/* Copyright 2023 Dual Tachyon * https://github.com/DualTachyon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "ARMCM0.h" #include "app.h" #include "audio.h" #include "battery.h" #include "bsp/dp32g030/gpio.h" #include "bsp/dp32g030/portcon.h" #include "bsp/dp32g030/syscon.h" #include "board.h" #include "driver/backlight.h" #include "driver/bk1080.h" #include "driver/bk4819.h" #include "driver/crc.h" #include "driver/eeprom.h" #include "driver/flash.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "driver/keyboard.h" #include "driver/st7565.h" #include "driver/system.h" #include "driver/systick.h" #include "driver/uart.h" #include "dtmf.h" #include "external/printf/printf.h" #include "functions.h" #include "gui.h" #include "helper.h" #include "misc.h" #include "radio.h" #include "settings.h" //#define USE_REAL_MAIN static const char Version[] = "UV-K5 Firmware, v0.01 Open Edition\r\n"; #if !defined(USE_REAL_MAIN) static void FLASHLIGHT_Init(void) { PORTCON_PORTC_IE = PORTCON_PORTC_IE_C5_BITS_ENABLE; PORTCON_PORTC_PU = PORTCON_PORTC_PU_C5_BITS_ENABLE; GPIOC->DIR |= GPIO_DIR_3_BITS_OUTPUT; GPIO_SetBit(&GPIOC->DATA, 10); GPIO_SetBit(&GPIOC->DATA, 11); GPIO_SetBit(&GPIOC->DATA, 12); GPIO_SetBit(&GPIOC->DATA, 13); } static void FLASHLIGHT_TurnOff(void) { GPIO_ClearBit(&GPIOC->DATA, GPIOC_PIN_FLASHLIGHT); } static void FLASHLIGHT_TurnOn(void) { GPIO_SetBit(&GPIOC->DATA, GPIOC_PIN_FLASHLIGHT); } #endif void _putchar(char c) { UART_Send((uint8_t *)&c, 1); } void Main(void) { uint8_t i; // Enable clock gating of blocks we need. SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE = 0 | SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE_GPIOA_BITS_ENABLE | SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE_GPIOB_BITS_ENABLE | SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE_GPIOC_BITS_ENABLE | SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE_UART1_BITS_ENABLE | SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE_SPI0_BITS_ENABLE | SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE_SARADC_BITS_ENABLE | SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE_CRC_BITS_ENABLE | SYSCON_DEV_CLK_GATE_AES_BITS_ENABLE ; SYSTICK_Init(); BOARD_Init(); UART_Init(); UART_Send(Version, sizeof(Version)); // Not implementing authentic device checks memset(&gEeprom, 0, sizeof(gEeprom)); memset(gDTMF_String, '-', sizeof(gDTMF_String)); gDTMF_String[14] = 0; BK4819_Init(); BOARD_ADC_GetBatteryInfo(&gBatteryCurrentVoltage, &gBatteryCurrent); BOARD_EEPROM_Init(); BOARD_EEPROM_LoadMoreSettings(); RADIO_ConfigureChannel(0, 2); RADIO_ConfigureChannel(1, 2); RADIO_ConfigureTX(); RADIO_SetupRegisters(true); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { BOARD_ADC_GetBatteryInfo(&gBatteryVoltages[i], &gBatteryCurrent); } BATTERY_GetReadings(false); if (!gChargingWithTypeC && !gBatteryDisplayLevel) { FUNCTION_Select(FUNCTION_POWER_SAVE); GPIO_ClearBit(&GPIOB->DATA, GPIOB_PIN_BACKLIGHT); g_2000037E = 1; } else { uint8_t KeyType; uint8_t Channel; GUI_Welcome(); BACKLIGHT_TurnOn(); SYSTEM_DelayMs(1000); gMenuListCount = 51; HELPER_GetKey(); KeyType = HELPER_GetKey(); if (gEeprom.POWER_ON_PASSWORD < 1000000) { g_2000036E = 1; GUI_PasswordScreen(); g_2000036E = 0; } HELPER_CheckBootKey(KeyType); GPIO_ClearBit(&GPIOA->DATA, 12); g_2000036F = 1; AUDIO_SetVoiceID(0, VOICE_ID_WELCOME); Channel = gEeprom.VfoChannel[gEeprom.TX_CHANNEL] + 1; if (Channel < 201) { AUDIO_SetVoiceID(1, VOICE_ID_CHANNEL_MODE); AUDIO_SetDigitVoice(2, Channel); } else if ((Channel - 201) < 7) { AUDIO_SetVoiceID(1, VOICE_ID_FREQUENCY_MODE); } AUDIO_PlaySingleVoice(0); RADIO_ConfigureNOAA(); } #if defined(USE_REAL_MAIN) while (1) { APP_Update(); if (gNextTimeslice) { APP_TimeSlice10ms(); gNextTimeslice = false; } if (gNextTimeslice500ms) { APP_TimeSlice500ms(); gNextTimeslice500ms = false; } } #else // Below this line is development/test area not conforming to the original firmware // Show some signs of life FLASHLIGHT_Init(); bool Open = false; uint8_t Flag = false; while (1) { uint16_t RSSI = BK4819_GetRSSI(); if (RSSI >= 0x100) { if (!Open) { BK4819_WriteRegister(BK4819_REG_48, 0 | (gEeprom.VOLUME_GAIN << 4) | gEeprom.DAC_GAIN ); BK4819_SetAF(BK4819_AF_OPEN); Open = true; } } else { Open = false; BK4819_SetAF(BK4819_AF_MUTE); } SYSTEM_DelayMs(200); if (Flag) { FLASHLIGHT_TurnOn(); } else { FLASHLIGHT_TurnOff(); } Flag = !Flag; } #endif }