mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 19:47:50 +08:00
These were broken by my recent backpatch of the simple prompt fix. These older versions used DEVTTY, so import the definition from psql's command.c.
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421 lines
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* pg_upgrade.h
* Copyright (c) 2010, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.h,v 2010/07/25 03:47:33 momjian Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "libpq-fe.h"
/* Allocate for null byte */
#define USER_NAME_SIZE 128
#define MAX_STRING 1024
#define LINE_ALLOC 4096
#define QUERY_ALLOC 8192
#define MESSAGE_WIDTH "60"
#define GET_MAJOR_VERSION(v) ((v) / 100)
#define ALL_DUMP_FILE "pg_upgrade_dump_all.sql"
/* contains both global db information and CREATE DATABASE commands */
#define GLOBALS_DUMP_FILE "pg_upgrade_dump_globals.sql"
#define DB_DUMP_FILE "pg_upgrade_dump_db.sql"
#ifndef WIN32
#define pg_copy_file copy_file
#define pg_mv_file rename
#define pg_link_file link
#define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
#define RM_CMD "rm -f"
#define RMDIR_CMD "rm -rf"
#define SHELL_EXT "sh"
#define pg_copy_file CopyFile
#define pg_mv_file pgrename
#define pg_link_file win32_pghardlink
#define sleep(x) Sleep(x * 1000)
#define PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
#define RM_CMD "DEL /q"
#define RMDIR_CMD "RMDIR /s/q"
#define SHELL_EXT "bat"
#define EXE_EXT ".exe"
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
* XXX This does not work for all terminal environments or for output
* containing non-ASCII characters; see comments in simple_prompt().
#define DEVTTY "con"
#define DEVTTY "/dev/tty"
#define CLUSTERNAME(cluster) ((cluster) == CLUSTER_OLD ? "old" : "new")
#define atooid(x) ((Oid) strtoul((x), NULL, 10))
/* OID system catalog preservation added during PG 9.0 development */
#define TABLE_SPACE_SUBDIRS 201001111
* Each relation is represented by a relinfo structure.
typedef struct
char nspname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* namespace name */
char relname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* relation name */
Oid reloid; /* relation oid */
Oid relfilenode; /* relation relfile node */
Oid toastrelid; /* oid of the toast relation */
/* relation tablespace path, or "" for the cluster default */
char tablespace[MAXPGPATH];
} RelInfo;
typedef struct
RelInfo *rels;
int nrels;
} RelInfoArr;
* The following structure represents a relation mapping.
typedef struct
Oid old; /* Relfilenode of the old relation */
Oid new; /* Relfilenode of the new relation */
char old_file[MAXPGPATH];
char new_file[MAXPGPATH];
char old_nspname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* old name of the namespace */
char old_relname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* old name of the relation */
char new_nspname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* new name of the namespace */
char new_relname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* new name of the relation */
} FileNameMap;
* Structure to store database information
typedef struct
Oid db_oid; /* oid of the database */
char db_name[NAMEDATALEN]; /* database name */
char db_tblspace[MAXPGPATH]; /* database default tablespace path */
RelInfoArr rel_arr; /* array of all user relinfos */
} DbInfo;
typedef struct
DbInfo *dbs; /* array of db infos */
int ndbs; /* number of db infos */
} DbInfoArr;
* The following structure is used to hold pg_control information.
* Rather than using the backend's control structure we use our own
* structure to avoid pg_control version issues between releases.
typedef struct
uint32 ctrl_ver;
uint32 cat_ver;
uint32 logid;
uint32 nxtlogseg;
uint32 chkpnt_tli;
uint32 chkpnt_nxtxid;
uint32 chkpnt_nxtoid;
uint32 align;
uint32 blocksz;
uint32 largesz;
uint32 walsz;
uint32 walseg;
uint32 ident;
uint32 index;
uint32 toast;
bool date_is_int;
bool float8_pass_by_value;
char *lc_collate;
char *lc_ctype;
char *encoding;
} ControlData;
* Enumeration to denote link modes
typedef enum
} transferMode;
* Enumeration to denote pg_log modes
typedef enum
} eLogType;
* Enumeration to distinguish between old cluster and new cluster
typedef enum
NONE = 0, /* used for no running servers */
} Cluster;
typedef long pgpid_t;
* cluster
* information about each cluster
typedef struct
ControlData controldata; /* pg_control information */
DbInfoArr dbarr; /* dbinfos array */
char *pgdata; /* pathname for cluster's $PGDATA directory */
char *bindir; /* pathname for cluster's executable directory */
unsigned short port; /* port number where postmaster is waiting */
uint32 major_version; /* PG_VERSION of cluster */
char *major_version_str; /* string PG_VERSION of cluster */
Oid pg_database_oid; /* OID of pg_database relation */
char *libpath; /* pathname for cluster's pkglibdir */
char *tablespace_suffix; /* directory specification */
} ClusterInfo;
* migratorContext
* We create a migratorContext object to store all of the information
* that we need to migrate a single cluster.
typedef struct
ClusterInfo old,
new; /* old and new cluster information */
const char *progname; /* complete pathname for this program */
char *exec_path; /* full path to my executable */
char *user; /* username for clusters */
char cwd[MAXPGPATH]; /* current working directory, used for output */
char **tablespaces; /* tablespaces */
int num_tablespaces;
char **libraries; /* loadable libraries */
int num_libraries;
pgpid_t postmasterPID; /* PID of currently running postmaster */
Cluster running_cluster;
char *logfile; /* name of log file (may be /dev/null) */
FILE *log_fd; /* log FILE */
FILE *debug_fd; /* debug-level log FILE */
bool check; /* TRUE -> ask user for permission to make
* changes */
bool verbose; /* TRUE -> be verbose in messages */
bool debug; /* TRUE -> log more information */
transferMode transfer_mode; /* copy files or link them? */
} migratorContext;
* Global variables
extern char scandir_file_pattern[];
/* check.c */
void output_check_banner(migratorContext *ctx, bool *live_check);
void check_old_cluster(migratorContext *ctx, bool live_check,
char **sequence_script_file_name);
void check_new_cluster(migratorContext *ctx);
void report_clusters_compatible(migratorContext *ctx);
void issue_warnings(migratorContext *ctx,
char *sequence_script_file_name);
void output_completion_banner(migratorContext *ctx,
char *deletion_script_file_name);
void check_cluster_versions(migratorContext *ctx);
void check_cluster_compatibility(migratorContext *ctx, bool live_check);
void create_script_for_old_cluster_deletion(migratorContext *ctx,
char **deletion_script_file_name);
/* controldata.c */
void get_control_data(migratorContext *ctx, ClusterInfo *cluster, bool live_check);
void check_control_data(migratorContext *ctx, ControlData *oldctrl,
ControlData *newctrl);
/* dump.c */
void generate_old_dump(migratorContext *ctx);
void split_old_dump(migratorContext *ctx);
/* exec.c */
int exec_prog(migratorContext *ctx, bool throw_error,
const char *cmd,...);
void verify_directories(migratorContext *ctx);
bool is_server_running(migratorContext *ctx, const char *datadir);
void rename_old_pg_control(migratorContext *ctx);
/* file.c */
typedef const char *(*pluginStartup) (uint16 migratorVersion,
uint16 *pluginVersion, uint16 newPageVersion,
uint16 oldPageVersion, void **pluginData);
typedef const char *(*pluginConvertFile) (void *pluginData,
const char *dstName, const char *srcName);
typedef const char *(*pluginConvertPage) (void *pluginData,
const char *dstPage, const char *srcPage);
typedef const char *(*pluginShutdown) (void *pluginData);
typedef struct
uint16 oldPageVersion; /* Page layout version of the old cluster */
uint16 newPageVersion; /* Page layout version of the new cluster */
uint16 pluginVersion; /* API version of converter plugin */
void *pluginData; /* Plugin data (set by plugin) */
pluginStartup startup; /* Pointer to plugin's startup function */
pluginConvertFile convertFile; /* Pointer to plugin's file converter
* function */
pluginConvertPage convertPage; /* Pointer to plugin's page converter
* function */
pluginShutdown shutdown; /* Pointer to plugin's shutdown function */
} pageCnvCtx;
const char *setupPageConverter(migratorContext *ctx, pageCnvCtx **result);
/* dummy */
typedef void *pageCnvCtx;
int dir_matching_filenames(const struct dirent * scan_ent);
int pg_scandir(migratorContext *ctx, const char *dirname,
struct dirent *** namelist,
int (*selector) (const struct dirent *));
const char *copyAndUpdateFile(migratorContext *ctx,
pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, const char *src,
const char *dst, bool force);
const char *linkAndUpdateFile(migratorContext *ctx,
pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, const char *src, const char *dst);
void check_hard_link(migratorContext *ctx);
/* function.c */
void install_support_functions(migratorContext *ctx);
void uninstall_support_functions(migratorContext *ctx);
void get_loadable_libraries(migratorContext *ctx);
void check_loadable_libraries(migratorContext *ctx);
/* info.c */
FileNameMap *gen_db_file_maps(migratorContext *ctx, DbInfo *old_db,
DbInfo *new_db, int *nmaps, const char *old_pgdata,
const char *new_pgdata);
void get_db_and_rel_infos(migratorContext *ctx, DbInfoArr *db_arr,
Cluster whichCluster);
DbInfo *dbarr_lookup_db(DbInfoArr *db_arr, const char *db_name);
void dbarr_free(DbInfoArr *db_arr);
void print_maps(migratorContext *ctx, FileNameMap *maps, int n,
const char *dbName);
/* option.c */
void parseCommandLine(migratorContext *ctx, int argc, char *argv[]);
/* relfilenode.c */
void get_pg_database_relfilenode(migratorContext *ctx, Cluster whichCluster);
const char *transfer_all_new_dbs(migratorContext *ctx, DbInfoArr *olddb_arr,
DbInfoArr *newdb_arr, char *old_pgdata, char *new_pgdata);
/* tablespace.c */
void init_tablespaces(migratorContext *ctx);
/* server.c */
PGconn *connectToServer(migratorContext *ctx, const char *db_name,
Cluster whichCluster);
PGresult *executeQueryOrDie(migratorContext *ctx, PGconn *conn,
const char *fmt,...);
void start_postmaster(migratorContext *ctx, Cluster whichCluster, bool quiet);
void stop_postmaster(migratorContext *ctx, bool fast, bool quiet);
uint32 get_major_server_version(migratorContext *ctx, char **verstr,
Cluster whichCluster);
void check_for_libpq_envvars(migratorContext *ctx);
/* util.c */
void exit_nicely(migratorContext *ctx, bool need_cleanup);
void *pg_malloc(migratorContext *ctx, int n);
void pg_free(void *p);
char *pg_strdup(migratorContext *ctx, const char *s);
char *quote_identifier(migratorContext *ctx, const char *s);
int get_user_info(migratorContext *ctx, char **user_name);
void check_ok(migratorContext *ctx);
void report_status(migratorContext *ctx, eLogType type, const char *fmt,...);
void pg_log(migratorContext *ctx, eLogType type, char *fmt,...);
void prep_status(migratorContext *ctx, const char *fmt,...);
void check_ok(migratorContext *ctx);
char *pg_strdup(migratorContext *ctx, const char *s);
void *pg_malloc(migratorContext *ctx, int size);
void pg_free(void *ptr);
const char *getErrorText(int errNum);
unsigned int str2uint(const char *str);
/* version.c */
void new_9_0_populate_pg_largeobject_metadata(migratorContext *ctx,
bool check_mode, Cluster whichCluster);
/* version_old_8_3.c */
void old_8_3_check_for_name_data_type_usage(migratorContext *ctx,
Cluster whichCluster);
void old_8_3_check_for_tsquery_usage(migratorContext *ctx,
Cluster whichCluster);
void old_8_3_check_ltree_usage(migratorContext *ctx,
Cluster whichCluster);
void old_8_3_rebuild_tsvector_tables(migratorContext *ctx,
bool check_mode, Cluster whichCluster);
void old_8_3_invalidate_hash_gin_indexes(migratorContext *ctx,
bool check_mode, Cluster whichCluster);
void old_8_3_invalidate_bpchar_pattern_ops_indexes(migratorContext *ctx,
bool check_mode, Cluster whichCluster);
char *old_8_3_create_sequence_script(migratorContext *ctx,
Cluster whichCluster);