#include "_int.h" PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(bqarr_in); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(bqarr_out); Datum bqarr_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum bqarr_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(boolop); Datum boolop(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(rboolop); Datum rboolop(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(querytree); Datum querytree(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); #define END 0 #define ERR 1 #define VAL 2 #define OPR 3 #define OPEN 4 #define CLOSE 5 /* parser's states */ #define WAITOPERAND 1 #define WAITENDOPERAND 2 #define WAITOPERATOR 3 /* * node of query tree, also used * for storing polish notation in parser */ typedef struct NODE { int4 type; int4 val; struct NODE *next; } NODE; typedef struct { char *buf; int4 state; int4 count; /* reverse polish notation in list (for temporary usage) */ NODE *str; /* number in str */ int4 num; } WORKSTATE; /* * get token from query string */ static int4 gettoken(WORKSTATE * state, int4 *val) { char nnn[16]; int innn; *val = 0; /* default result */ innn = 0; while (1) { if (innn >= sizeof(nnn)) return ERR; /* buffer overrun => syntax error */ switch (state->state) { case WAITOPERAND: innn = 0; if ((*(state->buf) >= '0' && *(state->buf) <= '9') || *(state->buf) == '-') { state->state = WAITENDOPERAND; nnn[innn++] = *(state->buf); } else if (*(state->buf) == '!') { (state->buf)++; *val = (int4) '!'; return OPR; } else if (*(state->buf) == '(') { state->count++; (state->buf)++; return OPEN; } else if (*(state->buf) != ' ') return ERR; break; case WAITENDOPERAND: if (*(state->buf) >= '0' && *(state->buf) <= '9') { nnn[innn++] = *(state->buf); } else { long lval; nnn[innn] = '\0'; errno = 0; lval = strtol(nnn, NULL, 0); *val = (int4) lval; if (errno != 0 || (long) *val != lval) return ERR; state->state = WAITOPERATOR; return (state->count && *(state->buf) == '\0') ? ERR : VAL; } break; case WAITOPERATOR: if (*(state->buf) == '&' || *(state->buf) == '|') { state->state = WAITOPERAND; *val = (int4) *(state->buf); (state->buf)++; return OPR; } else if (*(state->buf) == ')') { (state->buf)++; state->count--; return (state->count < 0) ? ERR : CLOSE; } else if (*(state->buf) == '\0') return (state->count) ? ERR : END; else if (*(state->buf) != ' ') return ERR; break; default: return ERR; break; } (state->buf)++; } return END; } /* * push new one in polish notation reverse view */ static void pushquery(WORKSTATE * state, int4 type, int4 val) { NODE *tmp = (NODE *) palloc(sizeof(NODE)); tmp->type = type; tmp->val = val; tmp->next = state->str; state->str = tmp; state->num++; } #define STACKDEPTH 16 /* * make polish notation of query */ static int4 makepol(WORKSTATE * state) { int4 val, type; int4 stack[STACKDEPTH]; int4 lenstack = 0; while ((type = gettoken(state, &val)) != END) { switch (type) { case VAL: pushquery(state, type, val); while (lenstack && (stack[lenstack - 1] == (int4) '&' || stack[lenstack - 1] == (int4) '!')) { lenstack--; pushquery(state, OPR, stack[lenstack]); } break; case OPR: if (lenstack && val == (int4) '|') pushquery(state, OPR, val); else { if (lenstack == STACKDEPTH) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_STATEMENT_TOO_COMPLEX), errmsg("statement too complex"))); stack[lenstack] = val; lenstack++; } break; case OPEN: if (makepol(state) == ERR) return ERR; while (lenstack && (stack[lenstack - 1] == (int4) '&' || stack[lenstack - 1] == (int4) '!')) { lenstack--; pushquery(state, OPR, stack[lenstack]); } break; case CLOSE: while (lenstack) { lenstack--; pushquery(state, OPR, stack[lenstack]); }; return END; break; case ERR: default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("syntax error"))); return ERR; } } while (lenstack) { lenstack--; pushquery(state, OPR, stack[lenstack]); }; return END; } typedef struct { int4 *arrb; int4 *arre; } CHKVAL; /* * is there value 'val' in array or not ? */ static bool checkcondition_arr(void *checkval, ITEM * item) { int4 *StopLow = ((CHKVAL *) checkval)->arrb; int4 *StopHigh = ((CHKVAL *) checkval)->arre; int4 *StopMiddle; /* Loop invariant: StopLow <= val < StopHigh */ while (StopLow < StopHigh) { StopMiddle = StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2; if (*StopMiddle == item->val) return (true); else if (*StopMiddle < item->val) StopLow = StopMiddle + 1; else StopHigh = StopMiddle; } return false; } static bool checkcondition_bit(void *checkval, ITEM * item) { return GETBIT(checkval, HASHVAL(item->val)); } /* * check for boolean condition */ static bool execute(ITEM * curitem, void *checkval, bool calcnot, bool (*chkcond) (void *checkval, ITEM * item)) { if (curitem->type == VAL) return (*chkcond) (checkval, curitem); else if (curitem->val == (int4) '!') { return (calcnot) ? ((execute(curitem - 1, checkval, calcnot, chkcond)) ? false : true) : true; } else if (curitem->val == (int4) '&') { if (execute(curitem + curitem->left, checkval, calcnot, chkcond)) return execute(curitem - 1, checkval, calcnot, chkcond); else return false; } else { /* |-operator */ if (execute(curitem + curitem->left, checkval, calcnot, chkcond)) return true; else return execute(curitem - 1, checkval, calcnot, chkcond); } return false; } /* * signconsistent & execconsistent called by *_consistent */ bool signconsistent(QUERYTYPE * query, BITVEC sign, bool calcnot) { return execute( GETQUERY(query) + query->size - 1, (void *) sign, calcnot, checkcondition_bit ); } bool execconsistent(QUERYTYPE * query, ArrayType *array, bool calcnot) { CHKVAL chkval; CHECKARRVALID(array); chkval.arrb = ARRPTR(array); chkval.arre = chkval.arrb + ARRNELEMS(array); return execute( GETQUERY(query) + query->size - 1, (void *) &chkval, calcnot, checkcondition_arr ); } typedef struct { ITEM *first; bool *mapped_check; } GinChkVal; static bool checkcondition_gin(void *checkval, ITEM * item) { GinChkVal *gcv = (GinChkVal *) checkval; return gcv->mapped_check[item - gcv->first]; } bool ginconsistent(QUERYTYPE * query, bool *check) { GinChkVal gcv; ITEM *items = GETQUERY(query); int i, j = 0; if (query->size < 0) return FALSE; gcv.first = items; gcv.mapped_check = (bool *) palloc(sizeof(bool) * query->size); for (i = 0; i < query->size; i++) if (items[i].type == VAL) gcv.mapped_check[i] = check[j++]; return execute( GETQUERY(query) + query->size - 1, (void *) &gcv, true, checkcondition_gin ); } /* * boolean operations */ Datum rboolop(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { return DirectFunctionCall2( boolop, PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), PG_GETARG_DATUM(0) ); } Datum boolop(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { ArrayType *val = (ArrayType *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(PG_GETARG_POINTER(0)); QUERYTYPE *query = (QUERYTYPE *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(PG_GETARG_POINTER(1)); CHKVAL chkval; bool result; CHECKARRVALID(val); if (ARRISVOID(val)) { pfree(val); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(query, 1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(false); } PREPAREARR(val); chkval.arrb = ARRPTR(val); chkval.arre = chkval.arrb + ARRNELEMS(val); result = execute( GETQUERY(query) + query->size - 1, &chkval, true, checkcondition_arr ); pfree(val); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(query, 1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(result); } static void findoprnd(ITEM * ptr, int4 *pos) { #ifdef BS_DEBUG elog(DEBUG3, (ptr[*pos].type == OPR) ? "%d %c" : "%d %d", *pos, ptr[*pos].val); #endif if (ptr[*pos].type == VAL) { ptr[*pos].left = 0; (*pos)--; } else if (ptr[*pos].val == (int4) '!') { ptr[*pos].left = -1; (*pos)--; findoprnd(ptr, pos); } else { ITEM *curitem = &ptr[*pos]; int4 tmp = *pos; (*pos)--; findoprnd(ptr, pos); curitem->left = *pos - tmp; findoprnd(ptr, pos); } } /* * input */ Datum bqarr_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { char *buf = (char *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); WORKSTATE state; int4 i; QUERYTYPE *query; int4 commonlen; ITEM *ptr; NODE *tmp; int4 pos = 0; #ifdef BS_DEBUG StringInfoData pbuf; #endif state.buf = buf; state.state = WAITOPERAND; state.count = 0; state.num = 0; state.str = NULL; /* make polish notation (postfix, but in reverse order) */ makepol(&state); if (!state.num) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("empty query"))); commonlen = COMPUTESIZE(state.num); query = (QUERYTYPE *) palloc(commonlen); SET_VARSIZE(query, commonlen); query->size = state.num; ptr = GETQUERY(query); for (i = state.num - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ptr[i].type = state.str->type; ptr[i].val = state.str->val; tmp = state.str->next; pfree(state.str); state.str = tmp; } pos = query->size - 1; findoprnd(ptr, &pos); #ifdef BS_DEBUG initStringInfo(&pbuf); for (i = 0; i < query->size; i++) { if (ptr[i].type == OPR) appendStringInfo(&pbuf, "%c(%d) ", ptr[i].val, ptr[i].left); else appendStringInfo(&pbuf, "%d ", ptr[i].val); } elog(DEBUG3, "POR: %s", pbuf.data); pfree(pbuf.data); #endif PG_RETURN_POINTER(query); } /* * out function */ typedef struct { ITEM *curpol; char *buf; char *cur; int4 buflen; } INFIX; #define RESIZEBUF(inf,addsize) while( ( (inf)->cur - (inf)->buf ) + (addsize) + 1 >= (inf)->buflen ) { \ int4 len = inf->cur - inf->buf; \ inf->buflen *= 2; \ inf->buf = (char*) repalloc( (void*)inf->buf, inf->buflen ); \ inf->cur = inf->buf + len; \ } static void infix(INFIX *in, bool first) { if (in->curpol->type == VAL) { RESIZEBUF(in, 11); sprintf(in->cur, "%d", in->curpol->val); in->cur = strchr(in->cur, '\0'); in->curpol--; } else if (in->curpol->val == (int4) '!') { bool isopr = false; RESIZEBUF(in, 1); *(in->cur) = '!'; in->cur++; *(in->cur) = '\0'; in->curpol--; if (in->curpol->type == OPR) { isopr = true; RESIZEBUF(in, 2); sprintf(in->cur, "( "); in->cur = strchr(in->cur, '\0'); } infix(in, isopr); if (isopr) { RESIZEBUF(in, 2); sprintf(in->cur, " )"); in->cur = strchr(in->cur, '\0'); } } else { int4 op = in->curpol->val; INFIX nrm; in->curpol--; if (op == (int4) '|' && !first) { RESIZEBUF(in, 2); sprintf(in->cur, "( "); in->cur = strchr(in->cur, '\0'); } nrm.curpol = in->curpol; nrm.buflen = 16; nrm.cur = nrm.buf = (char *) palloc(sizeof(char) * nrm.buflen); /* get right operand */ infix(&nrm, false); /* get & print left operand */ in->curpol = nrm.curpol; infix(in, false); /* print operator & right operand */ RESIZEBUF(in, 3 + (nrm.cur - nrm.buf)); sprintf(in->cur, " %c %s", op, nrm.buf); in->cur = strchr(in->cur, '\0'); pfree(nrm.buf); if (op == (int4) '|' && !first) { RESIZEBUF(in, 2); sprintf(in->cur, " )"); in->cur = strchr(in->cur, '\0'); } } } Datum bqarr_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { QUERYTYPE *query = (QUERYTYPE *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(PG_GETARG_POINTER(0)); INFIX nrm; if (query->size == 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("empty query"))); nrm.curpol = GETQUERY(query) + query->size - 1; nrm.buflen = 32; nrm.cur = nrm.buf = (char *) palloc(sizeof(char) * nrm.buflen); *(nrm.cur) = '\0'; infix(&nrm, true); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(query, 0); PG_RETURN_POINTER(nrm.buf); } static int4 countdroptree(ITEM * q, int4 pos) { if (q[pos].type == VAL) return 1; else if (q[pos].val == (int4) '!') return 1 + countdroptree(q, pos - 1); else return 1 + countdroptree(q, pos - 1) + countdroptree(q, pos + q[pos].left); } /* * common algorithm: * result of all '!' will be = 'true', so * we can modify query tree for clearing */ int4 shorterquery(ITEM * q, int4 len) { int4 index, posnot, poscor; bool notisleft = false; int4 drop, i; /* out all '!' */ do { index = 0; drop = 0; /* find ! */ for (posnot = 0; posnot < len; posnot++) if (q[posnot].type == OPR && q[posnot].val == (int4) '!') { index = 1; break; } if (posnot == len) return len; /* last operator is ! */ if (posnot == len - 1) return 0; /* find operator for this operand */ for (poscor = posnot + 1; poscor < len; poscor++) { if (q[poscor].type == OPR) { if (poscor == posnot + 1) { notisleft = false; break; } else if (q[poscor].left + poscor == posnot) { notisleft = true; break; } } } if (q[poscor].val == (int4) '!') { drop = countdroptree(q, poscor); q[poscor - 1].type = VAL; for (i = poscor + 1; i < len; i++) if (q[i].type == OPR && q[i].left + i <= poscor) q[i].left += drop - 2; memcpy((void *) &q[poscor - drop + 1], (void *) &q[poscor - 1], sizeof(ITEM) * (len - (poscor - 1))); len -= drop - 2; } else if (q[poscor].val == (int4) '|') { drop = countdroptree(q, poscor); q[poscor - 1].type = VAL; q[poscor].val = (int4) '!'; q[poscor].left = -1; for (i = poscor + 1; i < len; i++) if (q[i].type == OPR && q[i].left + i < poscor) q[i].left += drop - 2; memcpy((void *) &q[poscor - drop + 1], (void *) &q[poscor - 1], sizeof(ITEM) * (len - (poscor - 1))); len -= drop - 2; } else { /* &-operator */ if ( (notisleft && q[poscor - 1].type == OPR && q[poscor - 1].val == (int4) '!') || (!notisleft && q[poscor + q[poscor].left].type == OPR && q[poscor + q[poscor].left].val == (int4) '!') ) { /* drop subtree */ drop = countdroptree(q, poscor); q[poscor - 1].type = VAL; q[poscor].val = (int4) '!'; q[poscor].left = -1; for (i = poscor + 1; i < len; i++) if (q[i].type == OPR && q[i].left + i < poscor) q[i].left += drop - 2; memcpy((void *) &q[poscor - drop + 1], (void *) &q[poscor - 1], sizeof(ITEM) * (len - (poscor - 1))); len -= drop - 2; } else { /* drop only operator */ int4 subtreepos = (notisleft) ? poscor - 1 : poscor + q[poscor].left; int4 subtreelen = countdroptree(q, subtreepos); drop = countdroptree(q, poscor); for (i = poscor + 1; i < len; i++) if (q[i].type == OPR && q[i].left + i < poscor) q[i].left += drop - subtreelen; memcpy((void *) &q[subtreepos + 1], (void *) &q[poscor + 1], sizeof(ITEM) * (len - (poscor - 1))); memcpy((void *) &q[poscor - drop + 1], (void *) &q[subtreepos - subtreelen + 1], sizeof(ITEM) * (len - (drop - subtreelen))); len -= drop - subtreelen; } } } while (index); return len; } Datum querytree(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { QUERYTYPE *query = (QUERYTYPE *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(PG_GETARG_POINTER(0)); INFIX nrm; text *res; ITEM *q; int4 len; if (query->size == 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("empty query"))); q = (ITEM *) palloc(sizeof(ITEM) * query->size); memcpy((void *) q, GETQUERY(query), sizeof(ITEM) * query->size); len = shorterquery(q, query->size); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(query, 0); if (len == 0) { res = (text *) palloc(1 + VARHDRSZ); SET_VARSIZE(res, 1 + VARHDRSZ); *((char *) VARDATA(res)) = 'T'; } else { nrm.curpol = q + len - 1; nrm.buflen = 32; nrm.cur = nrm.buf = (char *) palloc(sizeof(char) * nrm.buflen); *(nrm.cur) = '\0'; infix(&nrm, true); res = (text *) palloc(nrm.cur - nrm.buf + VARHDRSZ); SET_VARSIZE(res, nrm.cur - nrm.buf + VARHDRSZ); memcpy(VARDATA(res), nrm.buf, nrm.cur - nrm.buf); } pfree(q); PG_RETURN_POINTER(res); }