowed;
opacity: 0.5;
.empty-tip {
text-align: center;
font-size: .14rem;
color: #999;
@ -42,20 +42,18 @@ class Activity extends Component {
render () {
return (
<div className="g-row">
<section className="news-box">
<div className="logHead">
{/*<Breadcrumb />*/}
<div className="Mockurl">
<Button type="primary"><a href = {`/api/project/download?project_id=${this.props.match.params.id}`}>下载Mock数据</a></Button>
<div className="g-row">
<section className="news-box">
<div className="logHead">
{/*<Breadcrumb />*/}
<div className="Mockurl">
<Button type="primary"><a href = {`/api/project/download?project_id=${this.props.match.params.id}`}>下载Mock数据</a></Button>
<TimeTree typeid = {+this.props.match.params.id} />
<TimeTree typeid = {+this.props.match.params.id} />
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
font-size: 0.14rem;
background: #FFF;
display: block;
min-height: 550px;
padding: 24px;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Timeline, Spin } from 'antd'
import { Timeline, Spin, Avatar } from 'antd'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { formatTime } from '../../../../common.js';
@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ function timeago(timestamp) {
state => {
return {
newsData: state.news.newsData,
curpage: state.news.curpage
curpage: state.news.curpage,
curUid: state.user.uid
@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ class TimeTree extends Component {
setLoading: PropTypes.func,
loading: PropTypes.bool,
curpage: PropTypes.number,
typeid: PropTypes.number
typeid: PropTypes.number,
curUid: PropTypes.number
constructor(props) {
@ -109,8 +111,9 @@ class TimeTree extends Component {
render() {
let data = this.props.newsData ? this.props.newsData.list : [];
if (data && data.length) {
data = data.map(function (item, i) {
return (<Timeline.Item key={i}>
return (<Timeline.Item dot={<Avatar src={`/api/user/avatar?uid=${item.uid}`} />} key={i}>
<span className="logoTimeago">{timeago(item.add_time)}</span>
<span className="logusername"><Link to={`/user/profile/${item.uid}`}>{item.username}</Link></span>
<span className="logtype">{item.type}</span>
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class View extends Component {
width: '45%'
return <div className="caseContainer">
return this.props.curData.title?<div className="caseContainer">
<div className="colName">
<span className="colKey">接口名:</span>
<span className="colValue">{this.props.curData.title}</span>
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class View extends Component {
desc: "123",
required: 0
</div>:<div className="caseContainer">接口不存在</div>;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { Subnav } from '../../components/index'
import { getProject } from '../../reducer/modules/project';
import Interface from './Interface/Interface.js'
import Activity from './Activity/Activity.js'
import { Setting } from './Setting/Setting.js'
import Setting from './Setting/Setting.js'
@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Form, Input, Icon, Tooltip, Select, Button, Row, Col, message } from 'antd';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { updateProject, fetchProjectList, delProject, changeUpdateModal, changeTableLoading } from '../../../reducer/modules/project';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const { TextArea } = Input;
const FormItem = Form.Item;
const Option = Select.Option;
// layout
const formItemLayout = {
labelCol: {
xs: { span: 24 },
sm: { span: 6 }
wrapperCol: {
xs: { span: 24 },
sm: { span: 14 }
const formItemLayoutWithOutLabel = {
wrapperCol: {
xs: { span: 24, offset: 0 },
sm: { span: 20, offset: 6 }
let uuid = 0;
state => {
return {
projectList: state.project.projectList,
handleUpdateIndex: state.project.handleUpdateIndex,
tableLoading: state.project.tableLoading,
currGroup: state.group.currGroup
class Setting extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
protocol: 'http:\/\/',
envProtocolChange: 'http:\/\/'
static propTypes = {
form: PropTypes.object,
fetchProjectList: PropTypes.func,
updateProject: PropTypes.func,
delProject: PropTypes.func,
changeUpdateModal: PropTypes.func,
changeTableLoading: PropTypes.func,
projectList: PropTypes.array,
currGroup: PropTypes.object,
handleUpdateIndex: PropTypes.number
// 修改线上域名的协议类型 (http/https)
protocolChange = (value) => {
protocol: value
handleCancel = () => {
this.props.changeUpdateModal(false, -1);
// 确认修改
handleOk = (e) => {
const { form, updateProject, changeUpdateModal, currGroup, projectList, handleUpdateIndex, fetchProjectList, changeTableLoading } = this.props;
form.validateFields((err, values) => {
if (!err) {
// console.log(projectList[handleUpdateIndex]);
let assignValue = Object.assign(projectList[handleUpdateIndex], values);
values.protocol = this.state.protocol.split(':')[0];
assignValue.env = assignValue.envs.map((item, index) => {
return {
name: values['envs-name-' + index],
domain: values['envs-protocol-' + index] + values['envs-domain-' + index]
// console.log(assignValue);
updateProject(assignValue).then((res) => {
if (res.payload.data.errcode == 0) {
changeUpdateModal(false, -1);
message.success('修改成功! ');
fetchProjectList(currGroup._id).then(() => {
} else {
}).catch(() => {
// 项目的修改操作 - 删除一项环境配置
remove = (id) => {
const { form } = this.props;
// can use data-binding to get
const envs = form.getFieldValue('envs');
// We need at least one passenger
if (envs.length === 0) {
// can use data-binding to set
envs: envs.filter(key => {
const realKey = key._id ? key._id : key
return realKey !== id;
// 项目的修改操作 - 添加一项环境配置
add = () => {
const { form } = this.props;
// can use data-binding to get
const envs = form.getFieldValue('envs');
const nextKeys = envs.concat(uuid);
// can use data-binding to set
// important! notify form to detect changes
envs: nextKeys
render () {
const { getFieldDecorator, getFieldValue } = this.props.form;
// const that = this;
const { projectList, handleUpdateIndex } = this.props;
let initFormValues = {};
let envMessage = [];
// 如果列表存在且用户点击修改按钮时,设置表单默认值
if (projectList.length !== 0 && handleUpdateIndex !== -1) {
// console.log(projectList[handleUpdateIndex]);
const { name, basepath, desc, env } = projectList[handleUpdateIndex];
initFormValues = { name, basepath, desc, env };
if (env.length !== 0) {
envMessage = env;
initFormValues.prd_host = projectList[handleUpdateIndex].prd_host;
initFormValues.prd_protocol = projectList[handleUpdateIndex].protocol + '\:\/\/';
getFieldDecorator('envs', { initialValue: envMessage });
const envs = getFieldValue('envs');
const formItems = envs.map((k, index) => {
const secondIndex = 'next' + index; // 为保证key的唯一性
return (
<Row key={index} type="flex" justify="space-between" align={index === 0 ? 'middle' : 'top'}>
<Col span={10} offset={2}>
label={index === 0 ? (
<span>环境名称</span>) : ''}
{getFieldDecorator(`envs-name-${index}`, {
validateTrigger: ['onChange', 'onBlur'],
initialValue: envMessage.length !== 0 ? k.name : '',
rules: [{
required: false,
whitespace: true,
validator(rule, value, callback) {
if (value) {
if (value.length === 0) {
} else if (!/\S/.test(value)) {
} else if (/prd/.test(value)) {
} else {
return callback();
} else {
<Input placeholder="请输入环境名称" style={{ width: '90%', marginRight: 8 }} />
<Col span={10}>
label={index === 0 ? (
<span>环境域名</span>) : ''}
{getFieldDecorator(`envs-domain-${index}`, {
validateTrigger: ['onChange', 'onBlur'],
initialValue: envMessage.length !== 0 && k.domain ? k.domain.split('\/\/')[1] : '',
rules: [{
required: false,
whitespace: true,
message: "请输入环境域名",
validator(rule, value, callback) {
if (value) {
if (value.length === 0) {
} else if (!/\S/.test(value)) {
} else {
return callback();
} else {
<Input placeholder="请输入环境域名" style={{ width: '90%', marginRight: 8 }} addonBefore={
getFieldDecorator(`envs-protocol-${index}`, {
initialValue: envMessage.length !== 0 && k.domain ? k.domain.split('\/\/')[0] + '\/\/' : 'http\:\/\/',
rules: [{
required: true
<Option value="http://">{'http:\/\/'}</Option>
<Option value="https://">{'https:\/\/'}</Option>
)} />
<Col span={2}>
{/* 新增的项中,只有最后一项有删除按钮 */}
{(envs.length > 0 && k._id) || (envs.length == index + 1) ? (
onClick={() => {
return this.remove(k._id ? k._id : k);
) : null}
return (
<div className="g-row m-container">
{getFieldDecorator('name', {
initialValue: initFormValues.name,
rules: [{
required: true, message: '请输入项目名称!'
<Input />
<Tooltip title="将根据配置的线上域名访问mock数据">
<Icon type="question-circle-o" />
{getFieldDecorator('prd_host', {
initialValue: initFormValues.prd_host,
rules: [{
required: true, message: '请输入项目线上域名!'
<Input addonBefore={(
<Select defaultValue={initFormValues.prd_protocol} onChange={this.protocolChange}>
<Option value="http://">{'http:\/\/'}</Option>
<Option value="https://">{'https:\/\/'}</Option>
</Select>)} />
<Tooltip title="基本路径为空表示根路径">
<Icon type="question-circle-o" />
{getFieldDecorator('basepath', {
initialValue: initFormValues.basepath,
rules: [{
required: false, message: '请输入项目基本路径! '
<Input />
{getFieldDecorator('desc', {
initialValue: initFormValues.desc,
rules: [{
required: false, message: '请输入描述!'
<TextArea rows={4} />
<FormItem {...formItemLayoutWithOutLabel}>
<Button type="dashed" onClick={this.add} style={{ width: '60%' }}>
<Icon type="plus" /> 添加环境配置
export default Form.create()(Setting);
@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
group_id: 'number',
desc: 'string'
desc: 'string',
color: 'string',
icon: 'string'
if (await this.checkAuth(params.group_id, 'group', 'edit') !== true) {
@ -92,6 +94,8 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
project_type: params.project_type || 'private',
uid: this.getUid(),
group_id: params.group_id,
icon: params.icon,
color: params.color,
add_time: yapi.commons.time(),
up_time: yapi.commons.time()
@ -104,7 +108,9 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: params.group_id
typeid: params.group_id,
color: params.color,
icon: params.icon
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
} catch (e) {
@ -152,12 +158,15 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
try {
let result = await this.Model.addMember(params.id, userdata);
let username = this.getUsername();
let project = await this.Model.get(params.id);
content: `用户${username}添加了项目成员${userdata.username}`,
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: params.id
typeid: params.id,
color: project.color,
icon: project.icon
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
} catch (e) {
@ -204,7 +213,9 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: params.id
typeid: params.id,
color: project.color,
icon: project.icon
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
} catch (e) {
@ -386,7 +397,9 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: params.id
typeid: params.id,
color: project.color,
icon: project.icon
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
} catch (e) {
@ -420,7 +433,9 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
group_id: 'number',
desc: 'string'
desc: 'string',
icon: 'string',
color: 'string'
if (!id) {
return ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(null, 405, '项目id不能为空');
@ -457,7 +472,8 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
data.basepath = params.basepath;
if (params.env) data.env = params.env;
if(params.color) data.color = params.color;
if(params.icon) data.icon = params.icon;
let result = await this.Model.up(id, data);
let username = this.getUsername();
@ -466,7 +482,9 @@ class projectController extends baseController {
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: id
typeid: id,
icon: params.icon,
color: params.color
ctx.body = yapi.commons.resReturn(result);
} catch (e) {
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ class projectModel extends baseModel {
env: [
{ name: String, domain: String }
icon: String,
color: String,
add_time: Number,
up_time: Number
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ class projectModel extends baseModel {
list(group_id, auth) {
let params = {group_id: group_id}
if(!auth) params.project_type = 'public';
return this.model.find(params).select("_id uid name basepath desc group_id project_type env add_time up_time").sort({ _id: -1 }).exec();
return this.model.find(params).select("_id uid name basepath desc group_id project_type color icon env add_time up_time").sort({ _id: -1 }).exec();
listWithPaging(group_id, page, limit) {
@ -138,7 +138,9 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
group_id: 'number',
desc: 'string'
desc: 'string',
color: 'string',
icon: 'string'
_context.next = 4;
@ -204,6 +206,8 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
project_type: params.project_type || 'private',
uid: this.getUid(),
group_id: params.group_id,
icon: params.icon,
color: params.color,
add_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time(),
up_time: _yapi2.default.commons.time()
@ -220,7 +224,9 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: params.group_id
typeid: params.group_id,
color: params.color,
icon: params.icon
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context.next = 32;
@ -262,7 +268,7 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
key: 'addMember',
value: function () {
var _ref2 = (0, _asyncToGenerator3.default)(_regenerator2.default.mark(function _callee2(ctx) {
var params, check, userdata, result, username;
var params, check, userdata, result, username, project;
return _regenerator2.default.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
while (1) {
switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
@ -337,30 +343,37 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
case 24:
result = _context2.sent;
username = this.getUsername();
_context2.next = 28;
return this.Model.get(params.id);
case 28:
project = _context2.sent;
content: '\u7528\u6237' + username + '\u6DFB\u52A0\u4E86\u9879\u76EE\u6210\u5458' + userdata.username,
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: params.id
typeid: params.id,
color: project.color,
icon: project.icon
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context2.next = 33;
_context2.next = 36;
case 30:
_context2.prev = 30;
case 33:
_context2.prev = 33;
_context2.t1 = _context2['catch'](21);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context2.t1.message);
case 33:
case 36:
case 'end':
return _context2.stop();
}, _callee2, this, [[21, 30]]);
}, _callee2, this, [[21, 33]]);
function addMember(_x2) {
@ -459,7 +472,9 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: params.id
typeid: params.id,
color: project.color,
icon: project.icon
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context3.next = 33;
@ -923,7 +938,9 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: params.id
typeid: params.id,
color: project.color,
icon: project.icon
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context9.next = 35;
@ -986,7 +1003,9 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
name: 'string',
basepath: 'string',
group_id: 'number',
desc: 'string'
desc: 'string',
icon: 'string',
color: 'string'
if (_id2) {
@ -1060,11 +1079,12 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
data.basepath = params.basepath;
if (params.env) data.env = params.env;
_context10.next = 31;
if (params.color) data.color = params.color;
if (params.icon) data.icon = params.icon;
_context10.next = 33;
return this.Model.up(_id2, data);
case 31:
case 33:
result = _context10.sent;
username = this.getUsername();
@ -1073,24 +1093,26 @@ var projectController = function (_baseController) {
type: 'project',
uid: this.getUid(),
username: username,
typeid: _id2
typeid: _id2,
icon: params.icon,
color: params.color
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(result);
_context10.next = 40;
_context10.next = 42;
case 37:
_context10.prev = 37;
case 39:
_context10.prev = 39;
_context10.t1 = _context10['catch'](0);
ctx.body = _yapi2.default.commons.resReturn(null, 402, _context10.t1.message);
case 40:
case 42:
case 'end':
return _context10.stop();
}, _callee10, this, [[0, 37]]);
}, _callee10, this, [[0, 39]]);
function up(_x11) {
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ var projectModel = function (_baseModel) {
project_type: { type: String, required: true, enum: ['public', 'private'] },
members: [{ uid: Number, role: { type: String, enum: ['owner', 'dev'] }, username: String, email: String }],
env: [{ name: String, domain: String }],
icon: String,
color: String,
add_time: Number,
up_time: Number
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ var projectModel = function (_baseModel) {
value: function list(group_id, auth) {
var params = { group_id: group_id };
if (!auth) params.project_type = 'public';
return this.model.find(params).select("_id uid name basepath desc group_id project_type env add_time up_time").sort({ _id: -1 }).exec();
return this.model.find(params).select("_id uid name basepath desc group_id project_type color icon env add_time up_time").sort({ _id: -1 }).exec();
}, {
key: 'listWithPaging',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user