#!/usr/bin/perl #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Project : Oracle2Postgresql # Name : ora2pg.pl # Language : 5.006 built for i686-linux # OS : linux RedHat 6.2 kernel 2.2.14-5 # Author : Gilles Darold, gilles@darold.net # Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 : Gilles Darold - All rights reserved - # Function : Script used to convert Oracle Database schema to PostgreSQL #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Version : 1.0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN { $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = '/usr/local/oracle/oracle816'; } use strict; use Ora2Pg; # Initialyze the database connection my $dbsrc = 'dbi:Oracle:host=aliciadb.samse.fr;sid=ALIC;port=1521'; my $dbuser = 'system'; my $dbpwd = 'manager'; # Create an instance of the XSD::DBISchema perl module my $schema = new Ora2Pg ( datasource => $dbsrc, # Database DBD datasource user => $dbuser, # Database user password => $dbpwd, # Database password ); # Create the POSTGRESQL representation of all objects in the database $schema->export_schema("output.sql"); exit(0);