/* Copyright 2023 Dual Tachyon * https://github.com/DualTachyon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef RADIO_H #define RADIO_H #include #include #include "dcs.h" enum { MR_CH_SCANLIST1 = (1U << 7), MR_CH_SCANLIST2 = (1U << 6), MR_CH_BAND_MASK = 0x0FU, }; enum { RADIO_CHANNEL_UP = 0x01U, RADIO_CHANNEL_DOWN = 0xFFU, }; enum { BANDWIDTH_WIDE = 0U, BANDWIDTH_NARROW = 1U, }; typedef struct { uint32_t Frequency; DCS_CodeType_t CodeType; uint8_t RX_TX_Code; uint8_t Padding[2]; } DCS_Info_t; typedef struct VFO_Info_t { DCS_Info_t DCS[2]; DCS_Info_t *pDCS_Current; DCS_Info_t *pDCS_Reverse; uint32_t FREQUENCY_OF_DEVIATION; uint16_t StepFrequency; uint8_t CHANNEL_SAVE; uint8_t FREQUENCY_DEVIATION_SETTING; uint8_t SquelchOpenRSSIThresh; uint8_t SquelchOpenNoiseThresh; uint8_t SquelchCloseGlitchThresh; uint8_t SquelchCloseRSSIThresh; uint8_t SquelchCloseNoiseThresh; uint8_t SquelchOpenGlitchThresh; uint8_t STEP_SETTING; uint8_t OUTPUT_POWER; uint8_t TXP_CalculatedSetting; bool FrequencyReverse; uint8_t SCRAMBLING_TYPE; uint8_t CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH; uint8_t SCANLIST1_PARTICIPATION; uint8_t SCANLIST2_PARTICIPATION; uint8_t Band; uint8_t DTMF_DECODING_ENABLE; uint8_t DTMF_PTT_ID_TX_MODE; uint8_t BUSY_CHANNEL_LOCK; uint8_t AM_CHANNEL_MODE; bool IsAM; char Name[16]; } VFO_Info_t; extern VFO_Info_t *gTxRadioInfo; extern VFO_Info_t *gInfoCHAN_A; extern VFO_Info_t *gCrossTxRadioInfo; extern DCS_CodeType_t gCodeType; extern DCS_CodeType_t gCopyOfCodeType; extern uint8_t gCode; bool RADIO_CheckValidChannel(uint8_t ChNum, bool bCheckScanList, uint8_t RadioNum); uint8_t RADIO_FindNextChannel(uint8_t ChNum, uint8_t Direction, bool bCheckScanList, uint8_t RadioNum); void RADIO_InitInfo(VFO_Info_t *pInfo, uint8_t ChannelSave, uint8_t ChIndex, uint32_t Frequency); void RADIO_ConfigureChannel(uint8_t RadioNum, uint32_t Arg); void RADIO_ConfigureSquelchAndOutputPower(VFO_Info_t *pInfo); void RADIO_ApplyOffset(VFO_Info_t *pInfo); void RADIO_ConfigureTX(void); void RADIO_ConfigureCrossTX(void); void RADIO_SetupRegisters(bool bSwitchToFunction0); void RADIO_ConfigureNOAA(void); void RADIO_PrepareTransmit(void); void RADIO_SomethingElse(uint8_t Arg); void RADIO_SomethingWithTransmit(void); void RADIO_EnableCxCSS(void); void RADIO_Something(void); #endif