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From scrappy@ki.net Tue Aug 6 19:57:11 1996
Status: RO
Received: from candle.pha.pa.us (maillist@s1-03.ppp.op.net []) by quagmire.ki.net (8.7.5/8.7.5) with ESMTP id TAA01576 for <scrappy@ki.net>; Tue, 6 Aug 1996 19:57:08 -0400 (EDT)
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From: Bruce Momjian <maillist@candle.pha.pa.us>
Message-Id: <199608062357.TAA11618@candle.pha.pa.us>
Subject: add TODO to distribution
To: scrappy@ki.net (Marc G. Fournier)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 19:57:36 -0400 (EDT)
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Here is the current TODO list. Let's add it to the next distribution.
This was not ready at the time of the 1.02 release.
TODO list (FAQ) for Postgres95
last updated: Mon Aug 5 21:00:12 EDT 1996
current maintainer: Bruce Momjian (maillist@candle.pha.pa.us)
original author: Jolly Chen (jolly@cs.berkeley.edu)
Overhaul mdmgr/smgr to fix double unlinking and double opens, cleanup
Memory leaks (hunt and destroy with tools like Purify)
fix unitialized reads of memory
fix array over-runs of memory writes
Re-visit and fix vacuum
can't vacuum large objects
can't shrink tables, pg_time and pg_log
Fix all NULL features
DROP AGGREGATE should take in basetype as an arg
Add other language types for built-in functions
expand to allow tcl, perl, java,
generalize the function manager switch to pass
function sources to interpreter engines.
Fix large object mapping scheme
not to stuff everything as files in a single directory
Prevent improper index creation
Starting quote in insert string errors
Change default decimal constant representation from float4 to float8
ALTER TABLE bug - running postgress process needs to re-read table definition
Allow libpq to distinguish between text value '' and null
Allow non-postgres users with createdb privs to destroydb's
Optimizing disjunctive queries
Other optimizer bugs
Is fsync use optimized?
Multi-representational types, a la Illustra. For example, have a
text type that is stored in-tuple when less than 8K and in large
objects, when greater than 8K.
Add full ANSI SQL capabilities ( a vendor has offered to help)
add subselects
column constraints (using rules), esp. primary keys
add DEFAULT, UNIQUE, RESTRAINT, and CHECK capabilities
report "Not implemented" if valid syntax is supplied
add OUTER joins
make VIEWs updateable where possible
add temporary tables
add assertions
add domains
add sql3 recursive unions
add the concept of dataspaces
Implement HAVING clause
Implement IN qualifier
Add a way to preserve oid's when doing dump and load
if not, make oid's accessable in insert rules
Add word index for text fields, maybe with trigrams, i.e.:
' (cat | dog) & ! fox ' meaning text has cat or dog, but not fox
Allow compression of large fields or a compressed field type
Fix the rules system
making INSTEAD rules work
Full set of text operations and functions
word searches, concat, upper/lower(), max() on text, char
Replace table-level locking with row or page-level locking
Large objects
overwriting blocks has problems
there are other problems, too.
Better interface for adding to pg_group
Make multi-field indexes easier to create
allow optimizer to effectively use parameters without accessing table
Improve debugging output
Add int8 type
Add table comments
Add support for tables >2G
Incorporate the PERL PG95 interface library into source tree
Threaded version of the server or libpq
Add REGEX internationalization
Better documentation. Write a real book on postgres, perhaps?
Document OPENLINK fsync patch
Update usermanual source
Reduce size of regression diffs
Windows NT port
Mariposa project at Berkeley has a person who's working on this
Binary distributions for linux
Merge bsdi_2_1 to bsdi
Merge i386_solaris and sparc_solaris into solaris