.< * Improve speed with indexes (perhaps recreate index instead) [vacuum]
> * Improve speed with indexes (perhaps recreate index instead)
< lock and truncate table [vacuum]
> lock and truncate table
< rather than in /contrib [vacuum]
> rather than in /contrib
On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 21:28, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Christophe Combelles wrote:
> > At the bottom of this doc file :
> > file:///usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc/html/tutorial-createdb.html
> > "and it also happens that that user always has permission"
> > ---- x2
> The first "that" serves as a conjuction, the second one serves as an
> article. Looks correct to me.
A better workaround for the sentence would be something like:
"and it also happens that the user always has permission"
Looks easier to read, I think.
Enver ALTIN (a.k.a. skyblue)
Make btree index creation and initial validation of foreign-key constraints
use maintenance_work_mem rather than work_mem as their memory limit.
Add some code to guc.c to allow these variables to be referenced by their
old names in SHOW and SET commands, for backwards compatibility.
to handle memory management for char pointers returned by libpq functions.
Original patch by Gavin Sherry, some tweaking and consistency improvements
by Neil Conway.
that it's good to join where there are join clauses rather than where there
are not. Also enable it to generate bushy plans at need, so that it doesn't
fail in the presence of multiple IN clauses containing sub-joins. These
changes appear to improve the behavior enough that we can substantially reduce
the default pool size and generations count, thereby decreasing the runtime,
and yet get as good or better plans as we were getting in 7.4. Consequently,
adjust the default GEQO parameters. I also modified the way geqo_effort is
used so that it affects both population size and number of generations;
it's now useful as a single control to adjust the GEQO runtime-vs-plan-quality
tradeoff. Bump geqo_threshold to 12, since even with these changes GEQO
seems to be slower than the regular planner at 11 relations.
default value for geqo_effort is supposed to be 40, not 1. The actual
'genetic' component of the GEQO algorithm has been practically disabled
since 7.1 because of this mistake. Improve documentation while at it.
source the \copy came from. Also, fix prompting logic so that initial
and per-line prompts appear for all cases of reading from an interactive
terminal. Patch by Mark Feit, with some kibitzing by Tom Lane.
characters, as for fancy colorized prompts. This was nearly a direct
lift from bash-2.05b's lib/readline/display.c, per guidance from Chet Ramey.
Reece Hart
intended to allow application authors to insulate themselves from
changes to the default value of 'default_with_oids' in future releases
of PostgreSQL.
This patch also fixes a bug in the earlier implementation of the
'default_with_oids' GUC variable: code in gram.y should not examine
the value of GUC variables directly due to synchronization issues.
ignore SIGPIPE from send() in libpq, but terminate on any other SIGPIPE,
unless the user installs their own signal handler.
This is a minor fix because the only time you get SIGPIPE from libpq's
send() is when the backend dies.
parameters to be declared with names. pg_proc has a column to store
names, and CREATE FUNCTION can insert data into it, but that's all as
yet. I need to do more work on the pg_dump and plpgsql portions of the
patch before committing those, but I thought I'd get the bulky changes
in before the tree drifts under me.
initdb forced due to pg_proc change.
> > needed, and other people in the past asked about it too.
> It is in Oracle, but you aren't exactly on the spot. It should be
> IYYY - 4 digits ('2003')
> IYY - 3 digits ('003')
> IY - 2 digits ('03')
> I - 1 digit ('3')
Here is an updated patch that does that.
Kurt Roeckx
that were broken, try to make layout of s_lock.h entries consistent,
use HAVE_SPINLOCKS in preference to HAS_TEST_AND_SET everywhere outside
s_lock.h itself.
> Attached is a patch that addressed all the discussed issues
> that did not break backward compatability, including the
> ability to output ISO-8601 compliant intervals by setting
> datestyle to iso8601basic.
a) ones that are 100% backward (such as the comment about
outputting this format)
b) ones that aren't (such as deprecating the current
postgresql shorthand of
'1Y1M'::interval = 1 year 1 minute
in favor of the ISO-8601
'P1Y1M'::interval = 1 year 1 month.
Attached is a patch that addressed all the discussed issues that
did not break backward compatability, including the ability to
output ISO-8601 compliant intervals by setting datestyle to
Interval values can now be written as ISO 8601 time intervals, using
the "Format with time-unit designators". This format always starts with
the character 'P', followed by a string of values followed
by single character time-unit designators. A 'T' separates the date and
time parts of the interval.
Ron Mayer
pg_depend to determine a safe dump order. Defaults and check constraints
can be emitted either as part of a table or domain definition, or
separately if that's needed to break a dependency loop. Lots of old
half-baked code for controlling dump order removed.
< * Change factorial to return a numeric
> * -Change factorial to return a numeric (Gavin)
< * Allow psql \du to show groups, and add \dg for groups
> * -Allow psql \du to show groups, and add \dg for groups
proposal for eventually deprecating OIDs on user tables that I posted
earlier to pgsql-hackers. pg_dump now always specifies WITH OIDS or
WITHOUT OIDS when dumping a table. The documentation has been updated.
Neil Conway
< manuals (Rory)
> manuals
< * Jan is Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> of PeerDirect Corp.
> * Jan is Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> of Afilias, Inc.
--with-openssl options. This creates too much risk to pick up the wrong
directory accidentally (for example when there are lib64 directories), and
does not really help much with contemporary installation layouts.
back --infodir, which several automatic build environments expect to exist.
Add --without-docdir to prevent installation of documentation, which is
helpful for things like RPM that have their own method of installing
large objects. Dump all these in pg_dump; also add code to pg_dump
user-defined conversions. Make psql's large object code rely on
the backend for inserting/deleting LOB comments, instead of trying to
hack pg_description directly. Documentation and regression tests added.
Christopher Kings-Lynne, code reviewed by Tom
< A dash (-) marks changes that will appear in the upcoming 7.4 release.
> A dash (-) marks changes that will appear in the upcoming 7.5 release.
< * Use background process to write dirty shared buffers to disk
> * -Use background process to write dirty shared buffers to disk
< * -Allow elog() to return error codes, module name, file name, line
< number, not just messages (Tom)
< * -Add error codes (Tom)
< * -Make error messages more consistent
< * -Add GUC log_statement_and_duration to print statement and >= min duration
< * -Allow easy display of usernames in a group
< * -Add start time to pg_stat_activity
< * -Have standalone backend read postgresql.conf (Tom)
< * -Allow CIDR format to be used in pg_hba.conf
< * -Add IPv6 capability to INET/CIDR types
< * -Change NUMERIC data type to use base 10,000 internally
< * -Add GUC variables to control floating number output digits (Pedro Ferreira)
< * -Allow current datestyle to restrict dates; prevent month/day swapping
< from making invalid dates valid
< * -Prevent month/day swapping of ISO dates to make invalid dates valid
< o -Allow arrays to be ORDER'ed
< o -Support construction of array result values in expressions (Joe)
< * -Remove Cyrillic recode support
< * -Allow CREATE INDEX zman_index ON test (date_trunc( 'day', zman ) datetime_ops)
< fails index can't store constant parameters
< * -Add btree index support for reltime, tinterval, regproc (Tom)
< * -Certain indexes will not shrink, e.g. indexes on ever-increasing
< * -Allow LIKE indexing optimization for non-ASCII locales using special index
< * -Improve concurrency of hash indexes (Tom)
< * -Allow LIMIT/OFFSET to use expressions (Tom)
< * -Return proper effected tuple count from complex commands [return]
< * -Make a transaction-safe TRUNCATE (Rod)
< * -Allow UPDATE to use SET col = DEFAULT
< * -Add config variable to prevent auto-adding missing FROM-clause tables
< * -Have SELECT '13 minutes'::interval display zero seconds in ISO datestyle
< o -Add ALTER SEQUENCE to modify min/max/increment/cache/cycle values
< o -Allow CLUSTER to cluster all tables (Alvaro Herrera)
< o -MOVE 0 should not move to end of cursor (Bruce)
< o -Allow cursors outside transactions
< o -Allow EXPLAIN EXECUTE to see prepared plans
< o -Allow SHOW of some non-modifiable variables, like pg_controldata
< o -Allow array declarations and other data types in PL/PgSQL DECLARE
< o -Make PL/PgSQL %TYPE schema-aware
< o -Allow PL/PgSQL to support array element assignment (Joe)
< * -Allow psql to show transaction status if backend protocol changes made
< * -Add schema, cast, and conversion backslash commands to psql (Christopher)
< * -Allow pg_dump to dump a specific schema (Neil Conway)
< * -Allow psql to do table completion for SELECT * FROM schema_part and
< table completion for SELECT * FROM schema_name.
< * -Allow SSL-enabled clients to turn off SSL transfers
< * -Modify pg_get_triggerdef() to take a boolean to pretty-print,
< and use that as part of pg_dump along with psql
< o -Make casts work in variable initializations
< o -Allow multi-threaded use of SQLCA
< o -Understand structure definitions outside a declare section
< o -Allow :var[:index] or :var[<integer>] as cvariable for an array var
< * -Support statement-level triggers (Neil)
< * -Add checkpoint_min_warning postgresql.conf option to warn about checkpoints
< that are too frequent (Bruce)
< * -Improve Subplan list handling
< * -Allow Subplans to use efficient joins(hash, merge) with upper variable
< * -Add hash for evaluating GROUP BY aggregates (Tom)
< * -Allow merge and hash joins on expressions not just simple variables (Tom)
< * -Make IN/NOT IN have similar performance to EXISTS/NOT EXISTS (Tom)
< * -Inline simple SQL functions to avoid overhead (Tom)
< * -Get faster regex() code from Henry Spencer <henry@zoo.utoronto.ca>
< * -Modify regression tests to prevent failures do to minor numeric rounding
< * -Add OpenBSD's getpeereid() call for local socket authentication
< o -Show transaction status in psql
< o -Allow binding of query parameters, support for prepared queries
< o -Remove hard-coded limits on user/db/password names
< o -Remove unused elements of startup packet (unused, tty, passlength)
< o -Fix COPY/fastpath protocol
< o -Error codes
< o -Special passing of binary values in platform-neutral format (bytea?)
< o -Report server version number, database encoding, client encoding
which had been unintentionally broken by recent changes to tighten up the
DateStyle rules for all-numeric date input. Add documentation and
regression tests for this, too.
pghackers proposal of 8-Nov. All the existing cross-type comparison
operators (int2/int4/int8 and float4/float8) have appropriate support.
The original proposal of storing the right-hand-side datatype as part of
the primary key for pg_amop and pg_amproc got modified a bit in the event;
it is easier to store zero as the 'default' case and only store a nonzero
when the operator is actually cross-type. Along the way, remove the
long-since-defunct bigbox_ops operator class.
instructions were way out of date and incorrect. Installing Postgres
from Cygwin is easier these days than the FAQ would imply.
This patch already includes Andrew's previous patch.
Christopher Kings-Lynne
> * Allow CREATE TABLE foo (f1 INT CHECK (f1 > 0) CHECK (f1 < 10)) to work
> by searching for non-conflicting constraint names, and prefix with table name
process the command as though it were issued by the object owner.
This prevents creating weird scenarios in which the same privileges
may appear to flow from different sources, and ensures that a superuser
can in fact revoke all privileges if he wants to. In particular this
means that the regression tests work when run by a superuser other than
the original bootstrap userid. Per report from Larry Rosenman.