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synced 2025-03-13 19:57:53 +08:00
written a generic framework of rules that the contrib makefiles can use instead of writing their own each time. You only need to set a few variables and off you go.
findoidjoins This program scans a database, and prints oid fields (also regproc fields) and the tables they join to. CAUTION: it is ver-r-r-y slow on a large database, or even a not-so-large one. We don't really recommend running it on anything but an empty database, such as template1. Uses pgeasy library. Run on an empty database, it returns the system join relationships (shown below for 7.2). Note that unexpected matches may indicate bogus entries in system tables --- don't accept a peculiar match without question. In particular, a field shown as joining to more than one target table is probably messed up. In 7.2, the *only* field that should join to more than one target is pg_description.objoid. (Running make_oidjoins_check is an easy way to spot fields joining to more than one table, BTW.) The shell script make_oidjoins_check converts findoidjoins' output into an SQL script that checks for dangling links (entries in an OID or REGPROC column that don't match any row in the expected table). Note that fields joining to more than one table are NOT processed. The result of make_oidjoins_check should be installed as the "oidjoins" regression test. The oidjoins test should be updated after any revision in the patterns of cross-links between system tables. (Ideally we'd just regenerate the script as part of the regression tests themselves, but that seems too slow...) NOTE: in 7.2, make_oidjoins_check produces one bogus join check, for pg_class.relfilenode => pg_class.oid. This is an artifact and should not be added to the oidjoins regress test. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join pg_aggregate.aggtransfn => pg_proc.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggfinalfn => pg_proc.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggbasetype => pg_type.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggtranstype => pg_type.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggfinaltype => pg_type.oid Join pg_am.amgettuple => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.aminsert => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.ambeginscan => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.amrescan => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.amendscan => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.ammarkpos => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.amrestrpos => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.ambuild => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.ambulkdelete => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.amcostestimate => pg_proc.oid Join pg_amop.amopclaid => pg_opclass.oid Join pg_amop.amopopr => pg_operator.oid Join pg_amproc.amopclaid => pg_opclass.oid Join pg_amproc.amproc => pg_proc.oid Join pg_attribute.attrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_attribute.atttypid => pg_type.oid Join pg_class.reltype => pg_type.oid Join pg_class.relam => pg_am.oid Join pg_class.reltoastrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_class.reltoastidxid => pg_class.oid Join pg_description.classoid => pg_class.oid Join pg_index.indexrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_index.indrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_opclass.opcamid => pg_am.oid Join pg_opclass.opcintype => pg_type.oid Join pg_operator.oprleft => pg_type.oid Join pg_operator.oprright => pg_type.oid Join pg_operator.oprresult => pg_type.oid Join pg_operator.oprcom => pg_operator.oid Join pg_operator.oprnegate => pg_operator.oid Join pg_operator.oprlsortop => pg_operator.oid Join pg_operator.oprrsortop => pg_operator.oid Join pg_operator.oprcode => pg_proc.oid Join pg_operator.oprrest => pg_proc.oid Join pg_operator.oprjoin => pg_proc.oid Join pg_proc.prolang => pg_language.oid Join pg_proc.prorettype => pg_type.oid Join pg_rewrite.ev_class => pg_class.oid Join pg_statistic.starelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_statistic.staop1 => pg_operator.oid Join pg_statistic.staop2 => pg_operator.oid Join pg_statistic.staop3 => pg_operator.oid Join pg_trigger.tgrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_trigger.tgfoid => pg_proc.oid Join pg_type.typrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_type.typelem => pg_type.oid Join pg_type.typinput => pg_proc.oid Join pg_type.typoutput => pg_proc.oid Join pg_type.typreceive => pg_proc.oid Join pg_type.typsend => pg_proc.oid --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Momjian (root@candle.pha.pa.us)