#!/usr/bin/env bash ################################################# # Please do not make any changes to this file, # # change the variables in webui-user.sh instead # ################################################# SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) # If run from macOS, load defaults from webui-macos-env.sh if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then if [[ -f "$SCRIPT_DIR"/webui-macos-env.sh ]] then source "$SCRIPT_DIR"/webui-macos-env.sh fi fi # Read variables from webui-user.sh # shellcheck source=/dev/null if [[ -f "$SCRIPT_DIR"/webui-user.sh ]] then source "$SCRIPT_DIR"/webui-user.sh fi # If $venv_dir is "-", then disable venv support use_venv=1 if [[ $venv_dir == "-" ]]; then use_venv=0 fi # Set defaults # Install directory without trailing slash if [[ -z "${install_dir}" ]] then install_dir="$SCRIPT_DIR" fi # Name of the subdirectory (defaults to stable-diffusion-webui) if [[ -z "${clone_dir}" ]] then clone_dir="stable-diffusion-webui" fi # python3 executable if [[ -z "${python_cmd}" ]] then python_cmd="python3.10" fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v "${python_cmd}")" ]] then python_cmd="python3" fi # git executable if [[ -z "${GIT}" ]] then export GIT="git" else export GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE="${GIT}" fi # python3 venv without trailing slash (defaults to ${install_dir}/${clone_dir}/venv) if [[ -z "${venv_dir}" ]] && [[ $use_venv -eq 1 ]] then venv_dir="venv" fi if [[ -z "${LAUNCH_SCRIPT}" ]] then LAUNCH_SCRIPT="launch.py" fi # this script cannot be run as root by default can_run_as_root=0 # read any command line flags to the webui.sh script while getopts "f" flag > /dev/null 2>&1 do case ${flag} in f) can_run_as_root=1;; *) break;; esac done # Disable sentry logging export ERROR_REPORTING=FALSE # Do not reinstall existing pip packages on Debian/Ubuntu export PIP_IGNORE_INSTALLED=0 # Pretty print delimiter="################################################################" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "\e[1m\e[32mInstall script for stable-diffusion + Web UI\n" printf "\e[1m\e[34mTested on Debian 11 (Bullseye), Fedora 34+ and openSUSE Leap 15.4 or newer.\e[0m" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" # Do not run as root if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 && can_run_as_root -eq 0 ]] then printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: This script must not be launched as root, aborting...\e[0m" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" exit 1 else printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "Running on \e[1m\e[32m%s\e[0m user" "$(whoami)" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" fi if [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = 32 ]] then printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: Unsupported Running on a 32bit OS\e[0m" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" exit 1 fi if [[ -d "$SCRIPT_DIR/.git" ]] then printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "Repo already cloned, using it as install directory" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" install_dir="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../" clone_dir="${SCRIPT_DIR##*/}" fi # Check prerequisites gpu_info=$(lspci 2>/dev/null | grep -E "VGA|Display") case "$gpu_info" in *"Navi 1"*) export HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0 if [[ -z "${TORCH_COMMAND}" ]] then pyv="$(${python_cmd} -c 'import sys; print(f"{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]:02d}")')" # Using an old nightly compiled against rocm 5.2 for Navi1, see https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/106728#issuecomment-1749511711 if [[ $pyv == "3.8" ]] then export TORCH_COMMAND="pip install https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/rocm5.2/torch-2.0.0.dev20230209%2Brocm5.2-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/rocm5.2/torchvision-0.15.0.dev20230209%2Brocm5.2-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl" elif [[ $pyv == "3.9" ]] then export TORCH_COMMAND="pip install https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/rocm5.2/torch-2.0.0.dev20230209%2Brocm5.2-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/rocm5.2/torchvision-0.15.0.dev20230209%2Brocm5.2-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl" elif [[ $pyv == "3.10" ]] then export TORCH_COMMAND="pip install https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/rocm5.2/torch-2.0.0.dev20230209%2Brocm5.2-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/rocm5.2/torchvision-0.15.0.dev20230209%2Brocm5.2-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl" else printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: RX 5000 series GPUs python version must be between 3.8 and 3.10, aborting...\e[0m" exit 1 fi fi ;; *"Navi 2"*) export HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0 ;; *"Navi 3"*) [[ -z "${TORCH_COMMAND}" ]] && \ export TORCH_COMMAND="pip install torch torchvision --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/rocm5.7" ;; *"Renoir"*) export HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=9.0.0 printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "Experimental support for Renoir: make sure to have at least 4GB of VRAM and 10GB of RAM or enable cpu mode: --use-cpu all --no-half" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" ;; *) ;; esac if ! echo "$gpu_info" | grep -q "NVIDIA"; then if echo "$gpu_info" | grep -q "AMD" && [[ -z "${TORCH_COMMAND}" ]] then export TORCH_COMMAND="pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.7" elif npu-smi info 2>/dev/null then export TORCH_COMMAND="pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu; pip install torch_npu==2.1.0" fi fi for preq in "${GIT}" "${python_cmd}" do if ! hash "${preq}" &>/dev/null then printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: %s is not installed, aborting...\e[0m" "${preq}" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" exit 1 fi done if [[ $use_venv -eq 1 ]] && ! "${python_cmd}" -c "import venv" &>/dev/null then printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: python3-venv is not installed, aborting...\e[0m" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" exit 1 fi cd "${install_dir}"/ || { printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: Can't cd to %s/, aborting...\e[0m" "${install_dir}"; exit 1; } if [[ -d "${clone_dir}" ]] then cd "${clone_dir}"/ || { printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: Can't cd to %s/%s/, aborting...\e[0m" "${install_dir}" "${clone_dir}"; exit 1; } else printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "Clone stable-diffusion-webui" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" "${GIT}" clone https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.git "${clone_dir}" cd "${clone_dir}"/ || { printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: Can't cd to %s/%s/, aborting...\e[0m" "${install_dir}" "${clone_dir}"; exit 1; } fi if [[ $use_venv -eq 1 ]] && [[ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]]; then printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "Create and activate python venv" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" cd "${install_dir}"/"${clone_dir}"/ || { printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: Can't cd to %s/%s/, aborting...\e[0m" "${install_dir}" "${clone_dir}"; exit 1; } if [[ ! -d "${venv_dir}" ]] then "${python_cmd}" -m venv "${venv_dir}" "${venv_dir}"/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip first_launch=1 fi # shellcheck source=/dev/null if [[ -f "${venv_dir}"/bin/activate ]] then source "${venv_dir}"/bin/activate else printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "\e[1m\e[31mERROR: Cannot activate python venv, aborting...\e[0m" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" exit 1 fi else printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "python venv already activate or run without venv: ${VIRTUAL_ENV}" printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" fi # Try using TCMalloc on Linux prepare_tcmalloc() { if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "linux"* ]] && [[ -z "${NO_TCMALLOC}" ]] && [[ -z "${LD_PRELOAD}" ]]; then # check glibc version LIBC_VER=$(echo $(ldd --version | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}') | grep -oP '\d+\.\d+') echo "glibc version is $LIBC_VER" libc_vernum=$(expr $LIBC_VER) # Since 2.34 libpthread is integrated into libc.so libc_v234=2.34 # Define Tcmalloc Libs arrays TCMALLOC_LIBS=("libtcmalloc(_minimal|)\.so\.\d" "libtcmalloc\.so\.\d") # Traversal array for lib in "${TCMALLOC_LIBS[@]}" do # Determine which type of tcmalloc library the library supports TCMALLOC="$(PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH ldconfig -p | grep -P $lib | head -n 1)" TC_INFO=(${TCMALLOC//=>/}) if [[ ! -z "${TC_INFO}" ]]; then echo "Check TCMalloc: ${TC_INFO}" # Determine if the library is linked to libpthread and resolve undefined symbol: pthread_key_create if [ $(echo "$libc_vernum < $libc_v234" | bc) -eq 1 ]; then # glibc < 2.34 pthread_key_create into libpthread.so. check linking libpthread.so... if ldd ${TC_INFO[2]} | grep -q 'libpthread'; then echo "$TC_INFO is linked with libpthread,execute LD_PRELOAD=${TC_INFO[2]}" # set fullpath LD_PRELOAD (To be on the safe side) export LD_PRELOAD="${TC_INFO[2]}" break else echo "$TC_INFO is not linked with libpthread will trigger undefined symbol: pthread_Key_create error" fi else # Version 2.34 of libc.so (glibc) includes the pthread library IN GLIBC. (USE ubuntu 22.04 and modern linux system and WSL) # libc.so(glibc) is linked with a library that works in ALMOST ALL Linux userlands. SO NO CHECK! echo "$TC_INFO is linked with libc.so,execute LD_PRELOAD=${TC_INFO[2]}" # set fullpath LD_PRELOAD (To be on the safe side) export LD_PRELOAD="${TC_INFO[2]}" break fi fi done if [[ -z "${LD_PRELOAD}" ]]; then printf "\e[1m\e[31mCannot locate TCMalloc. Do you have tcmalloc or google-perftool installed on your system? (improves CPU memory usage)\e[0m\n" fi fi } KEEP_GOING=1 export SD_WEBUI_RESTART=tmp/restart while [[ "$KEEP_GOING" -eq "1" ]]; do if [[ ! -z "${ACCELERATE}" ]] && [ ${ACCELERATE}="True" ] && [ -x "$(command -v accelerate)" ]; then printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "Accelerating launch.py..." printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" prepare_tcmalloc accelerate launch --num_cpu_threads_per_process=6 "${LAUNCH_SCRIPT}" "$@" else printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" printf "Launching launch.py..." printf "\n%s\n" "${delimiter}" prepare_tcmalloc "${python_cmd}" -u "${LAUNCH_SCRIPT}" "$@" fi if [[ ! -f tmp/restart ]]; then KEEP_GOING=0 fi done