The type argument wasn't actually really necessary. It was a remnant of converting the API of the gist strategy translation from using opclass to using opfamily+opcintype (commits c09e5a6a016, 622f678c102). For looking up the gist translation function, we used the convention "amproclefttype = amprocrighttype = opclass's opcintype" (see pg_amproc.h). But each operator family should only have one translation function, and getting the right type for the lookup is sometimes cumbersome and fragile, so this is all unnecessarily complicated. To simplify this, change the gist stategy support procedure to take "any", "any" as argument. (This is arbitrary but seems intuitive. The alternative of using InvalidOid as argument(s) upsets various DDL commands, so it's not practical.) Then we don't need opcintype for the lookup, and we can remove it from all the API layers introduced by commit c09e5a6a016. This also adds some more documentation about the correct signature of the gist support function and adds more checks in gistvalidate(). This was previously underspecified. (It relied implicitly on convention mentioned above.) Discussion:
PostgreSQL Database Management System
This directory contains the source code distribution of the PostgreSQL database management system.
PostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of the SQL standard, including transactions, foreign keys, subqueries, triggers, user-defined types and functions. This distribution also contains C language bindings.
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