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synced 2025-03-19 15:30:40 +08:00
Support empty directory.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export { Theme } from './theme'
export { TabContextMenuItemProvider } from './tabContextMenuProvider'
export { SelectorOption } from './selector'
export { CLIHandler, CLIEvent } from './cli'
export { PlatformService, ClipboardContent, MessageBoxResult, MessageBoxOptions, FileDownload, FileUpload, FileTransfer, HTMLFileUpload, FileUploadOptions } from './platform'
export { PlatformService, ClipboardContent, MessageBoxResult, MessageBoxOptions, FileDownload, FileUpload, FileTransfer, HTMLFileUpload, FileUploadOptions, DirectoryUpload } from './platform'
export { MenuItemOptions } from './menu'
export { BootstrapData, PluginInfo, BOOTSTRAP_DATA } from './mainProcess'
export { HostWindowService } from './hostWindow'
@ -85,7 +85,26 @@ export abstract class FileUpload extends FileTransfer {
export interface FileUploadOptions {
multiple: boolean
directory: boolean
export class DirectoryUpload {
private childrens: (FileUpload|DirectoryUpload)[] = []
constructor(private name = '') {
// Just set name for now.
getName () {
return this.name
getChildrens () {
return this.childrens
pushChildren (item: FileUpload|DirectoryUpload) {
export type PlatformTheme = 'light'|'dark'
@ -108,31 +127,34 @@ export abstract class PlatformService {
abstract startDownload (name: string, mode: number, size: number): Promise<FileDownload|null>
abstract startUpload (options?: FileUploadOptions): Promise<FileUpload[]>
abstract startUploadDirectory (paths?: string[]): Promise<DirectoryUpload>
async startUploadFromDragEvent (event: DragEvent, multiple = false): Promise<FileUpload[]> {
const result: FileUpload[] = []
async startUploadFromDragEvent (event: DragEvent, multiple = false): Promise<DirectoryUpload> {
const result = new DirectoryUpload()
if (!event.dataTransfer) {
return Promise.resolve([])
return Promise.resolve(result)
const traverseFileTree = (item: any, path = ''): Promise<void> => {
const traverseFileTree = (item: any, root: DirectoryUpload = result): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (item.isFile) {
item.file((file: File) => {
const transfer = new HTMLFileUpload(file, `${path}/${item.name}`)
const transfer = new HTMLFileUpload(file)
} else if (item.isDirectory) {
const dirReader = item.createReader()
const childrenFolder = new DirectoryUpload(item.name)
dirReader.readEntries(async (entries: any[]) => {
for (const entry of entries) {
await traverseFileTree(entry, `${path}${item.name}/`)
await traverseFileTree(entry, childrenFolder)
} else {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Directive, Output, ElementRef, EventEmitter, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'
import { FileUpload, PlatformService } from '../api/platform'
import { DirectoryUpload, PlatformService } from '../api/platform'
import './dropZone.directive.scss'
/** @hidden */
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import './dropZone.directive.scss'
selector: '[dropZone]',
export class DropZoneDirective implements AfterViewInit {
@Output() transfer = new EventEmitter<FileUpload>()
@Output() transfer = new EventEmitter<DirectoryUpload>()
private dropHint?: HTMLElement
constructor (
@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ export class DropZoneDirective implements AfterViewInit {
this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('drop', async (event: DragEvent) => {
for (const transfer of await this.platform.startUploadFromDragEvent(event, true)) {
this.transfer.emit(await this.platform.startUploadFromDragEvent(event, true))
this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('dragleave', () => {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import * as os from 'os'
import promiseIpc, { RendererProcessType } from 'electron-promise-ipc'
import { execFile } from 'mz/child_process'
import { Injectable, NgZone } from '@angular/core'
import { PlatformService, ClipboardContent, Platform, MenuItemOptions, MessageBoxOptions, MessageBoxResult, FileUpload, FileDownload, FileUploadOptions, wrapPromise, TranslateService } from 'tabby-core'
import { PlatformService, ClipboardContent, Platform, MenuItemOptions, MessageBoxOptions, MessageBoxResult, DirectoryUpload, FileUpload, FileDownload, FileUploadOptions, wrapPromise, TranslateService } from 'tabby-core'
import { ElectronService } from '../services/electron.service'
import { ElectronHostWindow } from './hostWindow.service'
import { ShellIntegrationService } from './shellIntegration.service'
@ -48,18 +48,19 @@ export class ElectronPlatformService extends PlatformService {
async getAllFiles (dir: string): Promise<string[]> {
let files: string[] = []
async getAllFiles (dir: string, root: DirectoryUpload): Promise<DirectoryUpload> {
const items = await fs.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true })
for (const item of items) {
const fullPath = path.posix.join(dir, item.name)
if (item.isDirectory()) {
files = files.concat(await this.getAllFiles(fullPath))
root.pushChildren(await this.getAllFiles(path.join(dir, item.name), new DirectoryUpload(item.name)))
} else {
let file = new ElectronFileUpload(path.join(dir, item.name), this.electron)
await wrapPromise(this.zone, file.open())
return files
return root
readClipboard (): string {
@ -201,15 +202,12 @@ export class ElectronPlatformService extends PlatformService {
async startUpload (options?: FileUploadOptions, paths?: string[]): Promise<FileUpload[]> {
options ??= { multiple: false, directory: false }
options ??= { multiple: false }
const properties: any[] = ['openFile', 'treatPackageAsDirectory']
if (options.multiple) {
if (options.directory) {
if (!paths) {
const result = await this.electron.dialog.showOpenDialog(
@ -225,30 +223,34 @@ export class ElectronPlatformService extends PlatformService {
paths = result.filePaths
if(options.directory) {
let fileInfos: { fullPath: string, relativePath: string }[] = []
for (const folderPath of paths) {
const files = await this.getAllFiles(folderPath)
fileInfos = fileInfos.concat(files.map(file => ({
fullPath: file,
relativePath: path.posix.join(path.basename(folderPath), path.posix.relative(folderPath, file)),
return Promise.all(paths.map(async p => {
const transfer = new ElectronFileUpload(p, this.electron)
await wrapPromise(this.zone, transfer.open())
return transfer
return Promise.all(fileInfos.map(async (fileInfo) => {
const transfer = new ElectronFileUpload(fileInfo.fullPath, this.electron, fileInfo.relativePath)
await wrapPromise(this.zone, transfer.open())
return transfer
} else {
return Promise.all(paths.map(async p => {
const transfer = new ElectronFileUpload(p, this.electron)
await wrapPromise(this.zone, transfer.open())
return transfer
async startUploadDirectory (paths?: string[]): Promise<DirectoryUpload> {
const properties: any[] = ['openFile', 'treatPackageAsDirectory', 'openDirectory']
if (!paths) {
const result = await this.electron.dialog.showOpenDialog(
buttonLabel: this.translate.instant('Select'),
if (result.canceled) {
return new DirectoryUpload()
paths = result.filePaths
let root = new DirectoryUpload()
root.pushChildren(await this.getAllFiles(paths[0].split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep),new DirectoryUpload(path.basename(paths[0]))))
return root
async startDownload (name: string, mode: number, size: number, filePath?: string): Promise<FileDownload|null> {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export class EditSFTPContextMenu extends SFTPContextMenuItemProvider {
if (event === 'rename') {
const upload = await this.platform.startUpload({ multiple: false, directory: false }, [tempPath])
const upload = await this.platform.startUpload({ multiple: false }, [tempPath])
if (!upload.length) {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
button.btn.btn-link.text-decoration-none((click)='close()') !{require('../../../tabby-core/src/icons/times.svg')}
.body(dropZone, (transfer)='uploadOneWithFolder($event)')
.body(dropZone, (transfer)='uploadOneFolder($event)')
*ngIf='shouldShowCWDTip && !cwdDetectionAvailable',
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import * as C from 'constants'
import { posix as path } from 'path'
import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, Inject, Optional } from '@angular/core'
import { FileUpload, MenuItemOptions, NotificationsService, PlatformService } from 'tabby-core'
import { FileUpload, DirectoryUpload, MenuItemOptions, NotificationsService, PlatformService } from 'tabby-core'
import { SFTPSession, SFTPFile } from '../session/sftp'
import { SSHSession } from '../session/ssh'
import { SFTPContextMenuItemProvider } from '../api'
@ -176,40 +176,29 @@ export class SFTPPanelComponent {
async upload (): Promise<void> {
const transfers = await this.platform.startUpload({ multiple: true, directory: false })
const transfers = await this.platform.startUpload({ multiple: true })
await Promise.all(transfers.map(t => this.uploadOne(t)))
async uploadFolder (): Promise<void> {
const transfers = await this.platform.startUpload({ multiple: true, directory: true })
await Promise.all(transfers.map(t => this.uploadOneWithFolder(t)))
const transfer = await this.platform.startUploadDirectory()
await this.uploadOneFolder(transfer)
async uploadOneWithFolder (transfer: FileUpload): Promise<void> {
async uploadOneFolder (transfer: DirectoryUpload, accumPath = ''): Promise<void> {
const savedPath = this.path
const RelativePath = transfer.getRelativePath()
if (RelativePath == null) {
try {
await this.sftp.stat(path.join(this.path, RelativePath))
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error && e.message.includes('No such file')) {
let accumPath = ''
for (const pathParts of path.posix.dirname(RelativePath).split(path.posix.sep)) {
accumPath = path.posix.join(accumPath, pathParts)
try {
await this.sftp.mkdir(path.join(this.path, accumPath))
} catch {
// Intentionally ignoring errors from making duplicate dirs.
for(const t of transfer.getChildrens()) {
if (t instanceof DirectoryUpload) {
try {
await this.sftp.mkdir(path.posix.join(this.path, accumPath, t.getName()))
} catch {
// Intentionally ignoring errors from making duplicate dirs.
await this.uploadOneFolder(t, path.posix.join(accumPath,t.getName()))
} else {
throw e
await this.sftp.upload(path.posix.join(this.path, accumPath, t.getName()), t)
await this.sftp.upload(path.join(this.path, RelativePath), transfer)
if (this.path === savedPath) {
await this.navigate(this.path)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class ZModemMiddleware extends SessionMiddleware {
this.logger.info('new session', zsession)
if (zsession.type === 'send') {
const transfers = await this.platform.startUpload({ multiple: true, directory: false })
const transfers = await this.platform.startUpload({ multiple: true })
let filesRemaining = transfers.length
let sizeRemaining = transfers.reduce((a, b) => a + b.getSize(), 0)
for (const transfer of transfers) {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import '@vaadin/vaadin-context-menu'
import copyToClipboard from 'copy-text-to-clipboard'
import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core'
import { NgbModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'
import { PlatformService, ClipboardContent, MenuItemOptions, MessageBoxOptions, MessageBoxResult, FileUpload, FileUploadOptions, FileDownload, HTMLFileUpload } from 'tabby-core'
import { PlatformService, ClipboardContent, MenuItemOptions, MessageBoxOptions, MessageBoxResult, FileUpload, FileUploadOptions, FileDownload, HTMLFileUpload, DirectoryUpload } from 'tabby-core'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-imports
import type { ContextMenuElement, ContextMenuItem } from '@vaadin/vaadin-context-menu'
@ -135,6 +135,10 @@ export class WebPlatformService extends PlatformService {
async startUploadDirectory (paths?: string[]): Promise<DirectoryUpload> {
return new DirectoryUpload()
setErrorHandler (handler: (_: any) => void): void {
window.addEventListener('error', handler)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user