TODO list for PostgreSQL
Last updated:		Sat Nov 17 14:52:59 EST 2001

Current maintainer:	Bruce Momjian (

The most recent version of this document can be viewed at
the PostgreSQL web site,

A dash (-) marks changes that will appear in the upcoming 7.2 release.

Bracketed items "[]" have more detailed.


* -SELECT pg_class FROM pg_class generates strange error (Bruce)
* PL/PgSQL does not handle quoted mixed-case identifiers



* Add replication of distributed databases [replication]
	o automatic failover
	o load balancing
	o master/slave replication
	o multi-master replication
	o partition data across servers
	o sample implementation in contrib/rserv
	o queries across databases or servers (two-phase commit)
* Point-in-time data recovery using backup and write-ahead log
* Allow row re-use without vacuum (Tom)


* Improve control over user privileges, including table creation and
  lock use [privileges] (Karel, others)
* -Permission to DELETE table also allows UPDATE (Peter E)
* Allow elog() to return error codes, module name, file name, line
  number, not just messages (Peter E) [elog]
* -Allow international error message support and add error codes[elog](Peter E)
* -Remove unused sort files on postmaster startup (Bruce)
* Remove unreferenced table files and temp tables during database vacuum
  or postmaster startup
* -Remove unreferenced sort files during postmaster startup (Bruce)
* Add table name mapping for numeric file names
* -Better document pg_hba.conf host-based authentication (Bruce)
* -Encrpyt passwords in pg_shadow table using MD5 (Bruce, Vince)
* Incremental backups
* Make it easier to create a database owned by someone who can't createdb
* Remove behavior of postmaster -o after making postmaster/postgres
  flags unique
* Allow usernames to be specified directly in pg_hba.conf (Bruce)


* Add domain capability [domain]
* Add IPv6 capability to INET/CIDR types
* -Add conversion function from text to inet
* Store binary-compatible type information in the system
* Allow better handling of numeric constants, type conversion [typeconv]
* Support construction of array result values in expressions
* Remove Money type, add money formatting for decimal type
* SELECT cash_out(2) crashes because of opaque
* Declare typein/out functions in pg_proc with a special "C string" data type
* Functions returning sets do not totally work
* SELECT col FROM tab WHERE numeric_col = 10.1 fails, requires quotes
* Missing optimizer selectivities for date, r-tree, etc. [optimizer]
* -Add SQL standard function bit_length() (Peter E)
* -Make oid use unsigned int more reliably (Tom)
	o Allow nulls in arrays
	o Allow arrays to be ORDER'ed
	o fix array handling in ECPG
	o -Add non-large-object binary field (already exists -- bytea)
	o -Make binary interface for TOAST columns (base64)
	o Improve vacuum of large objects, like /contrib/vacuumlo
	o Add security checking for large objects
	o Make file in/out interface for TOAST columns, similar to large object
	  interface (force out-of-line storage and no compression)
	o Auto-delete large objects when referencing row is deleted


* Add NCHAR (as distinguished from ordinary varchar),
* Allow LOCALE on a per-column basis, default to ASCII
* Support multiple simultaneous character sets, per SQL92
* -Reject character sequences those are not valid in their charset (Tatsuo)
* -Make functions more multi-byte aware, e.g. trim() (Tatsuo)
* -Make n of CHAR(n)/VARCHAR(n) the number of letters, not bytes (Tatsuo)
* Allow setting database character set without multibyte enabled
* Improve Unicode combined character handling
* Optimize locale to have minimal performance impact when not used (Peter E)
* Optimize textlength(), etc. for single-byte encodings


* Automatically create rules on views so they are updateable, per SQL92 [view]
* Add the functionality for WITH CHECK OPTION clause of CREATE VIEW
* Allow NOTIFY in rules involving conditionals
* -Evaluate INSERT rules at end of query, rather than beginning (Jan)
* Allow temporary views
* Move psql backslash information into views


* Allow CREATE INDEX zman_index ON test (date_trunc( 'day', zman ) datetime_ops)
  fails index can't store constant parameters
* Add FILLFACTOR to index creation
* Order duplicate index entries by tid for faster heap lookups
* -Re-enable partial indexes
* -Prevent pg_attribute from having duplicate oids for indexes (Tom)
* Allow inherited tables to inherit index, UNIQUE constraint, and primary
  key, foreign key  [inheritance]
* UNIQUE INDEX on base column not honored on inserts from inherited table
  INSERT INTO inherit_table (unique_index_col) VALUES (dup) should fail
* Allow DELETE/UPDATE on inherited table
* Add UNIQUE capability to non-btree indexes
* Certain indexes will not shrink, e.g. oid indexes with many inserts
* Have UPDATE/DELETE clean out indexes
* Add btree index support for reltime, tinterval, regproc
* Add rtree index support for line, lseg, path, point
* Use indexes for min() and max() or convert to SELECT col FROM tab ORDER
  BY col DESC LIMIT 1 if appropriate index exists and WHERE clause acceptible
* Use index to restrict rows returned by multi-key index when used with
  non-consecutive keys or OR clauses, so fewer heap accesses
* Allow SELECT * FROM tab WHERE int2col = 4 to use int2col index, int8,
  float4, numeric/decimal too [optimizer]
* -Use indexes with CIDR '<<' (contains) operator
* Allow LIKE indexing optimization for non-ASCII locales
* Be smarter about insertion of already-ordered data into btree index
* -Gather more accurate dispersion statistics using indexes (Tom)
* Add deleted bit to index tuples to reduce heap access
* Prevent index uniqueness checks when UPDATE does not modifying column
* Add bitmap indexes [performance]
* Improve handling of index scans for NULL
* Improve concurrency in GIST


* -Add unique indexes to pg_shadow.usename and pg_shadow.usesysid or
  switch to pg_shadow.oid as user id (Tom)
* -Add unique indexes on pg_database (Tom)
* -Check all system tables and add unique indexes as needed (Tom)
* -Remove pg_listener index (Tom)
* -Remove unused pg_variable, pg_inheritproc, pg_ipl tables (Bruce)


* Add SIMILAR TO to allow character classes, 'pg_[a-c]%'
* -Allow LOCK TABLE tab1, tab2, tab3 so all tables locked in unison [lock]
* Allow RULE recompilation
* Remove LIMIT #,# and force use LIMIT and OFFSET clauses in 7.3 (Bruce)
* Allow LIMIT/OFFSET to use expressions
* Allow PL/PgSQL's RAISE function to take expressions
* Change PL/PgSQL to use palloc() instead of malloc()
* Add untrusted version of plpython
* -Allow GRANT/REVOKE to handle multiple user/group names
* Disallow TRUNCATE on tables that are involved in referential constraints
* Add OR REPLACE clauses to non-FUNCTION object creation
	o ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN to inherited table put column in wrong place
	o Add ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN feature [drop]
	o -Add ALTER TABLE DROP CHECK CONSTRAINT (Christopher Kings-Lynne)
	o ALTER TABLE ADD PRIMARY KEY (Christopher Kings-Lynne)
	o ALTER TABLE ADD UNIQUE (Christopher Kings-Lynne)
	o ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN column SERIAL doesn't create sequence
	o cluster all tables at once
	o prevent lose of indexes, permissions, inheritance
	o Automatically keep clustering on a table
	o -Keep statistics about clustering (Tom) [optimizer]
	o Allow specification of column names
	o Allow dump/load of CSV format
	o Allow BINARY option to SELECT, like we do with DECLARE
	o MOVE 0 should not move to end of cursor
	o Allow cursors to be DECLAREd/OPENed/CLOSEed outside transactions
	o Allow INSERT/UPDATE of system-generated oid value for a row
	o Allow INSERT INTO tab (col1, ..) VALUES (val1, ..), (val2, ..)
	o Allow INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (a, b, c, DEFAULT, x, y, z, ...)
	o Disallow missing columns in INSERT ... VALUES, per ANSI
	o Allow INSERT/UPDATE ... RETURNING new.col or old.col, handle
	  RULE cases (Philip)
	o Add SHOW command to display locks
	o -Add SHOW command to show all settings
	o -Add a global RESET command for use with connection pooling
	o Add SET or BEGIN timeout parameter to cancel query
	o Remove SET KSQO option now that OR processing is improved (Tom)
	o Add SHOW command to see locale


* -Make NULL's come out at the beginning or end depending on the
  ORDER BY direction (Tom)
* Have pg_dump use LEFT OUTER JOIN in multi-table SELECTs
  or multiple SELECTS to avoid bad system catalog entries
* Have pg_dump -C dump database location and encoding information
* Allow psql \d to show foreign keys
* Allow psql \d to show temporary table structure
* Add XML interface:  psql, pg_dump, COPY, separate server (?)
* -Fix libpq to properly handle socket failures under native MS Win32
* Fix ecpg variable handling in EXEC SQL AT statement
* -Add MD5 to ODBC (Bruce)
	o Comprehensive test suite. This may be available already.
	o Updateable resultSet (must be done in backend code)
	o -Improved DatabaseMetaData [java]
	o JDBC-standard BLOB support
	o Error Codes (pending backend implementation)
	o -Support for binary data/bytea
	o Move to using 'make' rather than 'ant'(?)
	o Add MD5 capability
	o Implement set descriptor, using descriptor
	o Make casts work in variable initializations
	o Allow variable to specify the connection name
	o Implement SQLDA
	o Allow SELECT of array of strings into a auto-sized variable
	o Use cursors implicitly to avoid large results (see setCursorName())
	o Solve cardinality > 1 for input descriptors / variables
	o Understand structure definitions outside a declare section
	o sqlwarn[6] should be 'W' if the PRECISION or SCALE value specified
	o Improve error handling
	o Allow :var[:index] or :var[<integer>] as cvariable for an array var
	o Add a semantic check level, e.g. check if a table really exists
	o Remove space_or_nl and line_end from pgc.l
	o Fix nested C comments


* Add MATCH PARTIAL referential integrity
* -Check that primary key exists at foreign key definition time
* Add deferred trigger queue file (Jan)
* Allow oid to act as a foreign key
* Implement dirty reads and use them in RI triggers
* Make triggers refer to columns by number, not name
* Enforce referential integrity for system tables
* -INSERT & UPDATE/DELETE in transaction of primary key fails with
  deferredTriggerGetPreviousEvent or "change violation" [foreign]
* Allow user to control trigger firing order
* Change foreign key constraint for array -> element to mean element
  in array


* Add pg_depend table for dependency recording; use sysrelid, oid,
  depend_sysrelid, depend_oid, name
* Auto-destroy sequence on DROP of table with SERIAL; perhaps a separate
  SERIAL type
* Prevent column dropping if column is used by foreign key
* Propagate column or table renaming to foreign key constraints
* Automatically drop constraints/functions when object is dropped
* Make constraints clearer in dump file
* Make foreign keys easier to identify


* Allow autocommit so always in a transaction block
* Overhaul bufmgr/lockmgr/transaction manager
* Allow nested transactions / savepoints [transactions]
* -Handle transaction rollover (Tom) [transactions]


* Add sql3 recursive unions
* Add the concept of dataspaces/tablespaces [tablespaces]
* Allow SQL92 schemas [schema]
* Allow queries across multiple databases
* Add pre-parsing phase that converts non-ANSI features to supported features
* Allow plug-in modules to emulate features from other databases
* SQL*Net listener that makes PostgreSQL appear as an Oracle database
  to clients
* Allow Java server-side programming [java]


* Increase identifier length (NAMEDATALEN) if small performance hit
* Increase maximum number of function parameters if little wasted space
* -Populate backend status area and write program to dump status data (Jan)
* -Put sort files in their own directory (Bruce)
* Show location of syntax error in query [yacc]
* Change representation of whole-tuple parameters to functions



* Delay fsync() when other backends are about to commit too [fsync]
	o Determine optimal commit_delay value
* Determine optimal fdatasync/fsync, O_SYNC/O_DSYNC options
	o Allow multiple blocks to be written to WAL with one write()


* Cache most recent query plan(s) (Karel) [prepare]
* Shared catalog cache, reduce lseek()'s by caching table size in shared area
* Add free-behind capability for large sequential scans


* Improve speed with indexes (perhaps recreate index instead) [vacuum]
* Reduce lock time by moving tuples with read lock, then write
  lock and truncate table [vacuum]
* -Make ANALYZE a separate command (Tom)
* -Allow ANALYZE to ESTIMATE based on certain random precentage of rows (Tom)
* Add LAZY VACUUM (Vadim)


* -Allow compression of log and meta data (Tom)
* Do async I/O to do better read-ahead of data
* Experiment with multi-threaded backend [thread]
* Get faster regex() code from Henry Spencer <>
  when it is available
* Use mmap() rather than SYSV shared memory(?) [mmap]
* Use mmap() to write WAL files(?) [mmap]
* Improve Subplan list handling
* Allow Subplans to use efficient joins(hash, merge) with upper variable
* Improve dynamic memory allocation by introducing tuple-context memory
  allocation (Tom)
* -Allow GUC configuration of maximum number of open files (Tom)
* -Improve statistics storage in pg_class [performance] (Tom)
* Add connection pooling [pool]
* Allow persistent backends [persistent]
* Create a transaction processor to aid in persistent connections and
  connection pooling
* Make blind writes go through the file descriptor cache
* Allow logging of query durations
* Add hash for evaluating GROUP BY aggregates
* -Read pg_hba.conf only on postmaster startup or SIGHUP (Bruce)
* Make secondary WAL page write()'s write only modified data to kernel
* -Improve spinlock code [performance] (Tom)
* Do listen() in postmaster and accept() in pre-forked backend
* Have pre-forked backend pre-connect to last requested database or pass
  file descriptor to backend pre-forked for matching database

* Add use of 'const' for variables in source tree
* Does Mariposa source contain any other bug fixes?
* -Convert remaining fprintf(stderr,...)/perror() to elog() (Peter E)
* Fix problems with libpq non-blocking/async code [async]
* -Merge global and template BKI files (Tom)
* Fix username/password length limits in all areas, e.g. pg_passwd
* -Remove compile-time upper limit on number of backends (MAXBACKENDS) (Tom)
* Make sure all block numbers are unsigned to increase maximum table size
* Use BlockNumber rather than int where appropriate
* Merge LockMethodCtl and LockMethodTable into one shared structure (Bruce)
* Remove LockMethodTable.prio field, not used (Bruce)
* Add version file format stamp to heap and other table types
* -Make elog(LOG) in WAL its own output type, distinct from DEBUG (Peter E)
* Rename some /contrib modules from pg* to pg_*
* Move some things from /contrib into main tree, like fuzzystrmatch
* Remove warnings created by -Wcast-align
* Move platform-specific ps status display info from ps_status.c to ports
* Allow ps status display to work on Solaris/SVr4-based systems
* -Decide on spelling of indexes/indices (Peter E)
* -Add mention of VACUUM, log rotation to Administrator's Guide (Tom, Bruce)
* Make one version of simple_prompt() in code (Bruce, Tom)
* Compile in syslog functionaility by default(?)
* Modify regression tests to prevent failures do to minor numeric rounding


Developers who have claimed items are:
* Billy is Billy G. Allie <>
* Bruce is Bruce Momjian<>
* D'Arcy is D'Arcy J.M. Cain <>
* Edmund is Edmund Mergl <>
* Hiroshi is Hiroshi Inoue <>
* Karel is Karel Zak <>
* Jan is Jan Wieck <>
* Liam is Liam Stewart <>
* Marc is Marc Fournier <>
* Mark is Mark Hollomon <>
* Marko is Marko Kreen <>
* Michael is Michael Meskes <>
* Oleg is Oleg Bartunov <>
* Peter M is Peter T Mount <>
* Peter E is Peter Eisentraut<>
* Philip is Philip Warner <>
* Ross is Ross J. Reedstrom <>
* Ryan is Ryan Bradetich <>
* Stephan is Stephan Szabo <>
* Tatsuo is Tatsuo Ishii <>
* Thomas is Thomas Lockhart <>
* Tom is Tom Lane <>
* TomH is Tom I Helbekkmo <>
* Vadim is Vadim B. Mikheev <>