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314 lines
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# pgserv.tcl
# (c) 2000 Thomas Lockhart, PostgreSQL Inc.
# The next line will reinvoke as wish *DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER* \
exec wish "$0" "$@"
puts "Starting Replication Server demo"
# Bring in the interfaces we will be using...
#package require Pgtcl
load libpgtcl[info sharedlibextension]
# elog
# Information or error log and exit handler
proc {elog} {level message} {
global show
switch -exact -- $level {
if {$show(debug)} {
puts "DEBUG $message"
if {$show(error)} {
puts "ERROR $message"
if ($show(error)} {
puts "FATAL $message"
exit 1
default {
puts "INFO $message"
proc {ShowUsage} {} {
global argv0
puts "Usage: $argv0 --host name --user name --password string masterdb slavedb"
puts "\t--masterhost name --masteruser name --masterpassword string"
puts "\t--slavehost name --slaveuser name --slavepassword string"
# Initial values for database access
# master, slave variables are tied to text input boxes,
# and will be updated on user input
proc {SetDbInfo} {db name {host ""} {user ""} {pass ""}} {
global dbinfo
set dbinfo($db,name) $name
set dbinfo($db,host) $host
set dbinfo($db,user) $user
set dbinfo($db,pass) $pass
# ConnInfo
# Connection information for pgtcl library
proc {ConnInfo} {{db master}} {
global dbinfo
set ci "dbname=$dbinfo($db,name)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,host)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci host=$dbinfo($db,host)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,user)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci user=$dbinfo($db,user)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,pass)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci password=$dbinfo($db,pass)"
# puts "Construct conninfo $ci"
return $ci
# ConnInfoParams
# Connection information for (perl) callable programs
proc {ConnInfoParams} {{db master}} {
global dbinfo
set ci ""
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,host)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --host=$dbinfo($db,host)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,user)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --user=$dbinfo($db,user)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,pass)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --password=$dbinfo($db,pass)"
# puts "Construct conninfo $ci"
return $ci
# ConnInfoMaster
# Connection information for (perl) callable programs
proc {ConnInfoMaster} {{db master}} {
global dbinfo
set ci $dbinfo($db,name)
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,host)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --masterhost=$dbinfo($db,host)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,user)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --masteruser=$dbinfo($db,user)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,pass)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --masterpassword=$dbinfo($db,pass)"
# puts "Construct conninfo $ci"
return $ci
# ConnInfoSlave
# Connection information for (perl) callable programs
proc {ConnInfoSlave} {{db slave}} {
global dbinfo
set ci $dbinfo($db,name)
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,host)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --slavehost=$dbinfo($db,host)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,user)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --slaveuser=$dbinfo($db,user)"
if {[string length $dbinfo($db,pass)] > 0} {
set ci "$ci --slavepassword=$dbinfo($db,pass)"
# puts "Construct conninfo $ci"
return $ci
SetDbInfo master master localhost
SetDbInfo slave slave localhost
set dbinfo(snapshot,name) "__Snapshot"
set update ""
set show(debug) 1
set show(error) 1
set argi 0
while {$argi < $argc} {
# puts "argi is $argi; argc is $argc"
set arg [lindex $argv $argi]
switch -glob -- $arg {
-h -
--host {
incr argi
set dbinfo(master,host) [lindex $argv $argi]
set dbinfo(slave,host) [lindex $argv $argi]
--masterhost {
incr argi
set dbinfo(master,host) [lindex $argv $argi]
--slavehost {
incr argi
set dbinfo(slave,host) [lindex $argv $argi]
-u -
--user {
incr argi
set dbinfo(master,user) [lindex $argv $argi]
set dbinfo(slave,user) [lindex $argv $argi]
--masteruser {
incr argi
set dbinfo(master,user) [lindex $argv $argi]
--slaveuser {
incr argi
set dbinfo(slave,user) [lindex $argv $argi]
-s -
--snapshot {
incr argi
set dbinfo(snapshot,name) [lindex $argv $argi]
-* {
elog ERROR "$argv0: invalid parameter '$arg'"
exit 1
default {
incr argi
if {$argi < $argc} {
set dbinfo(master,name) [lindex $argv $argi]
incr argi
if {$argi < $argc} {
set dbinfo(slave,name) [lindex $argv $argi]
incr argi
if {$argi < $argc} {
elog "$argv0: too many parameters"
exit 1
elog DEBUG "User is $dbinfo(master,user) $dbinfo(slave,user)"
elog DEBUG "Host is $dbinfo(master,host) $dbinfo(slave,host)"
# TK layout
wm title . "Async Replication"
wm geom . 400x400
proc {CreateResultFrame} {b l w} {
pack [frame $b -borderwidth 10] -fill x
pack [button $b.run -text $l -command $l -width $w] -side left
# pack [entry $b.e -textvariable NewRow] -side left
set t .top
pack [frame $t -borderwidth 10] -fill x
pack [frame $t.h -borderwidth 10] -fill x
pack [label $t.h.h -text "PostgreSQL Async Replication Server"]
set b .b
pack [frame $b -borderwidth 10] -fill x
pack [frame $b.l -borderwidth 10] -fill x
pack [label $b.l.ml -text "Master"] -side left
pack [label $b.l.sl -text "Slave"] -side right
pack [entry $b.m -textvariable dbinfo(master,name) -width 25] -side left
pack [entry $b.s -textvariable dbinfo(slave,name) -width 25] -side right
set b .u
pack [frame $b -borderwidth 10] -fill x
pack [button $b.run -text update -command Update -width 10] -side left
pack [entry $b.e -textvariable update -width 50] -side left
set r [CreateResultFrame .r Replicate 10]
set b .s
pack [frame $b -borderwidth 10] -fill x
pack [button $b.b -text Show -command Show -width 10] -side left
pack [label $b.e -text ""] -side left
set b .button
pack [frame $b -borderwidth 10] -fill x
pack [button $b.quit -text "Quit" -command Shutdown]
# Functions mapped to buttons
proc {Update} {} {
global dbinfo
global update
elog DEBUG "Opening database [ConnInfo master]..."
set res [catch {set db [pg_connect -conninfo "[ConnInfo master]"]} msg]
if {$res} {
elog ERROR "Database '$dbinfo(master,name)' is not available: $res ($msg)"
} else {
elog DEBUG "Insert $update into database $dbinfo(master,name)..."
set res [pg_exec $db "insert into test select '$update', max(k)+1, max(l)+1 from test"]
elog DEBUG [pg_result $res -status]
catch {pg_disconnect $db}
proc {Replicate} {} {
global dbinfo
global RSERV_BIN
elog DEBUG "Replicating [ConnInfoCmd master]..."
exec "$RSERV_BIN/Replicate" --snapshot=$dbinfo(snapshot,name) [ConnInfoParams] [ConnInfoMaster] [ConnInfoSlave]
proc {Show} {} {
global dbinfo
global update
elog DEBUG "Opening database [ConnInfo slave]..."
set res [catch {set db [pg_connect -conninfo "[ConnInfo slave]"]} msg]
if {$res} {
elog ERROR "DB $dbinfo(slave,name) not available: $res ($msg)"
} else {
elog DEBUG "Select $update from database $dbinfo(slave,name)..."
set res [pg_exec $db "select i from test where i='$update'"]
if {[pg_result $res -status] != "PGRES_TUPLES_OK"} {
.s.e config -text "n/a"
} else {
set ntups [pg_result $res -numTuples]
if {$ntups <= 0} {
.s.e config -text "n/a"
} else {
for {set i 0} {$i < $ntups} {incr i} {
set val [pg_result $res -getTuple $i]
.s.e config -text $val
pg_result $res -clear
catch {pg_disconnect $db}
proc {Shutdown} {} {
global dbinfo