-- first, define the functions. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of pgxml.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i pgxml.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
select query_to_xml('select 1 as x',true,false,'');
select xslt_process( query_to_xml('select x from generate_series(1,5) as
CREATE TABLE xpath_test (id integer NOT NULL, t xml);
INSERT INTO xpath_test VALUES (1, '1');
SELECT * FROM xpath_table('id', 't', 'xpath_test', '/doc/int', 'true')
as t(id int4);
SELECT * FROM xpath_table('id', 't', 'xpath_test', '/doc/int', 'true')
as t(id int4, doc int4);
DROP TABLE xpath_test;
CREATE TABLE xpath_test (id integer NOT NULL, t text);
INSERT INTO xpath_test VALUES (1, '1');
SELECT * FROM xpath_table('id', 't', 'xpath_test', '/doc/int', 'true')
as t(id int4);
SELECT * FROM xpath_table('id', 't', 'xpath_test', '/doc/int', 'true')
as t(id int4, doc int4);
create table articles (article_id integer, article_xml xml, date_entered date);
insert into articles (article_id, article_xml, date_entered)
values (2, 'test37', now());
'date_entered > ''2003-01-01'' ')
AS t(article_id integer, author text, page_count integer, title text);
-- this used to fail when invoked a second time
select xslt_process('',$$
select xslt_process('',$$
create table t1 (id integer, xml_data xml);
insert into t1 (id, xml_data)
(1, 'Some
create index idx_xpath on t1 ( xpath_string
('/attributes/attribute[@name="attr_1"]/text()', xml_data::text));
SELECT xslt_process('cim30400'::text, $$
$$::text, 'n1="v1",n2="v2",n3="v3",n4="v4",n5="v5",n6="v6",n7="v7",n8="v8",n9="v9",n10="v10",n11="v11",n12="v12"'::text);