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From owner-pgsql-hackers@hub.org Sun Aug 2 20:01:13 1998
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To: pgsql-hackers@postgreSQL.org
Subject: [HACKERS] TODO item: make pg_shadow updates more robust
Date: Sun, 02 Aug 1998 19:28:13 -0400
Message-ID: <22591.902100493@sss.pgh.pa.us>
From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
Sender: owner-pgsql-hackers@hub.org
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Status: ROr
I learned the hard way last night that the postmaster's password
authentication routines don't look at the pg_shadow table. They
look at a separate file named pg_pwd, which certain backend operations
will update from pg_shadow. (This is not documented in any user
documentation that I could find; I had to burrow into
src/backend/commands/user.c to discover it.)
Unfortunately, if a clueless dbadmin (like me ;-)) tries to update
password data with the obvious thing,
update pg_shadow set passwd = 'xxxxx' where usename = 'yyyy';
pg_pwd doesn't get fixed.
A more drastic problem is that pg_dump believes it can save and
restore pg_shadow data using "copy". Following an initdb and restore
from a pg_dump -z script, pg_shadow will look just fine, but only
the database admin will be listed in pg_pwd. This is likely to provoke
some confusion, IMHO.
As a short-term thing, the fact that you *must* set passwords with
ALTER USER ought to be documented, preferably someplace where a
dbadmin who's never heard of ALTER USER is likely to find it.
As a longer-term thing, I think it would be far better if ordinary
SQL operations on pg_shadow just did the right thing. Wouldn't it
be possible to implement copying to pg_pwd by means of a trigger on
pg_shadow updates, or something like that?
(I'm afraid that pg_dump -z is pretty well broken for operations on
a password-protected database, btw. Has anyone used it successfully
in that situation?)
regards, tom lane