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Ora2Pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
$ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = '/usr/local/oracle/oracle816';
use strict;
use Ora2Pg;
# Init the database connection
my $dbsrc = 'dbi:Oracle:host=testdb.samse.fr;sid=TEST;port=1521';
my $dbuser = 'system';
my $dbpwd = 'manager';
# Create an instance of the Ora2Pg perl module
my $schema = new Ora2Pg (
datasource => $dbsrc, # Database DBD datasource
user => $dbuser, # Database user
password => $dbpwd, # Database password
# Create the POSTGRESQL representation of all objects in the database
or if you only want to extract some tables:
# Create an instance of the Ora2Pg perl module
my @tables = ('tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3');
my $schema = new Ora2Pg (
datasource => $dbsrc, # Database DBD datasource
user => $dbuser, # Database user
password => $dbpwd, # Database password
tables => \@tables, # Tables to extract
debug => 1 # To show somethings when running
or if you only want to extract the 10 first tables:
# Create an instance of the Ora2Pg perl module
my $schema = new Ora2Pg (
datasource => $dbsrc, # Database DBD datasource
user => $dbuser, # Database user
password => $dbpwd, # Database password
max => 10 # 10 first tables to extract
or if you only want to extract tables 10 to 20:
# Create an instance of the Ora2Pg perl module
my $schema = new Ora2Pg (
datasource => $dbsrc, # Database DBD datasource
user => $dbuser, # Database user
password => $dbpwd, # Database password
min => 10 # Begin extraction at indice 10
max => 20 # End extraction at indice 20
To know at which indices table can be found during extraction use the
showtableid => 1
To extract all views set the option type as follow:
type => 'VIEW'
Default is table schema extraction
Ora2Pg is a perl OO module used to export an Oracle database schema to a
PostgreSQL compatible schema.
It simply connect to your Oracle database, extract its structure and
generate a SQL script that you can load into your PostgreSQL database.
I'm not a Oracle DBA so I don't really know something about its internal
structure so you may find some incorrect things. Please tell me what is
wrong and what can be better.
It currently only dump the database schema, with primary, unique and
foreign keys. I've tried to excluded internal system tables but perhaps
not enougt, please let me know.
The goal of the Ora2Pg perl module is to cover all part needed to export
an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database without other thing that
provide the connection parameters to the Oracle database.
Features must include:
- Database schema export, with unique, primary and foreign key.
- Grants/privileges export by user and group.
- Indexes and unique indexes export.
- Table or view selection (by name and max table) export.
- Predefined function/trigger export (todo)
- Data export (todo)
- Sql query converter (todo)
My knowledge regarding database is really poor especially for Oracle so
contribution is welcome.
You just need the DBI and DBD::Oracle perl module to be installed
Creates a new Ora2Pg object.
Supported options are:
- datasource : DBD datasource (required)
- user : DBD user (optional with public access)
- password : DBD password (optional with public access)
- type : Type of data to extract, can be TABLE (default) or VIEW
- debug : Print the current state of the parsing
- tables : Extract only the given tables (arrayref)
- showtableid : Display only the table indice during extraction
- min : Indice to begin extraction. Default to 0
- max : Indice to end extraction. Default to 0 mean no limits
Attempt that this list should grow a little more because all
initialization is done by this way.
export_sql FILENAME
Print SQL conversion output to a filename or to STDOUT if no file is
Initialize a Ora2Pg object instance with a connexion to the Oracle
This function is used to retrieve all table information.
Set the main hash of the database structure $self->{tables}. Keys are
the names of all tables retrieved from the current database. Each table
information compose an array associated to the table_info key as array
reference. In other way:
$self->{tables}{$class_name}{table_info} = [(OWNER,TYPE)];
TEMPORARY, ALIAS, SYNONYM or a data source specific type identifier.
This only extract TABLE type.
It also get the following informations in the DBI object to affect the
main hash of the database structure :
$self->{tables}{$class_name}{field_name} = $sth->{NAME};
$self->{tables}{$class_name}{field_type} = $sth->{TYPE};
It also call these other private subroutine to affect the main hash of
the database structure :
@{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{column_info}} = &_column_info($self, $class_name);
@{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{primary_key}} = &_primary_key($self, $class_name);
@{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{unique_key}} = &_unique_key($self, $class_name);
@{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{foreign_key}} = &_foreign_key($self, $class_name);
This function is used to retrieve all views information.
Set the main hash of the views definition $self->{views}. Keys are the
names of all views retrieved from the current database values are the
text definition of the views.
It then set the main hash as follow:
# Definition of the view
$self->{views}{$table}{text} = $view_infos{$table};
# Grants defined on the views
$self->{views}{$table}{grants} = when I find how...
Returns a string containing the entire SQL Schema definition compatible
with PostgreSQL
This function return the PostgreSQL datatype corresponding to the Oracle
internal type.
_column_info TABLE
This function implements a Oracle-native column information.
Return a list of array reference containing the following informations
for each column the given a table
[( column name, column type, column length, nullable column, default
value )]
_primary_key TABLE
This function implements a Oracle-native primary key column information.
Return a list of all column name defined as primary key for the given
_unique_key TABLE
This function implements a Oracle-native unique key column information.
Return a list of all column name defined as unique key for the given
_foreign_key TABLE
This function implements a Oracle-native foreign key reference
Return a list of hash of hash of array reference. Ouuf! Nothing very
difficult. The first hash is composed of all foreign key name. The
second hash just have two key known as 'local' and remote' corresponding
to the local table where the foreign key is defined and the remote table
where the key refer.
The foreign key name is composed as follow:
Foreign key data consist in two array representing at the same indice
the local field and the remote field where the first one refer to the
second. Just like this:
@{$link{$fkey_name}{local}} = @local_columns;
@{$link{$fkey_name}{remote}} = @remote_columns;
_get_table_privilege TABLE
This function implements a Oracle-native table grants information.
Return a hash of array of all users and their grants on the given table.
This function implements a Oracle-native roles/users information.
Return a hash of all groups (roles) as an array of associated users.
_get_indexes TABLE
This function implements a Oracle-native indexes information.
Return an array of all indexes name which are not primary keys for the
given table.
Note: Indexes name must be created like this tablename_fieldname else
they will not be retrieved or if tablename false in the output
_get_sequences TABLE
This function implements a Oracle-native sequence information.
Return a hash of array of sequence name with MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE,
INCREMENT and LAST_NUMBER for the given table.
Not working yet.
This function implements a Oracle-native views information.
Return a hash of array of sequence name with MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE,
INCREMENT and LAST_NUMBER for the given table.
Gilles Darold <gilles@darold.net>
Copyright (c) 2001 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
This perl module is in the same state as my knowledge regarding
database, it can move and not be compatible with older version so I will
do my best to give you official support for Ora2Pg. Your volontee to
help construct it and your contribution are welcome.
the DBI manpage, the DBD::Oracle manpage