wip: 重构中
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
> 1%
last 2 versions
not dead
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
NODE_ENV = 'development'
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
NODE_ENV = 'production'
@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
root: true,
// parser: 'vue-eslint-parser',
// parserOptions: {
// parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
// ecmaVersion: 2020,
// sourceType: 'module',
// ecmaFeatures: {
// jsx: true,
// },
// },
env: {
browser: true,
node: true,
es6: true
extends: [
rules: {
'@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function': 'off',
'vue/custom-event-name-casing': 'off',
'no-use-before-define': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/ban-types': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': 'off',
'vue/max-attributes-per-line': [
singleline: 10,
multiline: {
max: 1,
allowFirstLine: false
'vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline': 'off',
'vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline': 'off',
'vue/name-property-casing': [
'vue/no-v-html': 'off',
'accessor-pairs': 2,
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before: true,
after: true
'block-spacing': [
'brace-style': [
allowSingleLine: true
camelcase: [
properties: 'always'
'comma-dangle': [
'comma-spacing': [
before: false,
after: true
'comma-style': [
'constructor-super': 2,
curly: [
'dot-location': [
'eol-last': 2,
eqeqeq: [
null: 'ignore'
'generator-star-spacing': [
before: true,
after: true
'handle-callback-err': [
indent: [
'jsx-quotes': [
'key-spacing': [
beforeColon: false,
afterColon: true
'keyword-spacing': [
before: true,
after: true
'new-cap': [
newIsCap: true,
capIsNew: false
'new-parens': 2,
'no-array-constructor': 2,
'no-caller': 2,
'no-console': 'off',
'no-class-assign': 2,
'no-cond-assign': 2,
'no-const-assign': 2,
'no-control-regex': 0,
'no-delete-var': 2,
'no-dupe-args': 2,
'no-dupe-class-members': 2,
'no-dupe-keys': 2,
'no-duplicate-case': 2,
'no-empty-character-class': 2,
'no-empty-pattern': 2,
'no-eval': 2,
'no-ex-assign': 2,
'no-extend-native': 2,
'no-extra-bind': 2,
'no-extra-boolean-cast': 2,
'no-extra-parens': [
'no-fallthrough': 2,
'no-floating-decimal': 2,
'no-func-assign': 2,
'no-implied-eval': 2,
'no-inner-declarations': [
'no-invalid-regexp': 2,
'no-irregular-whitespace': 2,
'no-iterator': 2,
'no-label-var': 2,
'no-labels': [
allowLoop: false,
allowSwitch: false
'no-lone-blocks': 2,
'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 2,
'no-multi-spaces': 2,
'no-multi-str': 2,
'no-multiple-empty-lines': [
max: 1
'no-native-reassign': 2,
'no-negated-in-lhs': 2,
'no-new-object': 2,
'no-new-require': 2,
'no-new-symbol': 2,
'no-new-wrappers': 2,
'no-obj-calls': 2,
'no-octal': 2,
'no-octal-escape': 2,
'no-path-concat': 2,
'no-proto': 2,
'no-redeclare': 2,
'no-regex-spaces': 2,
'no-return-assign': [
'no-self-assign': 2,
'no-self-compare': 2,
'no-sequences': 2,
'no-shadow-restricted-names': 2,
'no-spaced-func': 2,
'no-sparse-arrays': 2,
'no-this-before-super': 2,
'no-throw-literal': 2,
'no-trailing-spaces': 2,
'no-undef': 0,
'no-undef-init': 2,
'no-unexpected-multiline': 2,
'no-unmodified-loop-condition': 2,
'no-unneeded-ternary': [
defaultAssignment: false
'no-unreachable': 2,
'no-unsafe-finally': 2,
'no-unused-vars': [
vars: 'all',
args: 'none'
'no-useless-call': 0,
'no-useless-computed-key': 2,
'no-useless-constructor': 2,
'no-useless-escape': 0,
'no-whitespace-before-property': 2,
'no-with': 2,
'one-var': [
initialized: 'never'
'operator-linebreak': [
overrides: {
'?': 'before',
':': 'before'
'padded-blocks': [
quotes: [
avoidEscape: true,
allowTemplateLiterals: true
semi: [
'semi-spacing': [
before: false,
after: true
'space-before-blocks': [
'space-before-function-paren': [
'space-in-parens': [
'space-infix-ops': 2,
'space-unary-ops': [
words: true,
nonwords: false
'spaced-comment': [
markers: [
'template-curly-spacing': [
'use-isnan': 2,
'valid-typeof': 2,
'wrap-iife': [
'yield-star-spacing': [
yoda: [
'prefer-const': 2,
'no-debugger': 0,
'object-curly-spacing': [
objectsInObjects: false
'array-bracket-spacing': [
'vue/no-use-v-if-with-v-for': 'off',
'vue/no-v-model-argument': 'off'
@ -1,24 +1,5 @@
# local env files
# Log files
# Editor directories and files
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"recommendations": ["johnsoncodehk.volar"]
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 20120-present Archer
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,142 +1,11 @@
## 介绍
# Vue 3 + Typescript + Vite
[vue-element-admin 3.0](https://github.com/kailong321200875/vue-element-admin-webpack)是一个基于[vue3](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next)、[typeScript](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript)、[vue-cli4](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli)、[element-plus](https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus)的后台解决方案,借鉴了[vue-element-admin](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin)和[vue-vben-admin](https://github.com/anncwb/vue-vben-admin)的写法和优点。内置了动态路由,权限验证,典型的业务模型,丰富的功能组件,并且提供了多页配置,开箱即用,可以用来作为项目的启动模版。它可以帮助你快速搭建企业级中后台产品原型,也可以作为一个示例,用于学习。
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and Typescript in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 `<script setup>` SFCs, check out the [script setup docs](https://v3.vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html#sfc-script-setup) to learn more.
<!-- 如果需要二次开发,推荐使用[vue-element-admin 2.0](中的精简版分支 `vue-admin-template` 进行开发。 -->
## Recommended IDE Setup
- [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/) + [Volar](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=johnsoncodehk.volar)
基础模版 - template分支
## Type Support For `.vue` Imports in TS
单页模版 - single-page分支
## 功能
``` sh
- 登录 / 注销
- 权限验证
- 页面权限
- 指令权限
- 权限配置
- 多环境
- 多页配置
- 引导页
- 全局功能
- 三种不同风格 layout 布局
- 动态侧边栏(支持多级路由嵌套)
- 动态面包屑
- 快捷导航(标签页)
- Svg Sprite 图标
- 本地 mock 数据
- Screenfull全屏
- 自适应收缩侧边栏
- 功能组件
- 图表
- 图片预览
- 按钮
- 消息提示
- 查询
- 富文本编辑器
- markdown编辑器
- 弹窗
- 显示更多
- 详情组件
- 二维码组件
- 头像组
- 文字高亮
- 表格
- 基础表格
- 分页表格
- 带斑马纹表格
- 带边框表格
- 带状态表格
- 固定表头
- 固定列
- 固定列和表头
- 流体高度
- 多级表头
- 单选
- 多选
- 排序
- 筛选
- 展开行
- 树形数据与懒加载
- 自定义表头
- 表尾合计行
- 合并行或列
- 自定义索引
- 自定义指令
- Clipboard
- Hooks
- UseWaterMark
- UseScrollTo
- 多级菜单缓存
- 综合实例
- 列表综合实例-弹窗
- 列表综合实例-页面
## 前序准备
注意:本项目不支持低版本浏览器(如 ie),后续会考虑支持IE11。
## 目录结构
``` sh
├── mock # 模拟数据
├── public # 静态资源
├── src # 项目代码
│ ├── assets # 静态资源
│ ├── cache # web-storage-cache配置
│ ├── components # 组件
│ ├── directive # 指令
│ ├── hooks # hooks
│ ├── libs # 按需引入element-plus
│ ├── pages # 多页
│ │ └── index # index多页
│ │ │ ├── api # 全局api
│ │ │ ├── axios-config # axios配置
│ │ │ ├── layout # layout布局
│ │ │ ├── router # 路由配置
│ │ │ ├── store # 状态管理
│ │ │ ├── views # index多页 views 所有页面
│ │ │ ├── App.vue # 入口页面
│ │ │ ├── main.js # 入口文件 加载组件 初始化等
│ │ │ └── permission.js # 权限管理
│ ├── styles # 样式
│ ├── types # 全局types
│ ├── utils # 工具类
│ └── vue-bus # vueBus
├── tests # 测试
├── .env.xxx # 环境变量配置
├── .eslintrc.js # eslint 配置项
├── babel.config # babel配置文件
├── pages.config # 多页配置文件
├── postcss.config.js # postcss配置文件
├── package.json # package.json
├── vue.config # vue-cli 配置
└── yarn.lock
## 浏览器支持
| [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/firefox/firefox_48x48.png" alt="Firefox" width="24px" height="24px" />](https://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Firefox | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/chrome/chrome_48x48.png" alt="Chrome" width="24px" height="24px" />](https://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Chrome | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/safari/safari_48x48.png" alt="Safari" width="24px" height="24px" />](https://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Safari |
| --------- | --------- | --------- |
| last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
Since TypeScript cannot handle type information for `.vue` imports, they are shimmed to be a generic Vue component type by default. In most cases this is fine if you don't really care about component prop types outside of templates. However, if you wish to get actual prop types in `.vue` imports (for example to get props validation when using manual `h(...)` calls), you can enable Volar's `.vue` type support plugin by running `Volar: Switch TS Plugin on/off` from VSCode command palette.
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
presets: [
'@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset', [
'@babel/preset-env', {
modules: false
plugins: [
'libraryName': 'element-plus',
'styleLibraryName': 'theme-chalk'
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
ignores: [(commit) => commit.includes('init')],
extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
parserPreset: {
parserOpts: {
headerPattern: /^(\w*|[\u4e00-\u9fa5]*)(?:[\(\(](.*)[\)\)])?[\:\:] (.*)/,
headerCorrespondence: ['type', 'scope', 'subject'],
referenceActions: [
issuePrefixes: ['#'],
noteKeywords: ['BREAKING CHANGE', '不兼容变更'],
fieldPattern: /^-(.*?)-$/,
revertPattern: /^Revert\s"([\s\S]*)"\s*This reverts commit (\w*)\./,
revertCorrespondence: ['header', 'hash'],
warn() {},
mergePattern: null,
mergeCorrespondence: null
rules: {
'body-leading-blank': [2, 'always'],
'footer-leading-blank': [1, 'always'],
'header-max-length': [2, 'always', 108],
'subject-empty': [2, 'never'],
'type-empty': [2, 'never'],
'type-enum': [
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// generated by unplugin-vue-components
// We suggest you to commit this file into source control
// Read more: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/pull/3399
declare module 'vue' {
export interface GlobalComponents {
ElButton: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElButton']
ElLink: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElLink']
ElTag: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTag']
HelloWorld: typeof import('C:/Users/Saber/Documents/HBuilderProjects/vue-element-plus-admin/src/components/HelloWorld.vue')['default']
export { }
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Vite App</title>
<div id="app"></div>
<script type="module" src="/src/main.ts"></script>
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
import Mock from 'mockjs'
import { toAnyString } from '@/utils'
let List: any[] = []
const count = 100
const baseContent = '<p>I am testing data, I am testing data.</p><p><img src="https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/4c69009c-0fd4-4153-b112-6cb53d1cf943"></p>'
// const image_uri = 'https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/e4558086-631c-425c-9430-56ffb46e70b3'
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
id: toAnyString(),
// timestamp: +Mock.Random.date('T'),
author: '@first',
title: '@title(5, 10)',
content: baseContent,
importance: '@integer(1, 3)',
display_time: '@datetime',
pageviews: '@integer(300, 5000)'
// image_uri
export default [
// 列表接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/example/list',
type: 'get',
response: (config: any) => {
const { title, pageIndex, pageSize } = config.query
const mockList = List.filter(item => {
if (title && item.title.indexOf(title) < 0) return false
return true
const pageList = mockList.filter((item, index) => index < pageSize * pageIndex && index >= pageSize * (pageIndex - 1))
return {
code: '0000',
data: {
total: mockList.length,
list: pageList
// 删除接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/example/delete',
type: 'post',
response: (config: any) => {
const ids = config.body.ids
if (!ids) {
return {
code: '500',
message: '请选择需要删除的数据'
} else {
let i = List.length
while (i--) {
if (ids.indexOf(List[i].id) !== -1) {
List.splice(i, 1)
return {
code: '0000',
data: 'success'
// 详情接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/example/detail',
type: 'get',
response: (config: any) => {
const { id } = config.query
for (const example of List) {
if (example.id === id) {
return {
code: '0000',
data: example
// 保存接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/example/save',
type: 'post',
response: (config: any) => {
const data = config.body
if (!data.id) {
List = [Object.assign(data, { id: toAnyString(), importance: Number(data.importance) })].concat(List)
return {
code: '0000',
data: 'success'
} else {
List.map(item => {
if (item.id === data.id) {
for (const key in item) {
if (key === 'importance') {
item[key] = Number(data[key])
} else {
item[key] = data[key]
return {
code: '0000',
data: 'success'
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
import Mock from 'mockjs'
import { param2Obj } from '@/utils'
import example from './example'
import user from './user'
import role from './role'
const mocks: any[] = [
// for front mock
// please use it cautiously, it will redefine XMLHttpRequest,
// which will cause many of your third-party libraries to be invalidated(like progress event).
export function mockXHR() {
const send: any = (Mock as any).XHR.prototype.send;
((Mock as any).XHR.prototype as any).proxy_send = send;
(Mock as any).XHR.prototype.send = function() {
if (this.custom.xhr) {
this.custom.xhr.withCredentials = this.withCredentials || false
if (this.responseType) {
this.custom.xhr.responseType = this.responseType
/* eslint-disable */
function XHR2ExpressReqWrap(respond: any) {
return function(options: any) {
let result = null
if (respond instanceof Function) {
const { body, type, url } = options
// https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req
result = respond({
method: type,
body: JSON.parse(body),
query: param2Obj(url)
} else {
result = respond
return Mock.mock(result)
for (const i of mocks) {
Mock.mock(new RegExp(i.url), i.type || 'get', XHR2ExpressReqWrap(i.response))
// for mock server
const responseFake = (url: string, type: string, respond: any) => {
return {
url: new RegExp(`${url}`),
type: type || 'get',
response(req: any, res: any) {
res.json(Mock.mock(respond instanceof Function ? respond(req, res) : respond))
export default mocks.map(route => {
return responseFake(route.url, route.type, route.response)
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
const chokidar = require('chokidar')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const chalk = require('chalk')
const path = require('path')
const mockDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'mock')
function registerRoutes(app) {
let mockLastIndex
const { default: mocks } = require('./index.ts')
for (const mock of mocks) {
app[mock.type](mock.url, mock.response)
mockLastIndex = app._router.stack.length
const mockRoutesLength = Object.keys(mocks).length
return {
mockRoutesLength: mockRoutesLength,
mockStartIndex: mockLastIndex - mockRoutesLength
function unregisterRoutes() {
Object.keys(require.cache).forEach(i => {
if (i.includes(mockDir)) {
delete require.cache[require.resolve(i)]
module.exports = app => {
// es6 polyfill
// parse app.body
// https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req.body
extended: true
const mockRoutes = registerRoutes(app)
var mockRoutesLength = mockRoutes.mockRoutesLength
var mockStartIndex = mockRoutes.mockStartIndex
// watch files, hot reload mock server
chokidar.watch(mockDir, {
ignored: /mock-server/,
ignoreInitial: true
}).on('all', (event, path) => {
if (event === 'change' || event === 'add') {
try {
// remove mock routes stack
app._router.stack.splice(mockStartIndex, mockRoutesLength)
// clear routes cache
const mockRoutes = registerRoutes(app)
mockRoutesLength = mockRoutes.mockRoutesLength
mockStartIndex = mockRoutes.mockStartIndex
console.log(chalk.magentaBright(`\n > Mock Server hot reload success! changed ${path}`))
} catch (error) {
@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
export const checkedNodes = [{
'path': '/components-demo',
'title': '功能组件',
'name': 'ComponentsDemo',
'children': [{
'path': '/components-demo/echarts',
'title': '图表',
'name': 'EchartsDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/preview',
'title': '图片预览',
'name': 'PreviewDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/button',
'title': '按钮',
'name': 'ButtonDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/message',
'title': '消息提示',
'name': 'MessageDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/count-to',
'title': '数字动画',
'name': 'CountToDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/search',
'title': '查询',
'name': 'SearchDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/editor',
'title': '富文本编辑器',
'name': 'EditorDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/markdown',
'title': 'markdown编辑器',
'name': 'MarkdownDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/dialog',
'title': '弹窗',
'name': 'DialogDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/more',
'title': '显示更多',
'name': 'MoreDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/detail',
'title': '详情组件',
'name': 'DetailDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/qrcode',
'title': '二维码组件',
'name': 'QrcodeDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/avatars',
'title': '头像组',
'name': 'AvatarsDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/highlight',
'title': '文字高亮',
'name': 'HighlightDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/echarts',
'title': '图表',
'name': 'EchartsDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/preview',
'title': '图片预览',
'name': 'PreviewDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/button',
'title': '按钮',
'name': 'ButtonDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/message',
'title': '消息提示',
'name': 'MessageDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/count-to',
'title': '数字动画',
'name': 'CountToDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/search',
'title': '查询',
'name': 'SearchDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/editor',
'title': '富文本编辑器',
'name': 'EditorDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/markdown',
'title': 'markdown编辑器',
'name': 'MarkdownDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/dialog',
'title': '弹窗',
'name': 'DialogDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/more',
'title': '显示更多',
'name': 'MoreDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/detail',
'title': '详情组件',
'name': 'DetailDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/qrcode',
'title': '二维码组件',
'name': 'QrcodeDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/avatars',
'title': '头像组',
'name': 'AvatarsDemo'
}, {
'path': '/components-demo/highlight',
'title': '文字高亮',
'name': 'HighlightDemo'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo',
'title': '表格',
'name': 'TableDemo',
'children': [{
'path': '/table-demo/basic-table',
'title': '基础表格',
'name': 'BasicTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/page-table',
'title': '分页表格',
'name': 'PageTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/stripe-table',
'title': '带斑马纹表格',
'name': 'StripeTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/border-table',
'title': '带边框表格',
'name': 'BorderTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/state-table',
'title': '带状态表格',
'name': 'StateTable'
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'path': '/table-demo/fixed-header',
'title': '固定表头',
'name': 'FixedHeader'
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'path': '/table-demo/fixed-column',
'title': '固定列',
'name': 'FixedColumn'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/fixed-column-header',
'title': '固定列和表头',
'name': 'FixedColumnHeader'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/fluid-height',
'title': '流体高度',
'name': 'FluidHeight'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/multi-header',
'title': '多级表头',
'name': 'MultiHeader'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/single-choice',
'title': '单选',
'name': 'SingleChoice'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/multiple-choice',
'title': '多选',
'name': 'MultipleChoice'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/sort-table',
'title': '排序',
'name': 'SortTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/screen-table',
'title': '筛选',
'name': 'ScreenTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/expand-row',
'title': '展开行',
'name': 'ExpandRow'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/tree-and-load',
'title': '树形数据与懒加载',
'name': 'TreeAndLoad'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/custom-header',
'title': '自定义表头',
'name': 'CustomHeader'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/total-table',
'title': '表尾合计行',
'name': 'TotalTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/merge-table',
'title': '合并行或列',
'name': 'MergeTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/custom-index',
'title': '自定义索引',
'name': 'CustomIndex'
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'path': '/table-demo/basic-table',
'title': '基础表格',
'name': 'BasicTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/page-table',
'title': '分页表格',
'name': 'PageTable'
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'path': '/table-demo/stripe-table',
'title': '带斑马纹表格',
'name': 'StripeTable'
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'path': '/table-demo/border-table',
'title': '带边框表格',
'name': 'BorderTable'
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'path': '/table-demo/state-table',
'title': '带状态表格',
'name': 'StateTable'
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'path': '/table-demo/fixed-header',
'title': '固定表头',
'name': 'FixedHeader'
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'path': '/table-demo/fixed-column',
'title': '固定列',
'name': 'FixedColumn'
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'path': '/table-demo/fixed-column-header',
'title': '固定列和表头',
'name': 'FixedColumnHeader'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/fluid-height',
'title': '流体高度',
'name': 'FluidHeight'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/multi-header',
'title': '多级表头',
'name': 'MultiHeader'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/single-choice',
'title': '单选',
'name': 'SingleChoice'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/multiple-choice',
'title': '多选',
'name': 'MultipleChoice'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/sort-table',
'title': '排序',
'name': 'SortTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/screen-table',
'title': '筛选',
'name': 'ScreenTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/expand-row',
'title': '展开行',
'name': 'ExpandRow'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/tree-and-load',
'title': '树形数据与懒加载',
'name': 'TreeAndLoad'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/custom-header',
'title': '自定义表头',
'name': 'CustomHeader'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/total-table',
'title': '表尾合计行',
'name': 'TotalTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/merge-table',
'title': '合并行或列',
'name': 'MergeTable'
}, {
'path': '/table-demo/custom-index',
'title': '自定义索引',
'name': 'CustomIndex'
}, {
'path': '/directives-demo',
'title': '自定义指令',
'name': 'DirectivesDemo',
'children': [{
'path': '/directives-demo/clipboard',
'title': 'Clipboard',
'name': 'ClipboardDemo'
}, {
'path': '/directives-demo/clipboard',
'title': 'Clipboard',
'name': 'ClipboardDemo'
}, {
'path': '/hooks-demo',
'title': 'Hooks',
'name': 'HooksDemo',
'children': [{
'path': '/hooks-demo/watermark',
'title': 'UseWaterMark',
'name': 'UseWatermarkDemo'
}, {
'path': '/hooks-demo/useScrollTo',
'title': 'UseScrollTo',
'name': 'UseScrollToDemo'
}, {
'path': '/hooks-demo/watermark',
'title': 'UseWaterMark',
'name': 'UseWatermarkDemo'
}, {
'path': '/hooks-demo/useScrollTo',
'title': 'UseScrollTo',
'name': 'UseScrollToDemo'
}, {
'path': '/icon/index',
'title': '图标',
'name': 'Icons'
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'path': '/level',
'title': '多级菜单缓存',
'name': 'Level',
'children': [{
'path': '/level/menu1',
'title': 'Menu1',
'name': 'Menu1Demo',
'children': [{
'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-1',
'title': 'Menu1-1',
'name': 'Menu11Demo',
'children': [{
'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-1/menu1-1-1',
'title': 'Menu1-1-1',
'name': 'Menu111Demo'
}, {
'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-2',
'title': 'Menu1-2',
'name': 'Menu12Demo'
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'path': '/level/menu2',
'title': 'Menu2',
'name': 'Menu2Demo'
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'path': '/level/menu1',
'title': 'Menu1',
'name': 'Menu1Demo',
'children': [{
'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-1',
'title': 'Menu1-1',
'name': 'Menu11Demo',
'children': [{
'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-1/menu1-1-1',
'title': 'Menu1-1-1',
'name': 'Menu111Demo'
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'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-2',
'title': 'Menu1-2',
'name': 'Menu12Demo'
}, {
'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-1',
'title': 'Menu1-1',
'name': 'Menu11Demo',
'children': [{
'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-1/menu1-1-1',
'title': 'Menu1-1-1',
'name': 'Menu111Demo'
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'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-1/menu1-1-1',
'title': 'Menu1-1-1',
'name': 'Menu111Demo'
}, {
'path': '/level/menu1/menu1-2',
'title': 'Menu1-2',
'name': 'Menu12Demo'
}, {
'path': '/level/menu2',
'title': 'Menu2',
'name': 'Menu2Demo'
}, {
'path': '/example-demo',
'title': '综合实例',
'name': 'ExampleDemo',
'children': [{
'path': '/example-demo/example-dialog',
'title': '列表综合实例-弹窗',
'name': 'ExampleDialog'
}, {
'path': '/example-demo/example-page',
'title': '列表综合实例-页面',
'name': 'ExamplePage'
}, {
'path': '/example-demo/example-dialog',
'title': '列表综合实例-弹窗',
'name': 'ExampleDialog'
}, {
'path': '/example-demo/example-page',
'title': '列表综合实例-页面',
'name': 'ExamplePage'
}, {
'path': '/role-demo',
'title': '权限管理',
'name': 'RoleDemo',
'children': [{
'path': '/role-demo/user',
'title': '用户管理',
'name': 'User'
}, {
'path': '/role-demo/role',
'title': '角色管理',
'name': 'Role'
}, {
'path': '/role-demo/user',
'title': '用户管理',
'name': 'User'
}, {
'path': '/role-demo/role',
'title': '角色管理',
'name': 'Role'
export const checkedkeys = ['/components-demo', '/components-demo/echarts', '/components-demo/preview',
'/components-demo/button', '/components-demo/message', '/components-demo/count-to', '/components-demo/search',
'/components-demo/editor', '/components-demo/markdown', '/components-demo/dialog', '/components-demo/more',
'/components-demo/detail', '/components-demo/qrcode', '/components-demo/avatars', '/table-demo', '/table-demo/basic-table', '/table-demo/page-table',
'/table-demo/stripe-table', '/table-demo/border-table', '/table-demo/state-table', '/table-demo/fixed-header',
'/table-demo/fixed-column', '/table-demo/fixed-column-header', '/table-demo/fluid-height',
'/table-demo/multi-header', '/table-demo/single-choice', '/table-demo/multiple-choice', '/table-demo/sort-table',
'/table-demo/screen-table', '/table-demo/expand-row', '/table-demo/tree-and-load', '/table-demo/custom-header',
'/table-demo/total-table', '/table-demo/merge-table', '/table-demo/custom-index', '/directives-demo',
'/directives-demo/clipboard', '/hooks-demo', '/hooks-demo/watermark', '/hooks-demo/useScrollTo', '/icon/index',
'/level', '/level/menu1', '/level/menu1/menu1-1', '/level/menu1/menu1-1/menu1-1-1', '/level/menu1/menu1-2',
'/level/menu2', '/example-demo', '/example-demo/example-dialog', '/example-demo/example-page', '/role-demo',
'/role-demo/user', '/role-demo/role'
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
import wsCache from '@/cache'
import { Role } from './types'
import { checkedNodes, checkedkeys } from './admin-role'
import { checkedRoleNodes } from './test-role'
let List: Role[] = wsCache.get('roleList') || [
roleName: 'admin',
id: '1',
checkedNodes: checkedNodes,
checkedkeys: checkedkeys
roleName: 'test',
id: '2',
checkedNodes: checkedRoleNodes,
checkedkeys: []
export default [
// 列表接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/role/list',
type: 'get',
response: (config: any) => {
const {
} = config.query
const mockList = List.filter(item => {
if (roleName && item.roleName.indexOf(roleName) < 0) return false
return true
const pageList = mockList.filter((item, index) => index < pageSize * pageIndex && index >= pageSize * (pageIndex - 1))
return {
code: '0000',
data: {
total: mockList.length,
list: pageList
// 详情接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/role/detail',
type: 'get',
response: (config: any) => {
const {
} = config.query
for (const role of List) {
if (role.id === id) {
return {
code: '0000',
data: role
// 保存接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/role/save',
type: 'post',
response: (config: any) => {
const data = config.body
if (!data.id) {
List = [data].concat(List)
return {
code: '0000',
data: 'success'
} else {
List.map(item => {
if (item.id === data.id) {
for (const key in item) {
item[key] = data[key]
// 存在缓存中,避免刷新没有掉
wsCache.set('roleList', List)
return {
code: '0000',
data: 'success'
@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
export const checkedRoleNodes = [
path: '/components-demo',
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title: '展开行'
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component: 'pages/index/views/table-demo/custom-index/index',
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title: '自定义索引'
path: '/directives-demo',
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meta: {
title: '多级菜单缓存',
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path: 'menu1-1',
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title: 'Menu1-1-1'
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component: 'pages/index/views/level/Menu2',
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title: 'Menu2'
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title: '列表综合实例-新增',
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activeMenu: '/example-demo/example-page'
path: 'example-edit',
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name: 'ExampleEdit',
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title: '列表综合实例-编辑',
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noCache: true,
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activeMenu: '/example-demo/example-page'
path: 'example-detail',
component: 'pages/index/views/example-demo/example-page/example-detail',
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title: '列表综合实例-详情',
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showMainRoute: true,
activeMenu: '/example-demo/example-page'
path: '/role-demo',
component: '#',
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title: '权限管理',
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path: 'user',
component: 'pages/index/views/role-demo/user/index',
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title: '用户管理'
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component: 'pages/index/views/role-demo/role/index',
name: 'Role',
meta: {
title: '角色管理'
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
export interface Role {
roleName: String
id: String
checkedNodes: any[]
checkedkeys: any[]
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
import { User } from './types'
const List: User[] = [
userName: 'admin',
password: 'admin',
role: 'admin',
roleId: '1'
userName: 'test',
password: 'test',
role: 'test',
roleId: '2'
export default [
// 列表接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/user/list',
type: 'get',
response: (config: any) => {
const {
} = config.query
const mockList = List.filter(item => {
if (userName && item.userName.indexOf(userName) < 0) return false
return true
const pageList = mockList.filter((item, index) => index < pageSize * pageIndex && index >= pageSize * (pageIndex - 1))
return {
code: '0000',
data: {
total: mockList.length,
list: pageList
// 登录接口
url: 'http://mockjs.test.cn/user/login',
type: 'post',
response: (config: any) => {
const data = config.body
let hasUser = false
for (const user of List) {
if (user.userName === data.userName && user.password === data.passWord) {
hasUser = true
return {
code: '0000',
data: user
if (!hasUser) {
return {
code: '500',
message: '账号或密码错误'
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
export interface User {
userName: String
password: String
role: String
roleId: String
@ -1,98 +1,21 @@
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"version": "0.0.6",
"private": true,
"name": "my-vue-app",
"version": "0.0.0",
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
"lint": "vue-cli-service lint",
"build:all": "npm run build:dev && npm run build:pro && npm run build:test",
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* 多页应用配置,只需要配置基础路径即可。
const pagesConfig = {
index: {
template: 'public/index.html',
title: 'vue-element-admin-webpack'
module.exports = pagesConfig
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* 配置浏览器本地存储的方式,可直接存储对象数组。
import WebStorageCache from 'web-storage-cache'
const wsCache: WebStorageCache = new WebStorageCache({
storage: 'sessionStorage'
export default wsCache
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
<div class="avatars-wrap">
<template v-if="tooltip">
v-for="(item, $index) in avatarsData"
<div :class="showAvatar ? 'avatars-item-img' : ['avatars-item', `avatars-${item.type || 'default'}`]">
<el-avatar v-if="showAvatar" :size="40" :src="item.url">
<img :src="require('@/assets/img/avatar.png')">
<span v-else>{{ item.text.substr(0, 1) }}</span>
<div v-if="max && data.length - max > 0" :class="['avatars-item', 'avatars-item-img']">
<span>+{{ data.length - max }}</span>
<template v-else>
v-for="(item, $index) in avatarsData"
:class="showAvatar ? 'avatars-item-img' : ['avatars-item', `avatars-${item.type || 'default'}`]"
<el-avatar v-if="showAvatar" :size="40" :src="item.url">
<img :src="require('@/assets/img/avatar.png')">
<span v-else>{{ item.text.substr(0, 1) }}</span>
<div v-if="max && data.length - max > 0" :class="['avatars-item', 'avatars-item-img']">
<span>+{{ data.length - max }}</span>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, PropType, computed } from 'vue'
import { deepClone } from '@/utils'
import { DataConfig } from './types'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Avatars',
props: {
// 展示的数据
data: {
type: Array as PropType<DataConfig[]>,
default: () => []
// 最大展示数量
max: {
type: Number as PropType<number>,
default: 0
// 是否使用头像
showAvatar: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
default: false
// 是否显示完整名称
tooltip: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
default: true
setup(props) {
const avatarsData = computed(() => {
if (props.max) {
if (props.data.length <= props.max) {
return props.data
} else {
const data = deepClone(props.data).splice(0, props.max)
return data
} else {
return props.data
return {
<style lang="less" scoped>
.avatars-wrap {
display: flex;
.avatars-item {
display: inline-block;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 1px solid #fff;
text-align: center;
color: #fff;
background: #2d8cf0;
.avatars-item-img {
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 50%;
.el-avatar--circle {
border: 1px solid #fff;
.avatars-item-img + .avatars-item-img {
margin-left: -12px;
.avatars-item + .avatars-item {
margin-left: -12px;
.avatars-default {
color: #bae7ff;
background: #096dd9;
.avatars-success {
color: #f6ffed;
background: #52c41a;
.avatars-danger {
color: #fff1f0;
background: #f5222d;
.avatars-warning {
color: #fffbe6;
background: #faad14;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
export interface DataConfig {
text: string
type?: string
url?: string
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
{{ displayValue }}
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, reactive, computed, watch, onMounted, unref, toRef } from 'vue'
import { countToProps } from './props'
import { isNumber } from '@/utils/is'
import { requestAnimationFrame, cancelAnimationFrame } from '@/utils/animation'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'CountTo',
props: countToProps,
emits: ['mounted', 'callback'],
setup(props, { emit }) {
const state = reactive<{
localStartVal: number
printVal: number | null
displayValue: string
paused: boolean
localDuration: number | null
startTime: number | null
timestamp: number | null
rAF: any
remaining: number | null
localStartVal: props.startVal,
displayValue: formatNumber(props.startVal),
printVal: null,
paused: false,
localDuration: props.duration,
startTime: null,
timestamp: null,
remaining: null,
rAF: null
onMounted(() => {
if (props.autoplay) {
const getCountDown = computed(() => {
return props.startVal > props.endVal
watch([() => props.startVal, () => props.endVal], () => {
if (props.autoplay) {
function start() {
const { startVal, duration } = props
state.localStartVal = startVal
state.startTime = null
state.localDuration = duration
state.paused = false
state.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(count)
function pauseResume() {
if (state.paused) {
state.paused = false
} else {
state.paused = true
function pause() {
function resume() {
state.startTime = null
state.localDuration = +(state.remaining as number)
state.localStartVal = +(state.printVal as number)
function reset() {
state.startTime = null
state.displayValue = formatNumber(props.startVal)
function count(timestamp: number) {
const { useEasing, easingFn, endVal } = props
if (!state.startTime) state.startTime = timestamp
state.timestamp = timestamp
const progress = timestamp - state.startTime
state.remaining = (state.localDuration as number) - progress
if (useEasing) {
if (unref(getCountDown)) {
state.printVal =
state.localStartVal -
easingFn(progress, 0, state.localStartVal - endVal, state.localDuration as number)
} else {
state.printVal = easingFn(
endVal - state.localStartVal,
state.localDuration as number
} else {
if (unref(getCountDown)) {
state.printVal =
state.localStartVal -
(state.localStartVal - endVal) * (progress / (state.localDuration as number))
} else {
state.printVal =
state.localStartVal +
(endVal - state.localStartVal) * (progress / (state.localDuration as number))
if (unref(getCountDown)) {
state.printVal = state.printVal < endVal ? endVal : state.printVal
} else {
state.printVal = state.printVal > endVal ? endVal : state.printVal
state.displayValue = formatNumber(state.printVal)
if (progress < (state.localDuration as number)) {
state.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(count)
} else {
function formatNumber(num: number | string) {
const { decimals, decimal, separator, suffix, prefix } = props
num = Number(num).toFixed(decimals)
num += ''
const x = num.split('.')
let x1 = x[0]
const x2 = x.length > 1 ? decimal + x[1] : ''
const rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/
if (separator && !isNumber(separator)) {
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + separator + '$2')
return prefix + x1 + x2 + suffix
return {
displayValue: toRef(state, 'displayValue')