#include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "msql.h" #include "libpq-fe.h" #define HNDMAX 10 PGconn *PGh[HNDMAX] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; #define E_NOHANDLERS 0 char *msqlErrors[] = { "Out of database handlers." }; char msqlErrMsg[BUFSIZ], *tfrom = "dunno"; PGresult *queryres = NULL; int msqlConnect(char *host) { int count; for (count = 0; count < HNDMAX; count++) if (PGh[count] == NULL) break; if (count == HNDMAX) { strncpy(msqlErrMsg, msqlErrors[E_NOHANDLERS], BUFSIZ); return -1; } PGh[count] = malloc(sizeof(PGconn)); PGh[count]->pghost = host ? strdup(host) : NULL; return count; } int msqlSelectDB(int handle, char *dbname) { char *options = calloc(1, BUFSIZ); char *e = getenv("PG_OPTIONS"); if (e == NULL) e = ""; if (PGh[handle]->pghost) { strcat(options, "host="); strncat(options, PGh[handle]->pghost, BUFSIZ); strncat(options, " ", BUFSIZ); free(PGh[handle]->pghost); PGh[handle]->pghost = NULL; } strncat(options, "dbname=", BUFSIZ); strncat(options, dbname, BUFSIZ); strncat(options, " ", BUFSIZ); strncat(options, e, BUFSIZ); free(PGh[handle]); PGh[handle] = PQconnectdb(options); free(options); strncpy(msqlErrMsg, PQerrorMessage(PGh[handle]), BUFSIZ); return (PQstatus(PGh[handle]) == CONNECTION_BAD ? -1 : 0); } int msqlQuery(int handle, char *query) { char *tq = strdup(query); char *p = tq; PGresult *res; PGconn *conn = PGh[handle]; ExecStatusType rcode; res = PQexec(conn, p); rcode = PQresultStatus(res); if (rcode == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { queryres = res; return PQntuples(res); } else if (rcode == PGRES_FATAL_ERROR || rcode == PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR) { PQclear(res); queryres = NULL; return -1; } else { PQclear(res); queryres = NULL; return 0; } } int msqlCreateDB(int a, char *b) { char tbuf[BUFSIZ]; snprintf(tbuf, BUFSIZ, "create database %s", b); return msqlQuery(a, tbuf) >= 0 ? 0 : -1; } int msqlDropDB(int a, char *b) { char tbuf[BUFSIZ]; snprintf(tbuf, BUFSIZ, "drop database %s", b); return msqlQuery(a, tbuf) >= 0 ? 0 : -1; } int msqlShutdown(int a) { } int msqlGetProtoInfo(void) { } int msqlReloadAcls(int a) { } char * msqlGetServerInfo(void) { } char * msqlGetHostInfo(void) { } char * msqlUnixTimeToDate(time_t date) { } char * msqlUnixTimeToTime(time_t time) { } void msqlClose(int a) { PQfinish(PGh[a]); PGh[a] = NULL; if (queryres) { free(queryres); queryres = NULL; } } void msqlDataSeek(m_result * result, int count) { int c; result->cursor = result->queryData; for (c = 1; c < count; c++) if (result->cursor->next) result->cursor = result->cursor->next; } void msqlFieldSeek(m_result * result, int count) { int c; result->fieldCursor = result->fieldData; for (c = 1; c < count; c++) if (result->fieldCursor->next) result->fieldCursor = result->fieldCursor->next; } void msqlFreeResult(m_result * result) { if (result) { /* Clears fields */ free(result->fieldData); result->cursor = result->queryData; while (result->cursor) { int c; m_row m = result->cursor->data; for (c = 0; m[c]; c++) free(m[c]); result->cursor = result->cursor->next; } free(result->queryData); free(result); } } m_row msqlFetchRow(m_result * row) { m_data *r = row->cursor; if (r) { row->cursor = row->cursor->next; return (m_row) r->data; } return (m_row) NULL; } m_seq * msqlGetSequenceInfo(int a, char *b) { } m_field * msqlFetchField(m_result * mr) { m_field *m = (m_field *) mr->fieldCursor; if (m) { mr->fieldCursor = mr->fieldCursor->next; return m; } return NULL; } m_result * msqlListDBs(int a) { m_result *m; if (msqlQuery(a, "select datname from pg_database") > 0) { m = msqlStoreResult(); return m; } else return NULL; } m_result * msqlListTables(int a) { m_result *m; char tbuf[BUFSIZ]; snprintf(tbuf, BUFSIZ, "select relname from pg_class where relkind='r' and relowner=%d", getuid()); if (msqlQuery(a, tbuf) > 0) { m = msqlStoreResult(); return m; } else return NULL; } m_result * msqlListFields(int a, char *b) { } m_result * msqlListIndex(int a, char *b, char *c) { m_result *m; char tbuf[BUFSIZ]; snprintf(tbuf, BUFSIZ, "select relname from pg_class where relkind='i' and relowner=%d", getuid()); if (msqlQuery(a, tbuf) > 0) { m = msqlStoreResult(); return m; } else return NULL; } m_result * msqlStoreResult(void) { if (queryres) { m_result *mr = malloc(sizeof(m_result)); m_fdata *mf; m_data *md; int count; mr->queryData = mr->cursor = NULL; mr->numRows = PQntuples(queryres); mr->numFields = PQnfields(queryres); mf = calloc(PQnfields(queryres), sizeof(m_fdata)); for (count = 0; count < PQnfields(queryres); count++) { (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->field.name = strdup(PQfname(queryres, count)); (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->field.table = tfrom; (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->field.type = CHAR_TYPE; (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->field.length = PQfsize(queryres, count); (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->next = (m_fdata *) (mf + count + 1); } (m_fdata *) (mf + count - 1)->next = NULL; md = calloc(PQntuples(queryres), sizeof(m_data)); for (count = 0; count < PQntuples(queryres); count++) { m_row rows = calloc(PQnfields(queryres) * sizeof(m_row) + 1, 1); int c; for (c = 0; c < PQnfields(queryres); c++) rows[c] = strdup(PQgetvalue(queryres, count, c)); (m_data *) (md + count)->data = rows; (m_data *) (md + count)->width = PQnfields(queryres); (m_data *) (md + count)->next = (m_data *) (md + count + 1); } (m_data *) (md + count - 1)->next = NULL; mr->queryData = mr->cursor = md; mr->fieldCursor = mr->fieldData = mf; return mr; } else return NULL; } time_t msqlDateToUnixTime(char *a) { } time_t msqlTimeToUnixTime(char *b) { } char * msql_tmpnam(void) { return tmpnam("/tmp/msql.XXXXXX"); } int msqlLoadConfigFile(char *a) { }