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Retep Tools Implementation
The tools are designed to be put into a single jar file, but each one is
executable either individually or part of one single application.
To run the big application, you can either:
java -jar retepTools.jar
or with the retepTools.jar in the classpath run:
java uk.org.retep.tools.Main
Windows users: For you you can also double click the retepTools.jar as windows
will automatically run javac for you.
To run the individual tools, you must have the .jar file in your classpath and
then run the relevant Main class.
Tool Type Class
pg_hba.conf Editor/repairer Editor uk.org.retep.util.hba.Main
Properties Editor Editor uk.org.retep.util.proped.Main
Layout of the classes
Simply, tools that work on property files (Java properties, resource files,
configuration settings - pg_hba.conf for example) go under uk.org.retep.util in
their own package. Other utility classes (like PropertyIO) go in to the
uk.org.retep.util.misc package except for certain ones where they are related.
ie: TableModels. In swing you have JTable which uses a TableModel to display
(and possibly update) some data. These go under uk.org.retep.util.models where
you will find PropertiesTableModel for example. This one allows a Properties
object to be displayed & updated.
Come core classes like Logger, ExceptionDialog etc go into the main
uk.org.retep.util package.
Directory/Package Contents
uk.org.retep Home of the tools.properties file
uk.org.retep.tools The main all-in-one application
uk.org.retep.dtu The Data Transform Unit
uk.org.retep.util Core utility classes
uk.org.retep.util.hba pg_hba.conf editor/repairer
uk.org.retep.util.misc Misc utility classes
uk.org.retep.util.models Swing table models
uk.org.retep.util.proped Property Editor
uk.org.retep.util.xml.core Basic XML Factory
uk.org.retep.util.xml.jdbc JDBC/XML interface
uk.org.retep.util.xml.parser Simple SAX parser
Structure of a tool
Each tool has at least 2 base classes, and an entry in the tools.properties
file. For this example, I'll show you the Properties Editor:
Base package uk.org.retep.util.proped
Main tool class uk.org.retep.util.proped.PropertyEditor
Standalone class uk.org.retep.util.proped.Main
The main tool class is the entry point used by the main application. Because
they are used in a GUI, this class must extend javax.swing.JComponent and
implement the uk.org.retep.tools.Tool interface. (NB: You will find I always
use JPanel, but JComponent is used here so that any swing class can be used
you are not limited to JPanel.)
The standalone class is a basic static class that implements the main method.
It should extend the uk.org.retep.misc.StandaloneApp class and be written along
the lines of the following example:
import uk.org.retep.util.StandaloneApp;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class Main extends StandaloneApp
public Main(String[] args)
throws Exception
public JComponent init()
throws Exception
// Your initialisation here. In this case the PropertyEditor
PropertyEditor panel = new PropertyEditor();
// do stuff here, ie load a file if supplied
// return the tool
return panel;
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
Main main = new Main(args);
you will find a template in the uk.org.retep.util.Main class. Simply copy this
classes source, as it gives you the basic stub. Just add your own implementation
if init() like the one above. Look at the full Main class for the
PropertiesEditor to see how to get at the command line args.
By convention, the standalone class is named Main.