buffer manager with 'pg_clog', a specialized access method modeled
on pg_xlog. This simplifies startup (don't need to play games to
open pg_log; among other things, OverrideTransactionSystem goes away),
should improve performance a little, and opens the door to recycling
commit log space by removing no-longer-needed segments of the commit
log. Actual recycling is not there yet, but I felt I should commit
this part separately since it'd still be useful if we chose not to
do transaction ID wraparound.
pgsql-hackers. pg_opclass now has a row for each opclass supported by each
index AM, not a row for each opclass name. This allows pg_opclass to show
directly whether an AM supports an opclass, and furthermore makes it possible
to store additional information about an opclass that might be AM-dependent.
pg_opclass and pg_amop now store "lossy" and "haskeytype" information that we
previously expected the user to remember to provide in CREATE INDEX commands.
Lossiness is no longer an index-level property, but is associated with the
use of a particular operator in a particular index opclass.
Along the way, IndexSupportInitialize now uses the syscaches to retrieve
pg_amop and pg_amproc entries. I find this reduces backend launch time by
about ten percent, at the cost of a couple more special cases in catcache.c's
Initial work by Oleg Bartunov and Teodor Sigaev, further hacking by Tom Lane.
initdb forced.
has an alias SERIAL4 and a sister SERIAL8. SERIAL8 is just the same
except the created column is type int8 not int4.
initdb forced. Note this also breaks any chance of pg_upgrade from 7.1,
unless we hack up pg_upgrade to drop and recreate sequences. (Which is
not out of the question, but I don't wanna do it.)
Allow pg_shadow to be MD5 encrypted.
Add password_encryption postgresql.conf option.
Update wire protocol version to 2.1.
for speed reasons; its result type also changes to int8. avg() on these
datatypes now accumulates the running sum in int8 for speed; but we still
deliver the final result as numeric, so that fractional accuracy is
count() now counts and returns in int8, not int4. I am a little nervous
about this possibly breaking users' code, but there didn't seem to be
a strong sentiment for avoiding the problem. If we get complaints during
beta, we can change count back to int4 and add a "count8" aggregate.
For that matter, users can do it for themselves with a simple CREATE
AGGREGATE command; the int4inc function is still present, so no C hacking
is needed.
Also added max() and min() aggregates for OID that do proper unsigned
comparison, instead of piggybacking on int4 aggregates.
initdb forced.
syntax for language names (instead of 'string').
createlang now handles the case where a second language uses the same call
handler as an already installed language (e.g., plperl/plperlu).
droplang now handles the reverse case, i.e., dropping a language where
the call handler is still used by another language. Moreover, droplang
can now be used to drop any user-defined language, not just the supplied
Don't hardcode the maximum accepted server version, use PG_VERSION instead.
Install a notice processor so notices are handled like error messages.
Word smithing.
default, but OIDS are removed from many system catalogs that don't need them.
Some interesting side effects: TOAST pointers are 20 bytes not 32 now;
pg_description has a three-column key instead of one.
Bugs fixed in passing: BINARY cursors work again; pg_class.relhaspkey
has some usefulness; pg_dump dumps comments on indexes, rules, and
triggers in a valid order.
initdb forced.
clauses are equal(), before trying to match them up using btree opclass
inference rules. This allows it to recognize many simple cases involving
non-btree operations, for example 'x IS NULL'. Clean up code a little.
Sorry I don't have the original around to make a quick diff, but its a very small change... I think this should be in the next release, there's no reason not to have it.
its a function with no expected arguments, so you can use it like:
spi_exec "INSERT INTO mytable(columns...) VALUES(values..)"
set oid [spi_lastoid]
spi_exec "SELECT mytable_id from mytable WHERE oid=$oid"
It just didn't make sense for me to use plpgsql and pltcl, or just screw
them both and use SPI from C.
system supports SO_PEERCRED requests for Unix sockets. This is an
amalgamation of patches submitted by Helge Bahmann and Oliver Elphick,
with some editorializing by yours truly.