-- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clink.matches = {} clink.generators = {} clink.prompt = {} clink.prompt.filters = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.compute_lcd(text, list) local list_n = #list if list_n < 2 then return end -- Find min and max limits local max = 100000 for i = 1, #list, 1 do local j = #(list[i]) if max > j then max = j end end -- For each character in the search range... local mid = #text local lcd = "" for i = 1, max, 1 do local same = true local l = list[1]:sub(i, i) local m = l:lower() -- Compare character at the index with each other character in the -- other matches. for j = 2, list_n, 1 do local n = list[j]:sub(i, i):lower() if m ~= n then same = false break end end -- If all characters match then use first match's character. if same then lcd = lcd..l else -- Otherwise use what the user's typed or if we're past that then -- bail out. if i <= mid then lcd = lcd..text:sub(i, i) else break end end end return lcd end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.is_single_match(matches) if #matches <= 1 then return true end local first = matches[1]:lower() for i = 2, #matches, 1 do if first ~= matches[i]:lower() then return false end end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.is_point_in_quote(str, i) if i > #str then i = #str end local c = 1 local q = string.byte("\"") for j = 1, i do if string.byte(str, j) == q then c = c * -1 end end if c < 0 then return true end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.adjust_for_separator(buffer, point, first, last) local seps = nil if clink.get_host_process() == "cmd.exe" then seps = "|&" end if seps then -- Find any valid command separators and if found, manipulate the -- completion state a little bit. local leading = buffer:sub(1, first - 1) -- regex is: local regex = "["..seps.."]([^"..seps.."]*)$" local sep_found, _, post_sep = leading:find(regex) if sep_found and not clink.is_point_in_quote(leading, sep_found) then local delta = #leading - #post_sep buffer = buffer:sub(delta + 1) first = first - delta last = last - delta point = point - delta if first < 1 then first = 1 end end end return buffer, point, first, last end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.generate_matches(text, first, last) local line_buffer local point line_buffer, point, first, last = clink.adjust_for_separator( rl_state.line_buffer, rl_state.point, first, last ) rl_state.line_buffer = line_buffer rl_state.point = point clink.matches = {} clink.match_display_filter = nil for _, generator in ipairs(clink.generators) do if generator.f(text, first, last) == true then if #clink.matches > 1 then -- Catch instances where there's many entries of a single match if clink.is_single_match(clink.matches) then clink.matches = { clink.matches[1] } return true; end -- First entry in the match list should be the user's input, -- modified here to be the lowest common denominator. local lcd = clink.compute_lcd(text, clink.matches) table.insert(clink.matches, 1, lcd) end return true end end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.add_match(match) if type(match) == "table" then for _, i in ipairs(match) do table.insert(clink.matches, i) end return end table.insert(clink.matches, match) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.register_match_generator(func, priority) if priority == nil then priority = 999 end table.insert(clink.generators, {f=func, p=priority}) table.sort(clink.generators, function(a, b) return a["p"] < b["p"] end) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.is_match(needle, candidate) if needle == nil then error("Nil needle value when calling clink.is_match()", 2) end if clink.lower(candidate:sub(1, #needle)) == clink.lower(needle) then return true end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.match_count() return #clink.matches end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.set_match(i, value) clink.matches[i] = value end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.get_match(i) return clink.matches[i] end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.match_words(text, words) local count = clink.match_count() for _, i in ipairs(words) do if clink.is_match(text, i) then clink.add_match(i) end end return clink.match_count() - count end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.match_files(pattern, full_path, find_func) -- Fill out default values if type(find_func) ~= "function" then find_func = clink.find_files end if full_path == nil then full_path = true end if pattern == nil then pattern = "*" end -- Glob files. pattern = pattern:gsub("/", "\\") local glob = find_func(pattern, true) -- Get glob's base. local base = "" local i = pattern:find("[\\:][^\\:]*$") if i and full_path then base = pattern:sub(1, i) end -- Match them. local count = clink.match_count() for _, i in ipairs(glob) do local full = base..i clink.add_match(full) end return clink.match_count() - count end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.split(str, sep) local i = 1 local ret = {} for _, j in function() return str:find(sep, i, true) end do table.insert(ret, str:sub(i, j - 1)) i = j + 1 end table.insert(ret, str:sub(i, j)) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.quote_split(str, ql, qr) if not qr then qr = ql end -- First parse in "pre[ql]quote_string[qr]" chunks local insert = table.insert local i = 1 local needle = "%b"..ql..qr local parts = {} for l, r, quote in function() return str:find(needle, i) end do -- "pre" if l > 1 then insert(parts, str:sub(i, l - 1)) end -- "quote_string" insert(parts, str:sub(l, r)) i = r + 1 end -- Second parse what remains as "pre[ql]being_quoted" local l = str:find(ql, i, true) if l then -- "pre" if l > 1 then insert(parts, str:sub(i, l - 1)) end -- "being_quoted" insert(parts, str:sub(l)) elseif i <= #str then -- Finally add whatever remains... insert(parts, str:sub(i)) end return parts end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.prompt.register_filter(filter, priority) if priority == nil then priority = 999 end table.insert(clink.prompt.filters, {f=filter, p=priority}) table.sort(clink.prompt.filters, function(a, b) return a["p"] < b["p"] end) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.filter_prompt(prompt) local function add_ansi_codes(p) local c = tonumber(clink.get_setting_int("prompt_colour")) if c < 0 then return p end c = c % 16 --[[ <4 >=4 %2 0 0 0 Black 4 1 -3 Blue 0 1 4 3 Red 5 5 0 Magenta 1 2 2 0 Green 6 3 -3 Cyan 0 3 6 3 Yellow 7 7 0 Gray 1 --]] -- Convert from cmd.exe colour indices to ANSI ones. local colour_id = c % 8 if (colour_id % 2) == 1 then if colour_id < 4 then c = c + 3 end elseif colour_id >= 4 then c = c - 3 end -- Clamp if c > 15 then c = 15 end -- Build ANSI code local code = "\x1b[0;" if c > 7 then c = c - 8 code = code.."1;" end code = code..(c + 30).."m" return code..p.."\x1b[0m" end clink.prompt.value = prompt for _, filter in ipairs(clink.prompt.filters) do if filter.f() == true then return add_ansi_codes(clink.prompt.value) end end return add_ansi_codes(clink.prompt.value) end -- vim: expandtab -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clink.arg = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local parsers = {} local is_parser local is_sub_parser local new_sub_parser local parser_go_impl local merge_parsers local parser_meta_table = {} local sub_parser_meta_table = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function parser_meta_table.__concat(lhs, rhs) if not is_parser(rhs) then error("Right-handside must be parser.", 2) end local t = type(lhs) if t == "table" then local ret = {} for _, i in ipairs(lhs) do table.insert(ret, i .. rhs) end return ret elseif t ~= "string" then error("Left-handside must be a string or a table.", 2) end return new_sub_parser(lhs, rhs) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function unfold_table(source, target) for _, i in ipairs(source) do if type(i) == "table" and getmetatable(i) == nil then unfold_table(i, target) else table.insert(target, i) end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_is_flag(parser, part) if part == nil then return false end local prefix = part:sub(1, 1) return prefix == "-" or prefix == "/" end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_add_arguments(parser, ...) for _, i in ipairs({...}) do -- Check all arguments are tables. if type(i) ~= "table" then error("All arguments to add_arguments() must be tables.", 2) end -- Only parsers are allowed to be specified without being wrapped in a -- containing table. if getmetatable(i) ~= nil then if is_parser(i) then table.insert(parser.arguments, i) else error("Tables can't have meta-tables.", 2) end else -- Expand out nested tables and insert into object's arguments table. local arguments = {} unfold_table(i, arguments) table.insert(parser.arguments, arguments) end end return parser end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_set_arguments(parser, ...) parser.arguments = {} return parser:add_arguments(...) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_add_flags(parser, ...) local flags = {} unfold_table({...}, flags) -- Validate the specified flags. for _, i in ipairs(flags) do if is_sub_parser(i) then i = i.key end -- Check all flags are strings. if type(i) ~= "string" then error("All parser flags must be strings. Found "..type(i), 2) end -- Check all flags start with a - or a / if not parser:is_flag(i) then error("Flags must begin with a '-' or a '/'", 2) end end -- Append flags to parser's existing table of flags. for _, i in ipairs(flags) do table.insert(parser.flags, i) end return parser end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_set_flags(parser, ...) parser.flags = {} return parser:add_flags(...) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_flatten_argument(parser, index, func_thunk) -- Sanity check the 'index' param to make sure it's valid. if type(index) == "number" then if index <= 0 or index > #parser.arguments then return parser.use_file_matching end end -- index == nil is a special case that returns the parser's flags local opts = {} local arg_opts if index == nil then arg_opts = parser.flags else arg_opts = parser.arguments[index] end -- Convert each argument option into a string and collect them in a table. for _, i in ipairs(arg_opts) do if is_sub_parser(i) then table.insert(opts, i.key) else local t = type(i) if t == "function" then local results = func_thunk(i) local t = type(results) if not results then return parser.use_file_matching elseif t == "boolean" then return (results and parser.use_file_matching) elseif t == "table" then for _, j in ipairs(results) do table.insert(opts, j) end end elseif t == "string" or t == "number" then table.insert(opts, tostring(i)) end end end return opts end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_go_args(parser, state) local exhausted_args = false local exhausted_parts = false local part = state.parts[state.part_index] local arg_index = state.arg_index local arg_opts = parser.arguments[arg_index] local arg_count = #parser.arguments -- Is the next argument a parser? Parse control directly on to it. if is_parser(arg_opts) then state.arg_index = 1 return parser_go_impl(arg_opts, state) end -- Advance parts state. state.part_index = state.part_index + 1 if state.part_index > #state.parts then exhausted_parts = true end -- Advance argument state. state.arg_index = arg_index + 1 if arg_index > arg_count then exhausted_args = true end -- We've exhausted all available arguments. We either loop or we're done. if parser.loop_point > 0 and state.arg_index > arg_count then state.arg_index = parser.loop_point if state.arg_index > arg_count then state.arg_index = arg_count end end -- Is there some state to process? if not exhausted_parts and not exhausted_args then local exact = false for _, arg_opt in ipairs(arg_opts) do -- Is the argument a key to a sub-parser? If so then hand control -- off to it. if is_sub_parser(arg_opt) then if arg_opt.key == part then state.arg_index = 1 return parser_go_impl(arg_opt.parser, state) end end -- Check so see if the part has an exact match in the argument. Note -- that only string-type options are considered. if type(arg_opt) == "string" then exact = exact or arg_opt == part else exact = true end end -- If the parser's required to be precise then check here. if parser.precise and not exact then exhausted_args = true else return nil end end -- If we've no more arguments to traverse but there's still parts remaining -- then we start skipping arguments but keep going so that flags still get -- parsed (as flags have no position). if exhausted_args then state.part_index = state.part_index - 1 if not exhausted_parts then if state.depth <= 1 then state.skip_args = true return end return parser.use_file_matching end end -- Now we've an index into the parser's arguments that matches the line -- state. Flatten it. local func_thunk = function(func) return func(part) end return parser:flatten_argument(arg_index, func_thunk) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_go_flags(parser, state) local part = state.parts[state.part_index] -- Advance parts state. state.part_index = state.part_index + 1 if state.part_index > #state.parts then return parser:flatten_argument() end for _, arg_opt in ipairs(parser.flags) do if is_sub_parser(arg_opt) then if arg_opt.key == part then local arg_index_cache = state.arg_index local skip_args_cache = state.skip_args state.arg_index = 1 state.skip_args = false state.depth = state.depth + 1 local ret = parser_go_impl(arg_opt.parser, state) if type(ret) == "table" then return ret end state.depth = state.depth - 1 state.skip_args = skip_args_cache state.arg_index = arg_index_cache end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function parser_go_impl(parser, state) local has_flags = #parser.flags > 0 while state.part_index <= #state.parts do local part = state.parts[state.part_index] local dispatch_func if has_flags and parser:is_flag(part) then dispatch_func = parser_go_flags elseif not state.skip_args then dispatch_func = parser_go_args end if dispatch_func ~= nil then local ret = dispatch_func(parser, state) if ret ~= nil then return ret end else state.part_index = state.part_index + 1 end end return parser.use_file_matching end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_go(parser, parts) -- Validate 'parts'. if type(parts) ~= "table" then error("'Parts' param must be a table of strings ("..type(parts)..").", 2) else if #parts == 0 then part = { "" } end for i, j in ipairs(parts) do local t = type(parts[i]) if t ~= "string" then error("'Parts' table can only contain strings; "..j.."="..t, 2) end end end local state = { arg_index = 1, part_index = 1, parts = parts, skip_args = false, depth = 1, } return parser_go_impl(parser, state) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_dump(parser, depth) if depth == nil then depth = 0 end function prt(depth, index, text) local indent = string.sub(" ", 1, depth) text = tostring(text) print(indent..depth.."."..index.." - "..text) end -- Print arguments local i = 0 for _, arg_opts in ipairs(parser.arguments) do for _, arg_opt in ipairs(arg_opts) do if is_sub_parser(arg_opt) then prt(depth, i, arg_opt.key) arg_opt.parser:dump(depth + 1) else prt(depth, i, arg_opt) end end i = i + 1 end -- Print flags for _, flag in ipairs(parser.flags) do prt(depth, "F", flag) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function parser_be_precise(parser) parser.precise = true return parser end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_parser(p) return type(p) == "table" and getmetatable(p) == parser_meta_table end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_sub_parser(sp) return type(sp) == "table" and getmetatable(sp) == sub_parser_meta_table end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_sub_parser(argument, str) for _, arg in ipairs(argument) do if is_sub_parser(arg) then if arg.key == str then return arg.parser end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function new_sub_parser(key, parser) local sub_parser = {} sub_parser.key = key sub_parser.parser = parser setmetatable(sub_parser, sub_parser_meta_table) return sub_parser end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_disable_file_matching(parser) parser.use_file_matching = false return parser end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_loop(parser, loop_point) if loop_point == nil or type(loop_point) ~= "number" or loop_point < 1 then loop_point = 1 end parser.loop_point = loop_point return parser end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parser_initialise(parser, ...) for _, word in ipairs({...}) do local t = type(word) if t == "string" then parser:add_flags(word) elseif t == "table" then if is_sub_parser(word) and parser_is_flag(nil, word.key) then parser:add_flags(word) else parser:add_arguments(word) end else error("Additional arguments to new_parser() must be tables or strings", 2) end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.arg.new_parser(...) local parser = {} -- Methods parser.set_flags = parser_set_flags parser.add_flags = parser_add_flags parser.set_arguments = parser_set_arguments parser.add_arguments = parser_add_arguments parser.dump = parser_dump parser.go = parser_go parser.flatten_argument = parser_flatten_argument parser.be_precise = parser_be_precise parser.disable_file_matching = parser_disable_file_matching parser.loop = parser_loop parser.is_flag = parser_is_flag -- Members. parser.flags = {} parser.arguments = {} parser.precise = false parser.use_file_matching = true parser.loop_point = 0 setmetatable(parser, parser_meta_table) -- If any arguments are provided treat them as parser's arguments or flags if ... then success, msg = pcall(parser_initialise, parser, ...) if not success then error(msg, 2) end end return parser end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function merge_parsers(lhs, rhs) -- Merging parsers is not a trivial matter and this implementation is far -- from correct. It is however sufficient for the majority of cases. -- Merge flags. for _, rflag in ipairs(rhs.flags) do table.insert(lhs.flags, rflag) end -- Remove (and save value of) the first argument in RHS. local rhs_arg_1 = table.remove(rhs.arguments, 1) if rhs_arg_1 == nil then return end -- Get reference to the LHS's first argument table (creating it if needed). local lhs_arg_1 = lhs.arguments[1] if lhs_arg_1 == nil then lhs_arg_1 = {} table.insert(lhs.arguments, lhs_arg_1) end -- Link RHS to LHS through sub-parsers. for _, rarg in ipairs(rhs_arg_1) do local child -- Split sub parser if is_sub_parser(rarg) then child = rarg.parser rarg = rarg.key else child = rhs end -- If LHS's first argument has rarg in it which links to a sub-parser -- then we need to recursively merge them. local lhs_sub_parser = get_sub_parser(lhs_arg_1, rarg) if lhs_sub_parser then merge_parsers(lhs_sub_parser, child) else local to_add = rarg if type(rarg) ~= "function" then to_add = rarg .. child end table.insert(lhs_arg_1, to_add) end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clink.arg.register_parser(cmd, parser) if not is_parser(parser) then local p = clink.arg.new_parser() p:set_arguments({ parser }) parser = p end cmd = cmd:lower() local prev = parsers[cmd] if prev ~= nil then merge_parsers(prev, parser) else parsers[cmd] = parser end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function argument_match_generator(text, first, last) local leading = rl_state.line_buffer:sub(1, first - 1):lower() -- Extract the command. local cmd_l, cmd_r if leading:find("^%s*\"") then -- Command appears to be surround by quotes. cmd_l, cmd_r = leading:find("%b\"\"") if cmd_l and cmd_r then cmd_l = cmd_l + 1 cmd_r = cmd_r - 1 end else -- No quotes so the first, longest, non-whitespace word is extracted. cmd_l, cmd_r = leading:find("[^%s]+") end if not cmd_l or not cmd_r then return false end local regex = "[\\/:]*([^\\/:.]+)(%.*[%l]*)%s*$" local _, _, cmd, ext = leading:sub(cmd_l, cmd_r):lower():find(regex) -- Check to make sure the extension extracted is in pathext. if ext and ext ~= "" then if not clink.get_env("pathext"):lower():match(ext.."[;$]", 1, true) then return false end end -- Find a registered parser. local parser = parsers[cmd] if parser == nil then return false end -- Split the command line into parts. local str = rl_state.line_buffer:sub(cmd_r + 2, last) local parts = {} for _, sub_str in ipairs(clink.quote_split(str, "\"")) do -- Quoted strings still have their quotes. Look for those type of -- strings, strip the quotes and add it completely. if sub_str:sub(1, 1) == "\"" then local l, r = sub_str:find("\"[^\"]+") if l then local part = sub_str:sub(l + 1, r) table.insert(parts, part) end else -- Extract non-whitespace parts. for _, r, part in function () return sub_str:find("^%s*([^%s]+)") end do table.insert(parts, part) sub_str = sub_str:sub(r + 1) end end end -- If 'text' is empty then add it as a part as it would have been skipped -- by the split loop above. if text == "" then table.insert(parts, text) end -- Extend rl_state with match generation state; text, first, and last. rl_state.text = text rl_state.first = first rl_state.last = last -- Call the parser. local needle = parts[#parts] local ret = parser:go(parts) if type(ret) ~= "table" then return not ret end -- Iterate through the matches the parser returned and collect matches. for _, match in ipairs(ret) do if clink.is_match(needle, match) then clink.add_match(match) end end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clink.register_match_generator(argument_match_generator, 25) -- vim: expandtab --{{{ history --15/03/06 DCN Created based on RemDebug --28/04/06 DCN Update for Lua 5.1 --01/06/06 DCN Fix command argument parsing -- Add step/over N facility -- Add trace lines facility --05/06/06 DCN Add trace call/return facility --06/06/06 DCN Make it behave when stepping through the creation of a coroutine --06/06/06 DCN Integrate the simple debugger into the main one --07/06/06 DCN Provide facility to step into coroutines --13/06/06 DCN Fix bug that caused the function environment to get corrupted with the global one --14/06/06 DCN Allow 'sloppy' file names when setting breakpoints --04/08/06 DCN Allow for no space after command name --11/08/06 DCN Use io.write not print --30/08/06 DCN Allow access to array elements in 'dump' --10/10/06 DCN Default to breakfile for all commands that require a filename and give '-' --06/12/06 DCN Allow for punctuation characters in DUMP variable names --03/01/07 DCN Add pause on/off facility --19/06/07 DCN Allow for duff commands being typed in the debugger (thanks to Michael.Bringmann@lsi.com) -- Allow for case sensitive file systems (thanks to Michael.Bringmann@lsi.com) --04/08/09 DCN Add optional line count param to pause --05/08/09 DCN Reset the debug hook in Pause() even if we think we're started --30/09/09 DCN Re-jig to not use co-routines (makes debugging co-routines awkward) --01/10/09 DCN Add ability to break on reaching any line in a file --24/07/13 TWW Added code for emulating setfenv/getfenv in Lua 5.2 as per -- http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-06/msg00313.html --25/07/13 TWW Copied Alex Parrill's fix for errors when tracing back across a C frame -- (https://github.com/ColonelThirtyTwo/clidebugger, 26/01/12) --25/07/13 DCN Allow for windows and unix file name conventions in has_breakpoint --26/07/13 DCN Allow for \ being interpreted as an escape inside a [] pattern in 5.2 --}}} --{{{ description --A simple command line debug system for Lua written by Dave Nichols of --Match-IT Limited. Its public domain software. Do with it as you wish. --This debugger was inspired by: -- RemDebug 1.0 Beta -- Copyright Kepler Project 2005 (http://www.keplerproject.org/remdebug) --Usage: -- require('debugger') --load the debug library -- pause(message) --start/resume a debug session --An assert() failure will also invoke the debugger. --}}} local IsWindows = string.find(string.lower(os.getenv('OS') or ''),'^windows') local coro_debugger local events = { BREAK = 1, WATCH = 2, STEP = 3, SET = 4 } local breakpoints = {} local watches = {} local step_into = false local step_over = false local step_lines = 0 local step_level = {main=0} local stack_level = {main=0} local trace_level = {main=0} local trace_calls = false local trace_returns = false local trace_lines = false local ret_file, ret_line, ret_name local current_thread = 'main' local started = false local pause_off = false local _g = _G local cocreate, cowrap = coroutine.create, coroutine.wrap local pausemsg = 'pause' local aliases = { p = "over", t = "step", q = "exit", g = "run", dv = "dump", dt = "locs", k = "trace", bp = "setb", bc = "delb", bl = "listb", pt = "out", } --{{{ make Lua 5.2 compatible if not setfenv then -- Lua 5.2 --[[ As far as I can see, the only missing detail of these functions (except for occasional bugs) to achieve 100% compatibility is the case of 'getfenv' over a function that does not have an _ENV variable (that is, it uses no globals). We could use a weak table to keep the environments of these functions when set by setfenv, but that still misses the case of a function without _ENV that was not subjected to setfenv. -- Roberto ]]-- setfenv = setfenv or function(f, t) f = (type(f) == 'function' and f or debug.getinfo(f + 1, 'f').func) local name local up = 0 repeat up = up + 1 name = debug.getupvalue(f, up) until name == '_ENV' or name == nil if name then debug.upvaluejoin(f, up, function() return name end, 1) -- use unique upvalue debug.setupvalue(f, up, t) end end getfenv = getfenv or function(f) f = (type(f) == 'function' and f or debug.getinfo(f + 1, 'f').func) local name, val local up = 0 repeat up = up + 1 name, val = debug.getupvalue(f, up) until name == '_ENV' or name == nil return val end unpack = table.unpack end --}}} --{{{ local hints -- command help --The format in here is name=summary|description local hints = { pause = [[ pause(msg[,lines][,force]) -- start/resume a debugger session| This can only be used in your code or from the console as a means to start/resume a debug session. If msg is given that is shown when the session starts/resumes. Useful to give a context if you've instrumented your code with pause() statements. If lines is given, the script pauses after that many lines, else it pauses immediately. If force is true, the pause function is honoured even if poff has been used. This is useful when in an interactive console session to regain debugger control. ]], poff = [[ poff -- turn off pause() command| This causes all pause() commands to be ignored. This is useful if you have instrumented your code in a busy loop and want to continue normal execution with no further interruption. ]], pon = [[ pon -- turn on pause() command| This re-instates honouring the pause() commands you may have instrumented your code with. ]], setb = [[ setb [line file] -- set a breakpoint to line/file|, line 0 means 'any' If file is omitted or is "-" the breakpoint is set at the file for the currently set level (see "set"). Execution pauses when this line is about to be executed and the debugger session is re-activated. The file can be given as the fully qualified name, partially qualified or just the file name. E.g. if file is set as "myfile.lua", then whenever execution reaches any file that ends with "myfile.lua" it will pause. If no extension is given, any extension will do. If the line is given as 0, then reaching any line in the file will do. ]], delb = [[ delb [line file] -- removes a breakpoint| If file is omitted or is "-" the breakpoint is removed for the file of the currently set level (see "set"). ]], delallb = [[ delallb -- removes all breakpoints| ]], setw = [[ setw -- adds a new watch expression| The expression is evaluated before each line is executed. If the expression yields true then execution is paused and the debugger session re-activated. The expression is executed in the context of the line about to be executed. ]], delw = [[ delw -- removes the watch expression at index| The index is that returned when the watch expression was set by setw. ]], delallw = [[ delallw -- removes all watch expressions| ]], run = [[ run -- run until next breakpoint or watch expression| ]], step = [[ step [N] -- run next N lines, stepping into function calls| If N is omitted, use 1. ]], over = [[ over [N] -- run next N lines, stepping over function calls| If N is omitted, use 1. ]], out = [[ out [N] -- run lines until stepped out of N functions| If N is omitted, use 1. If you are inside a function, using "out 1" will run until you return from that function to the caller. ]], gotoo = [[ gotoo [line file] -- step to line in file| This is equivalent to 'setb line file', followed by 'run', followed by 'delb line file'. ]], listb = [[ listb -- lists breakpoints| ]], listw = [[ listw -- lists watch expressions| ]], set = [[ set [level] -- set context to stack level, omitted=show| If level is omitted it just prints the current level set. This sets the current context to the level given. This affects the context used for several other functions (e.g. vars). The possible levels are those shown by trace. ]], vars = [[ vars [depth] -- list context locals to depth, omitted=1| If depth is omitted then uses 1. Use a depth of 0 for the maximum. Lists all non-nil local variables and all non-nil upvalues in the currently set context. For variables that are tables, lists all fields to the given depth. ]], fenv = [[ fenv [depth] -- list context function env to depth, omitted=1| If depth is omitted then uses 1. Use a depth of 0 for the maximum. Lists all function environment variables in the currently set context. For variables that are tables, lists all fields to the given depth. ]], glob = [[ glob [depth] -- list globals to depth, omitted=1| If depth is omitted then uses 1. Use a depth of 0 for the maximum. Lists all global variables. For variables that are tables, lists all fields to the given depth. ]], ups = [[ ups -- list all the upvalue names| These names will also be in the "vars" list unless their value is nil. This provides a means to identify which vars are upvalues and which are locals. If a name is both an upvalue and a local, the local value takes precedance. ]], locs = [[ locs -- list all the locals names| These names will also be in the "vars" list unless their value is nil. This provides a means to identify which vars are upvalues and which are locals. If a name is both an upvalue and a local, the local value takes precedance. ]], dump = [[ dump [depth] -- dump all fields of variable to depth| If depth is omitted then uses 1. Use a depth of 0 for the maximum. Prints the value of in the currently set context level. If is a table, lists all fields to the given depth. can be just a name, or name.field or name.# to any depth, e.g. t.1.f accesses field 'f' in array element 1 in table 't'. Can also be called from a script as dump(var,depth). ]], tron = [[ tron [crl] -- turn trace on for (c)alls, (r)etuns, (l)lines| If no parameter is given then tracing is turned off. When tracing is turned on a line is printed to the console for each debug 'event' selected. c=function calls, r=function returns, l=lines. ]], trace = [[ trace -- dumps a stack trace| Format is [level] = file,line,name The level is a candidate for use by the 'set' command. ]], info = [[ info -- dumps the complete debug info captured| Only useful as a diagnostic aid for the debugger itself. This information can be HUGE as it dumps all variables to the maximum depth, so be careful. ]], show = [[ show line file X Y -- show X lines before and Y after line in file| If line is omitted or is '-' then the current set context line is used. If file is omitted or is '-' then the current set context file is used. If file is not fully qualified and cannot be opened as specified, then a search for the file in the package[path] is performed using the usual "require" searching rules. If no file extension is given, .lua is used. Prints the lines from the source file around the given line. ]], exit = [[ exit -- exits debugger, re-start it using pause()| ]], help = [[ help [command] -- show this list or help for command| ]], [""] = [[ -- execute a statement in the current context| The statement can be anything that is legal in the context, including assignments. Such assignments affect the context and will be in force immediately. Any results returned are printed. Use '=' as a short-hand for 'return', e.g. "=func(arg)" will call 'func' with 'arg' and print the results, and "=var" will just print the value of 'var'. ]], what = [[ what -- show where is defined (if known)| ]], } --}}} --{{{ local function getinfo(level,field) --like debug.getinfo but copes with no activation record at the given level --and knows how to get 'field'. 'field' can be the name of any of the --activation record fields or any of the 'what' names or nil for everything. --only valid when using the stack level to get info, not a function name. local function getinfo(level,field) level = level + 1 --to get to the same relative level as the caller if not field then return debug.getinfo(level) end local what if field == 'name' or field == 'namewhat' then what = 'n' elseif field == 'what' or field == 'source' or field == 'linedefined' or field == 'lastlinedefined' or field == 'short_src' then what = 'S' elseif field == 'currentline' then what = 'l' elseif field == 'nups' then what = 'u' elseif field == 'func' then what = 'f' else return debug.getinfo(level,field) end local ar = debug.getinfo(level,what) if ar then return ar[field] else return nil end end --}}} --{{{ local function indented( level, ... ) local function indented( level, ... ) io.write( string.rep(' ',level), table.concat({...}), '\n' ) end --}}} --{{{ local function dumpval( level, name, value, limit ) local dumpvisited local function dumpval( level, name, value, limit ) local index if type(name) == 'number' then index = string.format('[%d] = ',name) elseif type(name) == 'string' and (name == '__VARSLEVEL__' or name == '__ENVIRONMENT__' or name == '__GLOBALS__' or name == '__UPVALUES__' or name == '__LOCALS__') then --ignore these, they are debugger generated return elseif type(name) == 'string' and string.find(name,'^[_%a][_.%w]*$') then index = name ..' = ' else index = string.format('[%q] = ',tostring(name)) end if type(value) == 'table' then if dumpvisited[value] then indented( level, index, string.format('ref%q;',dumpvisited[value]) ) else dumpvisited[value] = tostring(value) if (limit or 0) > 0 and level+1 >= limit then indented( level, index, dumpvisited[value] ) else indented( level, index, '{ -- ', dumpvisited[value] ) for n,v in pairs(value) do dumpval( level+1, n, v, limit ) end indented( level, '};' ) end end else if type(value) == 'string' then if string.len(value) > 40 then indented( level, index, '[[', value, ']];' ) else indented( level, index, string.format('%q',value), ';' ) end else indented( level, index, tostring(value), ';' ) end end end --}}} --{{{ local function dumpvar( value, limit, name ) local function dumpvar( value, limit, name ) dumpvisited = {} dumpval( 0, name or tostring(value), value, limit ) end --}}} --{{{ local function show(file,line,before,after) --show +/-N lines of a file around line M local function show(file,line,before,after) line = tonumber(line or 1) before = tonumber(before or 10) after = tonumber(after or before) if not string.find(file,'%.') then file = file..'.lua' end local f = io.open(file,'r') if not f then --{{{ try to find the file in the path -- -- looks for a file in the package path -- local path = package.path or LUA_PATH or '' for c in string.gmatch (path, "[^;]+") do local c = string.gsub (c, "%?%.lua", file) f = io.open (c,'r') if f then break end end --}}} if not f then io.write('Cannot find '..file..'\n') return end end local i = 0 for l in f:lines() do i = i + 1 if i >= (line-before) then if i > (line+after) then break end if i == line then io.write(i..'***\t'..l..'\n') else io.write(i..'\t'..l..'\n') end end end f:close() end --}}} --{{{ local function tracestack(l) local function gi( i ) return function() i=i+1 return debug.getinfo(i),i end end local function gl( level, j ) return function() j=j+1 return debug.getlocal( level, j ) end end local function gu( func, k ) return function() k=k+1 return debug.getupvalue( func, k ) end end local traceinfo local function tracestack(l) local l = l + 1 --NB: +1 to get level relative to caller traceinfo = {} traceinfo.pausemsg = pausemsg for ar,i in gi(l) do table.insert( traceinfo, ar ) if ar.what ~= 'C' then local names = {} local values = {} for n,v in gl(i,0) do if string.sub(n,1,1) ~= '(' then --ignore internal control variables table.insert( names, n ) table.insert( values, v ) end end if #names > 0 then ar.lnames = names ar.lvalues = values end end if ar.func then local names = {} local values = {} for n,v in gu(ar.func,0) do if string.sub(n,1,1) ~= '(' then --ignore internal control variables table.insert( names, n ) table.insert( values, v ) end end if #names > 0 then ar.unames = names ar.uvalues = values end end end end --}}} --{{{ local function trace() local function trace(set) local mark for level,ar in ipairs(traceinfo) do if level == set then mark = '***' else mark = '' end io.write('['..level..']'..mark..'\t'..(ar.name or ar.what)..' in '..ar.short_src..':'..ar.currentline..'\n') end end --}}} --{{{ local function info() local function info() dumpvar( traceinfo, 0, 'traceinfo' ) end --}}} --{{{ local function set_breakpoint(file, line, once) local function set_breakpoint(file, line, once) if not breakpoints[line] then breakpoints[line] = {} end if once then breakpoints[line][file] = 1 else breakpoints[line][file] = true end end --}}} --{{{ local function remove_breakpoint(file, line) local function remove_breakpoint(file, line) if breakpoints[line] then breakpoints[line][file] = nil end end --}}} --{{{ local function has_breakpoint(file, line) --allow for 'sloppy' file names --search for file and all variations walking up its directory hierachy --ditto for the file with no extension --a breakpoint can be permenant or once only, if once only its removed --after detection here, these are used for temporary breakpoints in the --debugger loop when executing the 'gotoo' command --a breakpoint on line 0 of a file means any line in that file local function has_breakpoint(file, line) local isLine = breakpoints[line] local isZero = breakpoints[0] if not isLine and not isZero then return false end local noext = string.gsub(file,"(%..-)$",'',1) if noext == file then noext = nil end while file do if isLine and isLine[file] then if isLine[file] == 1 then isLine[file] = nil end return true end if isZero and isZero[file] then if isZero[file] == 1 then isZero[file] = nil end return true end if IsWindows then file = string.match(file,"[:/\\](.+)$") else file = string.match(file,"[:/](.+)$") end end while noext do if isLine and isLine[noext] then if isLine[noext] == 1 then isLine[noext] = nil end return true end if isZero and isZero[noext] then if isZero[noext] == 1 then isZero[noext] = nil end return true end if IsWindows then noext = string.match(noext,"[:/\\](.+)$") else noext = string.match(noext,"[:/](.+)$") end end return false end --}}} --{{{ local function capture_vars(ref,level,line) local function capture_vars(ref,level,line) --get vars, file and line for the given level relative to debug_hook offset by ref local lvl = ref + level --NB: This includes an offset of +1 for the call to here --{{{ capture variables local ar = debug.getinfo(lvl, "f") if not ar then return {},'?',0 end local vars = {__UPVALUES__={}, __LOCALS__={}} local i local func = ar.func if func then i = 1 while true do local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i) if not name then break end if string.sub(name,1,1) ~= '(' then --NB: ignoring internal control variables vars[name] = value vars.__UPVALUES__[i] = name end i = i + 1 end vars.__ENVIRONMENT__ = getfenv(func) end vars.__GLOBALS__ = getfenv(0) i = 1 while true do local name, value = debug.getlocal(lvl, i) if not name then break end if string.sub(name,1,1) ~= '(' then --NB: ignoring internal control variables vars[name] = value vars.__LOCALS__[i] = name end i = i + 1 end vars.__VARSLEVEL__ = level if func then --NB: Do not do this until finished filling the vars table setmetatable(vars, { __index = getfenv(func), __newindex = getfenv(func) }) end --NB: Do not read or write the vars table anymore else the metatable functions will get invoked! --}}} local file = getinfo(lvl, "source") if string.find(file, "@") == 1 then file = string.sub(file, 2) end if IsWindows then file = string.lower(file) end if not line then line = getinfo(lvl, "currentline") end return vars,file,line end --}}} --{{{ local function restore_vars(ref,vars) local function restore_vars(ref,vars) if type(vars) ~= 'table' then return end local level = vars.__VARSLEVEL__ --NB: This level is relative to debug_hook offset by ref if not level then return end level = level + ref --NB: This includes an offset of +1 for the call to here local i local written_vars = {} i = 1 while true do local name, value = debug.getlocal(level, i) if not name then break end if vars[name] and string.sub(name,1,1) ~= '(' then --NB: ignoring internal control variables debug.setlocal(level, i, vars[name]) written_vars[name] = true end i = i + 1 end local ar = debug.getinfo(level, "f") if not ar then return end local func = ar.func if func then i = 1 while true do local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i) if not name then break end if vars[name] and string.sub(name,1,1) ~= '(' then --NB: ignoring internal control variables if not written_vars[name] then debug.setupvalue(func, i, vars[name]) end written_vars[name] = true end i = i + 1 end end end --}}} --{{{ local function trace_event(event, line, level) local function print_trace(level,depth,event,file,line,name) --NB: level here is relative to the caller of trace_event, so offset by 2 to get to there level = level + 2 local file = file or getinfo(level,'short_src') local line = line or getinfo(level,'currentline') local name = name or getinfo(level,'name') local prefix = '' if current_thread ~= 'main' then prefix = '['..tostring(current_thread)..'] ' end io.write(prefix.. string.format('%08.2f:%02i.',os.clock(),depth).. string.rep('.',depth%32).. (file or '')..' ('..(line or '')..') '.. (name or '').. ' ('..event..')\n') end local function trace_event(event, line, level) if event == 'return' and trace_returns then --note the line info for later ret_file = getinfo(level+1,'short_src') ret_line = getinfo(level+1,'currentline') ret_name = getinfo(level+1,'name') end if event ~= 'line' then return end local slevel = stack_level[current_thread] local tlevel = trace_level[current_thread] if trace_calls and slevel > tlevel then --we are now in the function called, so look back 1 level further to find the calling file and line print_trace(level+1,slevel-1,'c',nil,nil,getinfo(level+1,'name')) end if trace_returns and slevel < tlevel then print_trace(level,slevel,'r',ret_file,ret_line,ret_name) end if trace_lines then print_trace(level,slevel,'l') end trace_level[current_thread] = stack_level[current_thread] end --}}} --{{{ local function report(ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch) local function report(ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch) function show_source() show(traceinfo[1].short_src, traceinfo[1].currentline, 2, 2) end local vars = vars or {} local file = file or '?' local line = line or 0 local prefix = '' if current_thread ~= 'main' then prefix = '['..tostring(current_thread)..'] ' end if ev == events.STEP then io.write(prefix.."Paused at file "..file.." line "..line..' ('..stack_level[current_thread]..')\n') show_source() elseif ev == events.BREAK then io.write(prefix.."Paused at file "..file.." line "..line..' ('..stack_level[current_thread]..') (breakpoint)\n') show_source() elseif ev == events.WATCH then io.write(prefix.."Paused at file "..file.." line "..line..' ('..stack_level[current_thread]..')'.." (watch expression "..idx_watch.. ": ["..watches[idx_watch].exp.."])\n") show_source() elseif ev == events.SET then --do nothing else io.write(prefix.."Error in application: "..file.." line "..line.."\n") end if ev ~= events.SET then if pausemsg and pausemsg ~= '' then io.write('Message: '..pausemsg..'\n') end pausemsg = '' end return vars, file, line end --}}} --{{{ local function debugger_loop(ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch) local last_line = "" local function debugger_loop(ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch) local eval_env = vars or {} local breakfile = file or '?' local breakline = line or 0 local command, args --{{{ local function getargs(spec) --get command arguments according to the given spec from the args string --the spec has a single character for each argument, arguments are separated --by white space, the spec characters can be one of: -- F for a filename (defaults to breakfile if - given in args) -- L for a line number (defaults to breakline if - given in args) -- N for a number -- V for a variable name -- S for a string local function getargs(spec) local res={} local char,arg local ptr=1 for i=1,string.len(spec) do char = string.sub(spec,i,i) if char == 'F' then _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ',"%s*([%w%p]*)%s*",ptr) if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '-' end if arg == '-' then arg = breakfile end elseif char == 'L' then _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ',"%s*([%w%p]*)%s*",ptr) if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '-' end if arg == '-' then arg = breakline end arg = tonumber(arg) or 0 elseif char == 'N' then _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ',"%s*([%w%p]*)%s*",ptr) if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '0' end arg = tonumber(arg) or 0 elseif char == 'V' then _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ',"%s*([%w%p]*)%s*",ptr) if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '' end elseif char == 'S' then _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ',"%s*([%w%p]*)%s*",ptr) if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '' end else arg = '' end table.insert(res,arg or '') end return unpack(res) end --}}} while true do io.write("[DEBUG]> ") local line = io.read("*line") if line == nil then io.write('\n'); line = 'exit' end if line == "" then line = last_line else last_line = line end io.write("'" .. last_line .. "'\n") if string.find(line, "^[a-z]+") then command = string.sub(line, string.find(line, "^[a-z]+")) args = string.gsub(line,"^[a-z]+%s*",'',1) --strip command off line else command = '' end command = aliases[command] or command if command == "setb" then --{{{ set breakpoint local line, filename = getargs('LF') if filename ~= '' and line ~= '' then set_breakpoint(filename,line) io.write("Breakpoint set in file "..filename..' line '..line..'\n') else io.write("Bad request\n") end --}}} elseif command == "delb" then --{{{ delete breakpoint local line, filename = getargs('LF') if filename ~= '' and line ~= '' then remove_breakpoint(filename, line) io.write("Breakpoint deleted from file "..filename..' line '..line.."\n") else io.write("Bad request\n") end --}}} elseif command == "delallb" then --{{{ delete all breakpoints breakpoints = {} io.write('All breakpoints deleted\n') --}}} elseif command == "listb" then --{{{ list breakpoints for i, v in pairs(breakpoints) do for ii, vv in pairs(v) do io.write("Break at: "..i..' in '..ii..'\n') end end --}}} elseif command == "setw" then --{{{ set watch expression if args and args ~= '' then local func = loadstring("return(" .. args .. ")") local newidx = #watches + 1 watches[newidx] = {func = func, exp = args} io.write("Set watch exp no. " .. newidx..'\n') else io.write("Bad request\n") end --}}} elseif command == "delw" then --{{{ delete watch expression local index = tonumber(args) if index then watches[index] = nil io.write("Watch expression deleted\n") else io.write("Bad request\n") end --}}} elseif command == "delallw" then --{{{ delete all watch expressions watches = {} io.write('All watch expressions deleted\n') --}}} elseif command == "listw" then --{{{ list watch expressions for i, v in pairs(watches) do io.write("Watch exp. " .. i .. ": " .. v.exp..'\n') end --}}} elseif command == "run" then --{{{ run until breakpoint step_into = false step_over = false return 'cont' --}}} elseif command == "step" then --{{{ step N lines (into functions) local N = tonumber(args) or 1 step_over = false step_into = true step_lines = tonumber(N or 1) return 'cont' --}}} elseif command == "over" then --{{{ step N lines (over functions) local N = tonumber(args) or 1 step_into = false step_over = true step_lines = tonumber(N or 1) step_level[current_thread] = stack_level[current_thread] return 'cont' --}}} elseif command == "out" then --{{{ step N lines (out of functions) local N = tonumber(args) or 1 step_into = false step_over = true step_lines = 1 step_level[current_thread] = stack_level[current_thread] - tonumber(N or 1) return 'cont' --}}} elseif command == "gotoo" then --{{{ step until reach line local line, filename = getargs('LF') if line ~= '' then step_over = false step_into = false if has_breakpoint(filename,line) then return 'cont' else set_breakpoint(filename,line,true) return 'cont' end else io.write("Bad request\n") end --}}} elseif command == "set" then --{{{ set/show context level local level = args if level and level == '' then level = nil end if level then return level end --}}} elseif command == "vars" then --{{{ list context variables local depth = args if depth and depth == '' then depth = nil end depth = tonumber(depth) or 1 dumpvar(eval_env, depth+1, 'variables') --}}} elseif command == "glob" then --{{{ list global variables local depth = args if depth and depth == '' then depth = nil end depth = tonumber(depth) or 1 dumpvar(eval_env.__GLOBALS__,depth+1,'globals') --}}} elseif command == "fenv" then --{{{ list function environment variables local depth = args if depth and depth == '' then depth = nil end depth = tonumber(depth) or 1 dumpvar(eval_env.__ENVIRONMENT__,depth+1,'environment') --}}} elseif command == "ups" then --{{{ list upvalue names dumpvar(eval_env.__UPVALUES__,2,'upvalues') --}}} elseif command == "locs" then --{{{ list locals names dumpvar(eval_env.__LOCALS__,2,'upvalues') --}}} elseif command == "what" then --{{{ show where a function is defined if args and args ~= '' then local v = eval_env local n = nil for w in string.gmatch(args,"[%w_]+") do v = v[w] if n then n = n..'.'..w else n = w end if not v then break end end if type(v) == 'function' then local def = debug.getinfo(v,'S') if def then io.write(def.what..' in '..def.short_src..' '..def.linedefined..'..'..def.lastlinedefined..'\n') else io.write('Cannot get info for '..v..'\n') end else io.write(v..' is not a function\n') end else io.write("Bad request\n") end --}}} elseif command == "dump" then --{{{ dump a variable local name, depth = getargs('VN') if name ~= '' then if depth == '' or depth == 0 then depth = nil end depth = tonumber(depth or 1) local v = eval_env local n = nil for w in string.gmatch(name,"[^%.]+") do --get everything between dots if tonumber(w) then v = v[tonumber(w)] else v = v[w] end if n then n = n..'.'..w else n = w end if not v then break end end dumpvar(v,depth+1,n) else io.write("Bad request\n") end --}}} elseif command == "show" then --{{{ show file around a line or the current breakpoint local line, file, before, after = getargs('LFNN') if before == 0 then before = 10 end if after == 0 then after = before end if file ~= '' and file ~= "=stdin" then show(file,line,before,after) else io.write('Nothing to show\n') end --}}} elseif command == "poff" then --{{{ turn pause command off pause_off = true --}}} elseif command == "pon" then --{{{ turn pause command on pause_off = false --}}} elseif command == "tron" then --{{{ turn tracing on/off local option = getargs('S') trace_calls = false trace_returns = false trace_lines = false if string.find(option,'c') then trace_calls = true end if string.find(option,'r') then trace_returns = true end if string.find(option,'l') then trace_lines = true end --}}} elseif command == "trace" then --{{{ dump a stack trace trace(eval_env.__VARSLEVEL__) --}}} elseif command == "info" then --{{{ dump all debug info captured info() --}}} elseif command == "pause" then --{{{ not allowed in here io.write('pause() should only be used in the script you are debugging\n') --}}} elseif command == "help" then --{{{ help local command = getargs('S') if command ~= '' and hints[command] then io.write(hints[command]..'\n') else for _,v in pairs(hints) do local _,_,h = string.find(v,"(.+)|") io.write(h..'\n') end end --}}} elseif command == "exit" then --{{{ exit debugger return 'stop' --}}} elseif line ~= '' then --{{{ just execute whatever it is in the current context --map line starting with "=..." to "return ..." if string.sub(line,1,1) == '=' then line = string.gsub(line,'=','return ',1) end local ok, func = pcall(loadstring,line) if func == nil then --Michael.Bringmann@lsi.com io.write("Compile error: "..line..'\n') elseif not ok then io.write("Compile error: "..func..'\n') else setfenv(func, eval_env) local res = {pcall(func)} if res[1] then if res[2] then table.remove(res,1) for _,v in ipairs(res) do io.write(tostring(v)) io.write('\t') end io.write('\n') end --update in the context return 0 else io.write("Run error: "..res[2]..'\n') end end --}}} end end end --}}} --{{{ local function debug_hook(event, line, level, thread) local function debug_hook(event, line, level, thread) if not started then debug.sethook(); coro_debugger = nil; return end current_thread = thread or 'main' local level = level or 2 trace_event(event,line,level) if event == "call" then stack_level[current_thread] = stack_level[current_thread] + 1 elseif event == "return" then stack_level[current_thread] = stack_level[current_thread] - 1 if stack_level[current_thread] < 0 then stack_level[current_thread] = 0 end else local vars,file,line = capture_vars(level,1,line) local stop, ev, idx = false, events.STEP, 0 while true do for index, value in pairs(watches) do setfenv(value.func, vars) local status, res = pcall(value.func) if status and res then ev, idx = events.WATCH, index stop = true break end end if stop then break end if (step_into) or (step_over and (stack_level[current_thread] <= step_level[current_thread] or stack_level[current_thread] == 0)) then step_lines = step_lines - 1 if step_lines < 1 then ev, idx = events.STEP, 0 break end end if has_breakpoint(file, line) then ev, idx = events.BREAK, 0 break end return end tracestack(level) if not coro_debugger then io.write("\nLua Debugger\n") vars, file, line = report(ev, vars, file, line, idx) io.write("Type 'help' for commands\n") coro_debugger = true else vars, file, line = report(ev, vars, file, line, idx) end local last_next = 1 local next = 'ask' local silent = false while true do if next == 'ask' then next = debugger_loop(ev, vars, file, line, idx) elseif next == 'cont' then return elseif next == 'stop' then started = false debug.sethook() coro_debugger = nil return elseif tonumber(next) then --get vars for given level or last level next = tonumber(next) if next == 0 then silent = true; next = last_next else silent = false end last_next = next restore_vars(level,vars) vars, file, line = capture_vars(level,next) if not silent then if vars and vars.__VARSLEVEL__ then io.write('Level: '..vars.__VARSLEVEL__..'\n') else io.write('No level set\n') end end ev = events.SET next = 'ask' else io.write('Unknown command from debugger_loop: '..tostring(next)..'\n') io.write('Stopping debugger\n') next = 'stop' end end end end --}}} --{{{ coroutine.create --This function overrides the built-in for the purposes of propagating --the debug hook settings from the creator into the created coroutine. _G.coroutine.create = function(f) local thread local hook, mask, count = debug.gethook() if hook then local function thread_hook(event,line) hook(event,line,3,thread) end thread = cocreate(function(...) stack_level[thread] = 0 trace_level[thread] = 0 step_level [thread] = 0 debug.sethook(thread_hook,mask,count) return f(...) end) return thread else return cocreate(f) end end --}}} --{{{ coroutine.wrap --This function overrides the built-in for the purposes of propagating --the debug hook settings from the creator into the created coroutine. _G.coroutine.wrap = function(f) local thread local hook, mask, count = debug.gethook() if hook then local function thread_hook(event,line) hook(event,line,3,thread) end thread = cowrap(function(...) stack_level[thread] = 0 trace_level[thread] = 0 step_level [thread] = 0 debug.sethook(thread_hook,mask,count) return f(...) end) return thread else return cowrap(f) end end --}}} --{{{ function pause(x,l,f) -- -- Starts/resumes a debug session -- function pause(x,l,f) if not f and pause_off then return end --being told to ignore pauses pausemsg = x or 'pause' local lines local src = getinfo(2,'short_src') if l then lines = l --being told when to stop elseif src == "stdin" then lines = 1 --if in a console session, stop now else lines = 2 --if in a script, stop when get out of pause() end if started then --we'll stop now 'cos the existing debug hook will grab us step_lines = lines step_into = true debug.sethook(debug_hook, "crl") --reset it in case some external agent fiddled with it else --set to stop when get out of pause() trace_level[current_thread] = 0 step_level [current_thread] = 0 stack_level[current_thread] = 1 step_lines = lines step_into = true started = true debug.sethook(debug_hook, "crl") --NB: this will cause an immediate entry to the debugger_loop end end --}}} --{{{ function dump(v,depth) --shows the value of the given variable, only really useful --when the variable is a table --see dump debug command hints for full semantics function dump(v,depth) dumpvar(v,(depth or 1)+1,tostring(v)) end --}}} --{{{ function debug.traceback(x) local _traceback = debug.traceback --note original function --override standard function debug.traceback = function(x) local assertmsg = _traceback(x) --do original function pause(x) --let user have a look at stuff return assertmsg --carry on end _TRACEBACK = debug.traceback --Lua 5.0 function --}}} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- dir.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function dir_match_generator_impl(text) -- Strip off any path components that may be on text. local prefix = "" local i = text:find("[\\/:][^\\/:]*$") if i then prefix = text:sub(1, i) end local include_dots = text:find("%.+$") ~= nil local matches = {} local mask = text.."*" -- Find matches. for _, dir in ipairs(clink.find_dirs(mask, true)) do local file = prefix..dir if include_dots or (dir ~= "." and dir ~= "..") then if clink.is_match(text, file) then table.insert(matches, prefix..dir) end end end return matches end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function dir_match_generator(word) local matches = dir_match_generator_impl(word) -- If there was no matches but text is a dir then use it as the single match. -- Otherwise tell readline that matches are files and it will do magic. if #matches == 0 then if clink.is_dir(rl_state.text) then table.insert(matches, rl_state.text) end else clink.matches_are_files() end return matches end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clink.arg.register_parser("cd", dir_match_generator) clink.arg.register_parser("chdir", dir_match_generator) clink.arg.register_parser("pushd", dir_match_generator) clink.arg.register_parser("rd", dir_match_generator) clink.arg.register_parser("rmdir", dir_match_generator) clink.arg.register_parser("md", dir_match_generator) clink.arg.register_parser("mkdir", dir_match_generator) -- vim: expandtab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- env.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local special_env_vars = { "cd", "date", "time", "random", "errorlevel", "cmdextversion", "cmdcmdline", "highestnumanodenumber" } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function env_vars_display_filter(matches) local to_display = {} for _, m in ipairs(matches) do local _, _, out = m:find("(%%[^%%]+%%)$") table.insert(to_display, out) end return to_display end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function env_vars_find_matches(candidates, prefix, part) local part_len = #part for _, name in ipairs(candidates) do if clink.lower(name:sub(1, part_len)) == part then clink.add_match(prefix..'%'..name:lower()..'%') end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function env_vars_match_generator(text, first, last) local all = rl_state.line_buffer:sub(1, last) -- Skip pairs of %s local i = 1 for _, r in function () return all:find("%b%%", i) end do i = r + 2 end -- Find a solitary % local i = all:find("%%", i) if not i then return false end if i < first then return false end local part = clink.lower(all:sub(i + 1)) local part_len = #part i = i - first local prefix = text:sub(1, i) env_vars_find_matches(clink.get_env_var_names(), prefix, part) env_vars_find_matches(special_env_vars, prefix, part) if clink.match_count() >= 1 then clink.match_display_filter = env_vars_display_filter clink.suppress_char_append() clink.suppress_quoting() return true end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if clink.get_host_process() == "cmd.exe" then clink.register_match_generator(env_vars_match_generator, 10) end -- vim: expandtab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- exec.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local dos_commands = { "assoc", "break", "call", "cd", "chcp", "chdir", "cls", "color", "copy", "date", "del", "dir", "diskcomp", "diskcopy", "echo", "endlocal", "erase", "exit", "for", "format", "ftype", "goto", "graftabl", "if", "md", "mkdir", "mklink", "more", "move", "path", "pause", "popd", "prompt", "pushd", "rd", "rem", "ren", "rename", "rmdir", "set", "setlocal", "shift", "start", "time", "title", "tree", "type", "ver", "verify", "vol" } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_environment_paths() local paths = clink.split(clink.get_env("PATH"), ";") -- We're expecting absolute paths and as ';' is a valid path character -- there maybe unneccessary splits. Here we resolve them. local paths_merged = { paths[1] } for i = 2, #paths, 1 do if not paths[i]:find("^[a-zA-Z]:") then local t = paths_merged[#paths_merged]; paths_merged[#paths_merged] = t..paths[i] else table.insert(paths_merged, paths[i]) end end -- Append slashes. for i = 1, #paths_merged, 1 do paths_merged[i] = paths_merged[i].."/" end return paths_merged end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function exec_find_dirs(pattern, case_map) local ret = {} for _, dir in ipairs(clink.find_dirs(pattern, case_map)) do if dir ~= "." and dir ~= ".." then table.insert(ret, dir) end end return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function exec_match_generator(text, first, last) -- If match style setting is < 0 then consider executable matching disabled. local match_style = clink.get_setting_int("exec_match_style") if match_style < 0 then return false end -- We're only interested in exec completion if this is the first word of the -- line, or the first word after a command separator. if clink.get_setting_int("space_prefix_match_files") > 0 then if first > 1 then return false end else local leading = rl_state.line_buffer:sub(1, first - 1) local is_first = leading:find("^%s*\"*$") if not is_first then return false end end -- Split text into directory and name local text_dir = "" local text_name = text local i = text:find("[\\/:][^\\/:]*$") if i then text_dir = text:sub(1, i) text_name = text:sub(i + 1) end local paths if not text:find("[\\/:]") then -- If the terminal is cmd.exe check it's commands for matches. if clink.get_host_process() == "cmd.exe" then clink.match_words(text, dos_commands) end -- Add console aliases as matches. local aliases = clink.get_console_aliases() clink.match_words(text, aliases) paths = get_environment_paths(); else paths = {} -- 'text' is an absolute or relative path. If we're doing Bash-style -- matching should now consider directories. if match_style < 1 then match_style = 2 else match_style = 1 end end -- Should we also consider the path referenced by 'text'? if match_style >= 1 then table.insert(paths, text_dir) end -- Search 'paths' for files ending in 'suffices' and look for matches local suffices = clink.split(clink.get_env("pathext"), ";") for _, suffix in ipairs(suffices) do for _, path in ipairs(paths) do local files = clink.find_files(path.."*"..suffix, false) for _, file in ipairs(files) do if clink.is_match(text_name, file) then clink.add_match(text_dir..file) end end end end -- Lastly we may wish to consider directories too. if clink.match_count() == 0 or match_style >= 2 then clink.match_files(text.."*", true, exec_find_dirs) end clink.matches_are_files() return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clink.register_match_generator(exec_match_generator, 50) -- vim: expandtab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- git.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local git_argument_tree = { -- Porcelain and ancillary commands from git's man page. "add", "am", "archive", "bisect", "branch", "bundle", "checkout", "cherry-pick", "citool", "clean", "clone", "commit", "describe", "diff", "fetch", "format-patch", "gc", "grep", "gui", "init", "log", "merge", "mv", "notes", "pull", "push", "rebase", "reset", "revert", "rm", "shortlog", "show", "stash", "status", "submodule", "tag", "config", "fast-export", "fast-import", "filter-branch", "lost-found", "mergetool", "pack-refs", "prune", "reflog", "relink", "remote", "repack", "replace", "repo-config", "annotate", "blame", "cherry", "count-objects", "difftool", "fsck", "get-tar-commit-id", "help", "instaweb", "merge-tree", "rerere", "rev-parse", "show-branch", "verify-tag", "whatchanged" } clink.arg.register_parser("git", git_argument_tree) -- vim: expandtab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- go.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2013 Dobroslaw Zybort -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function flags(...) local p = clink.arg.new_parser() p:set_flags(...) return p end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local go_tool_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() go_tool_parser:set_flags("-n") go_tool_parser:set_arguments({ "8a", "8c", "8g", "8l", "addr2line", "cgo", "dist", "nm", "objdump", "pack", "cover" .. flags("-func", "-html", "-mode", "-o", "-var"), "fix" .. flags("-diff", "-force", "-r"), "prof" .. flags("-p", "-t", "-d", "-P", "-h", "-f", "-l", "-r", "-s", "-hs"), "pprof" .. flags(-- Options: "--cum", "--base", "--interactive", "--seconds", "--add_lib", "--lib_prefix", -- Reporting Granularity: "--addresses", "--lines", "--functions", "--files", -- Output type: "--text", "--callgrind", "--gv", "--web", "--list", "--disasm", "--symbols", "--dot", "--ps", "--pdf", "--svg", "--gif", "--raw", -- Heap-Profile Options: "--inuse_space", "--inuse_objects", "--alloc_space", "--alloc_objects", "--show_bytes", "--drop_negative", -- Contention-profile options: "--total_delay", "--contentions", "--mean_delay", -- Call-graph Options: "--nodecount", "--nodefraction", "--edgefraction", "--focus", "--ignore", "--scale", "--heapcheck", -- Miscellaneous: "--tools", "--test", "--help", "--version"), "vet" .. flags("-all", "-asmdecl", "-assign", "-atomic", "-buildtags", "-composites", "-compositewhitelist", "-copylocks", "-methods", "-nilfunc", "-printf", "-printfuncs", "-rangeloops", "-shadow", "-shadowstrict", "-structtags", "-test", "-unreachable", "-v"), "yacc" .. flags("-l", "-o", "-p", "-v"), }) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local go_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() go_parser:set_arguments({ "env", "fix", "version", "build" .. flags("-o", "-a", "-n", "-p", "-installsuffix", "-v", "-x", "-work", "-gcflags", "-ccflags", "-ldflags", "-gccgoflags", "-tags", "-compiler", "-race"), "clean" .. flags("-i", "-n", "-r", "-x"), "fmt" .. flags("-n", "-x"), "get" .. flags("-d", "-fix", "-t", "-u", -- Build flags "-a", "-n", "-p", "-installsuffix", "-v", "-x", "-work", "-gcflags", "-ccflags", "-ldflags", "-gccgoflags", "-tags", "-compiler", "-race"), "install" .. flags(-- All `go build` flags "-o", "-a", "-n", "-p", "-installsuffix", "-v", "-x", "-work", "-gcflags", "-ccflags", "-ldflags", "-gccgoflags", "-tags", "-compiler", "-race"), "list" .. flags("-e", "-race", "-f", "-json", "-tags"), "run" .. flags("-exec", -- Build flags "-a", "-n", "-p", "-installsuffix", "-v", "-x", "-work", "-gcflags", "-ccflags", "-ldflags", "-gccgoflags", "-tags", "-compiler", "-race"), "test" .. flags(-- Local. "-c", "-file", "-i", "-cover", "-coverpkg", -- Build flags "-a", "-n", "-p", "-x", "-work", "-ccflags", "-gcflags", "-exec", "-ldflags", "-gccgoflags", "-tags", "-compiler", "-race", "-installsuffix", -- Passed to 6.out "-bench", "-benchmem", "-benchtime", "-covermode", "-coverprofile", "-cpu", "-cpuprofile", "-memprofile", "-memprofilerate", "-blockprofile", "-blockprofilerate", "-outputdir", "-parallel", "-run", "-short", "-timeout", "-v"), "tool" .. go_tool_parser, "vet" .. flags("-n", "-x"), }) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local go_help_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() go_help_parser:set_arguments({ "help" .. clink.arg.new_parser():set_arguments({ go_parser:flatten_argument(1) }) }) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local godoc_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() godoc_parser:set_flags( "-zip", "-write_index", "-analysis", "-http", "-server", "-html","-src", "-url", "-q", "-v", "-goroot", "-tabwidth", "-timestamps", "-templates", "-play", "-ex", "-links", "-index", "-index_files", "-maxresults", "-index_throttle", "-notes", "-httptest.serve" ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local gofmt_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() gofmt_parser:set_flags( "-cpuprofile", "-d", "-e", "-l", "-r", "-s", "-w" ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clink.arg.register_parser("go", go_parser) clink.arg.register_parser("go", go_help_parser) clink.arg.register_parser("godoc", godoc_parser) clink.arg.register_parser("gofmt", gofmt_parser) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- hg.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local hg_tree = { "add", "addremove", "annotate", "archive", "backout", "bisect", "bookmarks", "branch", "branches", "bundle", "cat", "clone", "commit", "copy", "diff", "export", "forget", "grep", "heads", "help", "identify", "import", "incoming", "init", "locate", "log", "manifest", "merge", "outgoing", "parents", "paths", "pull", "push", "recover", "remove", "rename", "resolve", "revert", "rollback", "root", "serve", "showconfig", "status", "summary", "tag", "tags", "tip", "unbundle", "update", "verify", "version", "graft", "phases" } clink.arg.register_parser("hg", hg_tree) -- vim: expandtab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- p4.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p4_tree = { "add", "annotate", "attribute", "branch", "branches", "browse", "change", "changes", "changelist", "changelists", "client", "clients", "copy", "counter", "counters", "cstat", "delete", "depot", "depots", "describe", "diff", "diff2", "dirs", "edit", "filelog", "files", "fix", "fixes", "flush", "fstat", "grep", "group", "groups", "have", "help", "info", "integrate", "integrated", "interchanges", "istat", "job", "jobs", "label", "labels", "labelsync", "legal", "list", "lock", "logger", "login", "logout", "merge", "move", "opened", "passwd", "populate", "print", "protect", "protects", "reconcile", "rename", "reopen", "resolve", "resolved", "revert", "review", "reviews", "set", "shelve", "status", "sizes", "stream", "streams", "submit", "sync", "tag", "tickets", "unlock", "unshelve", "update", "user", "users", "where", "workspace", "workspaces" } clink.arg.register_parser("p4", p4_tree) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p4vc_tree = { "help", "branchmappings", "branches", "diff", "groups", "branch", "change", "client", "workspace", "depot", "group", "job", "label", "user", "jobs", "labels", "pendingchanges", "resolve", "revisiongraph", "revgraph", "streamgraph", "streams", "submit", "submittedchanges", "timelapse", "timelapseview", "tlv", "users", "workspaces", "clients", "shutdown" } clink.arg.register_parser("p4vc", p4vc_tree) -- vim: expandtab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- powershell.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function powershell_prompt_filter() local l, r, path = clink.prompt.value:find("([a-zA-Z]:\\.*)> $") if path ~= nil then clink.chdir(path) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if clink.get_host_process() == "powershell.exe" then clink.prompt.register_filter(powershell_prompt_filter, -493) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- self.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local null_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() null_parser:disable_file_matching() local inject_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() inject_parser:set_flags( "--help", "--nohostcheck", "--pid", "--profile", "--quiet", "--scripts" ) local autorun_dashdash_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() autorun_dashdash_parser:set_arguments({ "--" .. inject_parser }) local autorun_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() autorun_parser:set_flags("--allusers", "--help") autorun_parser:set_arguments( { "install" .. autorun_dashdash_parser, "uninstall" .. null_parser, "show" .. null_parser, "set" } ) local set_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() set_parser:disable_file_matching() set_parser:set_flags("--help") set_parser:set_arguments( { "ansi_code_support", "ctrld_exits", "esc_clears_line", "exec_match_style", "history_dupe_mode", "history_expand_mode", "history_file_lines", "history_ignore_space", "history_io", "match_colour", "prompt_colour", "space_prefix_match_files", "strip_crlf_on_paste", "terminate_autoanswer", "use_altgr_substitute", } ) local self_parser = clink.arg.new_parser() self_parser:set_arguments( { "inject" .. inject_parser, "autorun" .. autorun_parser, "set" .. set_parser, } ) clink.arg.register_parser("clink", self_parser) clink.arg.register_parser("clink_x86", self_parser) clink.arg.register_parser("clink_x64", self_parser) -- vim: expandtab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- set.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function set_match_generator(word) -- Skip this generator if first is in the rvalue. local leading = rl_state.line_buffer:sub(1, rl_state.first - 1) if leading:find("=") then return false end -- Enumerate environment variables and check for potential matches. local matches = {} for _, name in ipairs(clink.get_env_var_names()) do if clink.is_match(word, name) then table.insert(matches, name:lower()) end end clink.suppress_char_append() return matches end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clink.arg.register_parser("set", set_match_generator) -- vim: expandtab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- svn.lua -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ridgers -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local svn_tree = { "add", "blame", "praise", "annotate", "ann", "cat", "changelist", "cl", "checkout", "co", "cleanup", "commit", "ci", "copy", "cp", "delete", "del", "remove", "rm", "diff", "di", "export", "help", "h", "import", "info", "list", "ls", "lock", "log", "merge", "mergeinfo", "mkdir", "move", "mv", "rename", "ren", "propdel", "pdel", "pd", "propedit", "pedit", "pe", "propget", "pget", "pg", "proplist", "plist", "pl", "propset", "pset", "ps", "resolve", "resolved", "revert", "status", "stat", "st", "switch", "sw", "unlock", "update", "up" } clink.arg.register_parser("svn", svn_tree) -- vim: expandtab